How To Become Invisible - Alternative View

How To Become Invisible - Alternative View
How To Become Invisible - Alternative View

Video: How To Become Invisible - Alternative View

Video: How To Become Invisible - Alternative View
Video: How To Become Invisible Online 2024, October

An ordinary business meeting took place, after which we decided to take a picture. First I photographed one, and then the second person from the same place, without changing the camera settings. When reviewing the quality of the resulting image, it was found that the image frame of the first "photographer" had a lighter contrast than the frame of the second "photographer". During repeated (control) photography, the same thing was repeated. Subsequent investigations showed that the reason for this mystery was the presence of the first "photographer" with an additional protective shell (shirt) around his aura, which the second "photographer" did not have. It turns out that this additional layer was a kind of filter on the path of the light flow, giving a lighter contrast to the photo frames.

Rare people have an additional single layer around their aura, but even fewer have two such layers. The presence of such layers also leads to an increase in the human protective field horizontally and in height.

Indian yogis can create additional layers with years of exercise and spiritual development. These shells help magicians to quickly master levitation, walking on water like dry land, while protecting from arrows and bullets. Individual Tibetan lamas have the ability, as it were, to dissolve in front of people, becoming invisible, forming a multilayer invisible screen around them (16-30 layers). During this period, the lama receives additional energy from the earth and space to the legs and head. During the transition of the lama to the state of invisibility, an intermediate and multilayered shell-screen is formed around his aura. These special shells interact with the physical body in areas: the parietal part of the head, in front of the upper and lower abdomen.

It is possible that these screens are formed due to the rapid compaction around the aura of a part of the standing waves of the protective field (SWAP). See fig. It is known that SWAPs either approach or move away from a person (or a tree) depending on the time of day or extreme situations. So, during a solar eclipse, the SWAPs significantly shifted towards a person (as well as towards a tree). The question arises, is it possible to manage the SWAP? It is possible that lamas have the ability in extreme conditions to create a multi-layer energy shell around them, which is capable of making invisible not only a person, but also other material bodies.

Well-known explorers-travelers of Southeast Asia reported that in Tibet and the Himalayas there are separate spiritual centers (monasteries, oases …), which are located among snowy mountains, but remain invisible from above, from planes and satellites, being covered by a multi-layered energy dome. Such energy dome protection was also used in Europe. Before World War II, in East Prussia, not far from the town of Kentshin (formerly the town of Rastenburg), Hitler's headquarters "Wolfschanze" was built with large buildings, railways, an airfield, a power station, etc. Until the end of the war, the intelligence services of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition did not know about this rate. It is believed that thanks to the Tibetan scholarly monks, a multi-layered energy dome was formed over the headquarters area, which did not allow the buildings to be seen from aircraft. During the retreat, the Germans destroyed this defense. The buildings of the headquarters were built according to the plan of one of the Tibetan monasteries.

Famous UFOs have similar protection, which disappear, as if dissolving, in front of people, as has been repeatedly written in the media.

In fairy tales and legends of different peoples of the world, there are sometimes references to heroes who turn into invisibility by means of a magic ring and other methods. Kabbalists of ancient times even left a description of the method of making a magic ring, with the help of which a certain Gugens ascended the Lydian throne. In the occult literature of past times (Porfiry Iamblich, Peter the Athonite, Agrippa, Papus, etc.) there are also descriptions of various magic rings and devices made of metal, herbs, animal hair, etc. All these devices are based on ancient knowledge of subtle energy fields and ways to control them to obtain an additional multilayer shell - a screen - around the human aura.

It turns out that the invisibility screens were created not only by lamas, occultists, but also by engineering devices and structures. The modern level of knowledge allows us to solve such problems.

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