Karma Or Retribution For Sins - Alternative View

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Karma Or Retribution For Sins - Alternative View
Karma Or Retribution For Sins - Alternative View

Video: Karma Or Retribution For Sins - Alternative View

Video: Karma Or Retribution For Sins - Alternative View
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Karma is your tomorrow created today

There is nothing more responsible than the thought of a person, because no force is so easily transmitted and does not connect us with other beings and things, like our thoughts. Thoughts are material - this is the subtlest, mental energy-matter, which is faster than light and electricity. It is instantly transmitted from one person to another, to a third, etc., easily tying karmic threads that bind people in good and evil. Thought is able to connect us with such people, with whom we did not meet in past lives, but with our thought helped them or provoked them to an evil act.

For example, it may happen that at the same time at different ends of our planet there may be two completely unfamiliar people with each other, one of them is in a state of severe depression with the thought of suicide, and the other person at the same time complains to someone. or to his own fate, saying that he was tired of life and it would be better if he died. And this irresponsible thought, similar to the thought of the first person, becomes the last straw in the cup of the first person's madness, and he commits suicide. Here is a vivid example of the manifestation of the Law of Similarity and Consonance, which operates in the world of feelings and thoughts: like attracts like. As a result, these two, not knowing about each other, become accomplices in a crime, in this case, suicide. In the next incarnation, these two will certainly meet and find themselves in such circumstances,where both of them will be punished.

Positive thoughts, filled with love and compassion for another being, can prevent a crime, on the verge of which some desperate person is, and then these two will meet in the next incarnation as friends or good friends, one of whom may patronize the other, giving away his karmic debt for the help once rendered. It follows from this that control over one's thoughts is a necessary condition for everyone who wants to create favorable conditions for themselves for spiritual evolution in the future. Man is the creator of his own destiny.

Consciously treating any phenomena of life, realizing the Law of Karma, a person can prudently sow seeds for the future harvest and be the smith of his own happiness. Earthly life is a cornfield for the future life. The sowers are here, the reapers are there.

After the death of the physical body, a person (his soul and consciousness) continues life in the Subtle World. But not everyone after physical death will find themselves in pleasant conditions of life in the Supermundane. “There is nothing to a good sower there. As someone who has prepared his consciousness for the great transition, so he will reap in consciousness. Nothing ends, but everything continues along the lines established by consciousness on the earthly plane. It is too late to start preparations just before the transition. And yet - better late than never."

Someone will find themselves there in a familiar pleasant society among their own, spiritually close people, who have tied each other during earthly life with the bonds of devotion and love. Others find themselves in gloomy, and sometimes in absolutely terrible conditions of posthumous existence, surrounded by creatures of their own kind and terrible gloomy thought images of their own and others. Even in this life they deprive themselves of many opportunities that the conditions of the Subtle World provide to man.

Every thought, every feeling of earthly existence will find a response in the Supermundane world.

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The words of Jesus Christ: “Truly I say to you that you will bind on earth, it will be bound in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven,” are addressed to all of us, and they clearly explain the operation of the Law of Karma.

Thus, the Law of Karma does not cease to operate in the Subtle World, with the only difference that there new causes do not arise and it is no longer possible to change the course and quality of karma - it continues its action along the well-worn track. Therefore, the physical world is called the world of causality, the consequences of which flourish brightly and fully in the Supermundane World, called the world of effects.

If, for example, a murderer, villain, thief, etc. in earthly life can deceive others by presenting himself as an innocent sufferer, then in the Supermundane world he will appear as he is in reality in all his abomination, and will be among the creatures his own - among the terrible thought images, in the vibrational whirlwinds of the evil deed he committed on the earthly plane, pursued by his victims, until the energies of his creatures exhaust their strength on him to the end. So, in suffering and torment, the attacker gets rid of the consequences of his evil deeds, so he cleans space from his own astral litter - he dirty himself, and clean it himself, having eaten his vile "dung".

After a certain period of time, a person returns from the Subtle World to the physical world through reincarnation in the body of a child, and then he is overtaken by the consequences of the causes created by him in past lives, which were formed in abilities, inclinations and character traits in order to fall on the person in the form of certain blows of fate, or pour out a rain of happiness, health and creative success.

The spirit (person), ready for incarnation, by the action of the Law of Karma, will be directed into the physical environment that is more consistent with his karmic tendencies, abilities and inclinations. This is how the place of birth, the conditions in which childhood will pass, not burdened with responsibility up to 7 years old, gender, physical characteristics of the body, the beginnings of hereditary diseases, i.e. all factors of physical existence, including the national environment.

