An Unexpected Explanation For The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Has Been Proposed - Alternative View

An Unexpected Explanation For The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Has Been Proposed - Alternative View
An Unexpected Explanation For The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Has Been Proposed - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Explanation For The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Has Been Proposed - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Explanation For The Absence Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Has Been Proposed - Alternative View
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Philosophers Anders Sandberg from the University of Oxford (UK) and Stuart Armstrong and Milan Serkavik from the Institute for the Future of Humanity (Serbia) have offered their explanation for the Fermi paradox (the non-observability of aliens by humanity).

The authors proposed the "summer hibernation hypothesis", according to which the reason why mankind does not observe manifestations of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations is that the latter are currently inactive, as they await the onset of "future space eras."

Scientists suggest that there are many alien civilizations in the Universe that arose earlier than the earth. Over time, the former reached a level of development in which (in the conditions of the modern Universe) further modernization of civilization is extremely limited. These aliens, according to the authors, can contact each other, but are unobservable for humans.

The Fermi paradox lies in the absence of visible traces of extraterrestrial civilizations, which, if any, should have spread throughout the Universe over the billions of years of its existence.

There are several works in which it is assumed that the development of the Universe is cyclical. For example, in Penrose's theory, one epoch (aeon) is separated from another by the Big Bang (here it means the transformation of the entire mass of the Universe into energy, accompanied by a change in the geometry of the world). This theory has not yet received experimental confirmation.
