Coming From The Underworld - Alternative View

Coming From The Underworld - Alternative View
Coming From The Underworld - Alternative View

Video: Coming From The Underworld - Alternative View

Video: Coming From The Underworld - Alternative View

The most unpleasant thing is that, despite the close attention to the devil's lover, for many centuries neither magic nor the Church have been able to come up with a worthy, and most importantly, guaranteed protection from the incubus.

In 1698, law professor Johan Klein of the University of Rostock in East Germany described the following case:

A certain noble lady Marie de Mondelon appealed to the court in order to confirm the inheritance rights of her little son.

The fact is that Marie de Mondelon claimed that she conceived this child during a dream in which her husband came to her. In reality, this could not be, since her husband, the nobleman Jerome Auguste de Mondelon, spent four years in distant lands and died shortly before he was supposed to return home. But Madame de Mondelon, contrary to the obvious, insisted that the boy should become the legal heir of his father's estates …

The court tried to reject the unusual statement, but its decision was appealed to the parliament of the city of Grenoble. Because midwives and doctors have confirmed that such conception in a dream is not only possible, but also quite widespread. Based on their statement, the parliament also heeded the request of Marie de Mondelon. True, according to Dr. Johan Klein, the Sorbonne had its own opinion on this matter. It boiled down to the fact that the parliament simply went to meet the woman in a difficult situation.

I must say that Madame de Mondelon's situation was indeed difficult. At first glance, her version of what happened is not credible. All the more incredible is another case, already reflected in the modern medical documentation of one of the antenatal clinics in the Northern District of Moscow.

Olga's family life came to an end due to a gynecological diagnosis made by doctors, known among the non-medical public as a "baby womb". In other words, she could not have children at all. Doctors could not be mistaken in such a diagnosis, since it is established very simply - during a routine examination. And now, three months after the departure of her husband, whom Olga truly loved, a 20-year-old woman appeared before her local gynecologist … with an eight-week pregnancy! In the entire history of our medicine, according to experts, only one such case was known, and it was also recorded in Moscow in 1910 …

But the main thing is different. The main thing is that Olga herself claims the same thing that Madame de Mondelon claimed at one time (300 years before her!)! According to the woman, on the day of her husband's departure, she cried until midnight, until the strength left her completely. The next day, crying resumed and continued for almost a month. The parents were seriously worried about their daughter's health: no admonitions had any effect on her, the grief did not go away, it did not weaken …

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And then one night, when the exhausted Olga fell asleep, she had a dream: the returning husband violently repented of his cruel act, begged her forgiveness, undertook several sexual attacks, and during these lovemaking someone's voice whispered in the woman's ear: “Today you conceived a son …"

It is unlikely that Olga would have attached importance to this dream if, upon waking up, she had not found herself completely naked. The woman remembered that she had dozed off in clothes, since she had not had the strength to undress (and the desire too!) In the evening. And, according to her, she was almost not surprised when, three or four weeks later, she felt the first signs of toxicosis characteristic of pregnant women.

All the months that followed this incredible story, Olga spent in the hospital under the close attention of doctors who feared for her life during the second half of her pregnancy. It was possible (because of the diagnosis, which no one canceled) a rupture of the uterus, from which women can rarely be saved. Thank God, everything worked out: Olgin's son recently turned three months old, the woman insists that the boy is an exact copy of his father. That is, a fugitive husband, who, in turn, does not even think to recognize the child who came from nowhere …

Let us ask ourselves a question: where do children come from in such situations? And are these situations themselves so rare, as it seems to us?

Not only in the history of magic, but also according to the teachings of the Church Fathers, the "culprit" of such a conception exists. It bears a name that reflects, rather, its status and history of origin - incubus. Many millennia ago, the incubus was an angel, and later fell out of favor because of his unsatisfied sexual attraction to women … This is how he fell, and as a result, the incubus became a demon. In this capacity, he continued to indulge his carnal passions: he attacked the most vulnerable women in a dream, raped them, or provoked in ladies of special strength a sexual desire, which only he himself could satisfy - an incubus, also called a devilish lover.

