Pirates. With What And With Whom It All Began - Alternative View

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Pirates. With What And With Whom It All Began - Alternative View
Pirates. With What And With Whom It All Began - Alternative View

Video: Pirates. With What And With Whom It All Began - Alternative View

Video: Pirates. With What And With Whom It All Began - Alternative View
Video: Captain Teague Scene 2024, July

The word "pirates" immediately presents a trilogy about Jack Sparrow with the magnificent Johnny Depp, or a classic of the pirate genre - the book "Treasure Island" read in childhood. Adventure, danger, sea battles, rum and treasure. If you think that pirates are in the past, or that all interest in them is lost, you are mistaken. However, judge for yourself.

Another famous pirate was very original and did not fit pirate standards at all. He was always well dressed, preferred tea to rum, and kept almost a whole orchestra on board. He had excellent manners, rarely parted with a Bible, and was always clean-shaven. He gave a clear order to bury him at sea if he died in battle. A stubborn and sincere brave man who set foot on the slippery road of robbery and sea adventures. His name was Bartholomew Roberts. He was strikingly different from other "sea robbers". He sincerely hated ruthlessness, foul language and bad manners, forbade all kinds of gambling and held services for believers on Sundays. He did not drink alcohol, wrote in beautiful, perfect handwriting and loved music. However, Barthes knew his business as well as others and achieved great success:seized 456 ships and more than £ 50 million worth of booty in his short, only four-year career as a pirate.


In those days, people were driven to the path of sea robbery by a thirst for money or resentment for the whole world, and love led him. Sam Bellamy fell in love with Maria Hallett when he was barely 20 years old. Bellamy's parents did not like Bellamy because he was not rich. In July 1715, the Spanish treasure flotilla sank off the coast of Florida, and Sam Bellamy decided at all costs to get these treasures in order to prove his right to the hand of Mary. However, he could not find the treasure, but he could not afford to return home empty-handed. He became a pirate and later became famous as "Black Sam" Bellamy. Sam Bellamy got this nickname because, unlike other pirates, he did not wear a traditional powdered wig, but tied his dark hair in a simple knot at the back. Black Sam joined the crew of Benjamin Hornigold's ship and soon gained a high reputation among the pirates.

As a result of a bloodless coup, Black Sam became the captain of the pirates instead of Hornigold. In a little more than a year, Sam Bellamy managed to capture 50 ships - which at that time was considered an unprecedented success. In March 1717 Bellamy, without firing a shot, captured Wyde's heavily armed swift ship, filled with treasures from the sale of slaves. The magnanimous Bellamy gave his ship to the merchants, and he himself moved to Wydu. On board Bellamy's ships, blacks served on an equal footing with whites, which was unthinkable for the era of slavery and gave him a noble man in essence, not in origin. Black Sam wielded from the shores of the Caribbean to Florida. Soon he turned north, to Maria Hallet, rushed towards her in full sail, but … The ship got into a terrible storm, the "prince of pirates" died,never seeing his beloved again.

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Lady of Fortune - Grace O'Male. Her adventures are a whole adventure novel. She grew up in the family of one of the leaders of the Irish clans, Owen O'Male, a famous pirate, famous for his courage and cunning. From a young age, Grace participated in the adventures of her father and other members of the clan. Usually they were engaged in attacking merchant ships passing off the coast of Ireland. After her father's death, she won the right to lead the clan from her younger brother in battle and continued Owen's work. The risky lifestyle did not interfere with the girl in her personal life at all. The beautiful Grace with her hair loose and sabers clenched in her hands caused awe among opponents and admiration among her comrades. She was married twice, gave birth to four children, but she was not going to leave a dangerous craft. Already in old age, Grace continued to raid,however, she received a reception from the queen herself, who offered her service. Proud Grace refused and was arrested.


Ushkuyniki - Russian pirates - they appeared long before the Caribbean ones. The Novgorod daredevils fought along the entire Volga and reached the very Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde. These campaigns were reflected in the epics about Vaska Buslaev, the mischievous leader of the Novgorod freemen, who did not believe “neither in sleep, nor in chokh” and neglected both real danger and superstitious predictions … But the main goal of the ushkuiniks was not enrichment at all, but the fight against the Golden Horde. And with this purpose, the Novgorod pirates coped quite successfully: at the very news of the approaching ushkuyniks, panic seized the Tatars.


Perhaps the most famous literary pirate is the brainchild of Raphael Sabatini, Captain Blood. He is very well educated, knows the classics. He speaks excellent Spanish, having learned it in several years in captivity, worse - in French. Dandy, dresses unusually elegantly. But on occasion, she can successfully pretend to be a representative of the lower stratum. Extremely cold-blooded and resourceful. Conventionally, the prototype of Blood can be considered Sir Henry Morgan, whose biography largely served as an example for the writer when creating a storyline.


Cinema Yes, it will be about him. The most charming pirate of all time is Captain Jack Sparrow played by the incomparable Johnny Depp. His extravagant appearance with thickly lined eyes, gold teeth and a thousand different baubles on his clothes immediately catches the eye, and his eccentric manners make the image truly unique. The only prototype of Jack can be called Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones, it was his behavior that Johnny Depp copied in many ways, inventing the image of his cult hero.

Modern romance is a thing of the past. The concepts of honor and dignity are alien to modern pirates, they have different principles. The most famous modern pirates are Somali. Often heard on the news, Somali pirates have hijacked such and such a ship. Their only purpose is ransom. Their weapons - machine guns and grenade launchers, sailboats were replaced by boats. In fact, Somalia does not exist as a state, and the warlords of the regions sometimes turn a blind eye to pirate fishing.

Irina Kopchenova
