Climatic Weapon - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Climatic Weapon - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Climatic Weapon - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Climatic Weapon - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Climatic Weapon - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Lie About Climate Change 2024, October

Climate weapons are, according to the world famous electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, a hypothetical type of weapon of mass destruction that is used to destroy the economy, as well as natural resources, climate and weather of a particular state, continent or mainland. High-tech means can be used as a starting mechanism, with the help of which artificial man-made disasters are created that can lead to many environmental disasters.

Even despite the fact that at the present stage of the development of technology, the existence of such a type of weapon is practically impossible, there are more and more reports of its use in various so-called conspiracy theories. And this despite the fact that any active military influence on the weather, according to the international convention, is prohibited.

After the catastrophe in the United States of America caused by Hurricane Katrina, a large number of versions appeared that in one way or another tried to explain the reasons for the appearance of such a powerful cataclysm. Among all, one such theory caused a real shock among the world community. According to American meteorologist Scott Stevens, a deadly hurricane is actually nothing more than the creation of human hands.

Stevens is convinced that the hurricane was the result of a climate weapon created during the Soviet era, the principle of which is based on the use of an electromagnetic generator. It was clearly established that in the second half of the last century, a number of technologies related to the modification of weather conditions were developed in the USSR. The Soviet government was very proud of them, and in addition, actively used them against the States, starting in 1976.

Moreover, the meteorologist added that the appearance of incomprehensible interference, which is regularly observed on short wave radio broadcasts, directly indicates the existence of a Russian-developed weather control machine.

However, at the same time, there is some inconsistency in the statements of Stevens. So, according to him, in 1976 the Union developed and implemented a technology capable of causing a storm, which at the beginning of the next decade was successfully sold to at least a dozen states. In one of the interviews given later, he already says that the hurricane caused the use of climate weapons by the Japanese mafia, as an act of retaliation for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during the Second World War.

But Americans aren't the only ones accusing Russians of using climate weapons. Similar rumors and statements about the development and experimental use of this type of weapon by America and the Soviets have repeatedly found themselves in the center of international scandals. So, after the flood of 2002, a series of such scandals swept across the territory of European states - then European parliamentarians repeatedly accused the American military department of deliberately undermining the European economy.

It is clear that Russian politicians could not stand aside, they became from such a "hot" discussion. The first to start looking for climate weapons were representatives of the State Duma, deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party. The Defense Committee even brought up for discussion the question of the negative impact on the climate of experiments related to the impact on the magnetosphere and ionosphere of our planet. And for some reason the American system "HAARP" became the object of research.

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In the northern part of the United States, 400 kilometers from Anchorage, there is a Gakhon military base where a strange object has been seen. A very large piece of land is covered with antennas, which are 25 meters high. This is HAARP - the Northern Lights Auroral Area Active Exploration Program. The base is pretty well guarded: the territory is surrounded by barbed wire, there are marines patrols around the perimeter, and the airspace above it is closed to all aircraft, whether military or civilian. And after the events of September 11, 2001, air defense systems were installed at a short distance from the base.

This installation was created specifically to study the possibility of using climatic changes in combat conditions. The developments were carried out jointly by the naval and air forces of the United States of America. Numerous popular science publications unanimously assert that with the help of "HAARP" there is the possibility of artificially calling the aurora borealis, and besides, it can also interfere with enemy radar stations, communicate with submarines and even find secret underground enemy objects. The radiation from this installation can easily penetrate underground and diagnose hidden bunkers and tunnels, as well as disable space satellites and electronics. Moreover, there are also suggestions that the forces of scientists working at the base,an attempt was made to create technologies for influencing the atmosphere, which will make it possible to change weather conditions up to heavy rainfall, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes.

Many Russian politicians associate such cataclysms as floods in France, Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as a tornado in Italy, precisely with the harmful consequences of the American research on climate weapons. Moreover, these politicians say that such a weapon has already been created and that its tests, which were carried out in low-power mode, were very successful. The construction of the plant will be completed very soon, thus, its capacity will increase significantly. Such radical statements resulted in the demand for a special commission to investigate the experiments carried out in America. The main argument for this requirement was that at the official level, "HAARP" is considered just a research laboratory, while there is also a military component. Thus, the entire near-Earth space will be under the influence of the American installation, and this will inevitably lead to man-made disasters.

An investigation carried out by a group of Russian journalists showed that during the existence of the Union, there was a similar attitude on its territory. This project was named "Sura". It is located in the center of Russia - at a distance of 150 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. The Radiophysical Research Institute was officially involved in the development of this project.

At the moment, "Sura" is a slightly rusted, but still functional object. On 9 hectares of area there are 20-meter antennas, in the center there is a huge horn-emitter (it is with the help of it that scientists can study atmospheric acoustic processes). The facility also has a transformer substation and a building housing radio transmitters. In addition, a little in the distance - there is an economic and laboratory building.

