Mascot Power - Alternative View

Mascot Power - Alternative View
Mascot Power - Alternative View

Video: Mascot Power - Alternative View

Video: Mascot Power - Alternative View

The talisman keeps from trouble, it leads through life, helps to make decisions and even develops the talents and spiritual qualities of the owner. Each person has his own talisman. It can be a teddy bear or a crystal ball, a diamond or glass pendant, a shark tooth or an old coin. Even an ordinary paper clip can be a talisman - if something good is associated with it.

At all times, among the peoples of the world, objects have been and are enjoying great popularity, in which, according to legend, there is a saving magical power that brings happiness, health, and success in business to a person. These items have various names, but are best known as amulets, talismans, charms.

Talismans appeared in ancient times along with the first knowledge and beliefs of people. The belief that a fang suspended on a cord can protect the hunter from death, and a stone with a hole will preserve the hearth, has existed for centuries, maybe even millennia. Amulets of this kind became adornments: they were worn around the neck, on the wrist, on the finger. The very word "talisman" is of Arabic origin.


The ancient Greeks called such objects with certain images "telesmata", "phylactery" and "stocheia", the Romans called them "amulet" (from the name of the cauldron of reconciliation, the consecration vessel of Amula). The invention of the talisman was attributed to a certain giant who lived before the Flood and was able to "seduce the constellations out of their way."

There are mentions that the first Egyptian pharaoh Nakraus made two stone images, the magical power of which stopped the thieves and they could not budge. The Arab chronicler Abenef writes that Ham, the son of Noah, also introduced the science of talismans.

Currently, a talisman is called a magically charged object that has the ability to attract life's benefits. This is any item of natural or artificial origin, which has a set of functions specified during its manufacture and "customization" that help its owner achieve their goals.

Unlike him, an amulet is a thing that protects the owner from negative factors. But "amulet" is a primordial Slavic word. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" Dahl says that amulets are "conspiracies, nasty things, words and rituals from damage, to destroy or prevent harmful spells."

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Talismans can be made on purpose, or created or arise unconsciously under certain circumstances.

They are natural and artificial. Natural ones are made from minerals and plants, artificial ones - from various alloys and paper with magical sayings applied to it. Making a talisman is not an easy task.

There are many varieties of energy-information programs embedded in the talisman.

It can be intended for a specific person, for members of the same family, or for any person who owns it. The program embedded in the talisman can protect against illness, injury, evil eye, damage, infertility, bankruptcy.

In this case, the talisman takes on a negative impact near the owner in order to minimize the risk of adverse circumstances. It is believed that a talisman is more effective, focused on the performance of a narrow, specific task (for example, protection from damage).

Natural amulets and talismans are often simple or precious stones, each of which has its own specific power. Some of them are very common. The magical power of any talisman largely depends on the correspondence between it and the person who wears it. To preserve it, talismans and amulets cannot be transferred or lent to another person, even a very close one, from this they lose their power.

Some of the simplest and most ancient talismans are knots. Norwegians and Finns have a belief that they can be used to control the wind. Knots are highly regarded in Germany and Austria. The unsurpassed masters of knitting are the Chinese. Special bells (wind chimes), lanterns, pagodas and other amulets are hung on complex structures of red threads tied with curly knots. It is believed that a red thread with knots increases the impact force of an object that is suspended on it.


In Ancient Russia, there were special nodes "nauza", which transmitted magical power, protected from misfortunes, and treated the sick. They read slander over them, they tied healing roots, pieces of paper with spells, all sorts of miraculous objects.

They were worn on the chest with laces and cords, or hung on chains. It was from the nauses that amulets originated; in the Christian era, pieces of church incense were put into them. Ladanka served as talismans of happiness, amulets from weapons and the evil eye.

Minerals that have absorbed the energy of the earth's interior and the elements: fire, water, air and earth have a special strength and special energy. Minerals, emitting waves of different frequencies, give off the strength accumulated for centuries. There is a constant energy exchange of the stone with the outside world, including with a person who holds it in his hand or wears it on his body. The power of the stone heals the body and strengthens the spirit, helps in business and purifies thoughts.

Stones are the most powerful talismans. There are entire encyclopedias that describe the nature and properties of each stone. Many minerals affect people's mental qualities. Others help get things done. Jasper ensures victory, gives perseverance and does not allow you to stop there. The Egyptians considered jasper a stone of the goddess Isis, the Chinese a symbol of the mysteries of life.

But the sapphire is the talisman of the wise. He bestows prudence and a sense of justice, protects against envy and treachery. Chrysoprase is a talisman of business people, brings success in business and endurance, attracts wealth. Pomegranate - gives power over people, helps to find the right path, therefore it is recognized as a talisman of travelers.

