Energy Vampire On The Warpath - Alternative View

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Energy Vampire On The Warpath - Alternative View
Energy Vampire On The Warpath - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampire On The Warpath - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampire On The Warpath - Alternative View
Video: Energy Vampire 2024, October

To be happy or unhappy in this life - everyone decides for himself. A person forms success and failure within himself. He is a kind of constructor of his own destiny.

Scientists conducted such an experiment: they planted an elm and eucalyptus nearby, and the latter began to grow … deviating to the side! It turns out that these two trees were incompatible in biological parameters, there was no contact between them. It's the same with flowers. Roses, for example, cannot stand carnations and, once they are in the same vase, wither. People in this sense are no exception.

I am you

In the practice of doctors, there are many cases when the patient recovered, it was worth isolating him from a certain environment or some person. Moreover, the negative effect of one person on another can be almost as destructive as, say, a blood transfusion of the wrong group.

Psychologists are unanimous: our body is a living mirror. That is, when we come into contact with someone, we register and display all emotional changes in another organism.

Everyone can remember how uncomfortable it becomes when someone tries to "hang" their problems on you, demanding sympathy and empathy. Whether you realize it or not, communication with an unpleasant interlocutor has an effect on the physiological level. In fact, the human body is a radar, and each part of it receives certain information from the environment. And it gives too. Each of us is capable of both transmitting certain information of a psychological nature, and perceiving the flow of information from others.

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Watch out for chameleons

Often, close people become a source of negativity for us. For example, deep hatred on the part of a mother-in-law, outwardly amiable, can become an impetus for the onset of illness of a daughter-in-law or grandchildren. Dislike, even carefully concealed, is transmitted to the object of this dislike in the form of strong energy charges. which provoke a bad state. insomnia, malaise. This is especially true when several family members or colleagues hate their chosen "victim".

Conversely, those who are genuinely benevolent are able to have a powerful positive impact on those around them.

However, be careful: there are chameleons among such benevolent people! Quite friendly in appearance, they are actually envious, aggressive and actually "devour" those. they care about. Love that borders on self-denial tends to be destructive to the target. People who are overly concerned about others often subconsciously feel that they have sacrificed themselves to the object of their care without receiving due gratitude. In their souls, they carry resentment and gradually become a source of negativity.

At the same time, they feed on "juices" and live off the energy of those to whom they cling like ivy.

My affectionate and gentle … vampire

It is rather difficult to identify the carrier of the negative. However, you may suspect something if someone is compulsively trying to serve you. The one who portrays the unhappy person should also cause fear, and you have to constantly console him or give advice that your interlocutor is not going to use. You should not fall under the influence of those who are capable of talking for hours about anything or for the thousand first time presenting the same problem to you. These people, as a rule, complain that no one loves and understands them (in reality, the opposite is true: they themselves do not love anyone, are very envious and sometimes cruel). They cannot stand long loneliness and by any means try to keep a loved one, from time to time threatening to commit suicide. It is painful to communicate with such people: there is no light in them, and even if they smile,then smiling creates a sense of your own guilt in you.

It is very difficult to resist such personalities. After all, they are often the people closest to us - relatives, friends and girlfriends. Very often, we, the victims, love and protect the negative person who draws energy from us. However, energy can be taken from us only on condition that we are subconsciously ready for this and, as it were, open ourselves from the inside.

Sometimes, feeling a lack of strength, a deterioration in mood, we cannot understand the reason for this, we blame it on a change in the weather or a magnetic storm. But it is enough to listen to yourself and try to remember what you did just before you felt discomfort, with whom you communicated, what emotional sediment you have left after this communication. Think about it: maybe you felt tired under the influence of your own thoughts, or was this state caused by a specific person who sought to influence you? If you “sin” on a certain person before you “write” him into energy vampires, remember: how did you feel during previous meetings with him? Was it that bad for you? This means that you need to use the simplest methods of protection.

The best protection

What to do? How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

“Close”, concentrate on yourself - our inner “I” is strong enough to resist any external influence. If it doesn't work, try to keep communication with someone who feeds on your energy to a minimum. Sometimes you even have to go to break the relationship. And if it is impossible to break off the relationship?

Then, when in contact with carriers of negativity, block yourself with an energy shield. Imagine that you are inside an unusually strong glowing cocoon. However, you can imagine a hemisphere, ball or wall of gold, silver, blue, green, red or purple protecting you. The brighter your imagination, the calmer and more confident you are at the moment of an energetic attack, the more effective the result will be. To strengthen your inner strength, you can turn to God in prayer, ask for help from a guardian angel or your saint.

Another way is to imagine that the person influencing you is just a dwarf, and you are a real giant in comparison with him, to whom he is not capable of harm in anything. Do this at every meeting and in the minutes when you think about the relationship with your counterpart, so that just such a balance of forces is fixed in your mind.

There is another way to protect yourself from a person who constantly complains to you about his fate, problems and illnesses, but does nothing to improve the situation. To prevent him from solving his own difficulties at the expense of your energy, try to treat him coldly. Not cruel or indifferent, but cold, detached. Of course, after this, a deterioration in relations or even a break is inevitable. However, believe me - this is the best solution for both of you. You will be protected, and the vampire will have to rely only on his own energy.

Don't live where you don't like

It turns out that there are not only people, but also places with negative psychology! There are, for example, houses where murders and suicides have been committed for several centuries. Therefore, before buying a new home, try to feel if you are comfortable in it. And having moved in, make it yours as much as possible - settle it to your liking, without fear of destroying the memory of those who lived here before, even if they were people close to you.

If something unaccountably bothers you, you are not drawn home, there is some kind of painful feeling, try to change your home.

Remember: everything that happens to us initially arises within us, and subsequently develops and is realized outside. So if you make a mistake against yourself, against life, life will answer you ten times stronger. If you do good, useful for yourself, for your development, then you will be rewarded a hundredfold. Any moral mistake, one that contradicts your essence, weakens the life principle and intellect, reduces the potential of the individual.

And further. Nature is order. And a person, if he wants to be healthy, to be successful, must correspond to this order, harmony.

In any situation, in any life situation, it is important to remain yourself. And the one who betrays himself, his nature, essentially loses everything.

Marina Melnikova. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 13 2010