Astral Energy - Alternative View

Astral Energy - Alternative View
Astral Energy - Alternative View

Video: Astral Energy - Alternative View

Video: Astral Energy - Alternative View

Emotions and feelings are not the same thing. These two psychoenergetic categories differ from each other in the ratio of the energy and information they contain. The more energy and the less information, the more passionate and intense the subjective experiences of people.

Rage is a relict energy, it contains the greatest potential that feeds the entire emotional life of a person. In ordinary everyday life, it flows with a life-giving stream, coloring our life with a whole gamut of experienced states, maintaining the tone of all functional systems of the body, and creating an elevated mood. But just as a murmuring mountain stream during a flood period turns into a stormy stream that blows away everything in its path, so the energy of rage can turn into overwhelming power.

Subjectively, we experience it as a "fight or flight" state. Such a powerful outburst of astral energy occurs, as a rule, in critical situations, when the question may be about life or death.

This type of astral energy is not subject to conscious control, the only thing we can do is to prevent its manifestation. If this energy has already been manifested, it definitely requires an exit. And if there is no exit to the outside, it destroys a person from the inside. The next type of astral energy is obsession / passion. If, with rage and panic, common thoughts do not arise, then the energy of passion has an informationally fixed charge, and a person becomes obsessed with some passionate desire or idea. Some Overvalue begins to dominate in the motivation of his behavior.

Passion can manifest itself in a variety of areas and directions. Sometimes her Emotions and feelings manifestation can be constructive, sometimes - destructive, it all depends on the informational orientation of this energy. The release of passion energy can arise quite suddenly and connect with the first available information, and a person is suddenly carried away by something that previously did not interest him at all. For example, he can become a passionate summer resident or esotericist, a passionate collector or traveler.

The energy of passion can increase both in intensity of manifestation and in duration in time. If the object of passion escapes, the motivation for satisfying the passion intensifies and becomes dominant. In this case, the person usually says: "This is my whole life's work." If "his whole life's work" collapses, the energy of passion can be transformed into the energy of rage or into the energy of suffering. One of the signs by which one can judge that a person is possessed is the ability to create endlessly about the object of passion, even if it is not interesting to anyone.

We will only mention some types of manifestation of astral dependence, and we will consider in more detail some of the most significant from an esoteric point of view. Many people have recently begun to suffer from communicative addiction, and it manifests itself in the inability to exist without a mobile phone. This category also includes dependence on news - sports, political, etc., as well as the inability to keep silent - you have to talk, talk and talk all the time.

When a person gambles, the whole gamut of astral states is turned on, from rage to euphoria, when he goes all-in and wins or loses everything. But most of the time, along with obsession, anxiety is present in the player's energy, which can be transformed either into suffering in case of loss, or into pleasure in case of winning. With such emotional changes, the astral body becomes very labile (unstable, changeable), and the person is unbalanced, he can be overwhelmed by any emotions at any time.

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There is so-called intermittent reinforcement in the game, which is associated with periodic wins and losses. This is the most powerful mode that forms dependence and fixation of astral energy on the illusory object of passion.

As for suffering, this category of astral energy is combined with information harmful to a given person. People cannot suffer for long and must not suffer. The body simply cannot withstand such energy-informational nutrition and is destroyed. To make it clearer, I will give you how many analogies. If a person is fed unsuitable food - harmful, poisonous, etc. (even if it is tasty), then very soon, to put it mildly, bodily discomfort will come. When the subtle body consumes unsuitable mental-astral energy, psychological psycho-spiritual discomfort occurs, which, with prolonged exposure, will necessarily manifest itself in bodily ailments.

Another analogy: if a car engine is designed for the consumption of A -95 gasoline, and A -80 is poured into the gas tank, with a completely different octane number and combustion temperature, then it is obvious that such a car will not go on a long journey, and its systems will very soon come out of building. If a computer is designed to consume 220 volts of electricity, then when the voltage drops by 5-10 units, it will inevitably freeze, and in case of voltage surges it may even fail.

In the same way, our body is not designed for a long consumption of the energy of suffering; it breaks down. It is necessary to distinguish between torment and suffering. Subjectively, we feel torment in the chest area, where uncomfortable tension arises, this condition is known as "the soul hurts." And suffering manifests itself in the throat - in the form of sensations of coma, spasm, bitterness.

People, in principle, can suffer for a long time for months or even years, but people cannot and should not suffer for a long time.

The energy of suffering is so destructive that it destroys our body, and primarily the nerve fibers through which energy impulses pass.

You have probably met people whose eyelids twitch, sometimes the face may be slightly skewed - these are signs that a person has been "stuck" in the phase of suffering for too long. Our nerve tissues simply burn out from this energy and are not able to function normally. Facial neuritis is the most common consequence of this condition. Most often this is observed in women, since their astral body is capable of producing energy of a higher voltage, and their neuro-psychological organization is more subtle. In men, the vessels of the brain suffer from these conditions more. So it comes out according to the saying: where it is thin, there it breaks …

Danila Susak