10 Next Ends Of The World, Which Should Be Noted In Your Calendar - Alternative View

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10 Next Ends Of The World, Which Should Be Noted In Your Calendar - Alternative View
10 Next Ends Of The World, Which Should Be Noted In Your Calendar - Alternative View

Video: 10 Next Ends Of The World, Which Should Be Noted In Your Calendar - Alternative View

Video: 10 Next Ends Of The World, Which Should Be Noted In Your Calendar - Alternative View
Video: 8 ways the world could suddenly end: Stephen Petranek at TEDxMidwest 2024, October

Do you remember 2012, or rather the decade that preceded it, during which everything was filled with messages about the coming apocalypse? As you can see, the end of the world did not take place. But bad predictions about the end of the world never got in the way of making new predictions.

So, pay attention to them: you don't want to make your plans, tell everyone when you come, dress up to the highest level - and all only so that the apocalypse will end all this, which will leave the whole world lifeless, and you - with a face reddened with embarrassment. Knowing how long humanity is left to live is critical to planning your social life, so here are ten dates when all life on Earth is threatened with destruction.

10. Great Tribulation, 2017

According to the Bible, the Great Tribulation will be the worst period in human history and will precede the end of the world. For Christian doomsday theorists, all signs point to this seven-year period of excruciating suffering beginning in late 2017.


It took a lot of people to figure out this date, a lot of long Bible verses and complicated calculations, but in general, this theory is built around significant dates concerning Jerusalem. In 1217, a rabbi named Judas Ben Samuel made a series of predictions regarding Jerusalem and the end of the world. First, he argued that the Turks would rule this region for eight yovels. In the Jewish tradition, "yovel" is a 50-year period established by the prophet Moses, at the end of which the mortgaged lands were returned to their former owners, the slaves received freedom, debts were forgiven, and the year of God's mercy began. According to the rabbi, 1217 was the beginning of such a cycle, as was the year 1517, when the Turks invaded Jerusalem 300 years after his prediction. In 1917, eight "yovels" later, on the days of Hanukkah,the Turks were expelled from Jerusalem.

Ben Samuel predicted that the city would then become a no-man's land, and this would continue until the end of the ninth Yovel. After the expulsion of the Turks, the city was under British mandate, and during this time Jerusalem had a special status that established Jerusalem as an international territory. Then, in 1948, the city was divided between Israel and Jordan, but in 1967, at the end of the ninth Yovel, it came under full Israeli control.

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2017 marks 50 years since Israel regained full control of Jerusalem, and this is the last year of the tenth Yovel. According to the rabbi, the end of the world will come at a time when Israel will be ruled by Jews. 2017 also marks two Yovels from the moment Count Balfour made a statement about his intention to return his homeland to the Jewish people, as well as 70 years (one biblical generation) since the adoption of the UN Plan for the Partition of Palestine.

9. Ninth prediction, 2018

The Hopi are an Native American Indian tribe living in Arizona. Occupying a 6,557 square kilometer reservation and a 2010 population of 19,327, the Hopi tribe is one of the largest in the United States. And there are many stories connected with this tribe.


Like many other Indian tribes, the Hopi feared violence and oppression from the Spanish conquistadors, although they won significant victories over the Spanish in 1542 and 1680. Ultimately, President Arthur granted them a reservation in 1882, but ties with the US government had been established many years earlier. One of the most notable later events was a meeting between Minister David Young and the Hopi chief White Pen in 1958, during which White Pen told Young about a number of ancient Hopi predictions.

The first two predictions were about white-skinned people and spinning wheels filled with voices. According to the Hopi, it was the arrival of Europeans and their resettlement in carts during the conquest of America. The next story was about "a strange bison-like beast" that conquered the earth, which was a warning about the scale of modern animal husbandry. The next three predictions were about iron snakes, giant spider webs and rivers of stone: railways, telecommunications wires, and highways, respectively.

By 1958, these six predictions had already been fulfilled. The last three were just to be fulfilled. The first of them was that the sea would turn black, which would lead to the death of everything inside it. Many attribute this to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, although it was only the fifth largest spill and half the size of the Kerne spill in 1910. The next prediction spoke of a long-haired youth seeking to learn Indian customs - this could be a story about the hippie movement. Then followed the ninth prediction:

“You will hear about a dwelling in heaven, high above the earth, which will fall to the earth with a terrible crash. It will be, in the image, like a blue star. The ceremonies of my people will end shortly thereafter.”

The simplest assumption is that a comet will crash to Earth, and although some believe that this is what we are talking about, others think that the term "blue star" may indicate something else. Tiangong-1 is a Chinese space station that lost contact with Earth in 2016. Now it revolves around the planet and will do so until it leaves orbit and crashes into the Earth. Can this station be considered a "blue star" from the predictions of White Feather? Could it be associated with some kind of experiment that could doom all of humanity to death? We just need to wait until October 2018, when the station is expected to enter the atmosphere. If we stay alive - well, well, then we can start waiting for a comet.

