Brownie Vitya - Alternative View

Brownie Vitya - Alternative View
Brownie Vitya - Alternative View

Video: Brownie Vitya - Alternative View

Video: Brownie Vitya - Alternative View
Video: Zoey's Special Brownie Recipe in Urdu Hindi - RKK 2024, July

This happened in 1991. We were then given a three-room apartment. Before that, we lived on the fourth floor, and here is the eighth, and even with a large loggia! True, for some reason I felt very bad on it.

Some kind of anxiety did not leave me there. I attributed this to the fact that after the fourth floor I am on the eighth unusual, very high. However, it was not only me that worried about the loggia. Our cat Vaska did not want to go out there. When we tried to carry him there in our arms, he resisted and yelled in a terrible voice.

When we moved, we took all the cans of canned food to the loggia. And then one afternoon I decided to paint the cornices there. She pushed the cans apart in the corners so as not to interfere, and began to paint. And then something rustled behind him. At first, I thought that our cat finally took courage and went out to the loggia.

Looking back over my shoulder, I saw that sitting on the washing machine … a hairy lump with eyes! His eyes were not just angry - angry. I was dumbfounded, dropped the brush and turned sharply. However, this strange creature is literally glass from the machine, like water, and disappeared.

I didn’t tell my family. The children were still small then, I was afraid to scare them. I don't know, maybe on a whim, but I decided to make friends with this something angry creature. I put a saucer of milk on the loggia and put some sweets. And I must say, since then I began to feel completely calm there. But the cat still avoided this place.

Years passed. Children grew up, daughter Natasha got married and gave us a grandson. Once our Tema was sleeping in a room in a stroller, while my daughter and I were sitting on the loggia and discussing a strange incident. The fact is that the night before, the daughter, sitting on the bed, was feeding the baby, and he, waving his hand, tore the gold chain around her neck.

The chain immediately disappeared into the folds of the bed linen. My daughter did not find her right away, and in the morning she was found missing. True, only a chain was found, but the suspension that was on it was not. We shook up all the bed linen, the bedspread several times, felt every millimeter of the bed and even the crib, but alas.

And then I remembered how many years ago I met a strange creature on the loggia. I told my daughter about this meeting, adding that we have our own mysterious owner in the house. And then we remembered that there is a belief - if something is missing, you need to say: "Master, play and give back what you took."

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At that moment Tema burst into tears. Natasha, jokingly, uttered these words and went to calm her son. She soon returned to the loggia and looked very agitated. Then I saw the missing pendant in her hand. It turned out that she was lying on the bedspread with which we made the bed, right in the middle, in the most conspicuous place!

We nicknamed our householder Victor. He helped us more than once. For example, when thieves entered our apartment twice, our Victor hid gold and other valuables from them. Thieves in search of jewelry and money rummaged through both linen and dishes. Imagine, all the dishes from the cabinet are on display, and on the top shelf there is an untouched crystal vase, and it is in it that all the gold and money lie! So it was not for nothing that I reconciled with our master then!

Lyudmila Georgievna KOCHUROVA, Izhevsk