Well Mystery Revealed? - Alternative View

Well Mystery Revealed? - Alternative View
Well Mystery Revealed? - Alternative View

Video: Well Mystery Revealed? - Alternative View

Video: Well Mystery Revealed? - Alternative View

At the end of the eighties, the media began to receive reports of finds in Russia of deep holes in the ground, similar to wells. Who, when, and for what purpose they were drilled remained a mystery, both for journalists and the people who discovered them.

Here is what Mikhail Gershtein wrote in October 1998 in UFO magazine:

“Four years ago, an unprecedented incident shook the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region. On a warm summer evening, Gennady Ananiev was returning from his parents. The familiar road did not bode well for surprises. And suddenly … Something flashed in the sky. Another moment, and a huge shining object rushed down, and tracing the sky in wide zigzags. Some pieces began to fall off from him. Finally the UFO disappeared behind the trees. Ananyev subconsciously expected an explosion, but it did not follow.

But in the nearby village of Porechye they felt the blow in full. Windows rattled in houses, the earth shook. What the next morning opened before the eyes of people did not fit into any framework. Shocked combiners crowded around the ideal, like a compass, a circled pit with a diameter of five meters. The walls are smooth, like a glass. The depth is four and a half meters. Around - not a single crumb of excavated earth, no traces! It was as if someone had driven a giant hollow cylinder into it and then carefully pulled it up along with a column of soil.

Another hole gaped nearby - more precisely, a well half a meter in diameter. It was not round, as from earthly drilling rigs, but oval. The bottom can not be seen. Stones flew down, but they disappeared without a trace in the black mouth of the well. They ran for a longer rope and tied an ax to it. Five meters. Ten. Fifteen … The rope was already over, but there was still no bottom!

The miracle here was not in the depth of the pit, but in the fact that the water table under the field, even in a drought, did not drop below six meters. What kept the water, prevented it from flooding the well? Rumors of the incident quickly spread to the regional center. Civil defense specialists soon found themselves in the ill-fated field. They walked around the pits with dosimeters and, not finding radioactivity, threw up their hands. Like, abnormal phenomena are not their part.

After all conceivable hypotheses have disappeared, there is only one left: the UFO is to blame. What seemed like a disaster was just a landing. The aliens took the land aboard and flew away …

It seems that this is not the first time they have been 'overstocked' with our land on an astounding scale. In 1990, dozens of huge cylindrical pits appeared in the fields and steppes of Kazakhstan. In one of them, near the village of Malinovka, Tselinograd region, the tractor 'Kirovets' almost hit. As in the Muromtsevsky district, the diameter of the pit was five meters …

Promotional video:

Another pit was discovered in time near the Samarsky state farm of the Atbasar region. Its features are the same: perfectly round shape, smooth walls, cutting through the layers of the earth. We saw such 'cylinders' in other places.

The Baikonur cosmodrome is also Kazakhstan. Soon the Space Forces became interested in one of the mysterious pits.

"The radiometric and visual examination of the funnel, which we have carried out, allows us to state absolutely precisely: this phenomenon is not associated with the fall of spacecraft or with the testing of weapons," said Colonel B. F. Gromov. - No radiation was found at the site. Meteorites have nothing to do with it either. If they fall, a cylindrical funnel cannot form. In addition, if we assume this, there should be a significant release of soil to the surface around the funnel, but it is not. '

The head of the regional committee for nature protection, V. P. Potapenko, tried to stick a long steel pin into the bottom of the pit.

“They pressed him in with his hands about one and a half meters,” he said, “they drove him another meter with a hammer. He did not go further. Either hard rocks started, or a pin stumbled upon some kind of dense body. '

Unfortunately, this is where the research ended …

Once a UFO was caught 'at the crime scene'. Two brigades of Bashkir oil workers watched the dark red balls almost touching the ground. They vibrated menacingly, and no one dared to approach the mysterious objects. The next day, it turned out that where the UFOs were hanging, deep wells of a meter in diameter appeared. Exactly the same ball in 1990 left its mark on the lands of the Valsken Zorya state farm in the Dubensky region, 'sucking' 25 cubic meters of Mordovian land.

