On The Trail Of Clovis And Fleur De Lis - Alternative View

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On The Trail Of Clovis And Fleur De Lis - Alternative View
On The Trail Of Clovis And Fleur De Lis - Alternative View

Video: On The Trail Of Clovis And Fleur De Lis - Alternative View

Video: On The Trail Of Clovis And Fleur De Lis - Alternative View
Video: The Secret of the Fleur-de-lis 2024, October

So, an attempt to reveal the secret of the Fleur de lis symbol, when, where, why exactly in France it appeared, cheerfully starting with the official legend about the legendary Clovis, very quickly led to the understanding that it was a secret, so as not to give up on a swoop. But we are not from a timid dozen either, are we? So that? Diving again, with Ouroboros hand in hand, into the stream of consciousness on the trail of Fleur de lis?

Continuation. Read the beginning.

Clovis Ludwig and his lilies on the flag of Quebec

Again passed to Clovis-Ludwig, Glorified in battle. Let's call this throw to the side of truth - Reims and Quebec. On the question of when the hero was baptized, where did the legend of the French heraldic lilies come from. TI 496, in Reims. Exactly after the battle, I don't know where. See the picture. What? It would seem, here, literally, that's just - the hero saw a noble flower, and it is already embroidered on the queen's dress, on the cloaks of nobles and … what is there on the white column? Some very strange banner combining the British flag of St. George with a red cross on a white background and the PRESENT, adopted in 1948, Quebec flag. With the lilies mentioned. Oh, how quick to rise!.. And my head is spinning …

46. "Baptism of Clovis" (* Le Baptême de Clovis *) tapestry 15th or 16th century. France. Reims. Abbey Museum Saint-Remy
46. "Baptism of Clovis" (* Le Baptême de Clovis *) tapestry 15th or 16th century. France. Reims. Abbey Museum Saint-Remy

46. "Baptism of Clovis" (* Le Baptême de Clovis *) tapestry 15th or 16th century. France. Reims. Abbey Museum Saint-Remy.

47. Fragment of a painting with a flag. 48. Photoshop-enhanced copy of the fragment. 49. The Quebec flag itself. Adopted January 21, 1948
47. Fragment of a painting with a flag. 48. Photoshop-enhanced copy of the fragment. 49. The Quebec flag itself. Adopted January 21, 1948

47. Fragment of a painting with a flag. 48. Photoshop-enhanced copy of the fragment. 49. The Quebec flag itself. Adopted January 21, 1948.

Wait a minute! Let me catch my breath! So. (B. Pasternak) "What, dear, is the Millennium in our yard?" When is Quebec first mentioned? Here Vicki and other sources claim that the French entered the Gulf of St. Lawrence as early as 1508, but the actual settlers, French-speaking, arrived here only in 1534. And the real colonization of New France neither shaky nor shaky begins only from 1608, just from the founding of Quebec by Samuel de Champlain, and is conducted without much enthusiasm, mainly by the Huguenots, after the memorable St. Bartholomew's Night of 1572, looking for a better life in other parts Sveta. Well, well, well … Clovis is baptized in the 5th, Quebec was founded in the 17th, and the tapestry with its flag, approved in the 20th, was woven in the 15th or 16th century?

Promotional video:

Some kind of trap. Surpassing even the Austro-Spanish sisters Marie-Annushek, full of namesakes, who reigned simultaneously in different parts of the continent, and their relative Leopold, an Austrian prince, some kind of devil who defended the interests of the Spanish crown from France in the Netherlands … Ball, ball, which side to you approach?

Let's try to start over from the city's heraldic symbols. Get to the first. After all, even to the Siberian jails of 3 hundred familyless service Cossack warriors, they were immediately identified, and not anyhow. Here, Krasnoyarsk, for example, was lucky to have a beast of the sacred breed - the Unicorn-Inrog. Although this is also a story, not for one weighty skein … Which, again, will lie separately and for a long time, until better times …

No! Wait a minute!

Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk 50. Coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk prison of the early 17th century. 51. Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk since 2010
Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk 50. Coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk prison of the early 17th century. 51. Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk since 2010

Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk 50. Coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk prison of the early 17th century. 51. Coat of arms of Krasnoyarsk since 2010

Perhaps not in vain, in connection with Quebec, I remembered about the East Siberian lands, colonized by the Romanovs, and, supposedly, not densely occupied by undeveloped tribes, akin to the Indians … Also the whole 17th century, in fact, several trading posts-forts, as in the Canadian, North American side was limited by the ruling surname. … Maybe the reasons for such marking time were similar, or even the same?

The ghost of the Great Tartary has dawned … The King of the Kingdom - the Kingdom of Kingdoms, if you remember how the phoneme t = tts is still pronounced by Belarusians …

Bay of St. Lawrence 52. Bay of St. Lawrence. 53. Connection of the bay along the river with the chain of great lakes
Bay of St. Lawrence 52. Bay of St. Lawrence. 53. Connection of the bay along the river with the chain of great lakes

Bay of St. Lawrence 52. Bay of St. Lawrence. 53. Connection of the bay along the river with the chain of great lakes.

How the Bourbons and Britons explored North America

But really! It would seem that the bay is occupied, the river leading to the chain of the Great Lakes, move forward a little, and the road to the center of the continent is open … Control the entire territory. Conquer! But no. The distant lands suddenly became not interesting to the French.

Are England interesting? They began, as it were, a whole hundred years later, with Jamestown in Virginia, which was founded quite a bit earlier than Quebec, in 1607. Also for a century, however, they stomped on the mountainous frontier of the Appalachians … And only from 1754 they rushed to conquer, take away territories from the sluggish, small numbers, the French, together with the Indians who were short-sightedly supporting them, under their own, proliferating, “pilgrims”. By 1763, following the results of a seven-year war, still under the flags of Great Britain, all the colonies of the French were deprived, since 1776, already as a new self-proclaimed nation and the United States increased their pressure … Exactly after the great earthquake in Lisbon and the suppression of the "Pugachev uprising" in distant, uncomfortable lands of the Russian Empire … And they called the event beautifully - the War for Nezalezhnost, sorry, for Independence (1775-83),provoked by the Boston Tea Party (1773). And since 1783, they got carte blanche inside the continent …

And without the Romanovs, it was not without. It is believed that the Declaration of Armed Neutrality, proclaimed in 1780 by Catherine II the Great and sent to other governments, as well as the League of Armed Neutrality, created on her initiative, greatly contributed to the acquisition of the new status of the United States.

North America 54. North America in 1750 55. Eastern North. America in 1775
North America 54. North America in 1750 55. Eastern North. America in 1775

North America 54. North America in 1750 55. Eastern North. America in 1775

But we will not go further into the vicissitudes of the development of more and more lands by the states and their rise to world domination. There are many strange and mysterious things. And this is also a completely separate tangle. We won't follow him yet. Let's just note a couple of curious moments that directly relate to the flag of Quebec, whose history we, again, are trying to study because of Clovis and his imposed involvement in the symbol of flora de lis. From 1763 to 1931, the French-speaking province and the settlement of interest to us, as already mentioned, following the results of the seven-year war (1756-1763), which W. Churchill called the "World War" (about it too later), leave the French protectorate under the wing of the British empire. Both the flag and the coat of arms - the city and the province receive from it. Flag in 1848, the year of the next French Revolution (or according to another version in 1902),coat of arms - 1868. The version of the flag is called Carillon-Sacré-Cœur (translated as interlinear - the chime of the holy heart), also with "lilies", as on the flag woven on the tapestry, or on the flag approved by the High Commission in 1948, only obliquely.

