Flying Saucers From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View

Flying Saucers From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View
Flying Saucers From A Scientific Point Of View - Alternative View

In front of me are several brochures - digests about UFOs and dozens of clippings from various newspapers with many reports and testimonies of UFO sightings, contacts with aliens, crashes of "flying saucers" and research on the corpses of nlonauts in the United States. The UFO problem has been discussed several times at the UN. Serious scientists from different countries have devoted most of their lives to studying this problem.

In Russia and the CIS countries, this problem has been studied for 50 years (anniversary), but one of the researchers, Yuri Fomin, wrote: “The number of UFO sightings is increasing every year, already in the hundreds of thousands. Messages, very diverse in nature, come from all continents of the planet. Already at the end of the fifties, an obvious contradiction between the abundance of factual material on UFO observations and the complete failure of attempts to explain the nature of this phenomenon was clearly defined … The only (?! - NN) explanation for this may be that we are faced with new qualitative categories that are not can be explained from the standpoint of our level of knowledge, our worldview concepts … It is impossible to understand the principle of operation of an electric motor without having the slightest idea about electricity and magnetism."

This phrase is a kind of key, a code to unravel the complete failure of attempts to explain the nature of the UFO phenomenon. It shows how modern researchers have disregarded materialistic philosophical principles, coded themselves from understanding the meaning and tasks of physics, how helpless they are in logical reasoning, and how they have fooled themselves with new methods of formalist-relativistic physics.

Firstly, the properties and behavior of UFOs cannot indicate any new categories, let alone qualitative ones. There are simply unexplained facts, and this is connected not so much with the level of knowledge as with our worldview concepts imposed on us by relativistic physics.

Secondly, Fomin wanted to say that both he and modern physicists understand the principle of operation of an electric motor, since they have an idea of electricity and magnetism. Nothing of the kind: our ideas about electromagnetism are a certain set of empirical formulas and rules, such as right and left hands, sweeping the magnetic flux cross-sectional area with a conductor contour, etc. In this case, we cannot assume that the principle of operation of the electric motor is clear to us.

And thirdly, to explain something, especially from the standpoint of relativistic physics, any phenomenon is the easiest, because, according to Feynman, "any fat can be explained by nucks" (he himself, unfortunately, widely used this method, leaving behind the world "nuke "School of elementary particle physics). We can say, for example, that aliens learned to "pierce space - time", arriving to us from the 12th dimension (!?), Using antigravity (!?) Or something like that. We have a lot of physicists on our planet who develop theories of n-dimensional spaces, superstrings and other "charms". But let them try to make at least some hint of the possibility of an experiment, of a practical implementation that gives hope to ever show the reality of some dimension above the third. There is no such hint, it cannot and will not be,because science and the game of fantasy are incompatible things.

Science is the establishment of links between the phenomena of the material world, causes and effects, the discovery of the laws of nature with the help of logical inferences, based on the most complete set of observations, facts and experiments. It can never interrupt its development and arise from nothing: before proposing a new category - invariant, which are space, time and mass, solid proofs of the infidelity of the old and the need for new ones are needed. The incorrect introduction of a new invariant - the speed of light by relativists - brought physics into the arms of fideism and vulgar mathematization.

In previously published articles ("N. K.", No. 56, 65, 73) I have shown the inconsistency of relativistic physics and the formal method in electrodynamics and quantum mechanics. A return to classical mechanics with its invariants, to causality, to the ether and the wave nature of light allows me to formulate a real hypothesis about the UFO mechanism, which describes all the “fabulous” properties of this phenomenon, without resorting to pseudoscientific fantasies, and allows its verification by experiment.

Promotional video:

In my opinion, the system of equations for the jet engine of the "flying saucer" was written in 1861 … 1862. Maxwell. True, he modeled the movements and tensions of the ether in order to describe electromagnetic phenomena, and could not think about any "plate" … The equations acquired a modern form after they were "conjured" by J. J. Thomson, G. Hertz, O. Heaviside and H. Lorenz, but at this time few people paid attention to the "ethereal forests".

The equations of electrodynamics field - the field of Maxwell and Hertz simply suggest themselves to the equations of a jet engine, the working medium of which is ether. I imagine it something like this: by simulating a vortex magnetic field, which exists near a conductor with a current, you can ultimately get the outflow of ether along its axis. Achieving the expiration of the ether must go through several stages of development and lead to interesting phenomena that can be characterized as follows:

- glow, polarized rays, electric and magnetic fields;

- optical effects, the appearance of blurring outlines and complete invisibility of the rocket launcher;

- the effects of attraction (thrust), or repulsion (pressure);

- inertialess motion (reduction of inertial forces).

