Aggressive Alien Dwarfs - Alternative View

Aggressive Alien Dwarfs - Alternative View
Aggressive Alien Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Aggressive Alien Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Aggressive Alien Dwarfs - Alternative View
Video: Alien Contact: What Happens Next? 2024, October

When some ufologists once began to plot the sites of UFO landings and humanoid observations on a map, they were surprised to find that messages mainly came not from densely populated places where the population actively reads the press and is saturated with sci-fi ideas, but from the outback, where the population density is minimal …

They came to the conclusion that the aliens try to avoid people as much as possible and do not show aggressiveness. But there are exceptions to any rule …

On November 28, 1954, two drivers from Caracas, Venezuela, barely made it to the police station. One of them was torn and bloody.

Jose Pons was Gustavo Gonzales' assistant chauffeur. They were driving a truck for food that had to be delivered to the capital before the market opened.

At about two in the morning, the truck was driving along the outskirts of Caracas when the drivers saw that the road was blocked by a luminous object. The object was a metal ball of light, 3-4 meters in diameter, hanging motionless above the street half a meter above the ground without any supports. The UFO had two holes on the sides and a dome at the top.

Gonzales stopped the car and both drivers stared at the UFO in amazement. Without saying a word, they climbed out and came closer. About 8 meters from the vehicle, the drivers saw that a dwarf covered with hard black wool was walking towards them.

The dwarf's arms ended in four long claws, sharpened like knives. His head was round, or perhaps under a round helmet, without ears, nose, mouth; two eyes were large, oval, shining or reflecting the headlights of a car, like cat's eyes. He didn’t appear to be wearing any clothes other than a strange loincloth and looked barefoot.


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Gonzales grabbed him and lifted him off the ground, but the dwarf twisted out of his arms and pushed him so hard that the driver fell on his back. Pons turned and ran to the nearest police station for help.

Before Gonzales could get to his feet, the dwarf jumped up and walked to the chauffeur. His eyes glittered in the headlights of the truck. Gonzales knelt down and drew his knife.

He tried to hit the dwarf in the shoulder, but the blade slid like metal. Another hairy dwarf jumped out of the ship and pointed a glowing tube at Gonzales. A bright beam blinded the driver for a moment, he thought it was the end … but when his vision returned, it turned out that the UFO rose above the trees and very quickly disappeared into the night sky.

Pons saw it all. He said that he noticed a second creature: it came to the right of the road and dragged in its clenched hands something like stones or clods of earth. Seeing Pons, it jumped two meters into the ship through a hatch in the side and climbed out a few seconds later with a third creature, which was carrying something like a long metal tube of light. The dwarf pointed the receiver at Gonzales, and a beam of light shot out from there. The creatures returned to the ship, which departed at great speed.

Gonzales ran to the station a few minutes after his comrade. The police at first thought the men were drunk or crazy. A doctor was called, who determined that both of them were in a state of shock and neither of them was drunk. Gonzales was treated with long, deep scratches on the left side of his body. He had to inject a sedative.


The bout was witnessed by a famous doctor who was summoned to the patient at night. He drove behind Gonzales' car and saw everything - the UFO blocking the road, and the fight itself. When the doctor was assured that his name would not be made public, he made an official statement to the police. And Manuel Maria Soria, who lives only three houses, heard the whistling sound that night. A bright light fell from the sky onto Maria's car, and her engine immediately stalled.

On December 10, Jesus Gomez and Lorenzo Flores hunted rabbits near the Trans-Andes Highway. They had only an old, unloaded gun: they had used up all the cartridges and were now returning home. As they dragged their feet wearily along the highway, they spotted a shining object in the roadside brush. The guys later told the police that they mistook him for a car that had run off the road and went to see what was the matter.

It was an object three meters in diameter, like two huge shining basins, folded together at the edges. It hung above the ground, and fire erupted from its bottom.

“We saw four little people about a meter tall emerging from a UFO,” Lorenzo said. “When they saw us, all four grabbed Jesus and tried to drag him towards the object. I grabbed an unloaded gun and hit one of the men. It seemed to hit a rock - I felt pain in my hands, the gun flew into two parts. It was too dark to see their features, but we noticed the abundance of hair on their bodies and the great strength of the men."

Gomez was stunned by something as the creatures released him. Flores pulled him to the road, and when Gomez was able to walk, the guys ran as quickly as possible to the nearest police station. They came running in heavily torn clothes - Gomez's shirt was torn to shreds and both were badly scratched. The doctors told the police that the guys were terrified of something, to the point that they were almost hysterical.

When the next morning the police examined the site of the fight, there were only traces of the struggle and the broken gun of Flores. Apart from the scorched bushes, there were no traces of the little creatures and their ship.

