Nevry - Distant Ancestors Of The Slavs - Alternative View

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Nevry - Distant Ancestors Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Nevry - Distant Ancestors Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Nevry - Distant Ancestors Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Nevry - Distant Ancestors Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Video: НеВры - Автозак 2024, October

The history of the Russian people goes so deeply into the past that the past is covered with a fog of secrets and mysteries. One of the historical mysteries is the Proto-Slavic neurons. They will be discussed in this article. It is not easy to write about our distant ancestors, the Slavs, since not a lot of factual material has come down to us, and what we know more resembles myths and legends.


Who are the Proto-Slavs, and is it possible to identify with them the mythological neurons, a description of which can be found in ancient sources? Historians, archaeologists and geneticists suggest that Polesie and the south of Poland were the cradle of the Proto-Slavs, in these territories, according to ancient authors, legendary neurons lived.


The area where the neurons lived was called Nevrida. The rivers Pripyat, Goryn, Narev, Western Bug, Styr, Stokhod, Tsna, Turya, Sluch and Stviga flowed through this land of impenetrable swamps, clean lakes and primeval forests.


The Neur Slavs who lived here became deeply akin to their land, what seemed to a foreigner an impassable windbreak was their home, where every path is known.


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Many paths and paths led to small villages, to fields planted with cereals or to canoes swaying on a leash by the river, all this was familiar, walked and studied by the inhabitants of the forest region, whom ancient sources called Neura.


Herodotus also mentioned Nevrid, but more by hearsay, he himself was not in these parts. The Scythians, who lived in the Northern Black Sea region, allegedly told him about the neurons. According to the stories of the Scythians, each neuron turns into a wolf once a year, and then becomes a man again. Is this the root of the tale of the Gray Wolf and Ivan Tsarevich?

Where did the neurons come from?

The resettlement of the Slavs or tribes of the Milograd culture took place approximately at the turn of the second and first millennia BC. From Polesie inhabited by these tribes, the progenitor Targitai led people to the area of the Middle Dnieper. Targitaya can be called the progenitor of the Black Forest tribes, who mastered the fertile lands of Eastern Europe and created the Skolot kingdoms. Some tribes went further and mastered the Amber Coast. The strongest people who mastered bronze and copper weapons left, leaving on the banks of the Pripyat, Narev and Bug, those who in their development reached only stone axes. They were called neurons.


Neurida united the Scythian plowmen (Skolotov) and the Lusatian tribes, who lived by trades and gathering, into one whole. Only through the Carpathian fortresses of the Nevrov could one get to the Amber Coast. Cimmerians and Scythians, trying to penetrate the Odra and Vistula, often attacked the Pre-Slavs-Neurs.


Another reason for the raids on the Milograd lands were slaves, the captive Slavs were highly valued in the slave markets for their strength and endurance. In addition, the Scythian nobility dreamed of occupying new lands suitable for pastures.

The sources contain information about the campaign of the powerful Scythian king Arian to Nevrida. In this terrible campaign, through the forest and swamps, where werewolves destroyed almost the entire army of Arian, the powerful king died, an arrow with a bone tip pierced his temple. The Scythians who managed to return told about werewolves, creepy swamp spirits and other wickedness that inhabits Neurida. These stories were recorded by Herodotus.


The legend recorded by Herodotus became the theme for literary works until the early twentieth century. Prosper Merimet also processed it in the short story "Lokis", the action of the short story took place not far from Nevrida. These are the legends, and we will remember that it was the Neurs who protected the Slavs from the invasion of the Scythians, standing in their way with their maces, stone axes and arrows with bone tips.