The facility was commissioned in the early 80s of the last century. With the help of this unique installation, very interesting information about changes in the ionosphere was obtained, in particular, the "Getmantsev effect" was discovered - the generation of low-frequency radiation when the ionospheric flux changes. Funding for such research was carried out with the participation of the Soviet military department, but after the termination of the existence of the Union, there was no one to pay for them.

According to the scientists involved in the program, Sura is still unable to send natural disasters. However, research related to the interaction of cataclysms with changes in the ionosphere continues.

At the very beginning of the object's existence, various anomalous phenomena could be observed in the sky. Many people witnessed the strange glow, as well as the appearance of flaming red balls, which were either stationary or moving at high speed in the sky. But these were not unidentified flying objects at all, but the glow of plasma formations.

According to Russian scientists, it is possible to influence nature, but not with such force as it was in the cases of hurricanes Katrina or Rita. For the impact of such power, the power of installations simply would not be enough.

The Russian program is currently running about 100 hours a year because funding is insufficient. The American project, on the other hand, works on average 2,000 hours a year, since the amount of funding is about $ 300 million annually. The Russian government can afford to allocate about 40 thousand dollars …

According to one professor at Nizhny Novgorod University, Savely Grach, such a state of affairs will ultimately inevitably lead to the fact that Russians will not know the results of American research. And even despite the fact that both of these projects are just research laboratories, in the future all their developments may well be used in the military industry. But to think that the Americans will not dare to create some kind of special program. But then it will be impossible to do anything.

Back in 2003, the US military department openly announced experimental studies of a certain gun located in Alaska. And although it is precisely with this that Russian scientists associate further cataclysms that took place in the Central and South European territories, Japanese scientists have significant doubts about this. According to the head of the storm research center based in Japan, the events that took place in December 2004 are of a rather unusual nature. The fact is that this tragedy happened exactly one year and one hour after the earthquake in Iran, when about 41 thousand people died. After that, the natural disaster swept the countries of Europe: the cyclone "Erwin", which swept from St. Petersburg to Dublin, brought many storms, rains and hurricanes. After that, cataclysms also covered American territories - floods and snowfalls unprecedented before this time. And although American scientists insisted that all these tragic changes in climatic conditions were caused by a shift in the earth's crust during the tsunami, Russian scientists persistently argue that all of them were the result of the negative impact of the American project "HAARP".

As it became known, the Americans carried out similar "games" with changes in the weather before. So, shortly after the end of World War II, the US military department began to study the processes of lightning formation, earthquake calls, and the possibilities of managing hurricanes and tsunamis. No information was provided on the results of these experiments. But, in 1961, it was the Americans who threw into the atmosphere more than 350 thousand copper needles two centimeters long, which led to an earthquake in Alaska, and part of the Chilean coast fell into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. During the Vietnam War, the Americans carried out an operation called "Spinach", the essence of which was to scatter silver iodide in the clouds in order to stimulate torrential rains and thus destroy the enemy's crops. With the help of this method of struggle, the Ho Chi Minh trail, along which the Vietnamese troops received ammunition and equipment, was also destroyed.

The Americans were the first to try to extinguish hurricanes in the 1960s. In the 60s and 80s, they conducted the "Furious Storm", in the framework of which the research of hurricanes was carried out. It all started with the fact that information was received about the possibility of obtaining from one hurricane as much energy as all American power plants provide. One of the most successful experiments is considered to be a study conducted in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Locals claimed to have seen a large white cloud, from which large rings were extending. Scientists managed to spray silver iodide in the center of the typhoon, and thus turned it away from the island.

Several other studies are currently underway: meteorologists have suggested that hurricanes "accelerate" as a result of the heat generated from their surface ocean waters. Therefore, it was decided to pour out the vegetable oil. Thus, the resulting oil film will lower the temperature of the water and the force of the hurricane will decrease. Consequently, there will be a real opportunity to change the direction of the hurricane.

Meanwhile, Soviet scientists did not lag behind American ones. In the 80s, they, together with Vietnam and Cuba, began researching the nature of typhoons, or rather, its most important part, called the eyes. For this purpose, aircraft An-12 and Il-18 were used, which were converted into laboratories. Scientists have tried to find the weak points of this natural phenomenon in order to subsequently learn how to change its power, trajectory of movement. On the territory of Cuba and Vietnam, a fairly large number of radar stations were created and a lot of interesting information was obtained on the object of experiments. This allowed scientists to start theoretical work. However, in the 90s, such work practically ceased to be funded, and the project had to be closed.

Even despite the fact that according to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of "Environmental War", secret research on the creation of climate weapons continues. And although scientists assure that the results will be used only for peaceful purposes, such words cause great doubts among the ordinary population.