The Mystery Of The Valley Of Falling Birds - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Valley Of Falling Birds - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Valley Of Falling Birds - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Valley Of Falling Birds - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Valley Of Falling Birds - Alternative View
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In the north-east of India there is an unusual place, the secret of which no one can explain yet. This is the picturesque Jatinga Valley, stretching between two forested mountain slopes in the state of Assam. Its area is relatively small - only 2x10 kilometers, and in the middle there is a small village, where life flows slowly and nothing supernatural happens.

However, once a year, Jatinga comes to life: in the last days of summer, peasants from all over the valley come to the valley to take part in an unusual holiday, the name of which translates as “nights of falling birds”. With the onset of darkness, the sky above the village fills with flying birds.


People kindle fires in the middle of the village square, and birds begin to fall dead right from the sky. An eerie phenomenon has been happening for many decades, always at the same time, and usually lasts 2-3 nights in a row.

This phenomenon was first described in the book "The Virgin Nature of India" by the English traveler and tea specialist E. Ji, who in 1957 had a chance to visit the Jatinga Valley. Since Gee was not an ornithologist, zoologists considered his story to be just a local legend and did not pay much attention to it. Only twenty years later, the Indian zoologist Sengupta became interested in the unusual behavior of birds and went to the mountains of Assam.


As a result of the next "bird fall" it was possible to find out that birds always come to the village from the north side, and only if the wind blows from the south of the valley. At the same time, it was noted that the birds living in the village itself do not take part in the unusual action.

According to Sengupta, the birds were as if in a hypnotic or somnambulistic state: they flew into the light of lighted bonfires, beat against the walls and roofs of houses, or sat in a strange daze, not paying attention to food or people.

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The phenomenon of mass death of birds has not yet been explained by scientists. Some believe that the reason for what is happening is a magnetic anomaly, the center of which is in the valley itself. Others are inclined to believe that at this time of the year, an accumulation of unknown gases is taking place in the atmosphere above Jatinga.

The inhabitants of the valley explain the phenomenon simply: the gods reward those who lead a righteous life. And the life of the people in India is really not easy, so when the time of such nights comes, Indians gather around the fires, pluck and fry the reward for their hard life falling straight from the sky.