"The Skull Of Death" - Alien Supercomputer - Alternative View

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"The Skull Of Death" - Alien Supercomputer - Alternative View
"The Skull Of Death" - Alien Supercomputer - Alternative View

Video: "The Skull Of Death" - Alien Supercomputer - Alternative View

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Those who carved it had no idea about crystallography and completely ignored the axes of symmetry. He inevitably had to fall apart during processing. The damn thing just shouldn't exist.

“And this story began in 1927, when Mitchell-Hedges was examining the ruins of the temple of the Mayan Indian tribe in the ancient city of Lubaantum, the name of which translates as the City of Fallen Stones. „

Together with Mitchell-Hedges, his seventeen-year-old adopted daughter Anna took part in the excavation, who once accidentally drew attention to an object that sparkled in the sun, hidden under a layer of dust. As it turned out, under the split altar, the girl discovered a skull, skillfully carved in life size from a piece of rock crystal and carefully polished.

Mitchell-Hedges decided that the skull belonged to the Indians, and gave it to the chief of the local tribe. However, he politely refused and returned the skull to him, ostensibly as a sign of his gratitude and friendship. Subsequently, however, it turned out that the Indians considered this skull cursed and did not want to keep it with them.

When examining the crystal skull, Mitchell-Hedges found out that in some places smoky spots and small "balls" appear in it, like air bubbles, and the details, even the smallest, are made with meticulous precision. Together, this gave the find weighing 5 kilograms 180 grams, having a height of 18 centimeters, and a width and depth of 13 centimeters, a striking appearance of something alive. And not just alive, but gloomy, fatal! This circumstance was the reason for some researchers to call the find the "Skull of Death".

Returning to England and sitting down to the archives, Mitchell came to the conclusion that the crystal find played an important role in Mayan religious rites. It was the same skull that was mentioned in the ancient traditions of the Indians of Central America.

Find from the jungle of Honduras

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This is the conclusion reached by an expert mineralogist from the Hewlett-Packard firm, who examined the so-called Death Skull made from a single piece of rock crystal, found by the archaeologist F. Mitchell-Hedges in the jungle of British Honduras.

And this story began in 1927, when Mitchell-Hedges inspected the ruins of the temple of the Mayan Indian tribe in the ancient city of Lubaantum, whose name translates as the City of Fallen Stones.

Together with Mitchell-Hedges, his seventeen-year-old adopted daughter Anna took part in the excavation, who once accidentally drew attention to an object that sparkled in the sun, hidden under a layer of dust. As it turned out, under the split altar, the girl discovered a skull, skillfully carved in life size from a piece of rock crystal and carefully polished.

Mitchell-Hedges decided that the skull belonged to the Indians, and gave it to the chief of the local tribe. However, he politely refused and returned the skull to him, ostensibly as a sign of his gratitude and friendship. Subsequently, however, it turned out that the Indians considered this skull cursed and did not want to keep it with them.

When examining the crystal skull, Mitchell-Hedges found out that in some places smoky spots and small balls, like air bubbles, were visible in it, and the details, even the smallest, were made with scrupulous precision. Together, this gave the find, weighing 5 kilograms 180 grams, having a height of 18 centimeters, and a width and depth of 13 centimeters, a striking appearance of something alive. And not just alive, but gloomy, fatal!

This circumstance was the reason for some researchers to call the find the Skull of Death.

Returning to England and sitting down to the archives, Mitchell came to the conclusion that the crystal find played an important role in Mayan religious rites. It was the same skull that was mentioned in the ancient traditions of the Indians of Central America.

The Mayan priests peered at him for hours, performed sacrifices and magical rites, asking for the death of their enemies and trying with his help to find out the future or hear a prophecy.

Art restorer Frank Dorland, examining the surface of the skull under a microscope, found that all of its parts were carved from a single, whole piece of crystal without the use of metal tools. In principle, this in itself is surprising, since crystal on the scale of hardness of minerals is second only to topaz, corundum and diamond.

