The Mystery Of The Necrotic Connection - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Necrotic Connection - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Necrotic Connection - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Necrotic Connection - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Necrotic Connection - Alternative View
Video: The Story of The Necrotic Wake [Lore] 2024, October

It is traditionally believed that after the death of a person, his soul, having passed into the subtle world, loses its connection with our real world. However, the facts show that souls in the next world are aware of everything that happens here, and are not at all indifferent to it.

Many cases have been recorded when the souls of the departed helped people with whom they were close during life. Obviously, they have the same emotions as living people. It can be forgiving kindness, and resentment, and vengefulness, other feelings. This is evidenced by various paranormal phenomena. One of them not so long ago happened in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka.

Walking around the city's central cemetery in the morning, the watchman suspected that at night someone had disturbed the grave of the former chief of police, and immediately raised the alarm. The police officers who arrived at the scene were convinced that his fears were not in vain: the grave was in a terrible state, flowers and wreaths were scattered and trampled, the earth sagged heavily, although there was no rain.

Assuming that someone was digging the grave, the investigators turned to the relatives of the deceased and to the court for permission to carry out the exhumation. When the grave was opened, they found that an expensive coffin worth $ 10,000 had disappeared and the body was simply in the ground. The search for the intruders on the fresh trail did not yield any results.

But a week later, the uncle of a certain Gunasena came to the police and told about the trouble that befell their family. According to him, recently his nephew brought an expensive coffin stolen from the grave and hid it in the basement under the house. And soon after that, all the household members felt a discomfort, which intensified. The nephew himself is generally dying. The visitor asked the police to quickly pick up the coffin, concealing death, and punish the criminal for sacrilege.

After this was done, the relatives quickly recovered. The thief himself got to his feet, but already behind bars. Now he faces a trial and a long prison sentence.

Paranormal experts explain the incident with the so-called "necrotic connection". It can arise between the soul of a deceased person in the next world and material objects in our world. Through them, the deceased is able to punish people who disturb his peace with the help of negative energy impulses that are detrimental to health. Our ancestors discovered this a long time ago. It is no coincidence that the customs of all peoples forbid desecrating the graves of the dead.

In the next world, souls can experience boredom and, in order to drive it away, they try to find entertainment in the real world. Here are just a few typical examples of this.

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The famous medium Darlene Rittenhouse, who has given sessions with the departed in many countries, recently announced that she was ending her practice. According to this beautiful woman, "the hooligan behavior of the spirits" made her do so. It all started during one of the sessions, to which a whole family came to meet the spirit of their beloved aunt - a father, a mother and their two sons.

“I clasped my hands, closed my eyes and went into a trance to make contact with the person they loved,” says Darlene. - Suddenly I felt that I was surrounded by four or five souls of the dead, unknown to me. Giggling, they grabbed my clothes, trying to rip them off. I tried to stop them, but I fainted. I don't know why this happened. When I woke up and came out of the trance state, it turned out that all the clothes that were on me disappeared."

The same thing was repeated during the following sessions, although the medium desperately resisted. Otherworldly bullies stubbornly persecuted her, although usually the essences of the departed people are sympathetic to the contactee mediums.

“As far as I was able to find out, my ill-wishers are the souls of young people, but who they are and why they are attached to me, I do not know. Maybe they want to see me naked, or they just get bored. But I am sure of one thing: I will never give sessions again in my life. It is very unpleasant to wake up completely naked in a room full of unfamiliar people."

And here is another example of how the souls of the departed have fun.

Police officers in the American city of Shelbyville, Kentucky, encountered mysterious phenomena taking place in their building. At night, here doors slam with a bang, floors creak under heavy steps, filing cabinets slide out by themselves, someone groans and sighs mournfully in the corridors. All of this led the police to believe that a ghost had settled in the building, and they turned to professional ghost hunters for help.

A group of anomalous specialists urgently arrived from Louisville and installed video cameras, sound recording equipment and infrared temperature sensors throughout the building, capable of registering the slightest temperature fluctuations. After all, while the ghost remains unidentified, it is impossible to establish the reasons for its appearance, and, consequently, to take measures to return the disembodied creature to the next world.

However, the supersensitive equipment did not register a single suspicious shadow.

“One gets the impression that the ghost is playing hide and seek with us,” Thomas Kindes, leader of the anomalous group, told reporters. - As soon as we turn off the devices, he immediately makes himself known. We turn it on and the trace is gone."

A similar thing happened in one of the museums of the Chilean capital Santiago, where an exhibition of objects from the Titanic was opened. Visitors to the exhibition heard voices, coughs and footsteps when no one was around. Naturally, they got scared, and many hurried to leave the exhibition halls. One married couple even claimed to have seen a woman wearing a long white dress, which was worn at the beginning of the last century, when the Titanic died.

Security guards and police were eyewitnesses to these strange phenomena. Previously, this exhibit was shown in Argentina, where the same thing happened: visitors heard a whisper that seemed to come from the items on display. According to the famous British paranormal expert John Colegreaves, this suggests that disembodied entities in the subtle world can also be bored, so they try to have fun.

Finally, there are times when souls from the subtle world try to influence the course of real events. The recent emergency in the house of the Petukhov family in Vilnius is clear evidence. Spontaneous combustion of various objects took place in it for five months. Chairs, armchairs, sofas, curtains flashed without any external influence.

The head of the Eduardas family suggested that the cause of the fires was the old open wiring, which gives a spark during voltage surges, and it was replaced throughout the house. However, this did not help: things continued to ignite. When the blanket left on the back of the chair caught fire, in which the hostess Valentina had just wrapped herself up, another explanation came to her mind.

Spontaneous combustion began after she and her husband decided to sell the house she inherited from her father, although before his death, fifteen years ago, he categorically forbade doing this. Moreover, being on his deathbed, the father said that from the other world he would observe the fulfillment of his wishes.

So it was no coincidence that the fires started after the Petukhovs decided to break the will of the deceased. He seemed to warn that he was categorically against the sale of the house and would burn it if it did take place. The most curious thing is that as soon as the spouses abandoned their intentions, the fires stopped.

To this we can add that from time immemorial there has been a tradition to fulfill the will of a deceased person, otherwise his soul will not have peace in the next world. But it turns out that otherwise it may not give rest to the living.

Sergei Barsov