Fake China - Alternative View

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Fake China - Alternative View
Fake China - Alternative View

Video: Fake China - Alternative View

Video: Fake China - Alternative View
Video: TOP OF CHINESE FAKES! 2024, October

In a strange way, China is closely associated with the Holy Land. But let's start from the very beginning. As you know, in 1773 the Jesuit order was banned by the Pope. The missionaries were ordered to “lay down their arms,” that is, surrender the treasury and archives and return to Europe to accept a new destiny. Well, since in Europe Jesuits were burned at bonfires, not all returned. Most Jesuits simply changed hands and continued to do what they could - including improving national histories.

So, a year after the ban of the Jesuit order, the Chinese Emperor Qianlong, a poet and philanthropist, began collecting all the books ever published in the country. Between 1774 and 1782, seizures were made 34 times, and as a result, a huge library for those times was collected of 172,626 volumes (10,223 titles). 3457 books were edited and reissued. Twice as many, 6,766 titles were destroyed and remained to descendants only in the form of annotations in the catalog, mainly because they did not fit into the new concept of Chinese history.

Often, when an inconvenient historical work was too necessary, its content was changed in the right places - so that the fall of the previous Ming dynasty looked historically inevitable, and the accession of the new Qing dynasty seemed a great success for the entire Chinese people. Unauthorized engagement in chronology was equated with an attempt to overthrow the ruling dynasty.

It is clear that the matter did not go without a squeak, and therefore the "List of Forbidden Books" was created, authors and readers of incorrect works were executed, and monasteries - the main breeding grounds of unauthorized memory - along with their libraries and inhabitants - were burned by government troops. Later, a beautiful legend was created that they were burned for their hobby for politically safe kung fu.

As a result, China, which does not need to check its chronology with the European one, has become the most ancient state in the world, and when comparing the events of Chinese history, one quickly reveals a forgery. So, for example, the dates of the anti-opium laws of the emperors are subject to a cycle of 63-64 years, and 64 in China is a sacred number. Actually, these laws are in any case fake, since they reflect the knowledge of the very end of the 19th century. In the 18th century, opium was considered an excellent medicine, yes, and the Bengali opium that was supplied to China consisted of three-quarters of straw (as opposed to pure Turkish, which went to Europe) and harmless additives. It was unrealistic to prove that opium is dangerous using the methods of the 18th century, despite the fact that the usual morbidity and mortality was many times higher than the current one. But the main evidence is the 64-year cycle itself, in all its numerological beauty.

It is clear that doubts may arise that this is the work of the Jesuits, just because European names are not heard in this action. Yes, and in order to manage such a process, one should have a good knowledge of Chinese culture. Can a European do it?


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The Jesuits arrived in China during the formation of neo-Confucianism. Later, the Chinese scientist Kang Yuwei came to the conclusion about a large-scale alteration of the ancient works of Confucius. However, the Jesuit reports directly indicate that the five books of Confucius were written in Chinese by Matteo Ricci - undoubtedly one of the best agents in Rome.

Jesuit geographer Matteo Ricci, aka Li Madou lived and worked in China and wrote all his works exclusively in Chinese. It was he who painted * the first CHINESE map of the world * on silk, and it was he who, for political purposes, placed the Celestial Empire in the center of the world.

* It cannot be ruled out that Matteo Ricci only sketched the outlines, and the map itself was drawn by the great Chinese artist Lan Shinin, who is also the Jesuit Giuseppe Castiglione. And by the way, California is depicted as a peninsula, which means that Matteo Ricci did not create the map in 1601, and not earlier than 1739.

Moreover, it was Matteo Ricci who introduced the Chinese to the very basics of cartography, geometry and astronomy. It was he who gave the idea that Marco Polo, who wrote about a trip to a certain China (in which there was no tea or hieroglyphs), meant the Han country. He also seems to have trained local scientists in eclipse prediction methods that far surpass traditional Chinese ones. Actually, therefore, Matteo Ricci reached the position of Bodhisattva and God of Hours in China. Well, now the eclipses in the "ancient" Chinese chronicles are in the right places, but some of the comets noted in the same "ancient" chronicles are visible only in Europe. But Matteo was not alone.

The Jesuit John Adam Schall, who lived and worked under the name Yam-yu-Wam, was appointed chairman of the mathematical tribunal in Beijing. And I must say, the main occupation of the mathematical tribunal is chronological calculations. It is understandable why the philologist Yang Shuo-tszu insisted that the Shu-ching, the ancient Book of History, one of the most important books of the Confucian canon, did not arise during the time of the ancient Chou kingdom, but represents a later forgery.