According to Dorland, the surface of the skull and its parts was polished using silica sand and quartz chips, prepared in the form of a paste, and it took at least 300 years to polish the entire surface and parts of the skull!

However, this is difficult to believe. It is unlikely that the Mayan priests for several hundred years were engaged in the manufacture of a cult item, even if it had a number of magical properties. Most likely, they got the Skull of Death from representatives of another civilization, more powerful and more developed, which, among other things, also owned the technology of accelerated crystal processing. What kind of civilization was it? One can only guess about this.


UFO inside the skull

The lower jaw of the Death Skull is movably fixed in polished sockets, and, as established by Frank Dorland, it is carved from the same piece of crystal as the rest of the skull. If the skull is freely suspended in the air, then a slight air flow or vibration is enough, and the jaw begins to move, creating the illusion of human speech.

In addition, if a candle is placed under the skull, then the system of lenses and prisms will make the eye sockets shine, and then thin rays of light will begin to beat out of them!

The impact of the Skull of Death on people who came into contact with it is truly incredible. The skull has some mysterious properties, the nature of which scientists are not yet able to determine. For example, according to the testimony of numerous eyewitnesses, the forehead of the skull is sometimes covered with a white fog, in which at first some movement becomes noticeable, and then pictures of the future and past begin to appear.

Sometimes a strange yellowish glow emanates from the skull, like a ring of light that surrounds the moon on a cloudless night. People who have been near the skull for a long time have experienced nervous disorders, exacerbated sense of smell, visual and auditory hallucinations. The skull acts hypnotically even on skeptical people.

Many claim that, being in the same room with the Death Skull, they clearly heard the chime of small silver bells, quiet but very clear, as well as the whispering and singing of several voices in an unknown language. Looking at the skull, people see other skulls in it, high mountains, strange faces, various volumetric images that look like flying saucers.

Various magicians and Satanists are especially interested in the Death Skull. So, one day the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Lavey, came to Frank Dorland, who at that time had a skull, and declared that the skull was created by the devil himself and, therefore, belongs to the Church of Satan. Lavey openly admired the skull, carefully examined it and stroked it with his hands, and then said goodbye and left. And at night, a real devilry began in Dorland's house: furniture moved, objects knocked, windows opened and closed, something constantly rumbled and creaked in the attic.

Dorland said on this occasion that LaVey, apparently, during his visit, transferred part of his energy to the skull, which, colliding with the energy of the crystal contraption, caused a poltergeist in the house!

A supercomputer that cannot yet be hacked

None of the scientists are still able to say for sure in which country, in what period of time and by what people the Skull of Death was created. Only guesses are made. For example, this: the birthplace of the skull is Atlantis, and it is at least 11 thousand years old.

A more mundane version - the skull, perhaps, is a portrait of the wife of the god Shiva, most likely Kali, the goddess of death, and is intended for tantric rituals with bloody sacrifices.

In recent years, psychics have taken up the study of the crystal skull. It was they who established that the skull changes color and transparency, and sometimes suddenly surrounds itself with a 45-centimeter luminous halo.

From time to time, an incomparable smell begins to emanate from the Skull of Death, which makes the people around it thirsty. When psychics touch its surface in different places, they experience a distinct sensation of heat, cold, or some vibrations, as if an invisible source of energy is hidden inside the skull.

Experts from the laboratory of crystal structures of the American firm Hewlett-Packard found that the Skull of Death is made of a special kind of crystal known as piezoelectric silicon dioxide. That is, from the same material that is used in modern electronic equipment from wristwatches to computers! In this regard, scientists have suggested that the skull is a kind of supercomputer with invaluable information embedded in it, which we cannot yet use!

The Death Skull is now housed in the Museum of the American Indian in New York. Its cost is estimated at 250 thousand dollars, and thousands of predictors and mediums around the world dream of it.
