Prohibited Human Experimentation In The USA - Alternative View

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Prohibited Human Experimentation In The USA - Alternative View
Prohibited Human Experimentation In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Prohibited Human Experimentation In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Prohibited Human Experimentation In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Human Experimentation: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly 2024, October

We used to think that cruel and inhuman experiments on people were carried out only in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, the truth is much worse - such experiments began to be carried out back in the 19th century, and in the USA.

Here are some of them …


Since 1840, American physician James Marion Sims, considered the "founder of modern gynecology", has conducted a variety of surgical research. As experimental mice for his experiments, he used African slaves, over whom he performed surgical operations WITHOUT anesthesia. One of the women was operated on in this way 30 times! Slaves often died - but this did not stop the "scientist". Dr. Sims was also engaged in the study of the causes of spasms of the chewing muscles in children - so he experimented on the children of black slaves, performing operations on their jaws with the help of … a boot awl.


Another "pioneer" of American medicine - Dr. Arthur Wentworth was engaged in the fact that 29 children were injected into the spinal cord with a metal wire (the so-called "lumbar puncture") in order to check how harmful it is. Moreover, the parents of the children did not even know what experiments the "doctor" was conducting on their children.

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From 1913 to 1951, the chief surgeon of the San Quentin prison in California, Dr. Leo Stanley, conducted hundreds of experiments on prisoners. Stanley transplanted to criminals the generative organs taken from executed criminals, wild boars and rams, conducted forced sterilization operations and other "scientific" experiments.

In the mid-1880s, a Californian doctor working at a leper hospital in Hawaii "for scientific purposes" infected six teenage girls with the syphilis virus. Not far from him left the New York pediatrician Henry Heyman, who specially infected two mentally retarded boys with gonorrhea. In the scientific literature of the 19-20 century, about 40 experiments of this kind are described - when doctors deliberately infected children with sexually transmitted diseases.

But sexually transmitted diseases seem like flowers when you remember the story of how American military doctors infected five Filipino prisoners with the bubonic plague. And in 1906, Harvard professor Richard Strong infected 24 Filipino prisoners with cholera (13 of them died).

In 1908, three doctors in Philadelphia infected several dozen orphans with tuberculosis, causing some of them to go blind. In the published results of their research, these "doctors" called the children they crippled "Material used."

There are many cases of intentional infection of prisoners, mentally retarded patients and orphans. American "doctors" infected people with syphilis, molluscum contagiosum, malaria, herpes, hepatitis, transplanted cancer cells into them, etc.


Military medics also managed to excel in the field of conducting experiments on their own kind. In 1950, a large amount of powder containing the bacteria Serratia marcescens was sprayed over San Francisco from two aircraft to simulate the situation of bacteriological warfare. As a result, many residents of the city fell ill with pneumonia and died. Experiments with the bacterium Serratia marcescens continued until 1969.

In 1955, CIA "researchers" sprayed pertussis bacteria in Florida's Tampa Bay area, immediately causing a massive epidemic of the disease. At least 12 people have died.

In 1956 and 1957 in Georgia and Florida, the US military released millions of mosquitoes infected with yellow fever and dengue fever. In the midst of the outbreak, the Pentagon fighters, disguised as civilian doctors, traveled to infected cities and photographed sick people for their reports.

The American "researchers" did not shy away from conducting experiments on their own army. So, from 1963 to 1969, within the framework of the Ship Vulnerability and Defense (SHAD) project, several types of bacteriological and chemical weapons were dropped on US Navy ships at once. Moreover, the crews of the ships did not suspect anything when the "native Pentagon" began to water them with sarin gas, VX gas and cadmium salts.

In the late 1960s, the US military launched hay bacteria into the New York and Chicago subways. The experiment was proudly called "Investigating the vulnerability of metro passengers to covert biological attacks."


In 1949, Operation Green Run was carried out in Washington state, in which an area of 2000 square kilometers was contaminated with radioactive isotopes of iodine and xenon. There were three small towns on the territory at once, but this did not stop the military.