Carillon-Sacré-Cœur 56. Carillon-Sacré-Cœur - Quebec flag, used since 1848 56.2. Quebec flag adopted in 1948
Carillon-Sacré-Cœur 56. Carillon-Sacré-Cœur - Quebec flag, used since 1848 56.2. Quebec flag adopted in 1948

Carillon-Sacré-Cœur 56. Carillon-Sacré-Cœur - Quebec flag, used since 1848 56.2. Quebec flag adopted in 1948

Carillon-Sacré-Cœur and the confusion of flags

Hmm, having found a new flag, I understand that the narrative lives its own life, continuing to branch out like the spreading antlers of deer, which Clovis must have hunted somewhere else near Tournai or already near Paris. How to get in this article, at least to his frogs …

After all, every step is like a minefield. To the bursts of laughter from Ouroboros. All in balls and in their threads. The tangles multiply in a geometric progression. Tell me, Clovis - Clovis, lilies - lilies, but what does the bloody heart of Christ have to do with it? Where is Quebec, where is Calvary? The whole history is traditional - to Hell, to the Devil's Mother!

Hi, Alexey Khrustalev. I have not yet found any other connection, as with the hypothesis put forward by him, which, in my opinion, is very logical and sufficiently reasoned, about France - the cradle of Christianity. However, the flag is in Quebec. Let it be founded by the French. In America, not in Europe. What? Perhaps this is a clue for another detective mystical line. Associated with the Kingdom of Kingdoms, and with the cleansing of the World Exhibitions, as well as the role in the World History of the Oldenburgs of the Romanovs and the entire dynastic fractal of the Orange-Orange ones. In addition, associated with all the amazing oddities of the World Wars of the 18-19th centuries: the already mentioned seven-year and the so-called "Napoleonic", in conjunction with the Crimean … But … Later. And that is later.

Let's go back to the flag. I tried to find at least some evidence of the heraldry of Quebec from the moment of its foundation until 1848, hoping to find the first trace of lilies on them in order to become attached to the time period. From him, it is possible, to understand something about the tapestry with the baptism of Clovis, and, consequently, about the Most Glorified in battles. I found again only a very vague one, returning to the topic just thrown, and asserting more and more in suspicion: the time of the development of the American colonies and the time of the Baptism of Clovis, indeed, may be somehow connected, but have nothing to do with traditional historical dates, yes and something else was happening there. Judge for yourself, both Vicki and a couple of other sources, without hesitation, report: they say, the national flag of France in the 16th century was used either in three versions at once,whether it’s because of emotional preference, to whom, which one is dearer - either red with a white cross, or with a white cross, but blue, or at all - virgin white all over, from edge to edge.

French flag 57- national French flag & hellip; 58 - national French flag & hellip; + … white flag
French flag 57- national French flag & hellip; 58 - national French flag & hellip; + … white flag

French flag 57- national French flag & hellip; 58 - national French flag & hellip; + … white flag

Excuse me, how is that? Some kind of porridge - colors, periods of use … What are flags and other signs for? Right! "… in order to distinguish between their associates and enemies." And what does it mean then, for example, at least one of this pearl out of many generously scattered in the quotations just cited: "a new flag, blue with a white cross, competed with the red"? Do the flags of ships of the same power, sent on a long, very unsafe voyage, COMPETE with each other? What, little children? Do they play spillikins?

Who fought with whom, and isn't all these wars fake?

It is very similar to the situation with military uniforms in the "Napoleonic wars". Several armies are fighting, and, go and figure it out among the roar, pungent smoke, general devastation, where to fire, whom to chop. Each army is armed with very practical for fighting, marching marches, bivouacs in the wild - snow-white tight leggings, shako with plumes and red, blue and green jackets. Exactly - for all. The insignia are filigree. I will not raise this topic here. Much has been written about her. First of all, Igor Shkurin, Sergey Ignatenko. A detailed analysis of which, coupled with the searches of many others that followed in their footsteps, or on their own initiative, went to deal with the problem, reduce into the category of monstrous fables many of the moments of traditional history of the late 18th - early 19th centuries.

hussars 59. French hussars and hussars of the Russian Empire
hussars 59. French hussars and hussars of the Russian Empire

hussars 59. French hussars and hussars of the Russian Empire.

