Eye Color And Character - Alternative View

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Eye Color And Character - Alternative View
Eye Color And Character - Alternative View

Video: Eye Color And Character - Alternative View

Video: Eye Color And Character - Alternative View
Video: This Is What Your Eye Color Says About You 2024, July

Much can be said about a person not only by their words and actions, but also by the so-called non-verbal manifestations - postures, gestures, movements, posture, gait, facial expression, preferences in clothing and hairstyle. But, in addition to these manifestations, there is also physical data that physiognomy deals with. Different constitution of the body, the shape of the nose, forehead, the nature of the wrinkles on the face - all this reflects certain personality traits. And the eyes play a big role in this - the mirror of the soul. Let's talk about how this or that eye color affects our character. With the help of this knowledge, you can not only better understand yourself, but also understand people deeper. Plus, it's not difficult at all - eye color is always visible. You just need to correctly determine the color and shade. There are simple rules - the richer and more intense the pigmentation of the body, and, therefore,and the color of the eyes - the more pronounced in a person is passion, brightness, strength, energy and activity. The lighter the color, the more romantic and vulnerable the soul. The more color in the iris, the more interesting and creative the person is. The warmer the shade of the eyes, the softer the person. Conversely, the colder the color of the eyes, the colder the character. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Green eyes

Green-eyed people are distinguished by assertiveness, endurance, stubbornness, stability, firmness, adherence to principles and determination. They are prone to hard work, if they outline a goal, they go towards it, no matter what, persistently overcoming all obstacles on the way. Good organizers have authority. They, like all light-eyed people, lack energy and vitality. They do not really strive for leadership, but they want to be respected and the best professionals in their field. And they often succeed. They are realistic, fair, they weigh everything carefully and know how to find the right way out of the situation. Neat, strict, correct, not verbose. Mysterious and enigmatic - now they are alone, and tomorrow they are completely different. They feel people subtly, are cunning, resourceful, but can be cunning. They prefer to avoid conflicts, skillfully manipulate people. Are softwhich can be used by not entirely conscientious people. However, they cannot sit on their heads - they are proud and do not forgive such an attitude. In affection they are constant, capable of loyalty. But only if they find their ideal and truly fall in love. And this is not easy - after all, they make high demands on themselves and people, strive for perfection, and are looking for the same partners. Despite the external independence, restraint and severity, they are very gentle, kind, affectionate and vulnerable in feelings. They are similar in character to cats. Outwardly, they are impregnable and independent, but only as long as there is no trust. And this is not easy - after all, they make high demands on themselves and people, strive for perfection, and are looking for the same partners. Despite the external independence, restraint and severity, they are very gentle, kind, affectionate and vulnerable in feelings. They are similar in character to cats. Outwardly, they are impregnable and independent, but only as long as there is no trust. And this is not easy - after all, they make high demands on themselves and people, strive for perfection, and are looking for the same partners. Despite the external independence, restraint and severity, they are very gentle, kind, affectionate and vulnerable in feelings. They are similar in character to cats. Outwardly, they are impregnable and independent, but only as long as there is no trust.

Brown, black eyes

They are active, passionate, impulsive, energetic people. They are reckless, adventurous, proactive - they cannot sit still. They need to reach some heights all the time. They are domineering, leaders by nature. They have a hot temperament, are sexy and sensual. They radiate charm and warmth. They know how to please. They love to be in the spotlight, many of them take it for granted. It is important for them to be the first in everything. But for this they require constant approval, otherwise why strive forward if no one admits it? They are distinguished by conflict and irascibility. They are aggressive. But most often grievances are forgotten quickly. Self-confident, decisive, fearless. They are witty and sociable, they easily converge with people. Amorous. People are treated selectively - whoever they love is lucky, whoever they hate is not to be envied. The darker the eye color, the more pronounced all these qualities.

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Light brown, hazel eyes

People with light brown eyes have a completely different character from those with dark brown eyes. The lighter the iris, the more indecision, isolation and shyness in a person. Often such people indulge in daydreams and dreams, preferring them to active action. They tend to be lazy and passive. They are impressionable and gentle, touchy and sensitive. They are distinguished by hard work, modesty, agreeableness, reliability and diligence. They can have a practical mindset, although sometimes they still fly in the clouds. Despite the outward shyness, softness and suppleness, in his soul he is rather stubborn and strives to do everything in his own way anyway. If they rely only on themselves, then they can achieve great success in life. They need to learn from the dark-eyed determination and self-confidence, and everything will be fine.

Blue eyes

They are romantics and dreamers. They dream a lot about love. They often invent feelings, fantasize. Women prefer beautiful, gallant courtship from men. Vulnerable and sensitive. It is easy to hurt them, and they remember offenses for a long time. Everyone takes it to heart. They can be very worried, get depressed. They are prone to frequent mood swings, whims. However, for all their sentimentality, they may not show a great depth of feelings. Blue refers to cold colors, and the more icy the shade, the less warmth in the soul of such a person. Blue-eyed people are cold and even tough. In addition, under the influence of mood, they are often irritable and angry. Much depends on their likes and dislikes. In affection they are fickle, they love variety. They are often modest and demanding of themselves. Persistent and purposeful. Conscientious, generous, quickly navigate the environment. Blue eyes are often seen in people talented in art, creators, inventors, aesthetes. They have a good imagination and a developed imagination. People with dark blue eyes meet the listed characteristics to a greater extent. If blue eyes have a slightly noticeable warm shade (for example, in representatives of warm colors - Spring or Autumn), then such a person is capable of great deep love and has a more flexible and constant, light character. If blue eyes have a slightly noticeable warm shade (for example, in representatives of warm colors - Spring or Autumn), then such a person is capable of great deep love and has a more flexible and constant, light character. If blue eyes have a slightly noticeable warm shade (for example, in representatives of warm colors - Spring or Autumn), then such a person is capable of great deep love and has a more flexible and constant, light character.

