The Great Mystery Of Water - Alternative View

The Great Mystery Of Water - Alternative View
The Great Mystery Of Water - Alternative View

Video: The Great Mystery Of Water - Alternative View

Video: The Great Mystery Of Water - Alternative View
Video: The Mystical Secrets Of Water - Sadhguru 2024, October

Water has been endowed with a soul in many cultures around the world. The discovery by modern scientists of the fourth, informational, state of water became proof of her memory.

Water is able to perceive, store and transmit information, even such a subtle one as a human thought, emotion, word.

Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru managed to photograph the emotions of water. Scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Israel, USA, England, Austria, Japan, China, Tibet tell about their amazing discoveries in this area.

Now humanity is on the verge of a completely different understanding of the laws of the universe, which opens up new perspectives: the ability to program water, water treatment for the most complex diseases, weather control.

Water is the most common substance on Earth. She accompanies every moment of our life. But do we know what secret this amazing element keeps in itself? Where did she come from? Who and why gave it to our planet, the only one in the entire Universe?

Perhaps only water itself knows the answers to these questions? After all, today there is as much of it on Earth as it was when it all began. When the world was born, acquiring the outlines and sensations familiar to us …


Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the international academies of sciences, USA:

Promotional video:

- We are doing very careful work in a very narrow area. We said to ourselves: let's focus on the water, but look at it from different angles.

Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Russia:

- Water in the Holy Scriptures is more than just a physical substance. This is a kind of concept. This concept is associated in a certain way with the idea of life.

“In the whole world there is nothing softer and more pliable than water. But she sharpens the hard and strong. No one can defeat her, although anyone can defeat her. The pliant overcomes the strong, the soft overcomes the hard. Everyone knows this, but no one dares to act like that,”wrote the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu about water more than two and a half millennia ago.


Kurt Wüthrich, Nobel laureate, Switzerland - USA:

- You know, water, in fact, was studied in some detail. I mean, it is well known that water has unusual properties - physical and chemical properties - compared to other liquids.

Allois Gruber, researcher, Austria:

- But not a single scientist can explain, for example, why the density of water increases at minus temperatures, and decreases at plus temperatures.

When cooled, any substance contracts, while water, on the contrary, expands. People have learned to use this unique property in the distant past. Northern peoples mined stone for construction, pouring water into the crevices of the rocks before frost.

In the south, wooden wedges were driven into cracks in the rock and watered with water. Swelling, these wedges tore apart the stone.

Much later, scientists found that, being in the pores and capillaries, water is capable of creating tremendous pressure. In grain, for example, at the time of germination, it can reach 400 atmospheres. This is why the sprout can easily break through the asphalt.


Martin Chaplin, Professor, Head of Laboratory, University of London, UK:

- Water is a small molecule that has very specific properties. And you cannot find other molecules that have all the same anomalies.

Alexander Solodilov, Doctor of Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- If it were not for at least one of them, there would be no life itself on the planet.

Any of the properties of water are unique. Until now, science has no answer to the question, why only water - the only substance on the planet - can be in 3 states: liquid, solid and gaseous? Why, of all liquids, water has the highest surface tension? Why is it the most powerful solvent on Earth? And how is water able to rise up the trunks of huge trees, overcoming pressure of tens of atmospheres?


Vladimir Voeikov, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Russia:

- Now we have made a huge step. We really realized that we know nothing about water. Therefore, this is a huge step, because after this understanding comes the desire to know.

Southeast Asia. 1956 year. Closed laboratory of a military institute for the development and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. They have been working here for many years to create a powerful new generation of bacteriological weapons. The properties that this weapon, according to scientists, should have, are discussed at one of the many hours of secret meetings. Suddenly it is interrupted. All participants are taken to the hospital with symptoms of severe food poisoning. An investigation begins, which immediately comes to a standstill: apart from the water in the decanters on the tables, the scientists did not use anything. The water was checked - no harmful impurities. Chemical composition: H2O. In the report, they wrote: ordinary water became the cause of the poisoning.

After 20 years, a fantastic hypothesis was put forward. A hypothesis capable of justifying the unpredictable behavior of water. Water has a memory! The results of experiments carried out in many countries of the world have shown that water perceives and captures any impact, remembers everything that happens in the surrounding space!