Each nation has its own specific characteristics, and if a person going to incarnate most of the characteristics are in harmony with these national characteristics, then this environment will be more suitable for him, it is in it that he can more fully develop his individuality, in it he will be embodied. Moreover, the incarnate will perceive all the karmic consequences accompanying the peculiarities of this nation. This can explain the meaning of such a concept as the karma of nations, and knowledge of the Law of Karma makes it possible to reasonably, sympathetically and befriend the representatives of any nation, because everyone can be embodied precisely in that national environment to which he treats with contempt.

Exactly the same action of the mechanism of the Law of Karma regarding the choice for the incarnating social environment, caste and family.

It often happens that some people from early childhood differ from their environment, they have nothing in common with those around them.

Why it happens? Because these, the so-called. “Strangers”, by their actions and sins in their previous life, tied themselves closely with people of this environment, which is not suitable for them in terms of intellectuality or spiritual accumulation, including the family.

Parents give the child only a physical body with the rudiments of hereditary diseases and national features of appearance; all the rest: character, inclinations, abilities, talents, the child brings with him from past incarnations.

What is called talent or "God's gift" is not a gift from God or someone else's gift, but the karma (ie, accumulation, baggage) of the person himself. This is his knowledge, work and creative experience, obtained by the person himself in past lives by hard work and striving for the Light, this is the accumulation of a powerful potential, able to break through the imperfections of the surrounding physical world and be crowned with great scientific discoveries of the Laws of Nature, masterpieces of art, high spiritual achievements. This can explain, for example, the fact that Lomonosov was born in the family of a fisherman, who had nothing to do with science, and the poetic genius of the Russian people was born in the ordinary bureaucratic Pushkin family.

When a person is born, he brings with him a certain supply of karmic energy, it can be called the primary karma. This karma, these accumulations will accompany the incarnate until their energy is exhausted. From that time on, the life of a person freed from the original karma brought from past incarnations takes on a completely different character, more and more at odds with the environmental conditions. But this can happen no earlier than the age of seven, because only at the age of 7 does the child become responsible for his actions and becomes the master of his own destiny.

So, for example, in a family where children are born in the same conditions of poverty and ignorance, one child, growing up, can remain in the same environment, and the other, by the will of fate, suddenly finds himself in completely different conditions that contribute to his intellectual, spiritual and cultural development. Either wealthy people can adopt him, or an unexpected coincidence of circumstances opens up opportunities for obtaining a good education, which will put him in a completely different social position in society - this can be explained by the fact that one fragment of mature karma that caused incarnation has been exhausted and has entered into his rights another, favorable to the further development of the temporary personality.

The question arises: is it possible for a person to influence his karma, weaken or strengthen the causal relationship, can he avoid Divine Justice? If yes, how can this be done?

It is impossible to avoid karma, but it is possible to change the force of its influence. Everything is possible and achievable, but within the limits of karma. How to understand this? It can be understood by comparison with a situation from ordinary earthly life. After all, everything is known in comparison.

Suppose a person ends up in jail. He will not leave her until the expiration date. So karma will not leave until it extinguishes all its energy. But, even being in conditions of physical existence that are very constrained by prison (karma), a person can think freely. Man is a thinker, a creator. Karma has no power over thought. Karma is formed by thought and by thought it is destroyed. With terrible, evil, low, egoistic thoughts, a person, within the framework of today's karma, builds for himself in the future a new, more difficult prison. But with pure, bright, positive, disinterested thoughts, he lays the same prison for himself, but to a greater extent a bright one, rich in opportunities for a creative life. It is thanks to thought that everything is possible and achievable within the limits of the Law of Karma.

Pure, super-personal, selfless thoughts, embodied in deeds, purify the soul, make it invulnerable to dark influences. Only like attracts like. And if in the consciousness, in the human aura, dark coarse energy formations are outlived, then there is no magnet in it that is capable of attracting evil into the soul, including its own karmic generations. Karma will overtake, but will not harm the purified soul. This is how the words of Jesus Christ should be understood: "The prince of this world is walking, but he has nothing in Me", "I have overcome the world." To conquer the world means to transform by will the lower nature of the personality in oneself and to become the Master over it, i.e. master and builder of his own destiny. Only one who can control his lower animal nature can be called a master, or master.

Thus, a person, working as a thinker, can influence his karma. He is able to ease it, and maybe make it heavier, everything will depend on the quality and direction of thinking.

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