The Secrets Of Our Dreams - Alternative View

The Secrets Of Our Dreams - Alternative View
The Secrets Of Our Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The Secrets Of Our Dreams - Alternative View

Video: The Secrets Of Our Dreams - Alternative View

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena in the world. Many scientists have tried to determine their nature, among them Freud, Jung and many others known to the whole world can be called. According to F. Nietzsche, sleep is a rest from reality. Schopenhauer was convinced that sleep is part of death. And Freud considered sleep not only as something that is related to the functioning of the brain during wakefulness, but also messages encrypted by the subconscious mind.

There are also known religious interpretations of the nature of sleep. In Christianity, sleep is perceived as a revelation of God. Moreover, in the Holy Scriptures one can find confirmation of this statement (the vision of thin cows marked the famine in Egypt). Pilate's wife, under the influence of sleep, advised her husband not to pass judgment on Jesus Christ.

It should be noted that prophetic dreams are one of the biggest mysteries that people had to deal with. From a physiological point of view, such dreams are impossible, but such a science as morpheology is trying to open the veil of this mystery. This science is guided by the terms neurophonic waves and psychological phantoms. Psychological phantoms are those images that are formed under the influence of many experiences that a person has experienced throughout his life. The neurophonic field is activated in integration with phantoms, which can provoke prophetic dreams. In other words, a person is fixed in advance on a certain development of activity, and when he performs such actions in reality, then he has the impression that the dream he saw is prophetic. So the future-defining dreams are nothing else,how the mood of this or that person for a certain kind of action, emotion, relationship.

Many descriptions of prophetic dreams have survived in history. So, in the sources of antiquity, one can find evidence that the emperor Marciates on the night of Attila's death saw his broken bow in a dream. According to historians, the assassination attempt on Caesar might not have happened if he had paid attention to the dreams of his wife Calpuria.

During the Middle Ages, many cases of prophetic dreams are also known. So, it is generally accepted that the great genius Leonardo da Vinci made most of his discoveries in a dream, after which he encrypted them in writing. After his death, Dante appeared to his son in a dream and suggested where the text of the "Divine Comedy" was kept. The world-famous periodic table of chemical elements by Mendeleev was also seen in a dream.

There are many testimonies and common people who also had prophetic dreams. So, in 1883, an employee of the Boston newspaper, Edward Sampson, dreamed of a large-scale tragedy, which he wrote down in great detail immediately after the prompting. His story spoke of the natives of the island of Pralom, who were washed into the sea by huge streams of mud. All this was accompanied by thunderous rumbles, and ended with a powerful explosion that destroyed the island of Pralome.

The editor of the newspaper saw the story on the journalist's desk and, mistaking it for a telegraph message, published it in the newspaper. The material about the terrible disaster was reprinted by the most important American publications. There was no continuation of this story, so many newspapers were already going to publish refutations, when reports began to arrive about the tragedy that occurred in the Indian Ocean. A volcano woke up on the island of Krakatoa, and a few days later there was an eruption. The island went under water. In the printed article and in the disaster, only the names of the two islands differed. Many years later, Eduard Samson received an old map as a gift from the Historical Society, on which the island of Krakatoa was called … Pralome (this was the native name of the island).

And in April 1912, a young US resident had a strange dream in which her mother, along with many other people, escaped after a shipwreck in icy water. It was later established that the woman's mother was among the passengers who managed to escape after the sinking of the Titanic. But the woman knew nothing about the fact that her mother intended to sail on a motor ship to America …

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According to the assumptions of scientists, in the same period of time, there are several parallel realities at once. And with some of them a person can communicate. The simplest manifestation of such communication is sleep. It is likely that this is why everything that a person sees in a dream seems unreal to him. In dreams, events develop at a tremendous speed, and in 8-9 hours of sleep, a person manages to live not only weeks, but months and even years of his life.

