How Much Is The Recipe For Happiness From Hereditary Kikimora - Alternative View

How Much Is The Recipe For Happiness From Hereditary Kikimora - Alternative View
How Much Is The Recipe For Happiness From Hereditary Kikimora - Alternative View

Video: How Much Is The Recipe For Happiness From Hereditary Kikimora - Alternative View

Video: How Much Is The Recipe For Happiness From Hereditary Kikimora - Alternative View
Video: Why We Pursue Happiness But Overlook Joy with Ingrid Fetell Lee 2024, July

In the 21st century, we are all advanced and skeptical, and our views on the arrangement of the past years range from condescending (what to take from them, cavemen) to angry (oh, those Romans who feed Christians to lions). The landscape is changing, ozone holes are growing, technologies are developing, whole nations are dying out, but human faith in seers remains unshakable.

For the first time the end of the world was officially announced when I was eleven years old. Everything agreed, a mass of irrefutable evidence and calculations in the ancient Talmuds, indirect signs, direct hints. There was nowhere to go, and on Saturday morning we set about waiting for the end of the world. I wonder how it will come, how the light will end. That's all. Household chores began, the family watching the film in the evening, life went on. After that, the apocalypses became a common norm, and if every couple of years they don't announce it, people start to worry - the next prediction does not come true.

People are like that - it is vitally important for them to know when they will die, or get married, the date of the Flood or the area of the meteor shower.

An amazing piece of prophecy - there is a cataclysm in the world, and after the fact it turns out that Nostradamus or Wanga described everything a long time ago and in the smallest detail, and they tried to warn us, and even foresaw the moment of the incident. People are like that - it is vitally important for them to know when they will die, or get married, the date of the Flood or the area of the meteor shower. Centuries and millennia pass, but cunning charlatans do not cease to profit from this human weakness. They actively spread over the Internet, TV channels, newspapers, and left absolutely no chance for impressionable fatalistic natures.

The assortment of sorcerers is rich, so to speak, for all occasions. Black, white, gray magicians and masters, followers of Saoron and Handelph, descendants of Voldemort and Dumbledore, hermits who received knowledge in a secret Sith monastery. Witches who saw their sight from a lightning strike during a thunderstorm that happened on the day of the death of the Titanic, fortunetellers are hereditary kikimors, sorceresses-great-granddaughter of Count Cagliostro.

In a person's life, one can predict death, illness, unrequited love and a broken heart, envy and betrayal. Sorrow can always be attributed to the machinations of ill-wishers, and ill health to the evil eye and damage. In any civilization, war, famine, pestilence, dictator, natural disasters will come true. And this is the basis of the pseudomag technique. They feel well the mood of the client and have long understood that the happy are not interested in the date of their own death, those who doubt the future expect clarity, the unfortunate are looking for hope. As old as the world and infinitely as the universe.

Happiness is distributed for free, you will have to pay only for the attribute that will deliver it to you.

Everyone has the right to choose whether or not to trust the Masters of the Order of the Bumpy Toad. I am ready to agree that individual historical figures had unique abilities to predict the global future, perhaps there are teachings that slightly open the curtain of the fate of every person, but hereditary Illionorrs, who call in their announcements to remove the corruption or wreath of celibacy, are mostly scoundrels. It makes no sense to convince a person who is ready to pay for deception (hope) that he is mistaken, to call for the voice of reason. Insight will come only from the desire to see the light and see the truth.

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Especially twisted charlatans do not shine by their names, they speculate with strangers, proven and famous. They act cunningly: they promise prosperity, health, love, happiness - goods with no expiration date and independent of exchange rates, but in demand at all times. Happiness is distributed for free, you will have to pay only for the attribute that will deliver it to you.

We practically plow the vastness of space, and in the old fashioned way we run to the fortuneteller to find out what happened, what will be and how the heart will calm down.