It is enough for water to simply touch a substance to learn about its properties and to store this information in its memory. Did our ancestors guess about this when they turned ordinary water into healing water, using vessels made of silver for this?

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the international academies of sciences, USA:

- Today it is the best antibiotic produced. So good that in Afghanistan and Iraq, US troops use silver water - one atom in a hundred million - to kill all germs in a wound. So the President of the United States uses this water to disinfect his hands. And I asked myself the question: how can such water exist?

By capturing information, water acquires new properties, while its chemical composition remains the same.

“What was really the mainstream was that the chemistry of the water was important. Well, the sensational news is that this is all nonsense! The structure of the water is much more important than the chemical composition.

The structure of water is how its molecules are organized. We see how water molecules combine into groups. These groups are called clusters. Scientists have suggested that it is the clusters that are a kind of memory cells in which water, like on a tape, records everything it sees, hears, feels.

“People don't think that when the lights are turned off, the water changes. Due to technological influence from an electric field, for example, from a high-voltage line, the water can be changed.

Water, of course, remains water, but its structure, like a nervous system, reacts to any irritation. Modern devices were able to record that there are 440 thousand information panels in each water memory cell, each of which is responsible for its own type of interaction with the environment.

Martin Chaplin, Professor, Head of Laboratory, University of London, UK:

- If we consider a cluster as a group of certain molecules, then its lifetime is short. But if we talk about it as a structure that molecules can leave and in which molecules can be incorporated, the cluster can effectively exist for a long time.

It was the stability of the cluster structure that confirmed the hypothesis about the ability of water to capture and store information.

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the international academies of sciences, USA:

“It is possible that water is a one-of-a-kind priceless computer. A kind of computer memory. Memory-information. We need to know how this is organized. It's like the alphabet. If I give you the alphabet, and you don't know the words, you don't know the letters, you don't know the sentences. So molecular structure is the alphabet of water. And you can make water sentences, and you can change that sentence.

In the winter of 1881, the ship "Lara" en route from Liverpool to San Francisco. On the 3rd day of the journey, a fire broke out on the ship. Captain Neil Carrie was among those who left the ship. Those in distress began to experience pangs of thirst, which increased by the hour. About when, after three weeks of painful wandering on the sea, they safely reached the shore, the captain, a man of a very sober attitude to reality, described in the following words what saved them: “We dreamed of fresh water. We began to imagine that the water around the boat turns from blue sea to greenish fresh. I gathered my strength and scooped it up. When I tried it, it turned out to be insipid."


Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- Well, let's say, the famous phenomenon when Jesus Christ turned water into wine: he did not add any sugars and lactose there, but he gave the water a completely special property. We conducted many experiments on the influence on water samples by a variety of factors: magnetic fields, electric fields, various objects, well, including - human presence, human emotions. And it turned out that emotions, positive and negative, are the most powerful moment of impact.

In the laboratory of Professor Korotkov, numerous experiments were carried out on the influence of human emotions on water. A group of people was asked to project onto a flask of water that stood in front of them, the most positive emotions - love, tenderness, care. Then the flask was changed and again asked to focus on the water emotions, but others - a feeling of fear, aggression, hatred. Then the samples were measured. The changes in water had a clearly pronounced direction. - That is, love raises energy and stabilizes this water, and aggression sharply lowers it, dramatically changes it.


Emoto Masaru, researcher, Japan:

- When I thought that water has memory, I decided to try to show people that water has memory.

In Dr. Emoto's laboratory, water samples are examined that are exposed to various types of exposure. Impressions of water are recorded by its rapid freezing in a cryogenic chamber.

This is what water looks like when heated in a microwave oven
This is what water looks like when heated in a microwave oven

This is what water looks like when heated in a microwave oven.

And this is the effect of a mobile phone
And this is the effect of a mobile phone

And this is the effect of a mobile phone.

This water was said "thank you"
This water was said "thank you"

This water was said "thank you".



"You disgust me"
"You disgust me"

"You disgust me".