Less than a week later, hairy dwarfs reappeared in Venezuela. On the evening of December 16, three young men dined at a San Carlos restaurant and drove home. Jesús Paz asked to stop the car and went out of small need into the bushes of a nearby park. He had not even gone ten steps when his friends heard him cry for help. Running to save (a friend, they found him on the ground. Groove was stunned, bleeding, and a small hairy creature ran to a disc-shaped ship standing on the grass. National Guard soldier Luis Meia grabbed a rock and threw it at a UFO. The device began to rise with a strong hum and flew away.

Jesús was taken to the hospital in a state of shock. Doctors saw that his back and right side were covered with long deep scratches, similar to claw marks.

Paz said that he walked around the flower bed and his footsteps were not heard in the dense grass. Suddenly he almost stumbled over a hairy creature that was looking at the flowers. Jesus tried to run away, but as soon as he turned, the creature lashed out - first scratching his back, tearing his shirt, then delivering a stunning blow to the back of the neck.

The following year, dwarfs, differing from the Venezuelan only in the presence of ears and clothes, appeared in America. There they were not allowed to show aggressiveness: the earthlings were the first to open fire. In Kelly, Kentucky, there were simple customs: they shoot first and then ask who is going.


On August 21, 1955, Bill Taylor came to the Suttons' farm and said that he saw a round luminous UFO, which disappeared from view behind a barn. His story was greeted with laughter and jokes, but an hour later the inhabitants of the farm had no time for fun. At about 8 pm the dogs barked violently. Two men approached the door and saw a creature about a meter tall. The dwarf's head seemed too large in relation to the body, unusually long arms with membranes between the fingers ended in dimly glittering claws.

Elmer and John Sutton simultaneously fired at the bizarre creature as it came closer. Bullets from 12 and 22 gauge rifles hit the creature with the sound of an empty bucket. The force of the blow threw the alien back, but he jumped up almost immediately and fled before the farmers could do anything else.

The Suttons, frightened, hurried into the house. All the doors were immediately locked, the lights were extinguished. At that moment one of the women screamed: a creature with huge eyes clung to the dining room window. The men ran into the room, fired several shots through the glass and knocked him to the ground with a direct hit. Bill Taylor went out to see what came of it, and then a clawed paw stretched out from the roof and grabbed the poor fellow by the hair!


The farmers started shooting essentially on the roof, and then began firing at a second creature sitting on a tree in the yard. After a direct hit, the dwarf did not fall off the tree with a lifeless sack, but glided to the ground and ran into the bushes.

After a foray into the courtyard, the men returned to the house and stood at the windows, firing at everything that moved. The women and children lay down on the floor. Finally, the farmers decided that the creatures were gone. All 11 inhabitants of the house slipped out and, crammed into two cars, rushed to the police. Russell Greenwell, the police chief of the nearby town of Hopkinsville, personally saw the victims: “Undoubtedly, all the Suttons were horrified … We really did not find any traces there, but the ground was so hard and dry that this does not prove anything. I don't know what they saw, but they clearly saw something, something strange, since they fired at him right through the doors, windows, fired near the house - the traces of the bullets prove it."

The police arrived with the Sat-tones at the farm, but found nothing. And shortly after the police left, at 2.15 am, the creatures returned. They stared at the windows, and the men answered them with fire. This dance continued until dawn. In the morning, the police arrived at the farm again, but found nothing.

However, the most shocking story involving a dwarf took place in Bolivia in early 1968. Senora Valentina Flores from Otoko, a small village in the south-west of the country, went out at 6 pm to drive a herd of sheep lamas. Llamas grazed a kilometer from her farm. She had already herded the sheep and was returning with the llamas when she noticed that the sheep pen was covered with a strange net made of material resembling plastic. Inside, a creature about 1.1 m tall walked and killed the sheep with a tool in the form of a tube with a hook at the end.

Flores started throwing stones at him. The creature walked over to a small radio-like device and turned the wheel on top. The net was quickly sucked into the device. The woman armed herself with a club and walked to the pen, intending to hit the creature. It, in turn, tried to reach her with a deadly instrument. The stranger threw it several times, and the pipe, describing a loop, returned to the hand like a boomerang. The strange weapon grazed Senora Flores's hands several times, injuring them, but none of the cuts were serious.


After forcing the woman to stay away from him, the evil dwarf quickly folded the device into which the net was sucked in, and threw the insides of the slaughtered sheep into a bag that looked like a plastic one. From the "backpack" hanging behind his back, pipes extended and touched the ground. At that moment, the creature began to rise into the air and disappeared into the sky with a strange sound.

The police arrived at the scene and found 34 dead sheep, from which someone removed part of the entrails. In their opinion, Senora Flores was telling the truth. The officers drew the appearance of the dwarf from the words of the victim, and these sketches were published in the local newspaper.