Astral Worlds Or Games Of The Subconscious? - Alternative View

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Astral Worlds Or Games Of The Subconscious? - Alternative View
Astral Worlds Or Games Of The Subconscious? - Alternative View

Video: Astral Worlds Or Games Of The Subconscious? - Alternative View

Video: Astral Worlds Or Games Of The Subconscious? - Alternative View
Video: What Happens When You Smoke Weed | Sadhguru 2024, October

In the Astral Worlds or in your subconscious?

One of the most experienced researchers of "near-death experiences" and "out-of-body experience" is the English geologist and writer R. Krukel. He has collected a lot of material on the experience of heaven and hell, both from occultists and mediums, and from ordinary people. According to Krukel, their "out-of-body experience" is natural and universal, it differs in the following way.

Those who abandoned their bodies naturally tended to see something bright and calm - a paradise, something like a magnificent land; and when expelled by force, they tended to fall into very gloomy, confused and sleep-like conditions, which correspond to hell. The former could meet numerous assistants (including friends and relatives), and the latter sometimes met with some disembodied “obstructing” creatures.

People who have what Krukel calls "mediumistic bodily constitution" invariably first pass through the dark, hazy region of "Hades" (purgatory), and then enter the region of bright light, a kind of paradise. This paradise is described as the most beautiful landscape ever seen, "a view of amazing beauty - a large, like a park, garden, and the light there is such that you will never see on the sea or land." Explaining such phenomena, Krukel put forward the assumption that there is a "total" earth, including at the lowest level our earth, surrounded by an all-pervading neophysical sphere, on the lower and upper boundaries of which are the belts of "Hades" and "Paradise".

Surveys of people who have experienced clinical death, have revealed many visions of other areas, which can be called "heavenly". For example, one person found himself in "a countryside with streams, grass and trees, mountains"; one woman, found herself in an equally beautiful place, said:

• “In the distance I saw the city. There were buildings there. They sparkled, shone. People were happy there. There was sparkling water, fountains. City of light ….

Here are some more such stories.

• “After what happened, I found myself in the field. It was beautiful, bright green. I have not seen such a color on earth."

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• “Everything was permeated by magic light. The radiance was a clear, shimmering golden color. When I got closer, I was sure that I would pass through the fog. It was an amazing joyful feeling. There are no words that could describe what he saw. At that moment, on the other side of the fog, I saw a picture of a blissful paradise existence. Everything there sparkled with a clear unearthly light. The surrounding air touched, it washed and refreshed with its extraordinary exciting coolness. Everything in me trembled and rejoiced. From this kindness of the surrounding being, the soul was filled with happiness."

• “I found myself in impenetrable darkness. Clouds of dim flame appeared in front of me, rising as if from a huge pit and falling back there. It was scary and sad. Expanding with flames, the entire space was filled up and down with acrid smoke. An indescribable stench filled this entire gloomy place. Suddenly behind me, I heard terrible groans, accompanied by roaring laughter. I saw a crowd of evil spirits, drawing several souls into the depths of darkness. The unfortunate ones howled and groaned, while the demons rejoiced. Meanwhile, dark spirits arose from the fiery depths. They began to surround me, frightening with their sparkling eyes and flames emanating from my mouth and nostrils. I was depressed and depressed."


Nearly all near-death visions are very short; if they were longer, final death would follow. But in the state of HIT, that is, "out of the body", which is not associated with conditions close to death, a longer experience of out-of-body travel in the astral world is also possible.

The "astral plane" can often appear in visions in a state of altered consciousness, and many "travelers" come into contact with it. In one of his books, Carl Jung described his patient, a woman who "got out of the body" during a difficult birth. She could see the doctors and nurses around her, but she felt that behind her lay a magnificent landscape that seemed to be the border of another dimension. She felt that if she were there, she would leave this world, but still returned to her body.

Some researchers noted that the area where the soul enters immediately, as soon as it leaves the body and begins to lose contact with what we call "material reality", it is not necessarily heaven, or hell, or "otherworldly" - a region close to the earth, "travel "And to different worlds. "Out-of-body travel" takes place throughout the Universe, right up to contacts with UFO beings. Describes the most bizarre, unusual places. There are worlds where stones sing, and there are other worlds where stones behave like living beings. It may take centuries for every movement visible to the human eye, but these creatures, living by earthly standards for millions of years, are quite happy with their speed of movement.

On some planets, beings live in a different form and in a different form of existence. On others, animals take the place of people. Plants reign on other planets. Trees can move slowly, moving their modified roots. They move from place to place and take root where there is enough moisture and nutrients for them. The inorganic world of the planets is endowed with reason. Some "travelers" see a shaky black fog of emptiness, black holes, a vacuum of nothingness. Others saw golden radiance, radiant figures. On some planets, "travelers" see the world, the main building block of which is not a carbon molecule, but silicon, and there are "stones" with a silicate chemical structure that even think and move.

It is also possible to get in touch with the "Astral Worlds" through certain medications. Experiments with injecting the drug LSD into critically ill people produced quite convincing "out-of-body experiences." Patients experienced a compressed repetition of their entire lived life, a vision of a blinding light, a meeting with "dead" and "non-human spiritual beings", received the transmission of spiritual messages about the truths of cosmic religion, reincarnation, etc.

Scientists say: "The experience of death and rebirth, sometimes resulting from the use of chemical drugs during psychedelic sessions, helped to understand that the source of these experiences is most likely in the subconscious."

It is possible to assume that visions with clinical death and "out-of-body experience" are not travels to a sphere outside of earthly human existence, but travels through the labyrinths of subconscious memory, which projects images and pictures felt in distorted perception. Such visions arise in a state of altered consciousness, when the analytical (rational) mind becomes silent and the flow of subconscious information overwhelms the unconscious feelings of a person.

In the "Astral World", even while realizing himself as a person, the person's double sees only what he wants to see and what he expects to see. His thought drives his actions, and his imagination creates images. Therefore, he sees the people he wants to see, and they appear before him in the form and color in which he expects to see them. How he imagines the images of fantastic creatures or deities in his subconscious, he sees them there. Experiences appear associated with his religious faith, concepts, expectations to see in the afterlife this or that event, his fear (for example, judgment for sins) or, on the contrary, the expectation of paradise - all this manifests itself in the "astral journey".

Everyone sees what he wanted or wants to see. This information has already been imprinted by him in the subconscious memory, and it begins to manifest itself in visions. Thought in this kind of "astral travel" guides the behavior of the "double", and the imagination creates images and pictures of an extraordinary world, which in a state of altered consciousness are projected by the mechanisms of biochemical and mental reactions in the structure of the organism.

Scientists admitted: "The body's awareness of death is practically at the cellular level."

This is an important statement. That is why the “mind” and the impulses of the cell with its blocks of deep memory, mechanisms of weak fields, reactions of living matter, energy generated by the mechanism of cold nuclear fusion, asymmetry of temporal proportions come to the fore. The information emanating from the work of the cell in a special, extraordinary state of consciousness, and affects the manifestation of the phenomena of out-of-body and near-death experience.

G. Naumenko