Without helpfully explaining signatures, you will never guess who is who. What countries the handsome fighters represent. And if you also remember that both of them speak French … And that Napoleon himself mostly sported in a green jacket … as if it was specifically in service with the Russian army …

green uniforms 60. The green color of the Napoleonic camisole. 61. And who is it there, in green, enters the burning Moscow?
green uniforms 60. The green color of the Napoleonic camisole. 61. And who is it there, in green, enters the burning Moscow?

green uniforms 60. The green color of the Napoleonic camisole. 61. And who is it there, in green, enters the burning Moscow?

brothers forever 62. Meeting of two emperors in 1807 Brother Alexander and Brother Bonaparte. We distinguish by ribbons and by height. 63. Medallion depicting hugging emperors (miniature France 1810s)
brothers forever 62. Meeting of two emperors in 1807 Brother Alexander and Brother Bonaparte. We distinguish by ribbons and by height. 63. Medallion depicting hugging emperors (miniature France 1810s)

brothers forever 62. Meeting of two emperors in 1807 Brother Alexander and Brother Bonaparte. We distinguish by ribbons and by height. 63. Medallion depicting hugging emperors (miniature_France_1810s).


Very, very strange seven years war

And … I still can't resist, before returning to the flag issues, I'll kick the ball of the Seven Years War a couple of times. I confess I did not study history well at school. Although it is very possible that we did not touch on this particular war … There is a lot of bukof in the Wiki article about it … She slid diagonally, realizing that it would be necessary to postpone everything and devote a carriage of time to the event, if she wanted to deal with it … searching for the ends of the fleur de liz, he grabbed the card first, and the second, caught the loss of the war. What can I tell you … It's a sin to laugh at this … But how many scribblers should have paid to invent a couple of shelves, a rack, weighty folios! We look at the map.

Opposing Coalition 64. The Anglo-Prussian coalition is shown in blue and the opposing coalition in green. 65. Corrected Map
Opposing Coalition 64. The Anglo-Prussian coalition is shown in blue and the opposing coalition in green. 65. Corrected Map

Opposing Coalition 64. The Anglo-Prussian coalition is shown in blue and the opposing coalition in green. 65. Corrected Map

Crafty card. I had to tweak it a bit. To withdraw completely uninhabited by 1755 lands of more than half of the Russian Empire, the permafrost zone - no one lives there now, the central regions are impenetrable jungles, Mexico and South America. Anti alliance, on the contrary, add Italian areas. During the period under review, at least in terms of TI, they did not have the status of independence, which means that they worked with their resources for patrons, which they acted as - somewhere Spain, somewhere France, somewhere Austria.

In any case, both on the first map and on the corrected by me, it is obvious that the anti-alliance is somewhat superior in terms of territories and, accordingly, it is, if possible, put under gun.

We count the total losses.

Table of losses of the 7-year war
Table of losses of the 7-year war

Table of losses of the 7-year war.

It also says about 860 thousand civilians, and that almost all of them are citizens of Austria. Just a question. Excuse me, but what, Austria fought with her bare hands against Kalashnikov assault rifles, even without drekolya? What kind of weapons were used to clean up the Austrian territories from local residents? Napalm? Carpet bombing? The losses of England against the general background look more than amusing. In what capacity she took part in the 7-year war, I immediately want to clarify. And the moment of complete withdrawal of the North American French colonies by her, without any, even minimal, division with a partner "in business", in this regard, also requires additional clarification. Is not it?

Fryske sweep traces

More curious. Letter by letter. “As Leonid Nikolayevich Ryzhkov writes in the book“On the Antiquities of the Russian Language”, there are certain rules according to which Latin words (as well as English, French, Italian, as derivatives from Latin) are read in Russian. For example, there is such a phenomenon as the change of the Russian "P" to "F". … First - Finger (one); Flame - Flame; Flot - Raft; Fresh - Fresh: Fakel - Oakle … ". Etc.

So, having decided to look at the map in order to refresh the outlines in my memory, to understand what, according to TI, Prussia itself was at the beginning of the Seven Years War, and after making sure that at that moment, almost without effort, Poland alone could cover it with spit, I stumbled upon the country Frisia (all the same Netherlands), which allegedly existed in the 5-8 centuries. (at the same time with Clovis, by the way), and several variants of its writing, among which was Fryske. Shit. Immediately in the mind lined up. Frizy-Fruy-Prusy. Or, if you like: Prusy-Fruzy are French.

