Riddles Of Mysterious Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Riddles Of Mysterious Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Riddles Of Mysterious Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Mysterious Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Mysterious Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Video: Strange Crystal Skulls in South America | COLOSSAL MYSTERIES 2024, July

The most mysterious finds of scientists and archaeologists in the 20th century are crystal skulls. The first of them was discovered in 1927 by the English traveler Mitchell-Hedges in Central America on the Yucatan Peninsula. For three years his expedition conducted excavations on the territory of the ancient Mayan city, called by archaeologists "the City of Fallen Stones". Mitchell-Hedges often took his young daughter, Anna, on the expedition. It so happened that the girl brought good luck to the group of archaeologists. On the day of her seventeenth birthday, scientists, under the ruins of a temple, found a mysterious and unusual object - a life-size human skull made of transparent quartz.

Amazing things began to happen to those who touched the find: the members of the expedition suddenly began to feel a strong impact on the emotional state. So, Anna, who placed the skull on the table in her bedroom, began to see strange dreams about the life of the Indians, which passed many millennia ago. She was able to connect her dreams with the presence of a crystal skull nearby only with time: the girl realized that when the skull was removed from the bedroom, the “films” about the life of the ancient Maya stopped. Anna could clearly remember all the events that she observed in her colorful dreams, told about the strange Mayan rituals she had seen. Only after the death of her father, Anna decided to donate the crystal skull for research. During the initial examination of the crystal, a whole optical system of numerous lenses, channels and prisms was discovered,thanks to which an incredible effect was created. Also, no traces of processing were found on the skull. The specialists had to turn to the employees of the Hewlett-Packard company, who knew how to work with quartz.

The result of the examination of the crystal skull by the craftsmen of the famous company shocked the scientists: the artifact was created long before the appearance of famous civilizations in this region, and the material is crystal of the highest quality, which cannot be found in these places. Most importantly, the skull was created not only from a single piece of crystal of extraordinary hardness, but its structure also contradicts all the laws of physics. The “verdict” of the experts can be summarized: “This damn thing just shouldn't exist. Those who created it have no idea about crystallography and fiber optics. They completely ignored the axis of symmetry, and this thing inevitably had to fall apart during the initial processing. Why this did not happen is impossible to imagine."

In 1996, another crystal skull was found in Colorado, but in an unusual form: as if someone "sculpted" it from plasticine, but did not complete the work. Only instead of the soft mass known to us from childhood, the mysterious "crystal plasticine" was used. An interesting fact that may be related to the find is that UFOs are often recorded in this part of the state.

Found crystal skulls forced researchers to turn to ancient manuscripts. It turned out that the Indians had 13 crystal skulls, they were carefully guarded and kept away from each other. An active search for these artifacts has begun. Finds rained down one after another: crystal skulls were found in private collections and museums around the world. But not all of them were made with a high level of professionalism: many, even at first glance, looked like crude fakes. Psychics got involved in the case and they all claim that the "prototype" of the crystal skull from Mitchell Hedges was the skull of a young girl. Among the many crystal artifacts found, there were those in which the features of creatures of extraterrestrial origin are more visible.

It turned out that the crystal skulls interested not only scientists, but also representatives of numerous secret societies and even government agencies. Private collections and museums that kept unique skulls were robbed. So, in 1943, members of the fascist organization "Ahnenerbe" were caught trying to rob a museum in Brazil. They secretly arrived in the country to steal several crystal skulls of the Death Goddess. There were several such attempts and, perhaps, the Germans managed to "seize" some of these artifacts. The mystical order "Ahnenerbe" scoured the world in search of magical props to gain power in the metaphysical world. The Germans believed that the crystal skulls would lead them to the repository of knowledge of the ancient priests of the mysterious Atlantis.

Scientists had other hypotheses about what the crystal skulls were intended for. They believed that ancient people used them for medicinal purposes and for performing rituals. Researchers are confident that crystal skulls affected people due to their rare mystical aura. Moreover, for each person in different ways: some feel fear, others some discomfort, and still others fell into a blissful state. There have been cases of loss of consciousness or, even, deprivation of memory in a person who approached the artifact. The facts of cure from a serious illness due to the effects of the crystal skull have been recorded.

Researchers are confident that crystal artifacts have a wide range of mystical properties. Many experienced the same effects in dreams that young Anna spoke of. Psychics also claim that crystal skulls can lead people into a hypnotic state, in which visual hallucinations occur with a clearly perceptible smell and sounds. All visions were associated with events of both the past and the future. Eyewitnesses claimed that before the start of the vision, the skull was filled with a luminous whitish mist.

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In many ancient manuscripts, a ritual was described in which 13 priests simultaneously carefully peered into "their" skull and then, it was argued, any secret could be seen, regardless of the time of the event. And in the turtles one could see the image of the god Kukulkan, who, according to legend, gave the Indians secret knowledge, taught mathematics, astronomy and the cultivation of good crops. One of the researchers said that if you look closely at the skull, you can hear: "the ringing of silver bells, quiet, but distinct … the voices of people singing in chorus strange songs in an incomprehensible language … whispers and various tapping." At night, near the skull, you can catch the roar of the sacred Mayan animals - jaguars.

All these inexplicable events led to an interesting version - crystal skulls could serve as transceiver devices operating on the basis of the use of psychic energy, and these devices are also capable of transmitting thought images. These devices could allow not only initiates on Earth to communicate with each other, but also communicate with "subscribers" on other planets. Moreover, crystal skulls supposedly can do it today. Psychic Star Johnson claimed that he was able to connect with a skull with a certain extraterrestrial civilization and that the clairvoyant himself began to speak in a previously unknown language. It is possible that this is the language in which the ancient Atlanteans spoke.

There is a story by a wealthy traveler, Jose Indiqueza, who found a crystal skull in the ruins of an ancient Mayan city. The owner of the artifact claims that if you squeeze the skull in your hands and say a wish, it will certainly come true. Indikesus lived a happy life, but after his death the skull mysteriously disappeared …

Perhaps another unusual find in France is associated with crystal skulls: "an incomprehensible glass apparatus consisting of three cubes", which showed an unknown area with forests, beautiful castles and surprisingly multicolored rainbows. Such an apparatus could not have been created in any way in the 17th century, to which the find is dated.

Of course, scientists are trying to give at least some scientific explanation for the properties of crystal skulls. But all of them, for now, are at the stage of versions.

Here are some of them. Crystal has its own memory and remembers external events, forming a kind of chronicle. The glow of the skulls, perhaps, is associated with the transition of crystal particles from one energy state to another. The structure of crystals allows, practically, forever to store a huge amount of information. Crystal skulls can have incredible memory in the "fine" range. Those. they are able to memorize emotions and mental information. This means that crystal skulls can be used for clairvoyance, as an amplifier of thought-images, and also as a biological, psychophysical and mental "tape recorder".

Undoubtedly, further study of the properties of such mysterious artifacts as crystal skulls is necessary. Only is humanity capable, at the present time, of answering those riddles that were put before scientists by unusual crystals?