The Jesuit Ferdinand Verbiest is best known for "correcting" the original Chinese calendar, as it is said, "in complete disarray due to the ignorance of the court astronomers." At the suggestion of Ferdinand Verbist, most of the old authentic astronomical instruments were melted down to metal, marking the death of all traditional Chinese astronomy.

The question arises: why did the Jesuits need it? The answer is simple: in the Celestial Empire they began to use the same scheme that was so brilliantly successful in Latin America - total baptism and the transfer of the region to the subordination of Rome. And Rome in the Far East needed a lot: looking after strategically important Japan and Korea, and counteracting Catherine's Russia. But … they did not have time: the balance of forces in Europe changed, and the Jesuit order had to be liquidated.

However, the facts show that the Jesuits still played the Great Games in China. And there are attempts to put their emperor behind them, and the colossal rebellion of the Chinese Christians * in the middle of the 19th century could hardly have done without their influence. Well, and the Triad ** … such powerful offices do not arise out of nothing, and there you can see an unprecedented conspiratorial experience. No, I know that in the middle of the 19th century the Jesuits completely lost their power - this is what history and … the official chronology asserts. But, the trouble is, such volumes of power are not inclined to dissolve in the atmosphere; they are necessarily converted into something and continue to live - according to new, albeit forged, documents.

* Speech about the Christian "sect" "Baishandi Hui" ("Society for the Worship of the Heavenly Master"), combined with the teachings of datong and taiping. The "sectarians" considered Jehovah the "true God the Father" (Shandi), and below were his three sons: Jesus Christ, Hong Xiuquan (the ideologist of the movement) and a certain Yang Xiuqing - all three children of the holy virgin Mary. The Chinese Christians fought the imperial army for 14 (!) Years - in fact, on equal terms, they tried to take Beijing in 1853 and contributed to the defeat of the imperial house in the 2nd Opium War - just like the socialists in Russia in 1917.

** The Triad patronized the Taiping movement, which grew out of Christian ideas sown in China by the Jesuits. The fact that the spiritual children of the Jesuits split into those who continued to serve the monarchy and those who went into opposition only adds to the realism.


Let me remind you that the thesis that the Han country is China, known from the old chronicles, was put forward and then legalized by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, aka Li Madou. If it were not for him, we would know today's China by its self-name, that is, HAN. And this Han is NOT connected in ANY way with the main parts of ancient China - Sina and Sera, because Sina and Sera are located in the upper reaches of the Nile. This is ancient China.

All indications are that the Jesuits simply robbed the history of the Horn of Africa in order to stick it on top of the history of the Han country - along with the name - as a label. And in the countries of Sina and Sera ALSO invented the world's first paper - from papyrus. Here they also knew gunpowder - among the first. From here they ALSO sailed to India and Arabia - there are as many as four India and at least three Arabia nearby. By the way, silk has been produced here for a long time, and there is a version that the silkworm butterfly comes from here. It was this African China that attracted Europeans, because here was the homeland of coffee, only here they knew how to melt glass and iron *, and some tribes in Ethiopia still get gold from the ground without using a tray or bulldozer - with their bare hands. And most importantly,the Chinese countries of Sina and Sera suspiciously resemble biblical places - the desert and the eponymous Mount Sin (Sinai) and the Eritrean Mount Seir (Soeira). And by the way, Sinai and Seir - the Muslims have two Gardens of Eden.

* The tale of the princess sleeping in a crystal coffin was created based on medieval legends about the funeral rites of Ethiopia. The tale of Cinderella in crystal shoes is also Ethiopian. The history of melting glass and iron is closely related: in both cases, high temperatures are required, reached by charcoal, and blowing with bellows. Glass is generated as waste from iron smelting.


Yes, such a radical assumption destroys a lot, but history itself collapses - there are not enough supports. For example, the study of the news of European chroniclers led a number of scholars to the conclusion that the story of the Indian king David is an echo of the events in Khorezm, the time of Genghis Khan. The biography of David correlates with the biography of Genghis Khan, and the list of conquered cities and countries only aggravates these correlations. Knowing that King David is Presbyter John, you come to the conclusion that either Genghis Khan also conquered a part of Africa, or the Ethiopians had some business in Khorezm.