8. Second Coming, 2020

Among psychics, Jean Dixon is considered one of the most important figures of the twentieth century. In addition to working closely with Presidents Nixon and Reagan, Dixon wrote an astrological newspaper column and wrote several books, including a horoscope for dogs.


In 1973, Dixon published her most famous book, Call to Glory, which her fans still regard as a prophecy of the end of the world. In this book, a devout Catholic and clairvoyant asserted that the beginning of the end will come in 2020, and it will begin with a voice message that will be heard around the world: "It is done." This will mark the Second Coming of Christ, who will fight Satan until 2037, when the world ends.

Fortunately, Dixon, like most other psychics, had a tendency to make many unfulfilled predictions. But unlike most other psychics, the misprediction ignorance phenomenon was named after her, and is now known as the Ginny Dixon Effect. Dixon argued that the information she received was always reliable, but she herself did not always interpret it correctly.

7. The second coming (option number 2), 2021

If you do not trust psychics and prefer to receive your information about the apocalypse directly from the Bible itself, then F. Kenton Beshore is the person you need. President of the World Bible Society, Beshor is convinced that Armageddon will occur "no later than" 2021. One of the main reasons for his conviction is the interpretation of the parable of the fig tree.


If you do not know the parable, then here is it in short: someone was angry that his fig tree had not been harvesting for three years. But when he decided to cut it down, another peasant told him: "Wait, give me one year before you do this." Most interpret this as God's decision to defeat the unbelievers, and that Jesus gave them a second chance.

However, since the fig tree is often a metaphor for Israel, Beshor and his followers believe that the parable means something completely different. In his book When, Beshor claims that the parable says that the reign of Jesus will begin one generation after the founding of Israel, and this, according to him, will happen in 2028. Since Jesus has yet to fight Satan, this means that in fact, chaos and anarchy will begin by 2021.

6. Asteroid - the killer of the planet, 2026

The International Messiah Foundation was founded in 2002 and acts as a kind of collection container for the remnants of different religions. The foundation seems to believe in all theistic religions, but it is mostly a mixture of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.


According to the Messiah Foundation, scientists are well aware of a giant asteroid that is racing towards our planet and is set to collide in 2026. But while these unnamed scientists believe that by then we will have technology capable of destroying the asteroid, the foundation does not. The asteroid will bring us the end of the world.

The Foundation claims that when this happens, the "expected" ones will return and will save all who are worthy of salvation. Needless to say, one of the "expected" is Jesus, with him will also appear the Messiah (for those who believe they are not the same), Mahdi (Islamic Redeemer) and Avatar Kalki (final incarnation of Vishnu). It is very reassuring that among the "expected" will be His Eminence Ra Riaz Goar Shahi, who founded the Messiah Foundation, who will return despite the fact that he has not yet died.

5. Newton's prediction, 2060

When you think of Isaac Newton, you probably think of science and reason, but it turns out that a person who knew the laws of gravity might need to be grounded a little. It's no secret that Newton was a firm believer in God, but few remember that his faith in the Bible was as steadfast as his faith in science. He even believed that the Bible contains a clue to the date of the end of the world for those who can find it.


Newton's calculations were long and complex, but essentially he believed that the end of the world would come after a long period of disintegration of the Catholic Church. Looking back, Newton concluded that the beginning of this decay was in the 800th year, in which the papacy was strengthened. The Book of Revelation mentions “time, times, and part of time,” which Newton interpreted to mean one year, two years, and half a year, for a total of 3.5 years. The same book mentions 42 months. Both are 1260 days. In ancient times, the Jews often called the year "biblical day", based on this Newton came to the conclusion that the end of the world would come in 2060.

Newton did this by wanting to say that although the end of the world could happen in 2060, there is no reason for it to come earlier. Ironically, he hoped that his prediction would help "put an end to the rash assumptions of strange people who often predict the end of time." We all know how well he did it.

4. Second Coming according to Islam, 2129

Before comics and movies were made, religions were the only source of information about the universe. In fact, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. These religions, along with several minor sects, are known as the Abrahamic religions and are supported by over half of the world's believers. So, if Christianity is a continuation of Judaism, then Islam is its offshoot, in which Jesus is recognized as a respected prophet, but not as the Messiah. This is similar to Iron Man's appearance in the new Spider-Man movie.


According to a number of Islamic hadiths (sayings), the apocalypse will not be a one-day event, but one that lasts in time. It will begin with the world becoming the scene of wars against Muslims and their oppression, which is largely observed today. In response, Madhi, the "expected", will unite all Muslims and set the stage for the return of the prophet, who many believe may be Jesus. The latter is related to the hadith, which says that the son of Mary will break the cross and kill the pigs. Of course, the destruction of the cross marks the end of Christianity, which, in their opinion, went in the wrong direction, which Jesus bequeathed. The killing of pigs signifies the restoration of the rules of Judaism that Christians have departed from, for example, regarding the prohibition of eating pork.