Hmm … Here are the origins of the French language, which was spoken by all the n-Russian nobility of St. Petersburg … And the reason why the Dutch flag served as an inspiration for the Russian … And the n-Russian trace of Peter I, from an alleged "internship" trip to Holland -Frisia arrived and "put the country on its hind legs" …

Who would have given him, alone, then reared. All men should be subjected, in fact, to a civil execution, and this is exactly how in those days the violent cutting of beards and hair was regarded. And not so quickly sent to another world, for much less rationalization itch …

If you stop pretending, but finally admit that this is not our boy and acted with a whole army of conquerors, then everything instantly returns to its place and becomes quite understandable. Including the company's plan for 1707. (the Northern War (1700-1721), preceding Poltava (1709), and supposedly built on the idea that the Russian army retreated deep into Russia, destroying everything in its path.

Here is know-how, so know-how, isn't it ?! Really pathological cruelty? Although … And for a paranoid conqueror, such a plan is something with something and more. Why kill the lands that will be yours?

Noooo. It's different, I feel it in my gut! Turned out inside out and served to all of us - "It was."

But this again is a completely separate tangle. The glomerulus! Carrying away into the distance and completely unknown … Although, as you can already see, there are no completely separate tangles. Everything is connected with everything, tied up, mixed up, sprouted through …

And a tangle about the name of the Oldenburg-Romanovs, who mysteriously ended up on the St. Petersburg, and then the Moscow throne (we do not take into account the official nonsense), all with the same strange Peter, for some reason personally saying goodbye to the departing Madame de Mentenon, in addition to Porussia, Frisia, France, with a meticulous study, can lead us to fields where Makar's calves have never walked …

painting by Gorsky 66. Peter I at Madame de Maintenon in 1717 (mistress of Louis XIV) Gorsky K. N. Russian Museum
painting by Gorsky 66. Peter I at Madame de Maintenon in 1717 (mistress of Louis XIV) Gorsky K. N. Russian Museum

painting by Gorsky 66. Peter I at Madame de Maintenon in 1717 (mistress of Louis XIV) Gorsky K. N. Russian Museum.

For nothing that one of the provinces of France still bears the sonorous name of Languedoc Roussillon and keeps the memory of the Albigensians, white goyim, who were brutally destroyed in the 13th century almost to one … And the other is Vendee = Venedia, with the main city of La ROCHE Sur Yon … In fact, the same la Rus-Roussion. (What is already there. Whether we are cunning?) Where, it seems like 5 centuries later, in 1793-96. the same disorder is created:

As a result, according to the most conservative estimates, more than 200 thousand Wendians perished … Plus about 40 thousand who died in central France as a result of the revolutionary showdown between the Jacobins (1793 - 1794). Comparable to the losses in the 7 year war …

A couple more echoes of the above: in the Paris Cathedral, known to us under the sonorous name of Notre Dame, the crosses of the Cathars are still preserved … And the legend has not yet become obsolete about more than three hundred destroyed sarcophagi with the remains of former kings and their stone statues on the entrance portal, as if the brutal crowd, which went into a rage after the collapse of the Bastille, that there was no point in destroying it, was guarded, according to TI, by a couple of cripples.

Oh, and with France, it’s not that simple … Was it the one we are talking about now? And aren't there echoes of something completely different, all these stories about endless internecine wars, flowing into one another, waged in parallel on many fronts by multiplied twins? About their own territories practically wiped off the face of the earth by their troops … thousands of thousands of people killed for nothing, who regularly paid taxes to the treasury, by the way … large ???

If we add to the Vendée exactly at the same time, in 1794, the supposedly suppressed uprising in Poland, after which the Polish question was resolved, “Poland was liquidated” (V. Lapin video lecture course 2012) … Recall the canvases of Francisco's visions Goya (1746-1828) … Yes, to scruff about battles, uprisings, losses in other European countries in this strange period of the late 18th and early 19th centuries … In fact, some opening portals of the Interworld are beginning to appear, from which host of new peoples are falling out, entities and other horrors.

paintings by Goya 67.68. Francisco Jose de Goya - Disaster of War Series + Caprichos
paintings by Goya 67.68. Francisco Jose de Goya - Disaster of War Series + Caprichos

paintings by Goya 67.68. Francisco Jose de Goya - Disaster of War Series + Caprichos.

