Mysterious Darkness - Alternative View

Mysterious Darkness - Alternative View
Mysterious Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Darkness - Alternative View
Video: ICE WORLD. Ice Dragon, Ice Age, Ice Wall & Ice Death | Dr. Gene Kim 2024, October

A unique mysterious phenomenon, characterized as mysterious darkness, is rarely observed and has no scientific explanation. One can only guess about the true essence of this natural phenomenon, after which people are for a long time in a state of utter confusion and mental shock.

The case, about which the press wrote a lot, took place on July 18, 1956 in the south of France in the department of Vaucluse. Here in the canton of Bonnieux, a certain Marey Genet experienced an inexplicable natural phenomenon. This lady was 55 years old at the time. She worked as a health visitor and often served as a nurse. At that time, she was invited by the Catillon family to sit with a newborn baby.

Table weather is wonderful. The woman put the child in a stroller and after lunch went for a walk with him to the nearest grove. There were practically no people there, and the lady settled down on a bench in the shade of the trees, placing the stroller next to her. So in peace and quiet, 10 minutes passed. But suddenly the world around us began to rapidly darken.

Marey raised her eyes to the sky, believing that a thundercloud was approaching. But she saw an absolute blackness, which grew blacker and blacker with each passing second. At some point, the world became completely black. Even the moonless darkness of the night could not be compared with him. In this new black world, all sounds and smells are gone. There was no sound of birds' voices, no noise of trees, no smell of flowers growing nearby.


The woman fell into a state of complete despair, but then, somehow, distantly and muffledly, the awakened baby cried. Marey found him by touch, took him in her arms and pressed him to her chest. So, in complete immobility, the lady sat for about 5 minutes. Then the world began to brighten quickly. Everything around came to life, filled with noise and smells. The mysterious darkness disappeared and the surrounding reality returned to its normal state.

The nurse hurriedly left the grove and, closer to dusk, was with the baby near the house. There she was met by anxious parents and police officers. It turned out that the nurse and the child had not been there for three days. They were searched everywhere, including in the grove, but no traces were found. But the most surprising thing was that no one, except Marey, watched the blackness descending to the ground.

A woman with a child who disappeared for 3 days was subjected to the most thorough interrogation. Policemen, psychiatrists and journalists talked to the lady. But the interrogated kept saying the same thing and was completely at a loss. She was so sincere that, in the end, everyone decided that women were not deceived. This case was described as one of the most inexplicable and mysterious in the XX century.

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However, even before 1956, there were incidents associated with the mysterious darkness. In May 1905, thick, viscous and impenetrable blackness covered one of the subway stations in Wimbledon (London area). This caused a commotion among the people at that moment at the station. But it lasted only a few minutes, as everything quickly returned to normal. At the same time, no temporary deviations were observed.

A week later, specialists conducted an experiment at the scene of the incident. They tried to simulate blackness and find an explanation for what happened. However, nothing happened. It was impossible to reproduce the absolute blackness. And even more so, the experts were not able to completely eliminate all sounds, and yet the "real blackness" absorbed them.


In February 1910, a mysterious darkness covered the city of Louisville in Kentucky, USA. The world around them darkened immediately after lunch, and people were held hostage by a thick and completely impenetrable blackness. This phenomenon lasted for 4 minutes. At the same time, the whole city immediately "jumped" from February 8 to February 10. That is, people lost 2 days, but they themselves did not notice anything like that. They naively believed that only a few minutes passed in the impenetrable darkness, and then the sun shone again. Only after hours began to be clarified temporary discrepancies with other cities and settlements.

There is no explanation for this phenomenon. The most exalted citizens claim that this is a sign of God. But some experts believe that in a place of mysterious darkness, there is a violation of the connections between space and time. This is associated with oscillatory processes in the electromagnetic field of the Earth. At some time and in some place there is a jump of such fluctuations. It also provokes the appearance of absolute blackness, in which there is no time, no sounds, no smells.

Vadim Berezhnoy