Pokons Of Jiva - Alternative View

Pokons Of Jiva - Alternative View
Pokons Of Jiva - Alternative View

Video: Pokons Of Jiva - Alternative View

Video: Pokons Of Jiva - Alternative View
Video: Feedback of Traffic Club of Jiva 2024, July

The world is arranged by Svarog according to simple and reasonable Pokons. Likewise, life obeys its Pocons. And knowing the Poconas of Jiva, a person acquires a state of Equilibrium and lives in Lada with the World and himself.

1. Pocon of conformity and rationality: “A person can live only between the two boundaries of nature, for both intense heat and great cold have a destructive effect on life. In the same way, man receives food from nature only that which grows or lives with him."

2. Pocon of Air: “Breathing is one of the most important properties of our body. It should be natural, not violent."

3. Pocon of Water: “Life is impossible without water. All organisms are composed primarily of water. To keep the blood in good condition, we need water, which is especially contained in fruits and vegetables, permeated by the Power of the Sun."

4. Pokon of the Sun: “Human life is impossible without the Sun. Its strength is needed to revitalize air, water and earth."

5. Pocon of activity: “In order to be healthy, a person must be active. Movement is one of the greatest essences of Life. When your Mind is not exercising, not working, not trained, you become dull. The same happens with the body when it rests."

6. Pocon of thought and Power: “The degree of perfection of an organism depends on the degree of development of its Mind. Thought is the source of knowledge, Power, Harmony and Perfection. Only a developed Mind can master the Khai."

7. Pocon of Harmony: “The weak, the underdeveloped is ugly in all its manifestations. Developed, but not harmonious, are just as ugly. Both the World and man exist on the basis of Pocon Svarga: "All parts of the Rod (Universe) must be in harmony with each other and nature, otherwise they perish." Outcasts not only do not harmonize with the Universe, but also enter into internal contradiction with themselves. They break the laws of nature by indulging their desires. And the lack of harmony is what is called a disease. " 1. Pocon of conformity and rationality: “A person can live only between the two boundaries of nature, for both intense heat and great cold have a destructive effect on life. In the same way, man receives food from nature only that which grows or lives with him."

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2. Pocon of Air: “Breathing is one of the most important properties of our body. It should be natural, not violent."

3. Pocon of Water: “Life is impossible without water. All organisms are composed primarily of water. To keep the blood in good condition, we need water, which is especially contained in fruits and vegetables, permeated by the Power of the Sun."

4. Pokon of the Sun: “Human life is impossible without the Sun. Its strength is needed to revitalize air, water and earth."

5. Pocon of activity: “In order to be healthy, a person must be active. Movement is one of the greatest essences of Life. When your Mind is not exercising, not working, not trained, you become dull. The same happens with the body when it rests."

6. Pocon of thought and Power: “The degree of perfection of an organism depends on the degree of development of its Mind. Thought is the source of knowledge, Power, Harmony and Perfection. Only a developed Mind can master the Khai."

7. Pocon of Harmony: “The weak, the underdeveloped is ugly in all its manifestations. Developed, but not harmonious, are just as ugly.

Both the World and man exist on the basis of Pocon Svarga: "All parts of the Rod (Universe) must be in harmony with each other and nature, otherwise they perish." Outcasts not only do not harmonize with the Universe, but also enter into internal contradiction with themselves. They break the laws of nature by indulging their desires. And the lack of harmony is what is called a disease."