Modern technologies make it possible to artificially structure water. Under laboratory conditions, when germinating seeds using such water, soybean sprouts showed 6 times more photon radiation than when using ordinary water.

In practice, watering with structured water shortens the ripening period of vegetables and increases the amount of useful microelements and vegetable protein several times.


Wang Guihua, Chief Agronomist, Academy of Agronomic Science, China:

“If you look at the shoots, the processed shoots were long, even and strong, while the untreated shoots were short, thin and weak. If you look today, everything is ripe from the selected seeds, but not from the unselected ones. It must be said that the use of structured water for the growth of vegetables and fruits really has an effect.

Interestingly, when irrigating such water, 20% less is required than usual. No fertilizers were added to the soil or water. The chemical composition of the water remained the same - H2O. Only its structure has been changed.

Today scientists can only answer the question: how does this happen. When asked why? - science has no answer yet.

A person, depending on age, is 70-90% water. To maintain normal life, an adult drinks about 2.5 liters daily, and absorbs another 1.5 liters through the skin, taking a shower or a bath.

Before reaching our homes, water travels a long and arduous journey.


Allois Gruber, researcher, Austria:

- They used to know that a settlement can arise only where a natural source flows. Today it does not matter whether there is water or not, because we will carry this water thousands of kilometers away using high pressure.

In nature, rivers and streams always flow in a smoothly curving channel, while in any plumbing system, water turns at right angles many times. With each such turn, its natural structure is more and more destroyed.


Leonid Izvekov, Researcher, Head of the Laboratory for the Study of Water Structure, Russia:

- Tap water has crystals of various shapes, but they are all deformed. That is, it may look like this, it may look like this, but you will not see any symmetry, any beauty here.

Allois Gruber, researcher, Austria:

- In the floor heating system, non-vitalized water flows in the floor, it is rotten. It absorbs energy from humans, plants, animals that live in this house. She steals energy.

It is known that in many large cities, tap water exists in a closed loop. After aggressive cleaning with a chemical effect, passing through powerful filters, it returns to our homes again, preserving the memory of both the chemical and the violence it was subjected to. But even stronger is information pollution, which accumulates water, flowing through many kilometers of pipes through thousands and thousands of houses and apartments.

Allois Gruber, researcher, Austria:

“We pollute the water spiritually, and this has become enormous. Why? All envy, all anger, stress is taken over by water. Water is almost dead when it enters our body.

Our Earth is a giant vessel with water, in which all forms of living have arisen. And all living things, in fact, are also vessels with water. Modern technology allows us to penetrate far into space, and, trying to find life on other planets, we first of all look for water there.

Kurt Wüthrich, Nobel laureate, Switzerland - USA:

- You know perfectly well that life on Earth is impossible without water. We are absolutely absolutely sure that the first living organisms appeared in water. It was only much later that organisms evolved to such an extent that they could exist outside of water. I don’t think it’s an accident at all.


Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Russia:

“It is no coincidence that the first lines of the Bible mention water. Where it is said about the creation of the world, life, man, it is primarily about water.

As in a piece of clay there are still not created sculptures, so images of all future living organisms were in the water. It was water that embodied the Creator's plan. But to start any process you need an impulse.

Ancient sages believed that the primary divine spark was the impulse for the emergence of life. It was she who recorded in water the sequence of further development, where every species of living creatures - from the simplest bacteria to mammals - reached its perfection.


Shamil-Khazrat Alyautdinov, imam-khatyb of the Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill, Moscow, Russia:

- Surely science will never know the very process of the creation of Adam: what, with what, in what proportion … But, for example, the Koran says that water took part in this by the will of God.

Martin Chaplin, Professor, Head of Laboratory, University of London, UK:

“I think scientists should pay more attention to how water interacts with molecules. At the molecular level, it creates the structure of the DNA helix. If there were no water, there would be no spiral. It creates the structure of proteins, without water this structure would not work …

Any seed, any embryo begins its life only in water. The amniotic fluid is involved in both its development and its preservation. It is the surrounding water, like a universal computer, that reveals any biological program, but in this case only water can change it.

“There is something that they say:“Look, this is new”; but this was already in the centuries before us, - once wrote Ecclesiastes.