In 1953, the American Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) at the University of Iowa conducted experiments on pregnant women. They were exposed to radioactive iodine-131 to induce an induced abortion. In another experiment, AEC staff fed 25 newborns with radioactive iodine, and in another, 65 infants.

In 1946-1947, "researchers" at the University of Rochester gave six subjects small doses of uranium-234 and uranium-235 to find out how much radiation their kidneys could withstand.

From 1945 to 1947, within the framework of the Manhattan Project, 16 people received injections of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239. One of them was Albert Stevens, who was specially given a false diagnosis of stomach cancer and began to “treat” with plutonium injections (of course, the patient was not told anything about plutonium). The ashes left after Albert's cremation are stored in several research institutes - they are still radioactive.

To see how radioactive materials penetrate the maternal placenta, in the mid-40s, "researchers" from Vanderbilt University gave 829 (!) Pregnant women to drink a solution of radioactive iron salts. At the same time, women were told that it was a “vitamin drink”. Some newborns, like their mothers, developed cancer and died.

From 1948 to 1954, "scientists" at Johns Hopkins Hospital, as part of a government program, inserted radium rods into the noses of Baltimore schoolchildren. A total of 582 schoolchildren went through this "adenoid treatment" procedure.

In 1954, as part of the Bravo project, the Americans dropped a nuclear bomb on the Marshall Islands, as a result of which 236 local residents were deliberately exposed to radiation. One of them died, the rest fell ill with radiation sickness.

In 1957, the military detonated another nuclear bomb in Nevada. According to some estimates, this entailed between 1,000 and 20,000 deaths of ordinary Americans, who were hit by the radioactive cloud.


From 1942 to 1944, American military chemists tested the effect of mustard gas on American soldiers, a poisonous substance of skin blistering action. "Researchers" worked on improving the quality of gas masks - the health of the recruits, choking from mustard gas, did not interest them.

In 1950, soldiers sprayed poisonous compounds (including cadmium salts) over six American and Canadian cities at once.

Many have heard of Agent Orange, which the US military used in Vietnam. The main active ingredient "Orange" is dioxin, the strongest carcinogen. Orange was produced by Dow Chemicals. To prove to the military that they are buying "what they want," the Dow Chemicals conducted a study in which dioxin was administered to 70 American black prisoners.


In 1957, as part of the famous CIA project MK-Ultra, Dr. Evan Cameron began to study the method of brainwashing on mentally ill people. He immersed patients in an insulin coma, which could last up to 88 days, and then erase their memory with an electric shock. One of the "researcher's" patients received a total of 360 electric shocks. Cameron's task was to develop a method for completely erasing a person's personality. He locked one of his wards in a ward and turned on a tape recording of a suggestive phrase like "you are a good wife and mother, and people like to be in your company …". The poor fellow listened to this tape continuously for 100 days in a row.

Within the framework of the same MK-Ultra, at the end of the 60s, professors Kligman and Kopelan were engaged in feeding 320 prisoners of the Holmsburg prison with psychotropic substances in order to find out for each of the substances a dose sufficient to neutralize 50% of the enemy's personnel.

From 1940 to 1953, Laretta Bender, a very respected specialist in child psychiatry in the United States, was engaged in the fact that in one of the hospitals in New York she experienced the effect of electric shock on hundreds of children. For some children with schizophrenia, Larette was given two electric shocks a day for three weeks.


After the publication this year of the statement of the CIA report "on the program for organizing the arrests and interrogations", soon dubbed the "torture report", the world community learned many interesting facts about the principles of the work of US intelligence in the so-called. "The period after 9/11".

An extensive program to study "special" interrogation methods began in 2002 - the main specialists in the development of methods were James Mitchell and Bruce Lessen, who took the phenomenon of acquired helplessness as a basis.

The experimental study of this state was carried out on the basis of Pavlov's classical conditioning - that is, only on dogs. But the specialists had a contract, the purpose of which was to develop methods for extracting information from people, so they started experiments on people, not really thinking about the legality or moral and ethical side of such activities …

But this was hardly the only known US program to conduct experiments on humans.

