Lyarva: Symbiosis Or Seizure Of Consciousness? - Alternative View

Lyarva: Symbiosis Or Seizure Of Consciousness? - Alternative View
Lyarva: Symbiosis Or Seizure Of Consciousness? - Alternative View

Video: Lyarva: Symbiosis Or Seizure Of Consciousness? - Alternative View

Video: Lyarva: Symbiosis Or Seizure Of Consciousness? - Alternative View
Video: What Is a Complex-Partial Seizure? | Epilepsy 2024, July

Our ability to think, within the framework of society, is almost completely controlled by the hierarchy of infernal entities, and in their thinking, knowledge about ourselves is diligently erased from our mind.

Do not be surprised that reading about energy parasites, you may have thoughts “This is complete nonsense”, or suddenly everything becomes somehow not interesting, suddenly some lethargy will fall on you, or, for example, you really want tea, well, how never. And after you drink it, the memory that you still wanted to finish reading something about something there … but what, in fact?..

Some people feel fear during such a conversation and something like God's anger hangs over their heads with a mute threat: “Don't go there, it's hidden by God himself” and a second later comes the thought-deliverance “Perhaps this is such a human fate. Let everything remain as it is, this may be the secret of being."

And relief. How good - you don't need to look for anything, you don't need to experience fear that suddenly appeared from nowhere.

This is all from their own observations and the "testimony" of other people when they try to deal with this issue. However, the same thing happens when a person deliberately stops lying, starts making decisions, refuses all kinds of drugs, meat-eating, and tries to do what directly threatens the control of the parasite.


This is how they, mental parasites, "make" us. Professionally, ruthlessly suppressing inner knowledge. They have experience of millions of years, support is inferno, but our memory is closed, and knowledge about the world is turned upside down. Therefore, in essence, we cannot oppose at least something equivalent to the ruthlessness of the larva in relation to us. In addition to our ruthlessness towards herself and her manifestations, that is, towards pride.

If we have already decided to somehow counteract the infernal parasite, then our "weapon" should be equivalent - there is no reception against the scrap, if there is no other scrap. More specifically, ruthlessness should be aimed at pride in all its manifestations, at suppressing self-pity and vices of all kinds.

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In various science fiction films and similar reading materials, the image of this larva flickers constantly - every movie, then some creature in the form of an evil alien worm multiplies in the body. In "The X-Files," almost every episode started, as if all the unknown was concentrated on this alien worm.

I think that a person is in a deep trepidation before this thought, so everyone exaggerates this topic around and around. But parasites, oddly enough, play into the hands. The method is simple and ingenious - show everything as it is, add frank foolishness there and call it fantastic. Nobody then in a sober mind seriously on this topic and will not argue.

To the question - And how are parasites in general so smart that they can manipulate the activities of the body's functions? - the answer is simple.

Any scabies, being the simplest organism, knows how to do this, we are for it, unlike ourselves, an open and readable book. At first, scabies makes a person lustfully scratch the place of its deployment, feeding the person with the same perverse pleasure, and then sends a signal to another healthy part of the body so that a person, exhausted by passion, scratches there with the same (note!) Finger, tore the skin to blood and sowed a new habitat.

Worms force a person to eat only those foods that create a putrid nature of digestion in the intestines, which is required for them to survive, and the person himself becomes gloomy, aggressive, vicious.

There were such studies - they studied people who all the time muttered something viciously under their breath and found whole populations of worms in them. Obviously, malice is a reflection of a putrid mental environment, and it is quickly colonized by energy parasites that live in union with material ones. Or so the worms protect their host from external changes that can affect the diet.

Try to advise such a person not to eat meat, drink, smoke, etc., and then get rid of him, at least without being offended.

In general, all and sundry can manage our internal processes, only a person has no time to do this in a biblical society, which was once so skillfully tuned. He is still in the tireless development of the same vector.


By studying the manifestations of the larva, one can manipulate real levers, and this very quickly becomes a confirmed reality, verifiable, real structure and laws.

The rules are simple at first - do not panic and do not give up under her pressure. She deflates quite quickly if she stumbles upon determination or cunning in relation to her. The main thing is to keep her mind calm and not go into direct confrontation - she is very good at winning if events develop in the mainstream of her script.

From the point of view of counteracting pride, the dictum "If you hit on one cheek, turn the other" is true. This is a great way of training, an excellent maneuver to jump off the beloved rut of pride and turn in your own way, especially since no one threatens a person at this moment, as if it were said: "If one hand was cut off, substitute the other."

But this can also be shifted to other scales in a different context - if we are harassed for centuries and persuaded not to resist, then there is no need to hit back on the cheeks of the provoking one - you will be involved in a conflict with a third party, which has been repeatedly proven by history.

There are normal ways of counteraction to influence, but not on the basis of decisions prompted by pride, such as "Why, they gave me and I will hit."

And yes, initially the saying sounded like this: "If you were hit on the left cheek, substitute your right for allowing yourself to be hit on the left." That is, what a lada you pinned to where you should not and substituted yourself.

To find yourself in such a situation, you had to allow yourself to morally sink, and then, realizing, punch yourself in the face in order to return yourself to a dignified arrogant state and then not slide down to a lower one. And if necessary, then protect your home from the impending debauchery. But he comes all the time.

For another interesting idea, where did the energy parasites come from? Nikolai Levashov once mentioned that the global catastrophe of the earth in the past destroyed myriads of living beings, stopping their evolution, after which the underdeveloped souls remained tied to the earth.

And now, stuck at the evolutionary stage, they are trying to evolve, introducing themselves into the most suitable being for this - a person. I myself came to the conclusion that energy parasites for the most part have a semi-animal consciousness, judging by their manifestations.