Blue eyes

Blue-eyed are charming, emotional, sensual, sentimental and romantic. They are capable of great passion, they can fall in love very much. But the requirements for the partner are great. Blue is a combination of cold and rich shades, so the emotionality of blue-eyed is reflected not only in ardent love, but also in violent antipathy - if they do not like someone, they are able to wage war with him for a long time. They are fearless, they often get on the rampage, driven by emotions. Even if it hurts them, and is not practical. After all, they are guided by feelings. May be subjective. They seek truth and justice in everything. Arrogant, arrogant, conflicted, vindictive. They are avid debaters. Strong, determined people. They are capable of adventures. They can be leaders, but more shadowy. They need to learn to think over their actions more carefully and not to succumb to impulsive actions under the influence of emotions. You also need to be more empathetic, loyal, and generous towards others.

Grey eyes

People with gray eyes are by nature toilers. They are smart, reasonable, thoughtful, inquisitive. Practical, realistic, solid, reliable, conscientious, patient, firm, decisive and firmly on their feet. There are many thinkers and intellectuals among them. Unpretentious in everyday life, calm and not ambitious in communication. They are independent, self-sufficient and unhurried. They can be called friendly, peaceful people. You can always rely on them. They may lack flexibility and sensitivity in dealing with people. They are dryish and reserved. Cold and achromatic eye pigment does not contribute to the depth of feelings and tenderness. But they are distinguished by constancy and loyalty. And behind them you feel like behind a stone wall - they will help, advise, take care. They don't hide from problems, they carefully weigh everything, calling for help with all their knowledge and ingenuity,and overcome obstacles. Therefore, they are always at their best if they can apply their intelligence. However, they find it difficult in situations where the mind becomes not the main thing - they have difficulties with emotions and intuition, and there may not be much physical strength from nature. They are generally honest, kind and helpful. They will be grateful to a more gambling partner who would inspire them to feats. Because they themselves lack passion and inspiration. Dark gray eyes betray a very determined, strong, courageous and stubborn person. Such people are strong-willed, domineering, jealous and possessive by nature. But they are very devoted to their beloved, and are unlikely to go "left".and physical strength from nature may not be much. They are generally honest, kind and helpful. They will be grateful to a more gambling partner who would inspire them to feats. Because they themselves lack passion and inspiration. Dark gray eyes betray a very determined, strong, courageous and stubborn person. Such people are strong-willed, domineering, jealous and possessive by nature. But they are very devoted to their beloved, and are unlikely to go "left".and there may not be much physical strength from nature. They are generally honest, kind and helpful. They will be grateful to a more gambling partner who would inspire them to feats. Because they themselves lack passion and inspiration. Dark gray eyes betray a very determined, strong, courageous and stubborn person. Such people are strong-willed, domineering, jealous and possessive by nature. But they are very devoted to their beloved, and are unlikely to go "left".and are unlikely to go "to the left".and are unlikely to go "to the left".

Grey-blue eyes

Owners of the eyes of these two icy shades at the same time combine the qualities of blue-eyed and gray-eyed people in character. Such a person is ambitious, decisive, fair, purposeful, decisive and firm. At the same time, he rarely loses his temper, is calm, honest. Among the gray-blue-eyed, you can often find truly wise people - after all, their mind is combined with intuition, flexibility of thinking and ingenuity. In love, they can be devoted, although they do not differ much in sentimentality. Much depends on which of the two shades prevails - blue or gray. Such people lack warmth and emotional warmth. But they are spiritual, fair and know how to find a way out of a difficult situation, protect, help, and give good advice. They are independent, but they need truly dedicated people and approval.

Gray-green eyes

If you have gray-green eyes, you can rightfully be called a very conscientious, hardworking, fair, realistic and pragmatic person. You are distinguished by constancy, patience and determination. Despite your firmness and cold head, in situations where making dispassionate decisions is required, you also know how to feel fine. Mind combines with feelings, flexibility and intuition. You are able to understand people well. They are caring, inclined to empathy and support. People love to cry on your vest. You combine tenderness, sensitivity and rigidity, will. However, if someone crosses your path, you can be ruthless and persistent in confronting him.

Yellow eyes

Tiger, or, as they are also called, snake, in other words, yellow eyes are found in outstanding personalities. After all, there are not so many people with such eyes. They are great originals. The warm yellow pigment of the eyes makes them artistic, charming and radiating warmth and generosity. They are resourceful, flexible, resourceful. However, they can be insidious and unpredictable. Therefore, it will not be sweet for the one who pisses them off. Guided by feelings, they are able to fight for their relatives and friends to the last. They are difficult to intimidate. But if such a person chose you, he will be loyal and good-natured with you, he will always protect. People with yellow eyes do not tolerate obedience, hot-tempered and difficult to control themselves under the power of emotions. Canny. Shrewd and cunning. They always feel false.

Gray-brown-green eyes

Such people are notable for indecision - they have a lot of things mixed in, and it is difficult to choose what to prefer in a given situation. On the one hand, this gives great adaptability, but on the other, insufficient strength of character, since each of the colors cannot be fully expressed in such eyes, and, consequently, the quality of character. which the color shows is not very much present. Therefore, these people are often shy and insecure. They prefer stronger and strong-willed partners, whom they could follow and have no doubts about. A gray-brown-green-eyed person will thank such a person with affection, sensitivity, care and devotion. The owners of such eyes are patient, reliable and responsible. But they are alert, fearful, inconsistent and disorganized.

Yana Novikova