Take me away, away from them, stream of consciousness! The stream is harmful, curls up into a ball.

And then she begins to sing and purr strange songs: about "Daenerys of the House of Targaryen, called the first, Burning, Queen Meereen, Queen of the Andals, Roynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Dothraki Sea, Breaking the Shackles and Mother of Dragons."

We do not know anything about the real history, nothing, nothing … At the same time: "Everything branches, fractalizes, reflects, re-reflects in the mirror sphere, looping into Ouroboros - the World Serpent …"

69. Uroboros - the World Serpent, the personification of endless cyclical time and the continuity of the processes of being
69. Uroboros - the World Serpent, the personification of endless cyclical time and the continuity of the processes of being

69. Uroboros - the World Serpent, the personification of endless cyclical time and the continuity of the processes of being.

"White Flag of the French" brought to the Caliphate

One of these reflections, mentioned in the search for the signs of Quebec to the white flag of the French, allegedly waving both over their ships and over their Canadian forts, is the white flag of the Umayyads.

Umayyad Caliphate 70. The possessions of the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) are drawn like this
Umayyad Caliphate 70. The possessions of the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) are drawn like this

Umayyad Caliphate 70. The possessions of the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750) are drawn like this.

Caliphate. Huge territory. If we take yes, and remember about the attributed at least a thousand years, and multiplied entities, then it is very possible that the Umayyad-Abbasid-Sevefid caliphate, smeared by the officials on the plate of space-time, existed simultaneously with the events in question. Moreover, being a part of only something much larger. The very Kingdom of Kingdoms. From the depths of the subconscious, the question immediately emerges: Who really fought with whom? …

identical turbans

identical turbans 71. Abbas the First Great (1587-1629) Sevefid 72. Ivan the Terrible receives ambassadors. 1683 g
identical turbans 71. Abbas the First Great (1587-1629) Sevefid 72. Ivan the Terrible receives ambassadors. 1683 g

identical turbans 71. Abbas the First Great (1587-1629) Sevefid 72. Ivan the Terrible receives ambassadors. 1683 g.

Again a flock of ghost-images is pinching: destroyed cities for World Exhibitions; at the behest of the ruling house of the Romanovs, tens of thousands of Scythian burial mounds in the European part of Russia were completely buried, without a trace, without an inventory; Ataman Emelka, in a simple Cossack caftan, "not by rank" convicted in the imperial throne room …

Let us remember not with an evil quiet word … In Eternity, all are equal. Neither manuscripts nor category books are burning.

73. Burning of category books under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich
73. Burning of category books under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich

73. Burning of category books under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich.

She brought the picture in the course of the narrative, to the image that had arisen by the will of consciousness, and immediately wanted to intercede for Fyodor Alekseich. Perhaps slandered for centuries, like one of his predecessors, not just mentioned by nightfall, Ivan the Terrible. He did not burn rank books. Or, at least, such a man in a long boyar caftan and a high beaver hat did not burn. They did it for him later. Those who came to Russia in a completely different cut of clothes, or whatever it was called then, the state that the newcomers occupied. So they burned, and knocked frescoes to stone in churches and chambers, and baptized - with fire and sword, and shaved their beards. A continuous story, from father to son, or rather, from Queen Anastasia, was invented later. Breaking down the residual resistance in the conquered people. And saying that it has always been so. And they are flesh of his flesh. Who is stronger is right. Winners write history.

And my story, which lasts for a long time, does not come to its logical conclusion. Try as I might, I couldn't find the ends of the Quebec flag … and the one on the Rheims tapestry.