According to the Vedas, the information is as follows: there was a major clash between the civilization of the Race and the demonic one. Great destruction took place as a result of a massive attack, and a breakthrough from the infernal world took place on the earth. And here demonic mental and physical civilizations got access. For the same reason, portals of communication with other lands were closed, and quarantine was declared here.

According to some unknown rules to us, our curators now cannot be openly controlled and there is an underground struggle, some for pride and the apocalypse, others for the spiritual formation of the descendants of the gods, who must eventually receive the power of creation and move to the next stage of evolution. Yes, the result of this not explicit, but more legal war is depressing, but on the other hand, we do not know the potential of our capabilities.

On the question of the hierarchy of energy parasites.

This is very similar to the real political structure simply because it, like a tracing paper, reflects the current energy world order.

The world is now ruled by democracy. Okhlos is a people, democracy sounds like ochlocracy, a person with no rights is okhlomon. Demos is an ancient privileged oligarchy that has the right to be elected, legally have slaves, participate in the political and financial life of the state and are not subject to law.

The plebos, that is, the plebeians, are hired managers of the ochlomons, who have some rights and lack of jurisdiction, but before the first puncture before the demos.

Everything in this democratic world order is built on corruption, disinformation and slavery.

In the energetic it is exactly the same. All sociality is tuned to ensure that a person is daily fixated on moral suffering, pain, fears, passions, debauchery, death, mysticism, this leads to the uncontrolled generation of at least one larva per brother by each person.

Lyarvs, in turn, feeding on the life force of their bearer, transmit a large share of the pumped out energy higher in the hierarchy into the egregors of religions, medicine, politics, statehood, science and so on, through the hierarchs of demonic worlds, ultimately, into the inferno itself. Why are they broadcasting? This is the principle of corruption. Inferno is the god of the larva, which creates the necessary conditions for its generation and further life.

Lyarva is an energetic self-aware device that allows you to open access to a person's energy, to use his life force.

The vitality is used by:

- various infernal parasites (demons);

- magicians, sorcerers, psychics;

- egregors religious, state, political, scientific;

- infernal hierarchs;

- representatives of civilizations of the demonic path of development.

Yes, it's easier to say - who doesn't use it?

Each egregor is based on the energy of the masses of apologists, earthly priests, and with the participation of material and non-material representatives of third-party civilizations, who also take part in the structuring of egregor, give them the necessary structures, consistency and functionality to obtain the necessary material, mental and energy benefits.

They are subordinate to all types of earth sciences, financial and political institutions of the whole world, as well as material technical devices for the massive collection of energy and influencing the consciousness of people within the earth. This means that the earth is simply covered with all kinds of mental devices at the biotechnological level, which is not available to us, since it is limited by science.

The level of scientific achievements, in turn, is regulated by the same agents to keep the population at the same level of development.

The infernal world, which is structured by the infernal hierarchs with the support of the agents of civilizations of the demonic vector of development, is the container or matrix for the egregor and all its adherents.

They are also corrupt, have their own small percentage of extortions and broadcast the bulk of the collection of vital energy somewhere in the very original hell, that is, in inferno. And from there, in turn, this deity supports all these hellish worlds, infernal structures with ideas, knowledge, conditions for birth and everything necessary for the functioning of this demonic diversity. And larv as well.

This picture of the world has been compiled on the basis of the facts collected to date, and will be changed when new confirmed data become available.

Based on this, it can be argued that for a larva, a person is a creator, a larva for a person is a creature (he created it), priests and outside agents are spiritual dignitaries, priests, gods, angels who have material embodiment. Further, the infernal hierarchs and energy agents of highly developed demonic civilizations are already disembodied gods and angels, who are more global in their capabilities and less accessible for interaction due to the difference in dimension,

Well, in the final, that same something, the primordial of the hellish world, the Creator Almighty - this is Inferno. In general, I do not even know what to call it and how it can be presented.

I personally have no doubts that the religious concept is based precisely on this line of "divinity." In this chain, it is the larva created by man that takes over the functions of his mind and acts as an incentive force that controls him and motivates his actions. The biblical god Yahweh tramples in the rank of an agent of the alien material race.

The devil, Lucifer, Omen are all other-dimensional hierarchs of the hellish world, so they have to incarnate in this all the time in order to scratch the claws in our dimension and get an additional kick of evolution in the demonic direction.

Battle experience is required to advance the rank, so when they are spiteful, the earth burns and millions die. Perhaps they lack the transmitted energy, and they are eager to arrange an interest-free harvest in their favor. Well, in general, there is an endless topic for thought.

It must be assumed that the hierarchy of the divine path of development is also structured, but everything has changed from a minus sign to a plus. The soul competes with the power of the larva's mind. Slavery, pain, suffering are replaced by Love, freedom and happiness, lighter, more arrogant, hierarchs also strive to incarnate in our dimension in order to save millions, and in fact, it is just as unthinkable for us (except for schizophrenics) to imagine the original Creator, governing all structures of the universe.

The only difference is that the right believer prays to Yahweh, Omen / Amon (Amen at the end) and the inferno primordial, while the Russians ignore all this and have in the mind of the gods the divine path of development.

No matter how much I have not tortured familiar believers, everyone mooes as one, their foreheads wrinkle and no one keeps in mind when praying, neither Yahweh, nor Amun, nor the source of the original inferno. God is the creator and that's it.

The priests will also bear about the creator, the one, but they, unlike the parishioners, read the old testament, and there all this demonic hierarchy is unambiguously spread out in full view. And about the material Yahweh described in the Old Testament, you will not hear from him, since it is impossible to explain his adventures in a good light.