"It Was A Mistake" - Transgender People Regret Sex Change - Alternative View

"It Was A Mistake" - Transgender People Regret Sex Change - Alternative View
"It Was A Mistake" - Transgender People Regret Sex Change - Alternative View

Video: "It Was A Mistake" - Transgender People Regret Sex Change - Alternative View

Video: Why I am De-Transitioning Back to my Biological Sex 2024, May

According to Sky News, the number of young Britons who want to change their sex is reaching record levels. At the same time, it is almost impossible to hear about those who regret their decision. The exact number of people dissatisfied with their new "gender" or decided to return to their biological sex is currently unknown, but Walt Heyer, who made the "reverse transition" 25 years ago, on his website claims that there are about 20% of them.

After 28-year-old Briton Charlie Evans, who considered herself a man for 10 years, but then decided to "become" a woman again, went public with her story, she was inundated with messages from hundreds of people feeling the same way. This prompted her to create a charity project The Detransition Advocacy Network, which helps other "ex-transgender" to cope with hatred and harassment from the non-faith LGBT community, which considers them to be traitors.

“I talk to 19 and 20-year-olds who have undergone full sex reassignment surgery and regret it. Their dysphoria (acute dissatisfaction with their condition) has not abated, they do not feel better and do not know what to do now."

Evans describes the main characteristics of kickback people: "They are usually in their 20s, they are mostly women, usually homosexual, who also often have autism."

Another woman introduced herself to Sky News under the pseudonym Rubin out of fear of reprisals from LGBT activists. She said that at the age of 13, she began to identify as a man and began taking drugs for "gender transition." Ruby was scheduled to have breast removal surgery this summer, but fortunately, she began to have doubts.

“I thought that in the end, any changes would not be enough, and I decided that it is better to change the attitude towards myself than to change my body. I've noticed parallels between the way I experience gender dysphoria and other problems with my body,”says Ruby, now 21.

Another "comeback from men" young feminist named Dagny wants to tell the world that social media is the main driving force in persuading unfortunate children to "change sex", but to her indignation, only conservative Christian publications are interested in her story, while left mainstream news has bypassed her hostile silence.

As lifesitenews.com reports, during puberty, after experiencing great confusion from the onset of menstruation and developing breasts, Dagny created a post on the Yahoo question service with the headline "I am a 12-year-old girl, but I want to be a boy", where well-wishers told her about such an advanced the achievement of Western civilization as "gender reassignment".

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At the age of 15, she began to identify herself as "trans." This new identity has been influenced by older “transgender” girlfriends and social media. After setting up a Tumblr account and subscribing to LGBT groups, Dagny first dawned on her that she was "non-binary" and then came to realize that she was "trans man."

Influenced by Tumblr, she began to regard her parents as fanatics because they would not allow her to start hormone "therapy." She also hated and labeled as an enemy anyone who called her "she." Dagny was convinced that because she was "trans," she was morally obligated to make the "transition," and any doubts on her part were due to "internalized transphobia."

Now at 22, Dagny no longer wants to make the "transition" and considers it important that children with gender dysphoria know that they have a choice.

“We were given only one option, with the risk of dire devastating consequences: if teenagers want to be of the opposite sex, then they should be allowed to 'transition' - this is the only story that has been sold to us. People like me present an uncomfortable contradiction in this story,”says Dagny.

Thanks to her project piqueresproject.com, which features three other girls who have made the "reverse transition", at least two teenagers have refused to change their sex.

All of the evidence above confirms what Walt Heyer has been trying to convey to the public for years.

“The long-term effects of surgery for transgender therapy have not yet been studied,” Heyer said at a 2017 symposium at the University of Hong Kong. To date, we have no objective and convincing research. I feel like remorse and kickbacks will be the next frontier for trans, so be prepared."