This is how it looks. The chroniclers generally agree that King David, who is also the Ethiopian presbyter John, fought with Genghis Khan, and then he and his family died at the hands of the Mongols. This is how Marco Polo describes the beginning of the conflict in The Book of the Diversity of the World: “Presbyter John heard that Genghis Khan was wooing his daughter, and was angry. “What is Genghis Khan's shamelessness! - he began to speak. - My daughter is wooing!

Well, Genghis Khan's army is described as UNPRECEDENTED in size, and the influence of the Mongols on the culture of the conquered peoples, as historians say, stretched from China to the Atlantic, and in time - at least 300 years. With such resources, and even in 300 years, you can reach Africa.


The study of Y-chromosomes and mtDNA of fossil bone remains of people (this scientific project covers the whole world) shows: neither Genghis Khan, nor anyone else, neither from China nor from Mongolia, made trips to the west - neither to Khorezm, nor to Central Asia, neither to Russia nor to Europe. Never. There are many maps of the distribution of Y-chromosomes and mtDNA on the Internet, they are of varying degrees of detail, and there is no line on one that even remotely echoes the route of the titanic army of Tatar-Mongols.

The data is extremely correct: any army ALWAYS leaves its Y chromosomes in the offspring of the conquered peoples, and on these Y chromosomes you can build an accurate picture of its path. For example, the movement of the male Y-chromosome from Khorasan (Iran) to the Northern Black Sea region was recorded. Perhaps these are the ancestors of the North Caucasian peoples. But nobody went west from Transbaikalia.

If we keep in mind the correlation between the biographies of Genghis Khan and David, the conclusion is inevitable that Genghis Khan's story is African, not Far Eastern history. Apparently, the chronicles of the life and deeds of Genghis Khan were borrowed from Ethiopia and adapted for the ideological needs of China in the last quarter of the 18th century.

This is not a unique case, as something like that happened in Venice. The city ordered the eminent scientist to create a part of the history of the Venetian Republic. He created - took the history of Byzantium, replaced Greek names and place names in it with Italian ones and brought it to the customer in this form. The forgery was instantly exposed and publicized. With Genghis Khan, it turned out differently: in the Celestial Empire there was no one to convict the Jesuits, and most importantly, the created image was needed both in Russia, and in Europe, and even more so in China, and therefore received a bright and rich paper life.


The annals say that King David (aka the Ethiopian presbyter John) had a brother who lived beyond the Kara-Chinese spurs, owned the village of Kara-Korum (the headquarters of Genghis Khan) and ruled over the peoples called Crete and Mekrit, and they were Nestorian Christians.

Moreover, in 1294 the Franciscan John de Montecorvino came to "Peking". And so he claims that a certain George became a companion in the spread of the Catholic faith in China - "THE KING OF THIS COUNTRY from the sect of Nestorian Christians, who was from the lineage of that great king who was called Presbyter John of India." And on July 23, 1307, Pope Clement V sent a bull to the Franciscan, confirming him in the newly formed see of the Archbishop of Khanbalik and the Patriarch of the whole East. As you can see

- or Khanbalik, aka Beijing ended up in equatorial Africa, - or the Ethiopian king George managed to stand at the head of China and led the headquarters of Genghis Khan,

- or we are dealing with the transposition of a part of Ethiopian history into Chinese nature, thanks to the Jesuits, whom the Pope sent to work in China after being expelled from Ethiopia for manipulating manuscripts.


The idea of China's primacy in the invention of gunpowder was thrown in not so long ago. In 1956, Professor Feng Chia-shen (People's China Journal, No. 14, July) reported that the Chinese physician Tao Hong-ching had studied the combustion of saltpeter at the turn of the 5th and 6th centuries. However, most of all for the popularization of the Chinese priority was done by Joseph Needham *, who at about the same time wrote the book "The Four Great Chinese Inventions." It was in this book that the theses that the Chinese were the first to invent the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing were most widely expressed. Here is a set of chronicle events concerning the invention of Chinese gunpowder.

* Noel Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham is a British generalist scientist. In 1965, together with diplomat D. Brian, he founded the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, which helped British citizens to visit this country during the Cultural Revolution. These visits of certain subjects of Her Majesty to communist China are all the more interesting if you remember that even for Soviet citizens the fraternal country was tightly closed in those years.

50 Saltpeter is already known in China; there is strong evidence of the use of saltpeter and sulfur for medicinal purposes

492 in the Chinese alchemical text it is noted that saltpeter gives a purple flame

Early IX century. Ning Xu-tzu was engaged in incandescence of a mixture of sulfur, saltpeter and a plant - kokornik. This mixture in its properties was similar to gunpowder.

