The First Planetary Disaster - Alternative View

The First Planetary Disaster - Alternative View
The First Planetary Disaster - Alternative View

Video: The First Planetary Disaster - Alternative View

Video: The First Planetary Disaster - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, October

“These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared with the Moon in half a distance …

But Midgard paid off for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood …"

"Santii Vedas of Perun". Santia 9.

Destruction of the moon Lelya together with the bases of the Dark Forces, preparing the capture of Midgard-Earth. The dark ones wanted not to destroy, but to take over the planet. The first planetary catastrophe. The resettlement of the colonists who remained on Earth to the south, to the places called today Siberia, about 113,000 years ago. Creation of Great Asia. Belovodye. Construction of a new capital - Asgard of Irian. Continuation of the "Big Plan" …

The Light Forces were able to do on Midgard-earth what they had never been able to do before: they created such external conditions on the planet that made it possible for people to advance faster along the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascent. This gave trained people the opportunity to acquire or activate such abilities, such properties and qualities that would allow them to appropriately influence objects and events, to the reality of a cosmic scale, and, possibly, acquire a noticeable advantage in the long-term opposition of Light and Dark Forces, and, possibly, and win this endless war.

For more than half a million years, the Hierarchs of the ancient White Race protected Midgard-Earth from the Dark Forces, trying not to even fall into the sphere of their attention. But, in the end, this secret was revealed, and the Earth became the "front line", in the truest sense of the word. The parasites began to continuously attempt to take over the planet in order to take advantage of the "Golden Path" themselves and get, they hoped, an advantage over all other inhabitants of our Universe. However, another disappointment awaited them here: even if some of them were able to walk along the "Golden Way", it would not have given them what they had hoped for, not understanding the most important thing. The fact is that the Source of Life, placed in the bowels of Midgard-Earth and being an important component of the complex of means that allowed to pass the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascent,could reveal the genetic potential of any living being, i.e. fully activate it, the already existing genetic possibilities. But if these opportunities are limited, undeveloped from the beginning, like in the Black ones, the activation of the genetic potential does little.

In order to truly pass the Golden Path of Spiritual Ascent and acquire new possibilities for operating with reality, a rational being must live and act according to the principles of the Forces of Creation - Light Forces. Only in this case the Essence will develop and improve. Only in this case will the so-called. "Evolutionary meat", which is the basis of evolutionary development (for more details, see the 2nd volume of Nikolai Levashov's book "Essence and Mind") …


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The Dark Forces could easily destroy Midgard-Earth, as they did with thousands of other inhabited planets. However, they aimed precisely at the seizure of the Earth, in order to take advantage of the fruits of other people's labor in full accordance with their essence. After prolonged, unsuccessful direct attacks on the planet, they radically changed their tactics, most likely, having reconnoitred something very important to their goals. Apparently, they understood that a unique complex of several inhabited planets and several moons near each of them was created in our solar system. We are talking not only about Midgard-earth (our planet), but also about Mars and Day, which is also called Phaethon. Scientists are now talking about the fact that Mars was once inhabited, almost without hiding, and the media are diligently spreading this "sensation" around the world. And about thatthat between Mars (4th planet) and Jupiter (today 5th planet) there was another planet - Dey - say the Slavic-Aryan Vedas ("Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Book of Wisdom of Perun. First Circle, Santia 9, 71 p..).

The presence of three moons near our Midgard-earth, two of which (Lelya and the Month) were probably artificial objects, suggests that great importance was attached to the arrangement of the spatial oasis, which is our solar system. Our ancestors used resources and efforts to solve this problem that we cannot imagine even in the most daring fantasies. We just don't know such numbers and quantities yet! And our ancestors - Slavic-Aryans - whom many shameless and semi-literate scientists today call "wild", solved such problems and, probably, not for the first time!

Why was Midgard-earth at one time supplied with three moons?


Of course, this is not just a whim, not sentimentality or "love of art." This colossal technical challenge was properly calculated and brilliantly executed. The presence of each moon affects the speed of rotation of the planet, the dynamics of gravitational "waves" (the parameters of continuous changes in the total gravitational field of the planet and moons), the illumination of the planet, the stability of its internal processes and much more, which we do not even suspect today …

But most importantly, all these moons influenced the inhabitants of the earth! And the point here was not only the duration of the earth's day, which is also very important for the speed of spiritual (evolutionary) development, but also that the system of planets and moons was a gravitational anomaly that, to a certain extent, influenced the dimensionality of the surrounding space. Perhaps this was done to minimize the external negative impact on the planet, which certainly occurs periodically, as the solar system moves in space along with our Galaxy. And if we take into account that the appropriate equipment was probably installed inside the moons, which helped to neutralize the influence of the "Nights of Svarog" and other "troubles" of a similar type, it becomes even more clear what resources and forces were spent on organizing this process,which has operated without fail for hundreds of thousands of years …

It was all this, taken together, that did not allow the Dark Forces to achieve their goals by their usual methods. Then they went for a trick, came up with new tactics.