I did not tell about Clovis a single version really, so that from "A" to "Z" and carefully number each one … But the balls, with which to deal with additional, according to him and during the investigation of the stories that arose, I collected a whole basket … This is at the very beginning of the journey- then. To which she went for the fleur de liz symbol. To find out - where did it come from on the Austrian coats of arms, and not only Austrian ones. How quickly it became clear.

I will definitely tell you all about it. I will carry out an inventory of all currently existing versions. The stamp history turned out to be very interesting. Covering all layers of geography, from edge to edge, and all times. Up to cosmogony, cosmology and myths dating back to dragons, andals and the first people. Questions of Faith and Faith in Dates.

Through the Goseck Circle, once again about the agreed dates

After all, the TUE dates for today, in the absence of tools (radiocarbon analysis, which gives errors up to 6 thousand years, do not take into account!), Is, first of all, a contract and a matter of faith. In the era.

For example, objects that are perfectly indistinguishable from each other can be found on the planet, but according to the conventionally adopted POLITICAL agreement, they can differ in dates in hundreds and thousands of years.

I already mentioned at the beginning - everything related to the scandals-sveev-svenedians - according to this agreement, dates back to the period not earlier than the 9th century, as well as for the Russians-slovens … At the same time, the famous round cities of the Irish and scandals differ little from the German Gosek circle, or the Margush circles found in Turkmenistan, however, dated as far back as 4600-3000 BC, the Scottish circles - marked by the TI 2300 prehistoric years, or the Peruvian circle, supposedly built in the 4th century th.

74. Denmark. Trelleborg. Trelleborg airphoto. 10th century AD 75. Ireland. Hill of Kings. 9th century AD 76. Germany. Goseck circle. 4600 BC
74. Denmark. Trelleborg. Trelleborg airphoto. 10th century AD 75. Ireland. Hill of Kings. 9th century AD 76. Germany. Goseck circle. 4600 BC

74. Denmark. Trelleborg. Trelleborg_airphoto. 10th century AD 75. Ireland. Hill of Kings. 9th century AD 76. Germany. Goseck circle. 4600 BC

77. England. Mombury Rings 2400 BC 78. Turkmenistan. Charskaya desert. Margiana. 3000 BC 79. Peru. Chanquillo Observatory. 4 c. BC
77. England. Mombury Rings 2400 BC 78. Turkmenistan. Charskaya desert. Margiana. 3000 BC 79. Peru. Chanquillo Observatory. 4 c. BC

77. England. Mombury Rings 2400 BC 78. Turkmenistan. Charskaya desert. Margiana. 3000 BC 79. Peru. Chanquillo Observatory. 4 c. BC.

80. futuristic picture of a power dome
80. futuristic picture of a power dome

80. futuristic picture of a power dome.

For me, as a researcher, from the foundations of the theory of urban planning, who began the path, I have a whole selection of these circles - in fact, and as it seems not only to me - to the people of the current reloaded matrix that have only an indirect relationship. Therefore, the fences made of logs that are being fenced there today, on the Gosek circle, are simply ridiculous … Here is the version about the trail of a vacuum-sucked protective shell - I like it … I want to believe in it. As well as the fact that it was quite recently.

Maybe a little earlier than the tapestries were woven with the baptism of Clovis in Rheims and with his own battle at Tolbiak, where fat frogs flaunt on all the banners, coats of arms and standards of the Glorified in battle.

Clovis-Olaf toads, predecessor of fleur de lis

81. Battle of Tolbiak (La bataille de Tolbiac) 496, Tapestry, Brussels. XVII century
81. Battle of Tolbiak (La bataille de Tolbiac) 496, Tapestry, Brussels. XVII century

81. Battle of Tolbiak (La bataille de Tolbiac) 496, Tapestry, Brussels. XVII century

82. Fragment - standards with frogs-toads
82. Fragment - standards with frogs-toads

82. Fragment - standards with frogs-toads.

In the same way, as on the shields and banners of Olaf, either Norwegian, or Swedish, or Danish, who lived happily at least in the 10-11 centuries, 5 centuries after Clovis, but expensive frogs, in contrast to the last, keep the continuing.