” The cut is almost perfect. But this is still nothing, you can somehow understand, - the journalist of "Soviet Mordovia" described the pit. - The amazing begins further. There were absolutely no traces around the crater. And most importantly: where did the earth disappear to? That is, it turns out that someone from above scooped up a solid handful with unearthly accuracy and was like that. '

The more and more frequent occurrence of mysterious pits makes us take a new approach to the famous incident on Korb-lake in the Leningrad region in 1961 ('UFO'? 3, 1997, p. 6), where thousands of tons of soil 'evaporated' from the lake bottom …

And this message was sent by Anatoly Kutovoy from the Baltic states:

"Lietuvos ritas", 2000, N24. "Everyone was puzzled by the mysterious hole in the ground." Genovaite Rafanavičienė

Robertas Masenis from the village of Smarlyunai, Lazdija District, discovered at the highest point of his field a hole in the ground of a regular oval shape, 17 centimeters in diameter and 3.25 meters deep. After examining the mysterious hole, the head of the Druskininsky branch of the environmental protection agency Algirdas Petkevicius could not say how it could have formed, so he called for help from the director of the geological geological exposition at the Ministry of the Environment, Juozas Motskevicius.

“I cannot find any logical explanation for this phenomenon,” says J. Motskevičius. - It looks like a well of mechanical origin, but you can't make such a drill with a hand drill, moreover, in dried soil. We did not find any traces of mechanisms near the failure. Even the oats growing in the vicinity will not be crushed at all.

According to the wife of R. Masenis Aldona, during the first thunderstorm after a drought, lightning struck this place. However, experts say that until now, it seems, nowhere in the world has a case been recorded that a hole of such a regular shape could form from a lightning strike in the ground. Lightning, one might say, took a fancy to this hill on the field of R. Masenis. Last year, a large birch that grew on the slope was blown to pieces. And even earlier, lightning struck the hut - plaster fell off the walls, the leg of the table under the TV split into four parts.

Geologists took three soil samples on the spot: from the walls of a mysterious pit at a meter depth, from the bottom and from the bowels. In Vilnius, the samples were examined by members of the geological expedition. Geologists took three soil samples on the spot: from the walls of a mysterious pit at a meter depth, from the bottom and from the bowels. In Vilnius, the samples were examined by members of the geological expedition.

“We found nothing supernatural, and detailed chemical analysis of the soil is expensive. But if other failures of unexplained origin appear, research will have to be carried out, says J. Motskevičius. “I have been working as a geologist for 25 years, but this is the first time I encountered such a phenomenon.”

Voronezh Oblast was also affected by similar events. At the end of April 1990, a similar well appeared in the village of Kostenki in the garden of Evdokia Ivanovna Fomina. She did not see the process of its drilling, however, the night before, she watched from the window of her house a red ball hovering over the garden. It glowed intensely and dazzled the eyes.

In the morning, planting potatoes, Evdokia Ivanovna discovered a deep hole in the place over which the ball was hanging. On the same day, about her find, she reported to the Voronezh Committee for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena.

First, with the help of biolocation, the experts of the Committee, who arrived in Kostenki, determined the boundary of the anomalous zone. It was easily detected, and the wellhead was in the center of the detected anomaly. In the plan, this zone was designated by a circle with a diameter of eight meters.

The well was a perfectly round hole with a diameter of about 100 millimeters with well-preserved, as if rammed walls. A special tape measure - an electric level gauge - measured its depth, which was 5.4 meters. At the bottom, there was light brown loam. The well inclination was 55 degrees. Taking into account the fact that the vegetable garden is located on the side of a ravine with a slope of 10 degrees, the well was 'drilled' at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical axis. The azimuth of 'drilling' is 270 degrees.

The term 'drilling' is clearly not suitable for this case, since it did not resemble any of its types. At the wellhead, the Voronezh ufologists did not find cuttings, which are always present during auger or core drilling. Most likely, in this case, a certain tool was 'crushed', with the help of which the entire column of core extracted from the well was taken aboard the mysterious ball. The weight of the extinct rock, according to our calculations, taking into account the specific density of chernozem and loam, was at least 120 kilograms!

