The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Jenglo Doll From Indonesia. The Hypothesis Of A Magical Creature - Alternative View
Video: Jenglot: Humanoid Creatures or a Hoax? Creepy Bloodthirsty Beings of the Indonesian Jungle 2024, October

Our world is full of secrets and mysteries, and sometimes so strange creatures are found that it is difficult to attribute them to any known species. Often, the remains of creatures appear on Earth, about which scientists and lovers of everything mystical and unknown begin to argue, and this find belongs to just this type. Some believe that this is a common hoax, while others believe in authenticity and assure that such creatures can dwell on the planet.

Reports about the possibility of the existence of jenglo appeared in the late 90s of the last century. The creature's appearance is similar to that of a doll with humanoid features, which gives it an ominous and mystical appearance. Indonesians believe that jenglo can really be found alive and that the creature has some kind of superpowers. Scientists believe that this is an ordinary fake and such creatures simply cannot exist, so who to believe?


The local population tells stories that such creatures can be found underground, in tree trunks, and sometimes near people's homes. The first mentions appeared in 1997 on the island of Java, and these creatures supposedly have a height of several centimeters, similar to a person, but with sharp fangs and rather long nails.

It is said that the creature allegedly feeds on animal blood, and sometimes human, so that it can be attributed to vampires. Some storytellers claim that when the creature does not feed, it is in hibernation, and it can absorb blood even without physically contacting it, which looks like a fairy tale.


So if such a creature can actually be found in Indonesia, how did it appear?

The answer to this question can be found in the traditions of the Indonesian people. They indicate that the jenglo was previously a human, but was fond of secret magical practices in an attempt to obtain immortality, for which he was turned into a terrible creature, terrifying. There is a version that jenglo can be tamed by people who have secret knowledge and use special rituals to summon. But among the local population there are people who consider this creature to be an ordinary animal, but not yet known to science.

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Scientists believe that such a creature can be made from the remains of some animals and therefore it may look like a real one, but it all depends on the skill of the master who makes such a doll.

Some shamans from Indonesia say openly that to revive the jenglo it is necessary to use black magic and then the creature will serve its master, performing various assignments, can provide protection and be a kind of talisman of good luck.


Such exhibits often appear at museum exhibitions, which is rather strange. It turns out that if they really exist, then there should be quite a lot of them, but why then not one living creature is represented?

Studies of the creature's hair showed that it was probably implanted with human hair for realism, but supporters of the existence of these creatures do not believe the conclusions.