“And Jacob took for himself fresh sticks of white poplar, almond and chestnut, and cut out white stripes on them, exposing the whiteness that was on the bars, and put the bars that he cut in the drains at the watering place where the sheep come to drink. And the sheep got hot and conceived there. And they gave birth to striped, speckled and motley sheep."


Alexander Solodilov, Doctor of Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

“We acted on the water with ultra-weak pulsed magnetic fields. These are fields that are tens of thousands of times weaker than the natural magnetic field of the Earth. Those. they are negligible from the point of view of modern science …

In the water treated in this way, fish were placed, which soon developed an unusual brood of fry, similar to each other, like twins, but radically different from their other relatives.


- Gray stripes appear on the abdomen of all males at once. Color spots appear that have never been seen before. This is called phenotypic change. And it is fundamentally important that these changes do not appear in some representatives of processed fish, but in all at once.

As a result of the experiment, not only the external appearance of the fish changed, but their behavior - they began to react in the same way to external stimuli - as if the whole school had a collective intelligence.

- Such a serious area of problems, completely unexplored, began to rise. Therefore, we decided that it was enough to fix the very fact of the possibility to change the behavior and shape of animals using only water. This fact itself is of great importance. If water affects so much, it means that it cannot be released on people until it is fully studied.

In 1932, a sensation flies around the world - American physicists Harold Yuri and Elbert Osborne discover that in addition to ordinary water, there is also heavy water in nature - deuterium 2 O. It was the separated deuterium that served as the basis for the creation of the most destructive bomb - hydrogen.

Now everyone is well aware of what the radioactive radiation leads to, but it turned out that there are other, more formidable consequences. Much more terrible is the change in the structure of water in vast territories, thousands of kilometers larger than the area of a nuclear test site. It does not matter where the tests are carried out - in the air, on the ground or underground.


Victor Inyushin, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Biophysics, Kazakh University, Kazakhstan:

- The changes in the water are colossal. The memory of water is changing. And a person drinks water, and animals drink water, etc., and suddenly terrible changes take place …

When an explosion occurs, waves are formed, which in the ground decay rather quickly, but the water can fluctuate for another 30 days. Swinging like a pendulum, the waves create a new pathological order in the water. It has been noticed that after such tests the number of suicides increases sharply.

- 2-2.5-3 times. The doctors could not explain this at all. Where is it from? And we understood this, we showed: the brain consists of water - 85%, changes occur in it, a conflict of water structures arises. As a result, the bioplasm of the brain is disrupted, and a person is deprived of even such an important stimulus as a stimulus to life …

In ancient legends, the hero always went for dead water to where there is no return.

The only sea on Earth, in which there is no life, arose, according to legend, on the site of the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah - the Dead Sea.


Pinchas Polonsky, Doctor of Theology, Israel:

- There is no dead water at all. Water gives life, it is originally life forever. It can be used more correctly, used less correctly, but it is always positive.

Allois Gruber, researcher, Austria:

- How does a person treat water? If he turns with good thoughts to this water or blesses it, says “thank you” to it, the quality of this water increases. And water will have a positive effect on a person and his body.

According to the chronicles, in 1472, Abbot Karl Hastingsis was captured and interrogated on a false denunciation in the case of bringing illness to a certain respected woman. The abbot, imprisoned in the dungeon, was given only a piece of dry bread and a ladle of rotten fetid water every day. Forty days later, the jailer noticed that during this time the Monk Karl not only did not lose, but, it seemed, gained health and strength. That only convinced the inquisitors of the abbot's connection with evil spirits. Later, under severe torture, Karl Hastingsis confessed that over the rotten water that was brought to him, he read a prayer, thanking the Lord for the test sent to him. After that, the water tasted soft, fresh and transparent.

We have two containers with oil emulsion, a byproduct of oil production - a stable compound of water and oil that lasts for years in a bound state. An emitter is placed on the prototype. It will process the container for 7 days, prompting the water molecules to reduce contact with oil molecules.

Let's compare the experimental and control samples after four days. The water has already separated from the oil. There are crater formations at the boundary between the water and oil phases. This means that the separation process continues.

Alexander Solodilov, Doctor of Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia):

- The fields that we use to influence water, they are comparable in strength to the electromagnetic field of the heart.