Everything in the universe is made of atoms. A person cannot see them with the naked eye, but this does not mean at all that they do not exist. Atoms are constantly vibrating with different speeds, frequencies and directions. A person can see them when these atoms combine into molecules, in other words, the material world. However, if we assume that a person has acquired the ability to move with the same speed and frequency with which dreams pass through the subconscious, then an outside observer would not be able to see such a person, since the human body (senses and vision) is not able to record this kind of movement.

Thus, if we assume the existence of another world moving faster than one can imagine, the person would not feel its presence. And the human subconscious is capable of doing this. It is for this reason, as scientists say, that people often have the impression that they have already seen a stranger somewhere, or have once smelled an unfamiliar smell, or have been in an unfamiliar place. However, remembering such moments is completely useless, since all this happens at the point of contact of parallel worlds.

In Pennsylvania, about half a century ago, a terrible and at the same time strange incident happened: the two sons of Farmer Cox disappeared. The boys were 5 and 7 years old. The guys went for a walk in the forest and promised to return home for dinner. But they didn’t even return by evening. Parents searched throughout the night, and in the morning they were joined by neighbors. They combed the forest to no avail, and then the parents turned to a shaman woman from an Indian settlement near the farm for help. She asked to bring pictures of the children, and when she looked at them, she said that the boys were in another world, but did not die, but got into another dimension. Therefore, the shaman refused to help.

Desperate parents appealed to the Americans through radio and newspapers with an appeal for help. After a while, they received a call from a farmer named Jacob Dilbert, who lived 13 miles from their farm. He said that he had a strange dream in which he wandered through an unfamiliar forest and saw the body of a dead deer near a fallen tree. Then he noticed a children's shoe under a bush, and a river flowed nearby. And near the river there was a ravine in which he noticed the bodies of two dead boys. Moreover, this dream was repeated several times. In the description of Jacob, the parents recognized the place where the whole family rested. It took them three days to get there, and on the way, Dilbert saw the same dream again. And in the morning they found a river, and a fallen tree, and a ravine, and a children's shoe, and the bodies of two dead children.

Doctors did not find any damage or signs of violence on the bodies of the boys. The cause of death was never established. All attempts by the police to sort out the situation were also unsuccessful. Parapsychologist from the USA B. Gordon put forward his version of what happened. After examining all the details, he announced that for some unknown reason, the children fell into a space-time hole, falling into another state. And they died because they saw something that the child's psyche could not cope with, or simply because the child's body could not withstand such loads.

An interesting incident also occurred in the fall of 1974 with Robert Wyoming. He went hunting, and very soon he saw a huge bison, which was several tens of meters from him. The man took aim and fired. To the amazement of the hunter, the bullet flew about 15 meters, and then slowly fell to the ground. This shocked Wyoming. However, then something happened that shocked the man even more. Next to him, he saw the semblance of a spaceship and strange creatures. They approached the hunter and inquired about his health. About what happened next, Wyoming had no idea, since he woke up already in the hospital, where the forest guard brought him.

Another interesting case was recorded in the summer of 1943, US warships were moving off the Aleutian coast and on radar they noticed Japanese ships that were moving towards them. The commander ordered to open fire. In half an hour, more than 210 tons of shells were fired. The sailors on the American ships saw that the potential enemy did not react to the shelling. After everything calmed down, it was established that there was no evidence of the presence of Japanese ships in that place. Already after the end of the war, on the basis of documents, it was found out that on that day there were no ships in the area at all.

There is ample evidence that such space-time holes exist. Researchers say that the connection between sudden disappearances of people and prophetic dreams is not at all accidental. Moreover, over time, a person will learn to use their dreams as the cheapest form of transport. According to experts, such holes are a kind of bridges in space, through which you can get not only to any place on the planet, but also to another world.

Thus, we can safely say that the phenomenon of dreams is not at all so simple and it is not for nothing that all living organisms are endowed with the ability to dream. At present, all over the world, specialized scientific institutes are engaged in the study of the nature of dreams. But dreams have many secrets and mysteries, so the main task of science is to shed at least a little light on this mysterious phenomenon.