Aliens May Be Interfering With Our Lives - Alternative View

Aliens May Be Interfering With Our Lives - Alternative View
Aliens May Be Interfering With Our Lives - Alternative View

Video: Aliens May Be Interfering With Our Lives - Alternative View

Video: Aliens May Be Interfering With Our Lives - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, July

Already no one denies the fact that representatives of various advanced alien civilizations have visited and continue to visit Earth. Even at the dawn of human civilization, our ancestors have seen UFOs more than once, as evidenced by the rock paintings they made. Of course, along with this, a lot of other solid evidence has been found to support this fact. But what is it that attracts aliens to our planet? Is it just curiosity or something more? Relying on new scientific discoveries and the knowledge gained, in an attempt to explain what is happening, researchers each time put forward new interesting hypotheses and versions that allow them to come closer and closer to solving this issue.

Even in the last century, a surge in the activity of intelligent alien races visiting our planet was recorded. Some researchers associate this with the development of aircraft construction at that time. Scientists believe that, to some extent, it was aviation that played a major role in making space guests show more interest in us. And this is understandable. The sharp increase in the progress of our civilization, probably, did not suit the aliens for the reason that humanity began to actively explore space, and this, in turn, may not have been included in the plans of those who are still hiding from us in its cold expanses.

Unfortunately, even today we do not know who is watching us from space. Elusive UFOs are still a mystery to us. Many who directly encountered them, and these are sailors, pilots and ordinary people, all of them noted the presence of an inexplicable bright glow around the objects, which greatly interfered with the determination of their true sizes. Their speed was often difficult to determine. Even modern radars cannot do this. UFOs seemed to make a jump tens of kilometers long from one point to another. Perhaps they developed such a speed at which their movement seems to us to be jumps, and perhaps this is due to the curvature of space.

An attempt to get in touch with them also failed. The guests simply ignored all earthly messages. And even if we assume that aliens have not used such radio communication for a long time as we do and simply could not hear us, then the light signals we send could hardly have gone unnoticed.

Often it is not entirely clear how they relate to various types of our technology. In the reports of sailors and pilots there are records where exactly UFOs helped them to avoid a disaster. However, there is also completely opposite information. A recent incident with a huge passenger airliner confirms this. In absolutely clear weather, the plane crashed into the ocean for no apparent reason. Radars tracking this flight showed that something incredible was happening to the airliner just before it crashed. Radars also recorded a nearby UFO aircraft.

Only after the black boxes were raised from the bottom of the ocean, and then the data was deciphered, did the picture of its collapse appear. All the systems of the plane worked normally, nevertheless, the plane suddenly soared to a great height in a matter of seconds, and then crashed down like a "stone". This is possible if the plane was in the area of a thunderstorm front and got into updrafts and downdrafts. However, there was not a cloud in the sky. One gets the impression that they just played in the sky with a huge airliner, and when they got tired of the toy, they threw it into the ocean. But then the question arises, why did the aliens need it? Show your superiority over humans, or was it an accident where the presence of a UFO inadvertently caused changes in the atmosphere? It is unknown what actually happened to the plane that day, we can only guess.

It's no secret that space aliens are interested not only in our ships and aircraft. UFOs are often observed over nuclear power plants, over strategic military installations, in war zones, and even over administrative buildings where important decisions are made. They seem to be interested in everything. They tirelessly collect information about us and our activities, but for what purpose?

Some researchers explain this by the fact that aliens have lost some of their knowledge and are trying to restore it by observing humanity. But most likely this is far from the case. What can a Neanderthal teach modern humans? Others believe that the alien ancient race, which has reached incredible heights in its development, is simply observing from space the life of a civilization that is close to them for some reason.

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Perhaps a more plausible hypothesis is that space aliens observe humanity in order to completely control it and give people the opportunity to develop only to a certain level. Perhaps that is why, in our understanding, aliens are so actively trying to lead humanity away from the truth?

Or there is another version, according to which control by space guests is carried out only for the purpose that humanity does not destroy itself. After all, as regrettable as it is to realize, a person today remains an aggressive creature, and all his efforts are largely aimed at creating new and more deadly types of weapons.

Of course, a lot of information is hidden from the public. But, sooner or later, in whole or in part, people still get access to it. It is obvious that aliens are interfering in our lives. You don't have to go far. We can cite one of the most widespread and well-known examples of a failed attempt to detonate an atomic bomb on the moon, and a little later the sudden curtailment of a comprehensive program for its development. Probably, any space program developed by man is "filtered" by aliens, and if it poses even the slightest threat to space, it is simply not allowed to come true.

Perhaps a person is already close to revealing the secrets of the universe. Scientists are developing completely new types of rocket engines that will be fueled by hydrogen, the most abundant element in space and antimatter. With such engines, spacecraft will instantly deliver people to any planet in our solar system. But travel to other galaxies will still be inaccessible to us. Therefore, in parallel to these engines, other engines are being developed that will be able to bend, cut or twist space, and here, too, great results have already been achieved. These are the technologies that aliens are probably using. I wonder if people thought of this themselves or were they "helped" by space aliens?

While exploring space and planets, humanity each time encounters new strange things happening in space, perhaps some of which come from aliens. They seem to push us on the path along which we must move. And the more strange things happen there, the more a person wants to know their reason.