The seventh day of exposure - the experiment is completed. The water is completely separated from the oil.

According to experts, today oil producers have accumulated about 1 billion tons of oil emulsion. It is not suitable for production, and eventually the emulsion is disposed of by pouring it directly onto the ground. Then monstrous sludge lakes are formed in the places of oil production.

"Prorayma" from the language of the Venezuelan Indians of the Pimon tribe is translated as "Mother of all waters." A group of Russian biophysicists went here in January 2005 for a unique sample of water, which, according to scientists, has never been in direct contact with humans. Such water is in the only place on earth - in Venezuela.

According to one of the hypotheses, in the Paleozoic era, there was a continent called Gondwana in the Southern Hemisphere. Powerful tectonic processes that took place in the earth's crust 3.5 million years ago split it into several parts. Thus, flat mesas were formed, which the Indians called "tepui", that is, pillars. Roraima is the largest of them.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- It's such a remote place, it's so difficult to get there. Three days' journey through the savannah, through the jungle. Then climb the 800 meter wall. All this requires a certain amount of enthusiasm. Therefore, we can say that there we have water in its virgin, unique state.

A large cloud constantly hangs over Roraima. In the late afternoon, a slight haze appears. When the moon comes out from behind the mountain, the fog begins to glow with an even blue light. And in this light you can see how the smallest droplets of moisture hang in the motionless air. The slightest breath of breeze, and this water dust is combined into drops. This is how rain is born, which rushes down with countless waterfalls.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- So, today is January 30, 2005. Water intake number 16. Then we will pack it all in foil. And in this form, the water will store the energy and air of these places for several days. Then we go to St. Petersburg and for several thousand kilometers in the laboratory we can easily do analyzes, and then we can calmly draw some conclusions.

In the laboratory of Professor Korotkov, a device was made to determine the energy of water. His work is based on the Kirlian effect. Anything placed in a strong electromagnetic field begins to emit light. The more energy an object has, the brighter its glow.

The water from Venezuela has been compared to ordinary drinking water.

- We can say that not even 2 times, but this water is 40 thousand times more active. That is, they are really fundamentally two different substances. This kind of water is water that immediately activates the body, activates all systems. Therefore, there, when we were in those places, the Indians, despite all their poverty of life, live a long life. And they are very happy enough, and they absolutely do not want civilization to come to them.

In the late autumn of 1632, from the village of Eningham in Hesse, a poor shepherd named Gens, an orphan with no memory of his parents or where he came from, went to southern Italy in search of a better life. His path ran through the city of Walzburg on the Rhine of the Constant Diocese. Suddenly Gens was literally pierced by the feeling that these places were directly related to him. The legs seemed to lead the shepherd to the right place, which turned out to be a grove. Entering it, Gens looked around. Nearby, a source gushed straight from the ground. The young man approached him. He bowed … Drank water … Many years later he told his grandchildren the story of how the water restored his memory. And he remembered these places, and his father, and his mother, and the house in which he was born.

According to modern science, the water structure of the body of each person is identical to the structure of the water of the place where he was born. Therefore, our inner connection with the place of birth is preserved for life. And this means that the concept of the Motherland has not only a sublime poetic meaning, but also a very specific physical content.

Nowhere in the world is there the same water. Making its way to the surface through minerals, through rocks, water absorbs the vibrations of the soil, information about its biological and energetic characteristics.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- Here we tested absolutely wonderful water, which is sold in large bottles. And the manufacturer puts on it the stigma that this is the best water in the world. But it is empty, it is dead. It is really clean, it is good, it even contains some minerals, but it is dead water. In which there is no energy and no life.

A person most likely will not feel much difference between pure natural and artificially purified water. And any animal will always choose water from the source, because this water is saturated with natural energies.

More recently, another unique property of natural water was discovered. It turned out that such water is capable of burning.

Vladimir Voeikov, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University (Russia):

- Natural water burning - the water itself burns there. And it burns because it is structured in a special way, natural water.

Burning in strict scientific parlance is an oxidation process with the release of heat and light. Water burns at ambient temperature. And the emitted light is recorded using supersensitive devices.