According to the general opinion, spirit demons do not have their own body. Therefore, they materialize most often either in the bodies of the dead, or use a temporary body-dwelling, and the most insidious of them are embodied in the bodies of real living people: an absent husband or, say, a pretty neighbor …

But how can a woman herself determine exactly who her lover is?

They say there are several signs that distinguish demons from humans in the process of sexual intercourse. If an incubus penetrates a woman's bed, everyone else in the house, including the four-legged family members and even the spouse nearby (unless, of course, he is away) will fall into an unnaturally deep, “dead” sleep. The other signs are even more obvious. The incubus is a disgusting lover who invariably causes severe pain to his chosen one in the process of intimate communication … Moreover, he does not just blow a truly afterlife cold. He is absolutely icy "to the touch", from the touch (including intimate) of the incubus, the woman physically experiences not only external, but also internal cold.

It was believed that the famous wizard Merlin was just the fruit of such copulation. This was not denied even by his mother, who claimed that she was raped by an incubus. For this reason, she refused to feed her newborn son, she did not want to take care of the child and his upbringing at all. Medieval documents are literally full of records of the birth of half-humans - half-beasts, the culprit of which is allegedly the incubus.

The most unpleasant thing is that, despite such close attention to the devil's lover, for many centuries neither magic nor the Church have been able to come up with a worthy, and most importantly, guaranteed protection from the incubus.

It is believed that sometimes prayers help, sometimes exorcism or blessing. But very often it is also useless.

According to Ludovico Sinistrari, a monk of the Franciscan order who lived in the 17th century, author of Demonialiti, “incubuses do not obey exorcists, are not afraid of spells that exorcise them, do not worship shrines, in no way fearing them … Sometimes they even laugh at exorcists and they themselves attack them and tear the sacred garments."

What do the facts of our day say? Do they exist at all?

Oddly enough, ufologists are engaged in the collection of such information. People, especially closely studying the "flying saucers". Because nowadays incubuses prefer to take the form of UFOs, alien beings for sexual contacts. And as objects of their attention, they choose (in 99 cases out of 100) ladies who believe in life on other planets, interested in anomalous phenomena, aliens … It is they who turn out to be victims of the current incubuses: women, as you know, are more curious than men, and if a representative the fair sex is seriously interested in something, she will not think about caution - not before! The main thing is to satisfy curiosity … Meanwhile, one should remember that it is heightened emotions that open the corridor leading to our nature, along which all kinds of evil spirits are approaching at an unacceptable distance!

Perhaps the story of the American Jill Monroe will convince someone of the need to learn restraint, to tame the innate curiosity. This somewhat overripe virgin (established by the doctors) was an ardent fan of ufology. And I passionately dreamed of personally meeting at least some, albeit the most overwhelming, UFOman. Once the girl was on a flight from New York to South Carolina and at an altitude of 5 thousand meters she looked through the window of a UFO, following the same course, parallel to the liner.

Suddenly, the "alien" separated from the "plate", outwardly looking like an ordinary, only very handsome man. The Hollywood model of a wide-shouldered, pretty blonde is one of those who in real life would not even look at the not very attractive Jill. The handsome man swam towards the window and in the next instant he found himself in an empty chair next to the girl. The flight was night, many passengers were asleep. And as soon as the "alien" blonde showed up on the plane, everyone fell into a deep sleep. Except for Jill, who was about to endure extremely excruciating and painful sexual abuse from the alien … None of the passengers woke up from her desperate screams.

And then her partner disappeared, literally disappearing into thin air. After a month or so, Jill, whose virginity had never really been broken, felt pregnant. She decided to give birth and even, driven by vanity, gave an interview in this regard, which, of course, not a single sane American believed.

More precisely, I did not believe until, with the help of a caesarean section, done by Jill forcibly, in order to save the life of a woman in labor, it was not found out who exactly was ripening in her womb … West … The freak, from whom his mother recoiled in horror and then refused, lived a little - a few weeks. But it was enough for stress to leave its mark on Jill's life and soul forever. At the moment, she is the headman of her church parish, she has absolutely no doubts about the true nature of the UFO incidents that so recently attracted her so much, and seven months a year she tirelessly travels across America with lectures on this topic …