A New Island Rises On Mayotte. Official Confirmation Of The Rotation Of The Earth's Core - Alternative View

A New Island Rises On Mayotte. Official Confirmation Of The Rotation Of The Earth's Core - Alternative View
A New Island Rises On Mayotte. Official Confirmation Of The Rotation Of The Earth's Core - Alternative View

Video: A New Island Rises On Mayotte. Official Confirmation Of The Rotation Of The Earth's Core - Alternative View

Video: A New Island Rises On Mayotte. Official Confirmation Of The Rotation Of The Earth's Core - Alternative View
Video: Earth Rotation Speed, Sunspots, Coronal Hole, X-Rays | S0 News July.10.2021 2024, October

Since May 2018, a series of unexplained earthquakes began southeast of Mayotte, the count of which quickly exceeded one thousand. The last increase in seismic events was observed there on November 7, 2018.


The seismic situation in the area of the island is, for obvious reasons, monitored by the National Institute for Geographic Information ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), which issued an official information statement on the situation on November 7, 2018.


The essence of this statement is as follows.

After careful examination of data from 4 permanent GPS stations on Mayotte Island, ENS geologists suggest that all observed seismic events are associated with the rise of a new volcanic island in the Indian Ocean.

The emergence of this island caused Mayotte to drift about 50 mm east and 25 mm south. The island will have to rise at approximately the place of the highest density of the current swarm, that is, somewhere 50 kilometers from the coast of Mayotte. ENS believes that it may be about the emergence of a new hotspot in the Indian Ocean.

How well the editors of strangesound noticed, which was the first to find the sensational news and translated it into English: well, hello, guys! And we fully join in the greetings of the strangesound editors.

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Although the ENS guys have done a titanic math job in analyzing GPS data and accurately positioning the epicenter of seismic events, their story about a “new hot spot” only brings a smile. Mayotte is the hot spot. The diameter of the mantle plume beneath it is 500 kilometers, so another plume inside the plume is already something with something.

Rather, we are talking about the movement of the plume under Mayotte to the southeast. And this movement causes the rise of a new island.

We do not have supercomputers for accurate calculations, we made our assumption, relying solely on the migration of earthquake swarms around the world, but, as we see, now scientists say practically the same thing.

True, scientists talk about a new plume, since such a swift movement of the old one does not fit into their learned heads, because dogmas suggest that the plume crawls a kilometer in a million years. And here the top of the plume moved 50 kilometers in two or three years. As if the core of the Earth began to turn, as Edgar Cayce spoke of back in 1936.

And now we recall our material Geologists are waiting for a mega-earthquake in Hawaii, in which we told for those who did not previously know that ALL hotspots on the planet have their antipodes, which are located approximately on the opposite side of the globe. The antipode of the hotspot near Mayotte is the Hawaiian hotspot. And since everything is synchronously interconnected in the antipodes, then if the new island began to rise near Mayotte - southeast of the Big Island of Hawaii, the same thing should now happen.


But the only problem is that Mayotte is either a former or a real colony of France, on which wonderful natives-aborigines dance and muss bananas. Therefore, if Mayotte goes under the water, no one except Mr. Macron will notice. Well, unless the accompanying tsunami process will wash away a couple of villages in Africa.

At the same time, Hawaii is a US state, it is the headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet. If tomorrow the USGS follows ENS's lead and reports that Hawaii will soon drown, a phenomenal catastrophe will begin in the world. People will run to banks to urgently exchange dollars for some other currency. So, if the USGS ever says something about a new island, then only about 10 hours before the tsunami approaches California.

Nevertheless, thanks to the honest guys from ENS, we now know that the Mayotte plume has shifted to the southeast and at the moment everything is exactly the same with all other plumes. Therefore, we hope, as usual, for the best, but just in case we are preparing for the worst. And - we follow the development of events.