Vladimir Voeikov, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University (Russia):

- Oxygen is continuously activated and some kind of organic matter is continuously burned. And we immediately see the prominent light. The burning of water is a process that is slightly more extended in time. Because if he, God forbid, had been like that, then she would have already all burned out.

On June 3, 1940, a note was planted at the Soviet embassy in Germany, the author of which asked to urgently contact him. "If this is not done, my work with Heydrich loses all meaning," wrote agent Willie Lehmann, known under the pseudonym Breitenbach. He was in a hurry to report on secret test sites and work to create synthetic gasoline from brown coal using water.

Back in 1913, Emperor Wilheim commissioned one of the largest chemists, Franz Fischer, to provide Germany with liquid fuel. The lack of its own oil could undermine Germany's position in a future war. By 1941, German scientists managed to obtain fuel by hydrogenating coal. However, this fuel turned out to be 10-12 times more expensive than natural fuel made from oil. And its quality sharply reduced the technical characteristics of military equipment. After the war, attempts to create fuel using water were abandoned as ineffective.

Researcher Zhang Guohua has been working on the development of such a fuel for the past 15 years.


Zhang Guohua, Researcher, China:

- Now we will demonstrate to everyone the process of preparing emulsified diesel fuel. And also we will present its 2 sides. One side is increased energy. The other side is reduced exhaust emissions. This fuel is taken from a car. Structured water. Based on the proportion, the percentage of diesel fuel is 79%, water is 20% and emulsifier is 1%. What is brought in here is water.

Zhang shows us that it is water that is added to the fuel.

- Now let's add 1% emulsifier here. An emulsified milk-like solution is instantly formed. We pour emulsified fuel into the car and use it in motion. After long-term measurement, the power increased by 5%, the fuel economy was over 20%. The government of our state attaches great importance to this.

Vladimir Voeikov, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Russia:

- I even think that not all chemists remember this moment. Now, if you take and absolutely dry gasoline. And there is always a certain amount of water in it. Treat it specially so that all water is removed from the gasoline. This gasoline will not burn. This was known back in the 19th century. Any combustion of anything requires at least some amount of water.

The Persian Sufis have a legend. Once a wise man predicted that the day will come when all the water in the world, except for that which will be specially collected, will disappear. Then another water will replace it. But everyone who drinks it will go crazy. Only one person took the prophecy seriously and began to stock up on water. But the predicted day has come. And all the reservoirs were empty. And the one who obeyed the sage drank water from his reserves. Then reservoirs and wells were filled with water again. And people eagerly drank this water, and all as one went crazy. But the one who obeyed the sage still drank water only from his own reserves. And kept my mind. And he remained the only reasonable among the madmen. And so they called him insane. And then he poured his reserves of real old water onto the ground. And he drank new water. And lost his mind. And the madmen decided that he had found reason.

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the International Academies of Sciences, USA:

- The main part of the brain is water. Water and the fact that its molecules move so easily are part of the imprinting in the brain. So yes, to a certain extent, water is involved in the formation of information patterns in the brain.

Kurt Wüthrich Nobel laureate, Switzerland - USA:

“If we look at organs, heart, lungs or muscles, or brain, then all you can see with a simple NMR experiment is the presence of water in these organs. All you see is water. Your head is full of water. In fact, there is nothing special in us, except for water.

Emoto Masaru, researcher (Japan):

- Let's imagine that we have a man. But we have water. This water contains many different types of information. If you introduce this water into the human body, the human body will assimilate this information. And this can change the state of a person.

Let's see how structured water affects human blood. The doctor takes blood from the patient's finger. And on this drop with the help of a special microscope, we can see the state of its organism.


Pearl Lapperla, MD, immunologist Nevada, USA:

“These are red blood cells stuck together because they have lost their electrical charge. They stuck together like a stack of coins in a formation that we call a low PB. And here in this part there is a big union. These adhesions are associated with heart disease and arthritis and lung disease.

The doctor suggests that the patient should drink some structured water. After 12 minutes, the doctor again draws blood from the patient. And examines it.