The first three points, if we consider ether as a luminiferous medium and the cause of electrical and magnetic phenomena, are quite simple to explain. As for the fourth point, here we are talking about the phenomenon of inertial motion, i.e. Galileo's principle of relativity.

Inertia is the interaction of bodies with the ether. If the ether in front of the moving body is rarefied (which is what happens in this case, since the ether jet engine sucks it in front of itself), then the forces of inertia will be greatly reduced, and the body will be able to move with high accelerations without experiencing overloads and without requiring large expenditures of energy …

The technical performance of such an engine assumes the absence of mechanisms that we are used to seeing in modern vehicles. The only moving part is a thin metal tape (strip), closed in a cylinder, made of a composite of rare earth metals, a strong permanent magnet with poles closed to itself. It can rotate without touching other parts (magnetic cushion). It is possible (presumably) to initiate the rotation of a closed magnetic tape by passing a current along its axis …

Not knowing the principle of the ether engine, our earthling-mechanic, having examined it, will find himself in a dead end: there are no combustion chambers, no nozzles, no aerodynamic surfaces (they just exist, since a disk is most suitable for the uniform action of the ether), no transmitting, leading and pushing mechanisms … The rotation of the magnetic tape creates an ether vacuum in front, and pressure behind. The mechanism is squeezed out into the discharged ether. Discharged ether is a poor conductor of electromagnetic oscillations, as well as discharged air for sound. The image disappears …

The nerves of humans and animals are conductors of electrical signals that connect all living cells of the body together. The human brain is a very complex computer, in which electromagnetic phenomena also reign. Not surprisingly, Nlonauts are required to wear shielding suits that protect them from strong electric and magnetic fields. Nlonauts, knowing about the destructive effect of electric fields on living organisms, diligently avoid close landings and flights near people. And in order to harm living organisms as little as possible, they land during their night's sleep.

The "flying saucer" can be of any size: from hand-held weapons such as a flashlight for hitting a target with an electric field beam and a "knapsack" for individual movement in the atmosphere to a huge spacecraft. The seeming simplicity of the mechanism hides high technologies for the manufacture of magnetic tape and flight control circuits. So, the tape should be made of a very strong magnetically hard material, uniform in thickness and have a Curie point at high temperatures.

Based on the data of astronomical observations and the results of astrogeology, there is reason to believe that the Galaxy develops from the center (embryo) of masses, gradually spreading to the periphery, first ejecting mass in the form of gas and dust clouds, which, in turn, form stars. New stars also throw out gas and dust clouds … And this process continues until the mass of new stars is approximately equal to the size of our Sun.

Each star, throwing "excess" mass into space, simultaneously "builds", grows a planetary system around itself. The emergence, development and existence of planetary systems is the result of strict physical laws, and the closer they are to the periphery of the Galaxy, the younger.

Planetary systems near stars are a must, and our solar system is one of the youngest, since we are on the periphery of the Galaxy. The chemical composition, like the approximate size of the planets in planetary systems, is the result of the Maxwellian distribution of the energies of the ejected matter by the central star and the fundamental laws of quantum gravity, and, therefore, if the elementary composition of stars is not very different, then the planetary systems should be quite similar. It can therefore be expected that a second, third or fourth planet near each star is inhabited by intelligent beings such as humans. Humanity develops according to some general laws, and if we assume that the nearby layer of stars, located towards the center of the Galaxy, is ahead of our layer in terms of the time of occurrence by several million years,then civilizations can be older than us by the same amount.

Judging by the frequency and variety of UFOs visiting Earth, we can conclude that they arrive from several layers of stars in the vicinity of the solar system. For them, our civilization is one of the backward ones, not only in social development, but also technically. Their arrivals are most likely associated with utilitarian needs: to study the diversity of the living world, to "look" at their past, to catalog another civilization, to make a stopover, etc. I suppose that we are also interesting because our science "slipped" past the global trivial physical phenomenon on which the mechanism of flying saucers is based, and we are sophisticated in internal combustion engines, in rockets on liquid and solid propellants, in atomic energy …

"Science of Kazakhstan", №99