Now, knowing all this information, it is already becoming clear what kind of new tactics the Dark Forces - the Princes of the Pekelny Peace - have come up with. When they realized that it would not be possible to seize Midgard head-on, and realized what exactly ensures the stability of this oasis in Space, they began to destroy it gradually, step by step (just as they would later destroy the colossal Rus civilization on Earth). The planets Dey and Mars were in more distant orbits and could well have served to protect Midgard from external attacks. Therefore, they were destroyed in the first place. Mars today is a lifeless piece of stone, and only the asteroid belt remains from Deya, the existence of which for some reason does not surprise our "scientists" …

Then the Dark ones took up our moons. To capture Midgard, they were able to create their secret base on the nearest moon - Lele. The calculation was simple: either they could take over the planet, or, if they failed, the moon would be destroyed or damaged. And so it happened. When the preparation for the capture of the planet was almost completed, the enemy base was discovered and immediately destroyed by the Hierarch (god) Tarkh Perunovich. Apparently, the moon Lelya was also an artificial object, like the moon Moon, and the capture forces were located inside it, otherwise they would have been noticed long ago. Therefore, Tarkh had to urgently destroy the Dark Ones militants together with the moon Lelya about 113,000 years ago (in 2009). The occupation of Midgard-earth was prevented, but the consequences of the destruction of the moon could not be avoided.


Lelya was a large space object, and its debris began to fall on Midgard-Earth along a spiral, descending trajectory. As they entered the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, the fragments of the moon were heated by friction against the air and burned. But what had not completely burned down fell to the ground like a rain of red-hot stones - asteroids. The mass of the fallen fragments was so impressive that their fall caused a planetary catastrophe on Midgard. In the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, this event is described as follows: "… because the moon split into pieces, and a host of svarozichs descended to Midgard …". This caused the movement of lithospheric plates, volcanic eruptions, the appearance of giant tsunami waves, changes in the planetary landscape and other natural disasters. Despite the very high level of technical development of the civilization of the people of the White Race and, accordingly, their earthly colony,many people, animals, birds, insects, plants died. The Vedas say about this as follows: "… Many people died at that time, Who did not have time to rise on the whiteman, or pass through the gates of the interworld and hide in the Bear's Hall …" ("Slavic-Aryan Vedas." Book of Wisdom of Perun. First Circle, 71 s.). Daariya, a large continent, on which the earthly colony of the White Race was located, also died. She slowly plunged into the waters of the ocean, which we now call the Arctic. She slowly plunged into the waters of the ocean, which we now call the Arctic. She slowly plunged into the waters of the ocean, which we now call the Arctic.


As you can imagine, this planetary catastrophe did not happen instantly. For several days or weeks, fragments of the moon Lely fell on Midgard. Then for more than fifteen years she plunged into the abyss of Daariya. Some of the colonists managed to fly away on Whiteman or go through the Stargate (the gates of the interworld) and wait out the consequences of the catastrophe in the Bear Hall (constellation Ursa Major), many managed to survive, remaining on Earth. In general, our planet and civilization at that time were saved from the invasion of the Dark Forces. Those who survived and those who wished to return to Midgard to continue what they had begun had to start all over again. They had to move from Daariya, which was sinking under the water, to another suitable place on Midgard-earth. And this place turned out to be Asia (Asia). Here is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas report about this:

… Great and mighty aces

began to move to Asia

from the sacred land of Daaria

in the most ancient and glorious times …

That ran to the east of the land

from the Ripean Mountains and stretched

beyond the X'Aryan sea, and from the freezing sea of the Daarius

to the greatest Himovat mountains …

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The Source of Life, 7 pp.


But what explanations Nikolai Levashov gives to this text of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in his book "Russia in crooked mirrors" (volume 2, section 1.2):

“… The Country of Asia ran east of the RIPEAN MOUNTAINS, which translated into modern Russian means that it was located east of the Ural Mountains. In the east - beyond the limits of the KH'ARI SEA (Lake Baikal) to the Pacific Ocean, in the south - to the greatest KHIMOVAT MOUNTAINS (Himalayas), and in the north - from the frozen DAARI SEA (Arctic Ocean)! Great Asia appeared instead of Daariya, who went under water (Fig. 6). For many of the surviving colonists, Midgard-earth has long become a home, because many, many generations of the first settlers were born on Midgard!.."

Today, we call most of the territory that was called Asia Asia. At that time there was a good, warm climate, the earth's axis had not yet been turned, and the conditions for living were quite suitable. The resettled people began to develop territories along the Iriy (Irtysh) river, and they called themselves Asami …


About 107,000 years ago, at the confluence of the Irtysh and Omi, they began to build a new capital for themselves instead of the lost one - the city of Asgard Iriyskiy. AsGard translates as "City of the Gods". It was for a very long time the residence of the most powerful people on Earth - our great ancestors, who, in spite of everything, with all their might continued to implement the "Big Plan" of the Light Forces. This city has been the main one in Asia for over 100 thousand years and has never been captured by enemies during its entire existence. At the beginning of the 16th century AD, it was destroyed by hordes of Dzungars (these are the ancestors of today's Kalmyks) as a result of a long-term and multi-stage operation of the Dark Forces to neutralize its power protection. Now the city of Omsk is located on the site of Asgard Iriysky.


The destruction of the moon Lelya and the ensuing planetary catastrophe caused very great damage to everything that the Light Forces created on Midgard and in our Solar System. The protection of our planet has become weaker, but still fulfilled its functions. Yes, our ancestors did not have much choice. They came to Earth consciously, clearly knowing and understanding what awaits them during many subsequent incarnations on this planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that they selflessly continued to work on the implementation of the "Big Plan", being content with what they had. They understood too well what hopes were pinned on them in this war for the future of the entire universe.

But the Black ones already understood a lot too, and launched another cunning attack on our planet …

Recommended: "Second planetary catastrophe".