- You can see that the cells have become lively. They became nimble. They recovered their electrical charge so that they began to repel each other. This allows them to carry oxygen. We can see here that a new nucleus is forming inside the cell. I think it's truly amazing that water, just drinking water, can do this.

For many centuries traditional oriental medicine has been based on vibrations - the sounds of the aquatic environment of the body. Pulse is an indicator of correct tone of sound. It is believed that it can be strong, weak, cold or hot. Taking this into account, an experienced physician conducts a kind of energy scan of the body, diagnoses and prescribes treatment.


Ogun Bolson, physician, Tibet:

- We do not cure with water. Because a person, his body is water. He simply recites mantras to correct the bad water inside him.

What is the mechanism of this latent influence is unknown. In all world religions - Christianity, Islam, Judaism - it is customary to read a prayer before eating. Or light up food during big religious holidays. Have we often wondered why and where did such dissimilar confessions come to believe that this is the right thing to do? Why it seemed obvious to our ancestors that our science is trying to understand only now. It turns out that the vibration frequency of the prayer of any denomination, sounding in any language, is equal to 8 hertz. Which corresponds to the oscillation frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field. Therefore, prayer forms a harmonious structure in water, which is part of absolutely all products.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- And now we already have an idea of how this happens due to the structuring of water clusters, water molecules. Therefore, from this, again, purely practical advice - to sit down at the table in a very good mood. And in no case should you sit at a table with aggressive, cruel people. This will have a direct, devastating effect on our health.

In 1995, Dr. Emoto Masaru was able to record the musical impressions of water for the first time. They gave her to listen to music. Then they quickly froze and under a microscope clearly saw crystals, which as a result formed water.

This is what Bach's music looks like
This is what Bach's music looks like

This is what Bach's music looks like,





hard Rock
hard Rock

hard Rock.

Vyacheslav Zvonnikov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Russia):

- Sometimes these are certain emotional outbursts that lead to absolutely such very negative results. I do not remember a case when such a negative outburst of emotions would have occurred at a classical music concert.


Experiments show that aggression causes dramatic changes in water memory. Such water can provoke an aggressive state in hitherto calm people.

- Evil in terms of interaction, oddly enough, is easier and simpler. Apparently, this is due, in general, to the special sensitivity of a person who always perceives the negative more sharply.

Dr. Emoto performed another curious experiment. I put rice in three glass jars. Filled it with water. And every day for a month he said: "Thank you" - to one bank. "You are a fool" is the second. And I did not pay attention to the third. A month later, the rice to which he said "Thank you" began to ferment, emitting a strong and pleasant smell. The rice from the second jar turned black. And the rice, which was ignored, began to rot. Dr. Emoto believes that this experiment teaches a very important lesson, especially in relation to children. We must take care of them. Give them attention, talk to them. The greatest harm is caused by indifference.

Emoto Masaru, researcher, Japan:

- I have fantastic hypotheses. But they always rely on practice.

Indifference, hatred, anger and even irritation have a destructive effect not only on another person, but have a feedback.

Allois Grubber researcher, Austria:

- Spiritually, at the level of thoughts, the one who sends negative thoughts pollutes his own water, of which 75-90% of the body consists. Charges her negatively.

In many laboratories around the world, an experiment was carried out many times, which gave similar results. Water from one container was divided into two portions. One part was affected, which changed the structure and properties of this water. The water from the second flask acquired the same structure and the same properties over time.

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the International Academies of Sciences, USA:

“Water has an extremely important photographic memory. We can put it this way. And you can also create impressions of it with very subtle energies. Even ten thousand kilometers away.

Does this mean that there is a distance connection between people, who are, in fact, water structures?

To confirm or refute the hypothesis of the possibility of remote communication between people in February 2005, Professor Vyacheslav Zvonnikov with a group of his colleagues conducts an experiment. Two people are located 15 thousand kilometers from each other. One in Moscow. Another in the north of South America near the city of Santa Elena. Before us is the virtual brain of the participants in the experiment. There are no visible relationships 15 minutes before it starts. The slightest changes in posture, pulse, and respiratory rate are recorded. A cardiogram and an encephalogram are recorded. Suddenly, there were obvious changes on the instruments. Two people, separated by a huge distance, somehow tuned in to the same wavelength. The devices recorded the synchronization of individual parts of the brain, respiration, and pulse.