Unfortunately, those who talk about the experiments conducted by the Americans on a person are perceived by others as a crazy conspiracy theorist inventing irrevocable nonsense, and in order to destroy this stereotype, the guys from Vice decided to collect the loudest programs of such experiments that took place.

In the best traditions of the Cold War, the military structures of the United States loved to test various strategies on their own people. Military research often requires the initiation of a "controlled" attack, and it was for this purpose that the experimenters once exposed thousands of American soldiers to mustard gas, and the Navy, for example, studied the effect of nerve gas on the human body - the substance was simply sprayed on the deck and inside ventilation system without the consent of the ship's crew.

The most widely reported operation was LAC (Large area coverage) - a series of tests between 1957 and 1958, which consisted of spraying large volumes of "mixture" of cadmium sulfide and zinc sulfide over parts of the United States from aircraft and from water transport. Without informing the residents of the sprayed cities and states, of course.

Some of the regions over which the experimental composition was sprayed had a high population density. Later, when the information was declassified, the frightened scientists decided to re-examine the results of the operation and found that the tests were "not dangerous at all."

In 1950, the same innovators in the US military-industrial complex decided to test the "efficacy" of the bacterium Serratia marcescens by spraying it over San Francisco. A little later, one of the residents of the city, Edward Nevin, died of an infectious heart disease caused by the very Serratia marcescens.

Ten years later, American scientists decided to test the effects of the Hay Wand on passengers on the Chicago and New York subway systems by spraying the bacteria into ventilation systems. As it turned out, such a "biological weapon" turned out to be completely harmless. But, it is unlikely that the military would test something, knowing in advance that this "something" is completely harmless. And the very fact of violation of ethical norms …

However, the results of Operation Whitecoat were no longer so modest. During the Korean War, those unwilling to serve and simply pacifists were often recruited to work as military doctors, and since 1953 they were given the opportunity to become medical experimental rats and, having given these volunteers the nickname "white coats", they began to be stuffed with experimental vaccines and bacteria. None of them died during the study itself at the Fort Detrick laboratory, but ten years after the study was closed, the study of the long-term effect followed: many of the then experimental subjects now constantly experienced severe migraines and suffered from persistent asthma. And this, not to mention the fact that only ¼ of the primary number of "white robes" survived.

The second terrible part of the Manhattan Project - apart from apparently destroying two populated cities - was that its implementation spurred further research into the effects of radiation on the human body.

In addition to sending infantry troops closer to the "nuclear mushrooms", the researchers did not hesitate to add small portions of radioactive substances directly to the human body: some private and public research laboratories either simply pricked the volunteers with "nuclear energy", or fed them milk and beef, which in turn were livestock product on a "radioactive diet". A 1986 US Congressional Report, American Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on US Citizens, lists the names of radioactive elements such as plutonium, polonium, radium and thorium.

In 1956 and 1958, most likely tired of experimenting with radiation, the American Chemical, Biological and Radiation Defense Forces decided to release millions of mosquitoes over the states of Florida and Georgia in order to analyze the approximate rate of spread of amaryl fever. It is worth noting that even then in these regions the presence of fever was observed, so the scientists only needed to increase the number of carriers of the disease - the insects themselves were not infected.


Between the 1940s and the 1970s, the CIA killed over a hundred people and made even more mentally ill, trying to figure out how drugs (especially LSD) could be used to control a person's mind.

Here we studied in great detail How the CIA tested LSD on its citizens.


At the end of World War II, some fascists were sentenced to death at the Nuremberg Trials for their inhuman experiments. But in the United States, they try not to remember their Nazi doctors. Most likely, everything described here is just the tip of the iceberg. It's just that truly massive and terrible experiments have long been classified. It is not for nothing that in 1947 the already mentioned Commission on Atomic Energy issued a document called "Medical experiments on humans", in which it was written in black and white: "It is advisable that during experiments on humans no documents were drawn up that could cause negative public reaction … Documents containing such information should be classified."

To this day, not a single American official has been convicted of inhuman experiments on his own citizens. Many victims of these experiments still have not received not only any compensation, but even any complete information about what poisons and diseases they experienced.