Many stones are worn in order to attract good luck and happiness into your life. Ruby is a stone of joy that drives away sorrow. The Indians believe that it attracts love, "gives the strength of a lion and the wisdom of a snake, protects from evil, heals the heart and brain, relieves of terrible dreams."

But the "happiest" stone is turquoise. It is especially prized in Asia and America, where it is considered the most powerful amulet. Indians in their homes hang "dream catchers" - a thread web with turquoise in the center and bird feathers on the sides, which delays bad dreams and misses good ones.

At all times, the most expensive stone was diamond, the only mineral that is able to decompose light into the colors of the spectrum, and this ability so struck the imagination of the ancients that they began to consider it a talisman from everything in general. The stone of the Sun - amber - was also very much appreciated by the ancients. It adorned the crown of Tutankhamun, the Romans used it to strengthen mental and physical strength. In China and Japan, it is believed that amber is the frozen drops of dragon's blood; it is still considered the sacred stone of emperors.


Emerald is a favorite stone of the ancient Greeks, who dedicated it to Venus. In Arab countries, it is believed that he saves from evil spirits, epidemics and snake bites. And for the Slavs it is a stone of hope.

It is believed that with the help of stones you can escape from spells and cast spells, become a magician and see the future. Best of all predicts the future and helps to communicate with the spirits of rock crystal, which was used by magicians and diviners. Spellcasters wear hyacinth to ward off evil spirits.

And he saves ordinary mortals from hallucinations and melancholy. The Indians consider it a dragon stone that causes lunar and solar eclipses. In Japan, black agate gives power over the forces of evil. And Europeans believe that this noble stone gives strength and strength.

Morion - black crystal - is used to communicate with the souls of ancestors. Rauchtopaz is a witches' stone that enhances witchcraft. Only carnelian can protect against these spells. He defeats black magic and helps keep secrets. It is also a stone of loyalty and a love talisman.

The Greeks made wedding gems from it with images of Cupid and Psyche. It promotes the convergence of souls and helps to distinguish true love from passion: you have to look at your beloved with carnelian in hand, and if the love is real, the stone will glow.


Pearls are responsible for loyalty. For a bad person, it fades, and for a good person it helps in fulfilling a cherished dream. The Chinese believe that every dragon has a pearl and he loves and protects it like the apple of his eye. In the Russian tradition, it is customary to wear a lot of pearls, then it brings good luck, and individual pearls cause sadness and tears.

The simplest stone (cobblestone or river pebble) is considered very valuable if there is a hole in it, obtained in a natural way. In Europe, holes with holes are considered witchcraft, they help against witches. The Celts prized them as powerful amulets. In our country, holes with holes are called the "chicken god", because they used to be hung in chicken coops from witches.

An equally simple and powerful amulet is the key. The tradition of using keys as amulets came from the Etruscans. The key on the neck is the key to the fate of a person, a talisman that indicates the right path and helps to realize your destiny. The most powerful talisman is an old cross-shaped key from a chest or chest of drawers.

Horseshoe is a talisman, proven for centuries, a symbol of good luck and a protective tool. Horseshoe brings good luck, because it belongs to the horse - an ancient magical animal associated with the sun and gods. It is important that the horseshoe is found by chance. According to the rules, the horseshoe must be nailed from the inside to the door of the house.

Since the appearance of money, coins have become one of the most powerful amulets. Gypsies were the first to think of making jewelry out of coins. Their ringing scares away evil spirits. But in our time, coins are a love spell of wealth. The Chinese square-hole coins are especially popular. They are hung on a red thread, tied in a knot and worn on the wrist or in a wallet.

Bells and bells of various kinds protect from witches, because witches are afraid of noise. Among the Etruscans, ancient Greeks and Romans, children wore chains around their necks, to which were attached small scissors, ladders, saws, hatchets and tongs. In Sierra Leone, children wore ankle bells to protect them from the evil eye; in China, their images were embroidered on children's clothes.


In the East, the art of feng shui is a talisman philosophy elevated to a life principle. Many of the rules of this ancient art are based on the use of images of magical animals or objects.

In Egypt, amulets from the time of the pharaohs and ancient Coptic symbols are still in use. The lotus brings longevity and health, the scarab brings prosperity on the journey. "Isis Knot" is a female amulet that preserves the happiness of married life. "Palm of Fatima" protects from the evil eye and damage.

The most popular Arab talisman is the round eye. This is an amulet for the evil eye. Since the inhabitants of the East are mostly brown-eyed, a blue eye is considered bad there - just as in Russia the eyes of a black one were afraid.

But whatever the talisman is, you must definitely believe in it. And then he will bring you everything that you expect from him - happiness, health, wealth and longevity. A wrongly chosen, stolen talisman is capable of doing evil and threatens to complicate your life.