25 Main Mysteries Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

25 Main Mysteries Of The Ancient World - Alternative View
25 Main Mysteries Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Video: 25 Main Mysteries Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Video: 25 Main Mysteries Of The Ancient World - Alternative View
Video: 25 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins of the World 2024, October

It would seem that there should be no secrets for modern science with its progressive technologies. However, despite all the achievements, there are still many "blank spots" in the history of the ancient world.

1. Who and why in such quantities erected pyramids all over the Earth? Indeed, in addition to the well-known Egyptian, pointed buildings were found in Europe, China, as well as South and Latin America.

2. Around the 6th millennium BC. the Sumerians appeared in the southern Mesopotamia. It was they who invented the wheel, the ternary system of counting, cuneiform writing, the lunisolar calendar, burnt bricks, and much more.


And at this time, their neighbors could not really talk and ate roots. Where the Sumerians came from and where they got their knowledge is still a mystery.

3. Scientists to this day can not answer who ruled the ancient empire of the Incas. The fact is that their kings were considered the descendants of the gods. They were bearded and fair-skinned. By the way, some of the conquistadors in their memoirs confirmed this, wondering how the representatives of the royal family were unlike ordinary Incas.

4. Exactly the same riddle is presented by the beliefs of the Indians in light-skinned, bearded gods who promised to return. According to myths, it was they who taught the savages and gave them the foundations of civilization. Some scholars are inclined to believe that it was the Atlanteans who survived the disaster.

5. Mysterious Atlantis, which has been exciting the minds of scientists and adventurers for hundreds of years. According to some researchers, a detailed story about this state was kept in the Library of Alexandria and was written by Egyptian priests. But during the fire, these papyri burned down. Atlantis was sought all over the world, from Gibraltar to Peru, but in vain.

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6. Who and why erected giant Moai statues on Easter Island? There is no answer to this question. But there are about nine hundred of them! Moreover, most of them are located near the Rano Raraku volcano. According to local legend, Moai are giants who came to the island, but then forgot how to walk and turned to stone.

7. More questions than answers are given by the natives of the Canary Islands - the Guanches. Tall, red-haired people, completely atypical for that region, did not know how to speak in our usual sense.


They spoke exclusively with whistles. In addition, this is the only island people who have never built boats and, in general, their navigation was strictly prohibited. Why is that? Unknown.

8. The appearance of the Sea Peoples is also unknown. In the second half of the XIII century BC. they suddenly appeared in the Mediterranean. Under their blows the Hittite kingdom fell, many city-states in Greece, and Egypt waged a protracted war with them. Only the Phoenicians were able to resist the sea nomads. The strange thing is that the peoples of the sea only plundered and killed, without trying to gain a foothold on any piece of land.

9. The Apennine Peninsula also has its own unsolved mystery - the Etruscans. The people, which several times surpassed all neighbors in terms of development, appeared there "out of nowhere."


The Etruscans built stone cities, were engaged in winemaking, and were active in trade. Who they are and where they came from is unknown, since their writing cannot be deciphered.

10. The Sphinx was not built by the Egyptians, it has already been proven. Moreover, judging by the results of numerous studies, it appeared long before the emergence of the Egyptian civilization and the pyramids itself. Who and why carved him out of stone is a mystery.

11. Many secrets and mysteries are kept by the Indian civilization of the Olmecs, who consider themselves not people, but children of the jaguar. Therefore, everything that has come down from them to our days is figurines in the form of predatory cats, and the same stone gate located in the middle of the desert.


And still there was a stone head of a clearly representative of the Negroid race. Therefore, some scholars believe that the Olmecs are natives of Africa.

12. There is no exact answer to the question: was there a worldwide flood? He is mentioned in the Bible, in the myths of the Sumerians and some other peoples. Modern scientists only know that around 5600 BC. there was a strong earthquake. Because of it, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters. So, probably, it was this event that was reflected in ancient legends.

13. By the time the conquistadors arrived, the Mayan civilization had practically died out. Only miserable, half-savage tribes who did not remember their former greatness remained from the great empire. What caused the sharp degradation is unknown. Since there is no mention of a long war or any epidemic.

14. At one point, the Neanderthals disappeared. There are three versions that explain this. First, they were destroyed by the more advanced Cro-Magnons. Secondly, the same Cro-Magnons assimilated them. And thirdly, death due to the onset of the ice age.

15. It is generally accepted that the Great Migration of Nations led to the destruction of Scythia. Legendary warriors fought successfully against the Macedonians, Persians and Sarmatians.

Fight of the Scythians with the Slavs. Viktor Vasnetsov
Fight of the Scythians with the Slavs. Viktor Vasnetsov

Fight of the Scythians with the Slavs. Viktor Vasnetsov

But they could not resist the Goths and Huns. What happened next is unclear. Some historians claim that they were assimilated by nomads, while others speak of the complete disappearance of the people.

16. To this day, it is not known where Alexander the Great is buried. Moreover, there is not even one hundred percent information from what he died at thirty-two. The Persians claimed that the gods punished him for desecrating Cyrus's grave.

17. At the very end of the 20th century, at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, researchers discovered unique buildings - two pyramids. And they were built from an unknown material, similar to glass. Apparently, these structures are more than one thousand years old. Who built them and why is still unclear.

18. Drawings in the Nazca Valley can only be seen from a bird's eye view, they are so huge. For example, an eagle is about 120 meters long, and a spider is 46 meters long. How, who, when and why created them is a mystery.

19. The Sacsayhuaman Temple in Peru was built long before the arrival of the Spaniards. When the Europeans defeated the Incas, they designated the temple as a quarry. Barbarism?


Undoubtedly, since the building of huge stones was erected without any joint mortar. And at the same time, even a needle cannot be inserted between the stones.

20. In 1930, more than 300 man-made stone balls, hollow inside, were discovered in Costa Rica. Studies have shown that they are more than 2 thousand years old. Who, why and how (even modern technologies will not allow to process the stones in this way) created these balls - is unknown to this day.

21. Recently, archaeologists made a startling discovery: they discovered a network of underground passages that cover the territory from Spain to Turkey. The approximate age of these tunnels is about 12 thousand years. How people who lived in the Stone Age managed to build such a thing is a mystery.

22. Around the 50s of the last century, golden figurines with wings and tails were discovered in Latin America. But they don't look like birds or insects. To study them, aircraft designers took, who stated that the figures are prototypes of aircraft. Did the ancient Indians know something about aircraft construction? Riddle.

23. There are more than 50 thousand Ica stones. And the images on them are very different: from dinosaurs and hunting them, to heart operations and amazing flying machines.


For a long time it was believed that all stones are simply falsifications. But detailed studies have helped establish that the drawings on the stones are at least several thousand years old.

24. Stonehenge was erected by some unknown person and why about 5 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that this stone structure is an ancient astronomical laboratory. And lovers of myths and legends, assure that Stonehenge was created by the wizard Merlin.

25. Whether giants actually existed is not known for sure. Sometimes there is news that the bones of giants were found at some point in the world, but at the very first examination it becomes clear that this is a falsification. But, nevertheless, almost every nation has a legend about giants. For example, Tibetans claim that giants sleep in caves high in the mountains. But nobody knows the truth.