Atlantis Will Unleash A New War? - Alternative View

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Atlantis Will Unleash A New War? - Alternative View
Atlantis Will Unleash A New War? - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Will Unleash A New War? - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Will Unleash A New War? - Alternative View

For centuries, history buffs have been asking the question: did Atlantis really exist? What happened to her? Where did its inhabitants come from and where did they disappear to? Serious historians usually deny the reality of this mythical continent. But clairvoyants, occultists and researchers of the paranormal have their answers, often paradoxical.

Fire stone in the temple of Poseidon

The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who was the first to write about Atlantis, says that this land was “on the other side of the Pillars of Hercules” (the Strait of Gibraltar), in the middle of the ocean. Atlanteans were strong and warlike. The invasion of their armies into Europe almost led to its capture. The philosopher writes that the Atlanteans incurred the wrath of the gods and their continent perished “in one disastrous day and one disastrous night”, plunging into the depths of the sea. It happened in the 9th millennium BC. However, it is not clear from Plato's story what exactly the Atlanteans brought upon themselves this anger: death did not allow the philosopher to finish his work.

Some modern researchers believe that the legends of the wise gods-mentors who came from across the sea, existing among many peoples of the world, are echoes of some information about the Atlanteans who managed to escape from the dying island.

These legends unambiguously testify to the amazing knowledge and capabilities that the inhabitants of Atlantis possessed. For example, it can be concluded that they overcame gravity and communicated using telepathy.

The American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce penetrated the secret of Atlantis. Once plunged into another trance, he saw in the middle of the ocean a beautiful city and its inhabitants. After analyzing the details in his mind's eye, Cayce assumed that it was Atlantis. He later returned to similar visions more than once. According to him, the Atlanteans for their ritual and mundane purposes used some magic crystals presented to them by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. Thanks to these crystals, among other things, it was possible to develop superpowers in oneself.

Casey was able to discern the main crystal - Tuaoi (which in translation from the Atlantean language means "Firestone"), which was kept in the central hall of the Poseidon temple. There was tremendous power in Tuaoi. Thanks to him, the priests of Atlantis could even control time.

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The clairvoyant is sure - Atlantis did not die. After the catastrophe, its temples repeatedly rose from the bottom, and soon it should happen again, and now they will forever remain on the surface.

Glass house and time traps

Cayce's statements were unexpectedly confirmed in the work of Guy Julius Caesar "Notes on the Gallic War." In it, the renowned commander tells of his meeting with a Druidic priest, who told him something from the legendary history of the Celts. According to the priest, the Celtic gods built a glass house on an island in the middle of the ocean, and every ship that tried to approach it disappeared without a trace.


This legend also existed in the Middle Ages. It is possible that the glass house was an Atlanta temple that had risen from the bottom, and the ships sailing past it sank at another time and remained there forever. The Celts called the unknown force that seized the ships "the magic web". Let's not forget that they were excellent sailors, making their way to Scandinavia and Iceland in the north and to the Canary Islands and the Brazilian coast in the south. One of the Celtic heroes stayed in the glass house for three days, and when he escaped from there, it turned out that he had spent as many as 30 years there!

A truly mystical story that has already happened in our time, in 1993, echoes this legend. According to the weekly "News", while sailing the submarine at a depth of 70 meters in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle (that is, where Atlantis could have been), the crew heard a strange whistle and hum overboard and felt vibration for a minute. After that, in a matter of seconds, all the divers aged miraculously, and the submarine surfaced thousands of miles from Bermuda, in the Indian Ocean!

Edgar Cayce believes that the anomalies in the area of the infamous Bermuda Triangle are caused by the action of the energetic force of magic crystals, which sank to the bottom along with Atlantis. Because of them, the ominous paradox of space-time displacement is observed in this region.

Have the Atlantes survived?

In 1991, at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea, in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, a sensational find was made. A giant pyramid was found here, three times the size of the Cheops pyramid. Its smooth walls are made of a material similar to glass. Studying it showed that the pyramid was erected relatively recently - only 50 years ago. And it soon became clear that there are at least three pyramids in this area.

According to some assumptions, such structures could only be erected with the help of magic crystals. Probably, some part of the Atlanteans nevertheless survived the monstrous disaster that destroyed their continent, and found refuge in the dungeons under the floor of the Atlantic. Throughout the past centuries, this small underground colony nurtured plans for the revival of Atlantis. Occultists believe that the "underground" Atlanteans may well succeed if they use the Firestone - the Tuaoy crystal.

Small crystals are not so powerful, and, using them, the Atlanteans are unlikely to be able to compete with modern civilization, but they still remain supermen. It is even possible that some representatives of this people, who have strong psychic abilities, have already been introduced into the human community.

The planet faces a time shift

The glass house once seen in the ocean by Celtic sailors has sunk under the water. Perhaps the Atlanteans who erected it decided then that the time had not yet come. And now the glass houses are rising from the bottom again. Most occultists are convinced that this is a sure sign of the impending catastrophe, which the priests of Atlantis are preparing for the planet. Magic crystals have accumulated over the past centuries a fairly large charge of cosmic energy and will soon demonstrate to the world a terrible destructive force. Probably, the Atlanteans will repeat their old experiment on the displacement of the space-time continuum of the planet, which once ended disastrously for themselves and for their continent. But this time the experimenters will try to avoid the same mistakes.

The goal of the Atlanteans is world domination. Moving the planet to another space-time will cause a cataclysm that will destroy the technological power of modern civilization and reduce the surviving remnants of the human race to a semi-savage state. Then the Atlanteans will show who are the true masters on the planet!

Casey and other clairvoyants have argued more than once that Atlantis will rise from the bottom very soon. Perhaps the glass pyramids of the Bermuda Triangle are the “rising Atlantis”.

Shambhala - Tibetan Atlantis

Eastern legends suggest that some of the wisest and righteous Atlanteans, after the death of their continent, found refuge in Tibet, where they founded Shambhala and also built giant pyramids. Each of these pyramids is crowned with a magic crystal that was saved from that catastrophe long ago. Researchers think that the crystals, being on the tops of the pyramids, still serve as receivers of cosmic energy for the abodes of Shambhala.

It is believed that only the Atlanteans who have settled in Tibet are able to resist the sinister designs of the "underground" Atlanteans. The righteous of Shambhala are surely aware of the plans of their Atlantean relatives and, also having a certain amount of magic crystals, will try to do something in response. Much depends on who holds the Fire Stone. According to the American clairvoyant Michael Gordon Scallion, made by him in 2001, the main crystal of the Atlanteans is not in the Atlantic, but in Tibet. But most of the small crystals remain in the former Atlantis, and their combined power is extremely great. So it won't be without a decisive battle for Earth. Perhaps this battle has already begun.