The Predictions Made By Stalin - Alternative View

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The Predictions Made By Stalin - Alternative View
The Predictions Made By Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Predictions Made By Stalin - Alternative View

Video: The Predictions Made By Stalin - Alternative View
Video: Stalin, Volume I: Paradoxes of Power, 1878 – 1928 2024, July

Someone perceives Joseph Stalin as a bloody tyrant, someone as a great ruler. But few people know him as a prophet. Meanwhile, Stalin uttered many predictions, which, as time has shown, came true.

War with Finland and Germany

In September 1939, shortly after the attack of fascist Germany on Poland, the ambassador of the Soviet Union to Sweden A. M. Kollontai arrived in Moscow. She was invited to the Kremlin. Alexandra Mikhailovna was received personally by Comrade Stalin. She subsequently recounted the details of their conversation in her diary.

First, they talked about the then brewing conflict with Finland. “If we cannot prevent it, it will be short-lived,” said the leader. Indeed, the Soviet-Finnish war lasted only a few months - from November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940.

Stalin also talked a lot about increasing vigilance on the border and inside the country: "We must practically prepare for a rebuff, for a war with Hitler."

Now these words may not surprise anyone. But at the time, they sounded strange. The fact is that at that time, formally, friendship reigned between the two powers. Stalin and Hitler exchanged congratulations on the occasion of the holidays and assured each other of their loyalty.

On August 19, 1939, the German-Soviet trade agreement was signed. Within its framework, the Soviet Union promised to regularly supply Germany with metals, oil products, grain and other products, including those intended for military purposes. In turn, the Germans also undertook to supply the USSR with various equipment, including military equipment. And on August 23, Molotov and Ribbentrop signed the famous non-aggression pact. The Red Army took part in the partition of Poland, and in September joint parades of the German and Soviet armed forces were held in the territories of Western Ukraine and Belarus, annexed to the USSR.

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Debunking the personality cult and the collapse of the USSR

At the end of the conversation with Kollontai, Stalin talked a lot about the role of the individual in history and suddenly said the following:

“Many deeds of our party and people will be perverted and spat upon, primarily abroad, and in our country too … And my name will also be slandered, slandered. Many atrocities will be attributed to me. World Zionism will strive with all its might to destroy our Union so that Russia can never rise again …"

He also spoke about the development of nationalism in the country, the emergence of interethnic contradictions. As we know, all these events began to occur after about half a century.

Middle East conflicts and Western sanctions

According to Stalin, in the future, our state expected very sharp turns: "The matter is going to the fact that the East will be especially agitated, sharp contradictions with the West will arise …" This is what we are seeing now.

Revival of Russia

However, the leader added, in the future, Russians will turn to the ideals of their fathers and grandfathers, partially return to the socialist way of life, and this will make the country prosperous.

Section of the Moon

In the spring of 1945, at the Potsdam conference, Stalin unexpectedly invited his colleagues from Great Britain and the United States to discuss the question of dividing … the moon. At first, they thought they had misheard and that the Soviet leader had in mind the partition of Germany. But Iosif Vissarionovich clarified: “We have already agreed on the partition of Germany. I'm talking about the moon."

Stalin added that the USSR has its own views of the Earth's satellite. Perhaps, if Khrushchev had been as far-sighted as his predecessor, Soviet cosmonauts would have been the first to set foot on the moon. And perhaps this would have happened before 1969.

A seer or a futurist?

Did Stalin really have any foresight ability? Some sources claim that he was not alien to the occult, was interested in magic, astrology, communicated with psychics and seers. But this is unconfirmed information. On the other hand, in order to make forecasts about the fate of a country, and not a specific person, it is enough to have knowledge of futurology, to see trends and prospects for the development of the situation. One way or another, the "prophecies" came true.

Irina Shlionskaya