Why Is The True History Hidden From Us? - Alternative View

Why Is The True History Hidden From Us? - Alternative View
Why Is The True History Hidden From Us? - Alternative View

At present, a fairly large group of people who have not lost the ability to independently think and analyze information without blind and fanatical belief in the unfounded statements of the "authorities" have discovered many "inconsistencies" and frank, far-fetched, absurdities in the so-called. The "official" version of the story. The pseudo-historical myths imposed on peoples upon a more thorough analysis simply crumble to dust and do not stand up to any criticism, not to mention the multitude of artifacts openly hushed up or hidden in the storerooms of museums and private collections, the very existence of which the “official” history is unable to explain.

Therefore, the very fact of falsification of both ancient Russian and world history is no longer in doubt. But why is it that the ruling "elite" and, first of all, the world satanic "elite" hide the true history of mankind from the peoples? Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about this in his book "The Leader's Secret Project or Neo-Stalinism":

As we can see, it makes sense for the satanic power, which built a parasitic Pyramid of Power on Earth and enslaved humanity, to hide our true history from us. After all, many people, not knowing about the possibility of the existence of socially just societies, do not even realize their slave existence aimed at meeting the needs of the entire parasitic system and the welfare of the "elite" peoples parasitizing on the body.

That is why it is so important to awaken people to expose the pseudo-historical false myths of the "official" history: after learning that in the past there were highly developed civilizations of the "golden age" on earth, people will inevitably think about why our life now is so different from the life of time, and differs precisely for the worse. On the other hand, the very fact that such socially just civilizations and societies existed in the past opens up the possibility for people to build such a society in the future, in which degradants, degenerates and other social parasites will be deprived of the opportunity to crawl into power. This means that the authorities will really care about peoples and countries, and not about personal material well-being. And in this respect, the experience of ancient civilizations, about which the "official" history stubbornly remains silent,can be very useful to us, as well as an analysis of the true reasons for their death.

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