Said Nursi was a Muslim scholar who studied these hadiths and believed that he had figured out the chronology of events to come. According to his interpretations, the end of the world will be marked by earthquakes, fire and the struggle of the one-eyed beast with the Messiah, when Gog and Magog descend to Earth. Gog and Magog are mentioned in the Torah, the Koran, and the Bible, sometimes as humanoid creatures, sometimes as representatives of hostile peoples. Nursi believed that all this would happen in 2129, so most of us will probably watch the unfolding of all this action from hell.

3. Clock of the Messiah, 2239

One of the most recognizable tenets of Judaism is the expectation of the Messiah. Therefore, the fact that some are trying to calculate the time of his arrival should not surprise anyone. Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (Vilnius) was a scientist of the 18th century who invented a clock (not as a physical object, but as a way to measure time), which allows you to know the time before the coming of the Messiah. Psalm 90: 4 says that every 1000 years for us is just a day in the eyes of God, so Eliyahu applied this to the six days of creation. This makes the seventh day, Saturday, in the meantime, when the Divine rule will be established on the Earth forever, which is also called the Age of the Messiah.


The Jewish day is counted slightly differently than in the Gregorian calendar, the new date does not come after sunrise, but after sunset. Therefore, the seventh day is not the 7000th year (from the creation of the world), as you think, but the 6000th. This year will begin after sunset on September 30, 2239. According to this theory, the Messiah must appear on the eve of Saturday, so this is the last possible date for his arrival, although he may appear earlier to help us prepare for the new Kingdom of Heaven.

Unfortunately, although the eternal Sabbath will lead to complete peace and harmony, it will only affect those who are actively preparing for the coming of the Messiah. So, even if you are a Jew attending the synagogue, you will not be allowed to the party if you did not participate in its preparation.

2. Codes of the Quran, 2280

According to Rashad Khalifa's own words, he was an Egyptian biochemist and divine messenger. In the late 1960s, Khalifa began using computers to search for mathematical codes hidden in the Quran. By the mid-1970s, he began claiming to have found them. His research included studying the repetition of words, the number of letters, verses, numbers, and so on. The Khalifa claimed that the number 19 was the key to unlocking the secrets of the ancient text.


Some evidence for this was that the first verse of the Quran has 19 letters, just like the first verse of the last revelation. The number of chapters between the famous "missing suras" and additional suras is 19, and these additions were made 19 years after the death of the prophet. If the name Rashad Khalifa is decomposed into numbers (where A = 1, B = 2, and so on), then the sum of these numbers will be 19, which indicates him as a seer of the apocalypse. There are many more such alleged evidence, but you get the point by now.

The Qur'an, like many holy books, describes the signs of the approaching end of the world. These include the destruction of the moon, which, according to believers, began at the moment when people brought the fragments of lunar rocks to Earth; detection of the secret code, the aforementioned number 19; and a creature "made of the Earth" that will enlighten us about our creator, in other words - computers.

Using these codes and clues, Khalifa deduced that the world would be finished in 2280, so we still have a little time left. When the end comes, a bugle will sound, and the Earth, like Heaven, will be "flattened and crushed." Fortunately for believers, a different earth and heaven will be created.

The problem with math codes is that they can be easily adjusted to fit any forecast. Much of the evidence includes references to things such as that the total number of verses in the Qur'an is 6,346, which is 334 times 19. Thus, perhaps the most compelling argument for the magic of the number 19 is the criminal offense: killing the Khalifa. Khalifa was killed by a former student in January 1990. Nineteen years later, the killer was extradited from Canada for trial and was ultimately convicted on December 19, 2012.

1. Preaching of the seven suns. Around 84517

Of the approximately 4,200 known religions that we have had throughout human history, Buddhism is one of the most widespread. Buddhism is respected even by those who do not adhere to it. But the only thing that most people know about Buddhism, in addition to its peacefulness and self-meditation, is the belief in reincarnation. So what does the religion of serenity and rebirth think about what the world will be like?


To understand the Buddha's statements about the end of our world, one should know that the Buddha who founded Buddhism on Earth was a representative of our world, his name was Siddhartha Gautama. Gautama Buddha lived from 563 to 483 BC and claimed that his teachings would be forgotten 5,000 years after his death, this is around 4517 AD. By this point, we will all be living selfish and sinful lives. Then another Buddha will come, Maitreya, who will revive the religion in about 80,000 years, if humanity survives to that time.

After that, let's start preaching the Seven Suns. The first is our Sun, in which "all plant life will dry up, wither and cease to exist." When the second sun appears, all animals will die. The third, fourth and fifth suns will dry up rivers, lakes and oceans, respectively, and the sixth sun will usher in the era of destructive volcanoes.

Finally, the seventh sun will appear, which will make the Earth explode in flames and burn to complete and universal non-existence. It is safe to say that "suns" refer to symbolic periods of time, but it seems that believers usually perceive them as literal suns that either form in our solar system or enter it from outside. Fortunately, this fate is easy to avoid, it just requires attaining enlightenment and Nirvana, which should be quite doable if you have a Buddha and 80,000 years of life.