83.84. Toads on Olaf's shields 1300-1325
83.84. Toads on Olaf's shields 1300-1325

83.84. Toads on Olaf's shields 1300-1325.

Pictures were found in the post "The Life of King Olaf" with an inscription generally referring to the 14th century, however, not indicating which, of the famous TI Olaf, it is …

I found six. All are daring beauties. One is the son of the Victorious, practically Glorified in battles. The second - the great-grandson of King Harald the Fair-haired - read Childeric, of course, the fair-haired, because the Merovingians just went down in history as the Long-haired kings.

The third - in the name-nickname, has all the required letters from Clovis, and maybe even from Childerick - Olaf Haraldsson-Heilag Olav.

The fourth, semi-legendary, rules together with his brother Eric, again the Victory. We have already analyzed the story about Eriks. How to rule together with my brother - we guess. Most likely, I suspect, this Olaf is a copy of himself, only under a different nickname. Married to a woman under the same name as the fifth and sixth Olaf, born of concubines.

All the heroes live at almost the same time, all are - as it were - observant, this is how Olaf is translated, or O-lav, O-lov, O-lov-is - C-lov-is - Clouis = Louis, that is the same Louis or Louis, or Ludwig-Clovis. Ha ha ha.

That is, I personally have practically no doubts: all these Olafs are the only one, photocopied through different sources - the original Clovis. Judge for yourself.

Olaf II (Olaf II) (995-1030), (Olaf Saint, Olaf Haraldsson, Olaf the Tolstoy; other Scandal láfr Digre, Norwegian Olav den hellige / Heilag Olav; 995-25 July (or 31 August) 1030 King of Norway from 1015 to 1028, a representative of the Horfager dynasty.

Olav I Tryggvason (Olaf Tryggvason; Norwegian Olav Tryggvason, Óláfr Tryggvason; also sometimes referred to with the nickname Crow bone (Krakaben); c. 963-1000) - King of Norway from 995 to 1000, great-grandson of King Harald the Fair-haired.

Olaf (Olof) Scotkonung (Swedish Olof Skötkonung, Skottkonung, the exact meaning of the nickname is debatable; 980 - 1022) - King of Sweden (995-1022), son of Eric VI the Victorious and Gunhilda of Poland, half brother of King of Denmark, Norway and England, Knud the Great.

Olaf II Björnsson (Swedish Olof Björnsson, died in 975) - semi-legendary king of Sweden (970-975), according to the "Saga of Herver" and "Strands of Stirbjörn Champion" ruled together with his brother Eric the Victorious. Married to Ingerid.

Olaf I Hunger, Olaf I Svensson (date Oluf 1. Hunger; 1050? - 18 August 1095) - King of Denmark. One of the sons of King Sven II Estridsen by concubines. Olaf was born around 1050 and was the son of Sven II and an unknown concubine. Olaf was married to Ingigerd Haraldsdottir, daughter of King Harald III Hardrad and Elizaveta Yaroslavna of Norway. Presumably, he served the Duke of Schleswig, exiled to Flanders.

Olaf III the Quiet, or Peaceful (Norse Olav Kyrre; 1050 - September 22, 1093) - King of Norway (1067-1093), son of Harald III the Harsh and concubine of Torah. Married to Ingerid Danish (1067-1093)

The old question that arose at the beginning of the journey - what kind of tribe were the Franks, where did they move from initially (the heart feels that it was not even from Pannonia), comes up again. And hangs in a beautiful curve squiggle. Next to others like that. Where did the fleur de liz symbol come from? Why, with its prevalence all over the planet and the presence on the most ancient artifacts found, is it persistently called the Bourbon lily and recorded for the Franks? What does the frog have to do with it?

Oh. Perhaps for today I will finish my permissible speeches. FOR! What I dug up, following the trail of frogs, is generally fantastic, mystic, something with something, at the level of culture shock! Cosmoplanetary things. And for the same amount of bukaf. Everything, everything, everything! This is in the next post …

I will spare the reader and give myself a break. Otherwise, a rare bird will fly to …


Continuation: "Heraldic history. Fleur-de-Liz. Mystical frogs"

Author: FreiTana