Late IX century. In the manuscript of the Greek monk Mark the Greek "The Book of Lights" there is a description of the recipe for black powder

970 Feng I-sheng and Yue I-fon began to use incendiary arrows, in the tips of which slowly burning gunpowder was laid

1044 The treatise "Wu Ching Zong-yao" describes methods making gunpowder. During Khubilai's time, the Chinese used a semblance of cast iron grenades stuffed with gunpowder

1132 Chen Gui invented a firearm - a pishchal, the bamboo barrel of which was stuffed with black powder.

At the beginning of the 13th century, gunpowder recipes, the method of its manufacture and firearms penetrated from China to Arabia.

In 1232 the Chinese, besieged by the Mongols in Kaifeng, defended themselves with cannons firing stone cannonballs and used explosive bombs filled with black powder.

1240 - 1280 Arabs acquired knowledge of gunpowder

As you can see, the Chinese almost monopolistically owned the secret of gunpowder for 400 years, and already in Khubilai's time they were making cast-iron explosive shells - something that Europe came to only in the 19th century. It is clear that questions arise:

- first: why, possessing actually super-weapons, China failed to conquer even its neighbors? Cortez, for example, subdued Mexico in just a couple of years, while Cortez did not have cast iron grenades, and the guns were very primitive.

- the second, the so-called "Needham problem": why the Chinese were able to extract saltpeter 1000 years earlier than the Europeans, and ahead of Europe in astronomy and geometry, chemistry and metallurgy, shipbuilding and voyages around the world, cartography and weapons business, the invention of the compass, paper and even printing, have not created the proper science? There is enough literary evidence * that Chinese science was the best, but there is no science itself. There are no corresponding archaeological finds: guns, smelting furnaces, ships, printing presses - none at all.

- and the third, most difficult question: what did the Chinese make black powder from?

The fact is that in China there is still no saltpeter.

* China discovered the so-called. the first state. archive (documents of the Ming and Qing eras, 1368-1912) only in the early 1980s, 30 (!) years after Needham told the world that the Chinese were ahead of everyone in science and practice. And if in this archive all the papers are the same as the map of the world for 1418 (about this frank trash - a little below), then they hurried to open the archives.

Yes, popular articles say that gunpowder was invented by the peoples of China and India, because there saltpeter spontaneously excretes from the soil. But this is incomplete information. Yes, in some places in the Ganges Valley, saltpeter vomits out of the ground during the hot season. And in Italy, it settles in the form of a plaque on the walls of some caves in Apulia. And in Central Asia, its secretions were found near old burial grounds and on the ruins of abandoned cities. But already in the time of Ivan IV in Russia, they spent up to 300 tons of gunpowder per year. Khubilai, on the basis of his claims, needed tens of times more. Is it possible to scrape together so much saltpeter in the source closest to Mongolia - in the burial grounds of Central Asia?

Here in Ceylon its content in the soil (in some places) reaches 2-8%. But this is in Ceylon, not in Mongolia. The opinion of chemists is uncompromising: neither material nor reliable documentary evidence that before the XV-XVI centuries. at least somewhere (not only in China) they knew how to make gunpowder, no. Nitrate deposits are rare, and potassium nitrate, necessary for the manufacture of stable compounds, DOES NOT MEET AT ALL. The production of potassium nitrate requires technological methods that appeared only with the development of chemistry in the 15th-16th centuries.

It is thanks to the technologies of the 15th-16th centuries up to the Crimean War (1853) that the East Indies remained the main place where saltpeter was extracted on an industrial scale - from animal waste - but it was not a "spontaneous release", but a very complex chemical process under the most severe control select British clans. Thus, in England in 1624, the privilege of making explosives was entirely in the hands of the John Evelyn family. And since saltpeter, the main part in gunpowder, was a decisive factor in the politics of the 15th-16th centuries, the technology for the manufacture and purification of saltpeter was kept in secret - by everyone from everyone. In Russia, for example, they learned to make decent gunpowder only after 1772, when it was decided to give the Jesuits asylum. Probably at the same time they learned how to make gunpowder in the Han country.


If you start digging, it turns out that there is still saltpeter in China, but not in the China where the Jesuit Matteo Ricci and the "general scientist" Needham lived and worked, but in where the countries of Sina * and Sulfur lie - in Upper Egypt. Zickenberger (Brockhaus and Efron's dictionary) indicates the existence between Luxor and Edfu of a clay deposit containing up to 60 (!)% Of nitrate. This clay has long been used as a fertilizer, and until the middle of the 19th century, this little-known saltpeter deposit remained the richest in the world! Well, since it was in this China (without quotes) that the cultural and scientific center of world civilization was located, I believe that it was from here that the recipe for gunpowder was borrowed by the Arabs living here, and then by the Greeks living here.

