The Tragedy Of "Twinkling Star" - Alternative View

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The Tragedy Of "Twinkling Star" - Alternative View
The Tragedy Of "Twinkling Star" - Alternative View

Video: The Tragedy Of "Twinkling Star" - Alternative View

Video: The Tragedy Of
Video: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Toy Princess and LOL dolls 2024, October

The girl, whose body is bleeding for no apparent reason - bruises, cuts and other injuries, has become a mystery both for her parents and for doctors. A month and a half ago, many publications wrote about it. Now it's time to tell more about this phenomenon and the unfortunate child

When the third daughter in a row was born in this family, her parents named her Twinkle, which in translation from English, one of the two official languages of India, means "twinkling star".

For the time being, the girl only delighted everyone around her - she grew up sweet, cheerful and sociable. Just a year ago, Twinkle Dyvedya was a normal 12-year-old teenager: she enjoyed going to school, drawing and playing with other children. And then her body suddenly began to bleed, and more and more often, and now it happens from five to twenty times a day.

“I was so scared! - Twinkle tells reporters of the British newspaper "Telegraph". - No, it didn't hurt. But it was scary. I. among other things, it's also unpleasant. Well, just imagine, "my school blouse is suddenly covered with red spots … Friends think it's disgusting. No one will come up to me, much less play with me. I used to cry almost every time this happened. And now … Now I have already learned to stay calm …"

And what is characteristic: there really were no apparent reasons! None of the children had touched the girl before - they did not scratch, hit, cut, or injure her at all, and Twinkle's blood suddenly begins to ooze from the pores. Or from the eyes, from under the hair on the head, from the neck, feet, and from anywhere! Several times she had to do blood transfusions to maintain her strength. Sometimes the girl's condition is so bad that. when she wakes up in the morning, her whole body is covered with dried blood …


However, the girl's life turned into hell not only because of physical suffering. Twinkle was kicked out of her home school, and another educational institution simply refused to accept - again because of this outlandish feature. Now she studies at home and rarely sees other children. The mother laments: “I am very worried about her.

Due to the loss of blood, she was weakened and became pale. He lives, in fact, in isolation and is very oppressed by this. The girl wants to be healed so she can go back to school. She gets no less from her neighbors. The villagers believe Twinkle is cursed. As soon as she appears on the street, cruel words are immediately distributed to her address. Why is this happening?

Because the Twinkle family lives in the state of Uttar Pradesh in the north of India, and on this land, from time immemorial, various religions have been intertwined - Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Jainism and others. Names such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Ashoka, Harsha, Akbar and Mahatma Gandhi are associated with Uttar Pradesh. Conquerors from Central Asia, as well as Mamluks and Iranians came here more than once.

Every time the people adapted to the changing situation, as a result of which new elements of culture and religion arose.

There are many shrines and places for pilgrimage. For example, in the east of the state along the Ganges, there is a chain of cities that are holy for Hindus and Buddhists. In a word, the people are entirely believers, although they pray to different gods. And religious fanatics always treat the sick, crippled, ugly and other "mistakes of nature" with a bias - either idolize or curse. The unfortunate Twinkle fell to the lot of the second - after all, everything incomprehensible scares and … repels.


The family is already distraught with grief. As the same Telegraph wrote on October 1, 2008, Twinkle's parents sought help from numerous doctors, as well as from preachers of various kinds, but all to no avail.

“I'm desperate to help my daughter,” said Nandani Divedi, 42, the girl's mother. - We are not superstitious people, but we are already completely desperate. We went to temples, mosques, churches, went to Sufi saints, but nothing helps the girl.”

The first time, in July 2007, when blood suddenly began to ooze from Twinkle's mouth, her parents took her to a therapist, but he assumed that this was a common sore - it would go away by itself. However, a few weeks later, bleeding also started from the nose, eyes, legs, etc.

Parents began to take their daughter to various doctors, but in vain. The 47-year-old railroad worker, Aditya Kumar Divedi, the girl's father, said, “The doctors told us that they had never seen such cases before. And one doctor even began to accuse us of being engaged in a hoax. But why on earth would we do that?"

The mother was very upset “Our family is doing everything possible to help the girl to become healthy again- But now I see that doctors in India are incompetent. And I don't think they can help our daughter …”

Twinkle's two older sisters are also extremely concerned about her future. The oldest, 21-year-old Parul, works in Delhi: “We pray every day,” she says, “that doctors will

find treatment for my sister.”


Indian doctors believe that platelets are most likely to blame - the cells involved in

blood clotting. Non-nuclear platelets are called platelets, and it's all about them, i.e. in their dangerously low content. - say experts from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi. Because, they say, the patient's blood is so watery, that is why the color of the blood is like light red wine. But they don't know how to make the blood thicker.

However, a ray of hope flashed from afar. The British expert on blood diseases put forward a different diagnosis and believes that the point here is not at all in the number of platelets, but in whether they can function normally. Hematologist Dr. Drew Provan of London said: “It is possible that the patient has von Willebrand disease, type II, and she should have seen a specialist in blood coagulation for treatment. Dr. Proven believes that Twinkle's condition is associated with the so-called von Willebrand factor, that is, a glycoprotein that is necessary for the normal functioning of platelets: it helps the blood to clot.

Are there many such unfortunate people on the planet? A lot. In 2005, there were 45 thousand people with von Willebrand disease, and in total there are about 200 thousand patients with various bleeding disorders (hemophilia, etc.) in the world. And funds for their treatment are being sought. But the Twinkle family is poor, and if the girl is not helped in the near future, she can be completely weakened. There is a fear that one day she may lose too much blood too quickly and … You yourself understand what will happen … "When the blood comes from the head, the head becomes very heavy," complains Twinkle. “And when my eyes bleed, they turn red and inflamed. And it hurts when I wash it off."

Poor child! If she lived somewhere among the Catholics, she would almost certainly be declared a saint, grieving and shedding bloody tears for the sins of men. And at home, a sick girl is not allowed to study, and besides, she has to endure ridicule from her peers and neighbors.

Lord, when will the human race finally receive its light?