With the SRP-88 radiometer, we measured the radioactivity along the profile, which crossed the detected anomalous area along its diameter. The radiometer readings were within the natural background. At the very mouth of the well, a slight increase in radioactivity up to 30 micro-roentgens was detected, apparently caused by the emanation of radon gas.

Measurements of the gravitational gradient did not find any deviations from the norm, and magnetic survey gave interesting results. After their processing, a graph of changes in the magnetic intensity along the profile was built, which exactly 'fit' into the geometry of the dowsing survey. The graph had a symmetrical shape with a minimum of 10 nT at the wellhead.

In early July, with a group of Riga documentary filmmakers led by Sergei Dolya and Voronezh journalist Elena Viktorovna Skonnikova, we again visited Evdokia Ivanovna and her well.

It was covered with a wooden shield and was in good condition. What used to be an invisible abnormal area around the wellhead is now clearly marked by the vibrant green of flowering potato bushes. The anomalous zone, delineated like a compass, was distinguished by a higher (10-15 cm higher than in the 'clear zone') tops. Its large, juicy leaves with a bright eight-meter circle stood out in contrast against the general background of the potato field.

After harvesting in the laboratory of the State Enterprise 'Voronezhgeologiya', the analysis of potato tubers and tops was carried out, both from the anomalous site and from the place that we considered 'clean' (control). As a result of spectral analysis, a decrease in the concentration of some chemical elements was found in them. Thus, the content of manganese, zinc and phosphorus in tubers from the anomalous zone decreased two to three times. In the tops, the concentration of copper and phosphorus was also reduced by half compared to the control samples.

A sharp increase in the content of zirconium and yttrium in potato tubers grown in the anomalous zone caused bewilderment. The increase was 12 and 6 times, respectively! An increase in the concentration of these chemical elements was also noted in the tops.

The well in Kostenki was not the only one in the Voronezh region. In the early summer of 1990, the Voronezh Committee received a message that in the Mayak state farm (the village of Verkhnyaya Privalovka, Verkhne-Khavsky District of the Voronezh Region), in the spring of 1990, the villagers discovered two strange wells that had arisen, it is not clear how.

They were exactly the same, but their parameters were different from the well in Kostenki. The depth was 4.66 meters, the diameter was 170 mm. Tilt angle 87 degrees. We did not find any traces of 'drilling', as in Kostenki, nor did we find any signs of thermal effects. About 150 kilograms of soil that had disappeared without a trace was extracted from each well. Calculations showed that in order to 'break through' a layer of black earth and loam, it was necessary to create a pressure of at least 11.5 tons per square centimeter! Spectral analysis of samples taken from the bottom of the wells and from their walls did not reveal a significant difference in their chemical composition compared to the 'pure' sample, although, as in the Kostenskinsky case, the concentration of a number of chemical elements decreased.

During the research expeditions 'Hopper-99' and 'Hoper-2000', we managed to take a series of images of a structure hovering above the ground with a special camera, which resembles a drilling rig in various phases of its 'technological cycle'. Microscopic examination of the original photographic material (photographic plate 9x12mm) made it possible to determine that the lower third of the main 'rod' looks like a screw. It is possible that this design is a kind of alien drilling tool.

It remains to answer the key question: For what purposes is the soil of the Earth taken? There is no unequivocal answer to it, but it can be assumed that aliens are able to extract energy from it. This idea prompts me to the fact that the concentration of many chemical elements is decreasing at the UFO landing sites. This indicates that under the action of the object's ionizing radiation, some of the elements, as a result of their excitation, pass into an electromagnetic form, and are emitted in the form of light quanta. (this is probably why the witnesses observed glowing red and blue balls). The boundless energy resources of the Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation have long attracted aliens. They learned to accumulate and use it. In this regard, it can be assumed that the aliens visiting us have long been satisfying their mercantile interests,which do not yet intersect with ours.