* it is possible that the great Arab Ibn-Sina comes from the Upper Egyptian Sina (she has three more names - Suanit, Syene, Aswan).

It is also extremely important that the discovery of a recipe for gunpowder directly depends on the ability to make charcoal. And charcoal is needed only where the technologies for melting iron and glass are already known, and in this matter the countries of the Upper Nile are priority candidates. Only there, in the sulfide deposits near the sulfur springs, there were "iron hats" made of brown iron oxides - the only source of this metal available in antiquity. And it was in these regions of the "iron hats" that pure sulfur was mined - the most important component of gunpowder. Here is a small excerpt.

Ctesias. "Indica" as retold by Patriarch Photius

“He also writes about the spring, which is filled with liquid gold every year, from which 100 clay mugs [gold] are extracted annually. Clay mugs are used because the dug out gold hardens and, if necessary, you can break the vessel and remove the hardened metal from it. The source itself has a square shape, 16 cubits in the perimeter, and its depth is a fathom. Each such mug attracts the talent of gold. He also mentions the iron at the bottom of the source. From it, as Ctesias says, two swords belonging to him were made, one of which he received as a gift from the king [of Persia], and the other, called Parysatis, from the king's mother."

This is an amazingly accurate description of a sulfide deposit (for more details on the paradoxes of gold mining, see Appendix # 7), formed in the areas of sulfur springs. Moreover, in the description, almost everything is true: both the highest concentration of metal in the "golden tile" (it was amalgamated with mercury, therefore the described gold is "liquid"), and the "iron hat" made of brown iron oxides. Such gold sulfide deposits are a purely Egyptian phenomenon. There are about 400 such sources.

And one more circumstance: saltpeter - saltpetre - is produced from the Latin sal petrae, "Peter's salt" or "rock salt" (if the word "petre" is translated as "stone"). But another definition is also possible, accurate, without adding new letters: salt petre - "salt of Peter". In the guidebooks, the city of Petra stands and has always stood on the way from Egypt to Jerusalem. And if now the role of the city of Petra is played by the Jordanian treasury carved into the rock mass, then in those days when Jerusalem stood on the first Nile threshold, Petra should have been located just in the Edfu-Luxor region. And there is the most direct indication of this.


Here is an excerpt from the work of Master Dietmar, who left Acre in the fall of 1217. From Petra, Ditmar entered the Babylonia desert, and he had … QUOTE: “On the left hand stretched the high mountains - the Ethiopian mountains, through which Moses led the army on a short road, and in front of him were ibises and storks and cleared the way of harmful worms. He laid siege to and took Sava, the city of Ethiopia."

COMMENT. Coming out of Petra, Ditmar sees the Ethiopian mountains! And he sees them on the left. This is possible in one case: if the city of Petra stands on the Nile River above the city of Edfu, but in front of Elephantine. From here the Ethiopian mountains begin (just to the left).

Savea (Sheba, Saba, Sabea, Seuva) is the city of the Queen of Sheba in Eritrea. And, by the way, from Savea, Dietmar went to the Red Sea, which is really not far there. And this entire route could have developed in one single case: if Jerusalem and the city of Petra are located BETWEEN Egypt and Ethiopia.


Thus, a number of arguments point to African primacy in the invention of gunpowder:

- the presence of sulfur in more than 400 sulphide deposits in Egypt;

- the presence of the world's richest saltpeter deposit in the Edfu-Luxor region;

- interpretation of the word saltpetre (saltpeter), as salt from Petra;

- the location of Petra is just in the Edfu-Luxor region, in front of the Ethiopian mountains;

- the need for the manufacture of gunpowder charcoal, the need for which arises ONLY during the melting of iron, the available sources of which are located, first of all, in the sulfide deposits of Egypt;

- undoubted superiority of Ethiopia in the technology of melting iron and glass;

- the undoubted primacy of Egypt in alchemy.

It seems that the Jesuits, with a scam with world history, killed many rabbits at once: they transferred the memory of Jerusalem to a strategically more convenient place, deprived Africa that had driven them out of the rights of cultural primogeniture, and at the same time prepared for themselves a big obedient political zombie in the country of Han.

A. G. Stepanenko