UFOs Fly To Baikal - Alternative View

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UFOs Fly To Baikal - Alternative View
UFOs Fly To Baikal - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Fly To Baikal - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Fly To Baikal - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, July

In the photo: A strange phenomenon in the sky over Lake Baikal.

In recent months, in Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, townspeople have observed unidentified flying objects. In the spring in Bolshoye Koty, the two spouses saw a whole string of glowing balls. A little later in the evening, in the Solnechny microdistrict, the townspeople observed a luminous object, and a man from Irkutsk II - himself a former employee of an aircraft plant - regularly observes luminous balls with wings, which do not at all look like traditional aircraft manufactured at such enterprises. According to the observations of local ufologists, all the objects seen invariably move towards Baikal

Irkutsk - the place of anomalous zones

About a year ago, the famous fraternal ufologist Nikita Tomin moved to Irkutsk. Now he works at the Institute of Energy Systems. Melentieva and concurrently heads the Irkutsk branch of a large organization for the study of anomalous phenomena - "Cosmopoisk". There are a lot of anomalous zones in Irkutsk, and not far-fetched, but quite real, he is sure. One of the most anomalous zones, according to the ufologist, is the Irkutsk airport.

The first mentions of UFOs in this area were recorded back in 1967. Then an unknown object the size of a two-story house appeared over the Il-14, flying up to Irkutsk, and illuminated the plane with a beam of light. Moreover, when the crew tried to break away from the object, it repeated all the movements of the aircraft, continuing to illuminate it. There is also some evidence of a silver balloon accompanying a military passenger An-12 landing in 1972, and of a whole group of marks that accompanied 20 passenger aircraft on the runway in October 1989.

- Repeated eyewitness accounts of UFOs, as well as frequent crashes of aircraft in the area of the Irkutsk airport, is nothing more than an anomalous zone. Perhaps this is due to the close location from the airport of the so-called dacha of the Moon King in Pivovarikha.

Cottage of the Moon King

At the beginning of the last century, an exiled Pole settled here, who suffered from an allergy to sunlight. Later, after the revolution, a branch of the NKVD was opened in the estate. According to various versions, up to 30 thousand people were tortured, killed and buried near Pivovarikha.

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- At this place there is very bad energy, its accumulation formed an anomaly, - Nikita Tomin believes.

Not so long ago "Cosmopoisk" developed a random number generator. Its principle of operation is not too easy to understand. To begin with, it is based on Everett's quantum theory.

- According to the theory of probability, if you flip a coin a hundred times, it will be tails fifty times, and fifty - heads. The margin of error is only 5%, explains Tomin. - The generator is built on the use of this pattern. Only there no one throws coins, and the generator gives out combinations of random numbers. In a "clean" place, the numbers will give approximately the same combinations, but, according to Everett's theory, in the anomalous zones, their distribution will not be uniform.

This happened in Pivovarikha, where people from "Kosmopoisk" have already tested the device. The generation of random numbers did not give the traditional version, that is, in this zone, the ufologists concluded, the normal course of events was disrupted.

Everyone is directed to Baikal

So why are UFOs so active in Irkutsk and Irkutsk Oblast? And where are they directed?

- All observed UFOs in Irkutsk and nearby cities are usually directed towards Baikal. Even the well-known objects observed in Bratsk also moved towards the lake.

We have already written that, according to experts from Kosmopoisk, a UFO track passes over Bratsk.

- There are a lot of such routes, they stretch from the Far East and from the Altai Territory. They all converge over Baikal.

According to the theory of Russian ufologists, Baikal is an ideal place for a UFO base. The ancient deep-sea lake was formed as a result of severe tectonic changes, and huge clumps of energy exist in the rifts at the bottom of the lake.

- Baikal is a powerful energy field, which is also perfectly hidden from prying eyes. Perhaps, for extraterrestrial civilizations, this is an excellent springboard for absorbing energy.

95% of observations are wrong

The proximity of Lake Baikal, interest in UFOs and various anomalies in the Irkutsk region is quite high, and primarily from local residents. However, Nikita Tomin notes that most of the evidence is either far-fetched or misidentified.

- We regularly receive signals from eyewitnesses, but objects are often confused with natural or man-made phenomena. According to statistics, of all signals, only 5% are related to UFOs of extraterrestrial origin. So, recently in Novaya Igirma, Nizhneilimsky district, there was a curious case that attracted the attention of Roscosmos. A local resident constantly observed some kind of glow over the river, suggesting that it was a hovering UFO. Roscosmos already had information about this place - unusual flashes of light were noticed in images from space. However, studies have shown that in winter, a rare anomalous natural phenomenon appears over the river, causing a bright glow. And the witness of this phenomenon was under constant observation in the mental hospital.

Outright falsifications are also frequent. Not so long ago, a colorful video appeared on the Web, allegedly made in Bratsk. An object appeared in the black night sky, which flew rapidly, then stopped and, spinning in a spiral, disappeared.

- People often download videos from the Internet, then post them on a video portal and claim authorship for themselves, noting that the video was filmed in their city.

In the case of the fraternal pseudo-UFO, it has already become clear that the video was not filmed at all in Bratsk, but in another city located not far from the cosmodrome. The video shows the optical effect of a rocket launch.

How to identify a real UFO ?

It is not difficult to determine whether you are observing a real UFO or a product of human activity, says Nikita Tomin. According to the classification of "Cosmopoisk", there are only four types of UFOs, the origin of which is difficult even for scientists. These are disc-shaped, cigar-shaped, spherical objects, as well as strings of objects similar to those that were observed in April this year on Lake Baikal in the village of Bolshiye Koty, Irkutsk region. Typically, a UFO does not match the logic of a satellite or aircraft flight.

- So, in May this year, in the Solnechny microdistrict of the city of Irkutsk, residents observed a luminous object that hovered in the air for some time, and then abruptly left to the side, moving at an extraordinary speed. In this case, it is obvious that people have observed a real UFO, because if you observe the movement of an airplane or rocket, you can see that such objects move quite systematically and slowly.

Often people confuse UFOs with satellites. But satellites usually move parallel to the Earth - either east-west or west-east.

- If the object moves, for example, from south to north, then we can say with confidence that it is not a satellite at all, but something unknown.

There are also certain times of the year when UFO activity increases. In the Irkutsk region, according to the observations of Nikita Tomina, the so-called windows, when UFOs appear on Earth more often, open in July.

Where can you see them?

The most famous places where you can observe anomalies and UFOs in the Irkutsk region:

- Buzykanovo village, Taishet district;

- zone of the Bratsk reservoir near the central part of the city of Bratsk (Sovetskaya and Zhukova streets);

- the village of Osinovka and the village of Porozhsky, Bratsk district;

- Ust-Ilimsk and Ust-Ilimskoe reservoir;

- the place where the Vitim meteorite fell on the Vitim River, between the villages of Bodaibo and Mama;

- Irkutsk II, Irkutsk airport.