How Many Officials Need To Be Imprisoned So That The Next One Does Not Steal? - Alternative View

How Many Officials Need To Be Imprisoned So That The Next One Does Not Steal? - Alternative View
How Many Officials Need To Be Imprisoned So That The Next One Does Not Steal? - Alternative View

When they talk about corruption and theft of officials, the main reaction is that they are not caught, they are not imprisoned, and they are allowed to steal. And if they catch and plant? Do you think something is changing? There are, in general, egregious and indicative cases when an official is caught and imprisoned, another comes in his place and he is caught and imprisoned, and the next one in his place too!

You say, this is a unique situation in a single copy? I thought so too …


There was such Dmitry Savin, who left the post of the head of Dalspetsstroy in 2015 at the request of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. As it turned out, Savin was hiding the delay in paying employees (who later went on a hunger strike). In addition, he fictitiously arranged for his own wife in the company, paying her 800 thousand rubles a month. They also wanted to squeeze him in some episodes, but they didn't have time - he shot himself at home.

After Savin, Yuri Volkodav took the place of the head in Dalspetsstroy. He is now arrested on charges of abuse of office. And before Savin, the head of Dalspetsstroy, Yuri Khrizman, was sentenced to 12 years in prison in the case of embezzling 5 billion rubles during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

Three officials in a row in the same place are stealing.


Here's another situation for you:

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One of the former leaders of Voentelecom, Nikolai Tamodin, was sentenced to six years in prison in 2015 for large-scale fraud. As established by the investigation, in 2011-2012, while fulfilling a contract for the repair of equipment and communication technology, Tamodin, together with his adviser Sergei Pobezhimov, bought substandard products at a reduced cost, which were then installed at the controlled factories using false documents.

Then Tamodin's successor as head of Voentelecom, Alexander Davydov, was also arrested on charges of embezzlement in the implementation of contracts for the supply of equipment for the Ministry of Defense.

And today it is reported that the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Khalil Arslanov, was charged with large-scale fraud. Arslanov is suspected of complicity in the theft of over 2 billion rubles in government procurement.

I suspect that there are even more places where officials and leaders steal one after another in the same place. Maybe the whole point is that they really believe that they will have time to escape from the country with money? And these hopes are not illusory.

How else to explain such persistence?