Why Are Aliens Afraid Of People? - Alternative View

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Why Are Aliens Afraid Of People? - Alternative View
Why Are Aliens Afraid Of People? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Aliens Afraid Of People? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Aliens Afraid Of People? - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, July

Today there is not a single confirmed fact of the existence of aliens. At the same time, no one can deny the presence of life on nearby objects in space. In the vastness of many star systems that are much older than ours, the emergence of much highly developed races of extraterrestrial civilizations is possible, which, if desired, could have set foot on Earth long ago for any purpose. Let's see what reasons can keep aliens from visiting Earth and what, most likely, can repel them.


Human aggression

Astronomer Chris Impley expressed his opinion on why the aliens are in no hurry to visit Earth and meet people. He believes that the human race is extremely aggressive, it is characterized by wars and the destruction of their own kind. Impley calls aliens very shy, and that is why they prefer to hide in remote corners of outer space, practically not giving themselves away. Inhabited, in his opinion, can be either one of Pluto's moons or any exoplanet. Many astrophysicists are literally betting on the fact that extraterrestrial civilization will certainly be discovered in the next ten years. Judging by the fact that people are initially aggressively disposed towards alien beings, starting from the picture formed by the cinema and science fiction stories, it is not known how this meeting could end.


Another group of researchers at Oxford University and the Serbian Institute adhere to the version that the human race simply has not yet reached the desired level of development, so contact has not yet occurred, but the matter is not in the aliens' fear of humanity.

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Bacteria and Viruses

The most common version of why aliens do not want to step on Earth are bacteria and viruses that inhabit every millimeter of our planet, which pose a mortal danger to alien creatures. Aliens do not initially have immunity from "earthly" viruses. For about three billion years they have been the main shield against extraterrestrial beings. It is possible that one of the neighboring stars of the Sun may well be inhabited, because in order for life to arise, it may be quite enough just the presence of liquid water and organic matter on it. It is no coincidence that, in the minds of many, aliens are associated with green creatures, shrouded in slime. Introducing them, one involuntarily arises comparisons with infectious diseases and the common cold, which are capable of causing the very viruses and bacteria.


Alien Explorers

On the other hand, a lot of photo and video materials by accidental eyewitnesses, albeit indirectly, but testify to the regular movements of unidentified flying objects within our atmospheric space, obviously of extraterrestrial origin. If these are all the same aliens, which is the reason for the constant missions, because they practically do not try to hide the traces of visiting our planet. Scientists believe that aliens are studying the way of life, behavior of people. The possibility of the kidnapping of individuals for research purposes is not excluded. There is an assumption that some of the abducted people were returned home by aliens, but they retained very vague information about traveling with individuals of extraterrestrial races in their memory, reminiscent of the remains of dreams.


Aliens have long lived among people

There is a theory that aliens have long been living among humans. It is also adhered to by experts from Columbia University, who believe that a hundred million years ago, aliens were forced to migrate to Earth due to the destruction of their own planets or processes taking place there, making it unsuitable for further living. Advanced technology facilitated their migration. According to this opinion, aliens can be considered the ancestors of the human race. It is quite possible that Mars was the place of residence of the humanoids earlier.


What does the theory say?

The Great Filter theory says that no matter how advanced a civilization is, it may still not be enough for communication or flight over such long cosmic distances. In addition, any progress usually brings closer and closer to a certain point of no return, when as a result of a catastrophe or some kind of barrier, degradation of technologies or the complete destruction of all living things occurs. Perhaps this is why meeting with humanoids is something unattainable.


The opinion that the Earth is unique and special from the point of view of the stability of climatic conditions, and therefore is incredibly hospitable to life, is opposed to the version that our planet is of no interest to aliens, who are more likely to spend energy on exploring more interesting inhabited worlds. Therefore, to move light years and spend a lot of energy specifically for the sake of visiting our planet, like which in the entire Milky Way, over 8.5 billion, humanoids are unlikely to be. The same opinion is shared by astrophysicist Seth Shostak, who says that aliens are simply not interested in Earth, and if they decide to visit the planet, then not personally, but in the form of advanced technologies, quickly and reliably.


Astrophysicist and cosmologist Martin Rees comments that it is not fear of people that stands in the way of their arrival on Earth, but extremely different levels of development and means of communication. The scientist believes that the forms of existence of life and mind in the Universe can be so unpredictable that it is impossible to even imagine. It also disproves the notion that humanoids are similar to humans in many ways, including in technological and mathematical matters.


Whatever the extraterrestrial intelligence on Earth is not afraid of, one thing remains clear that they experience some kind of alertness towards the human race, therefore they are engaged in regular collection of information. How prepared are people who are so actively looking for alien life for a meeting with alien intelligence remains a question today.

Svetlova Julia