Vyacheslav Zvonnikov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Russia:

- How can this be explained? So far, we have no answers to this question. There is a hypothesis that the body fluid is involved in this. Most likely, we have quite a lot of evidence that the fluid in the body also performs the function of a kind of information transfer.


Effie Chau, Professor, Member of the Presidential Council for Alternative Medicine, USA:

- Everyday action is very important. What a person does affects not only himself. It affects other people and the entire universe.

Vlail Kaznacheev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Novosibirsk, Russia:

- We studied water during the eclipse of the Sun and during the period of the Shoemaker-Levy comet. And it turned out that tissue culture in water, when an eclipse of the Sun is foreseen, in a week, there is still no eclipse, everything is still far away, it is already starting to fade.

The system of the universe exists as a single perfect organism. All its parts, including us and our Earth, are inextricably linked by colossal information flows. And in the mechanism of information exchange, the same water plays a key role on our planet. In fact, it is the environment through which the whole nature is controlled.

Chinese chronicles tell about the Taoist hermit Chang Chun, about whom it is known that Genghis Khan met and talked with him for a long time. Once, when the country was dying from an unknown epidemic, the ruler of Beijing asked a hermit to protect people. He prayed and the disease receded. In response to numerous expressions of gratitude, the hermit replied: “Prayer is not a thing. The only thing you need is faith."

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the International Academies of Sciences, USA:

- Exactly, exactly. Many believe it is thought or intention. We use the word intention. It can be imprinted with water. It is only an opportunity, like in prayer, if you turn to the Gods. Is prayer sealed with water?

Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Kirill, Russia:

- There are such wonderful words in Holy Scripture - nothing is impossible for a believer. If you have faith the size of a grain of mustard and you say to this mountain - move - then the mountain will move. Of course, the image of the mountain in this case is a metaphor, but it helps us understand the power of faith.

In all the sacred books of mankind there are stories about people who, by the power of faith, by the power of their deep spiritual knowledge, could work miracles. According to the legend, the sea parted before Moses due to his desperate faith that the Lord would not leave his people.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia:

- We have absolutely unequivocal evidence that prayer affects the recovery of the sick. Moreover, until a completely fantastic recovery, when a person had started gangrene suddenly stopped.


Vlail Kaznacheev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia:

- Here with holy water, sick animals or dying plants, poured with this water - they are restored. These are facts. And no one today, so to speak, a physicist-chemist, or something, can understand this.

January 18, the eve of the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany. Two flasks are filled with water from an ordinary water supply system. Early in the morning, one of them was installed in the temple near the container, over which the consecration ceremony is to be performed. From year to year on January 19, believers and even non-believers rush to churches to collect Epiphany water after the service. It is believed to have unusual properties. To confirm or disprove this, both flasks were delivered to the laboratory immediately after the service. Here the water was frozen in a cryogenic chamber and photographed under a microscope. The crystals of tap water looked like a chaotic blur. While the water that visited the temple had the correct symmetrical shape of a six-pointed star.

It is known that holy water has a strong stable structure. She is able to transfer her properties. If only 10 grams of such water is diluted in 60 liters of ordinary water, then the whole mass acquires the properties of holy water.

Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Kirill, Russia:

- Maybe someday scientists will tell us what prayer is. Maybe someday scientists will tell us what happens to human nature under the influence of the influence of Divine Grace.

Konstantin Korotkov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia):

- From my point of view, what Jesus did was informational influence on the water. And he acted on the water with his spirituality. He acted with the help of higher spiritual forces. And to imagine that to change water, to change its structure in such a way that it becomes strong enough, now, in general, it is quite reasonable.

Rustum Roy, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, member of the International Academies of Sciences (USA):

- It could be radiation. But there could also be subtle energy. And we are very interested in how subtle energy can be recognized by matter.

Nowadays, every person is sure that the weather on the planet is determined by cyclones and anticyclones. We perceive daily forecasts of weather forecasters as inevitable. In fact, we are waiting for the water to manifest itself. Evaporating and turning into bizarre clouds and thunderclouds, it creates the architectonics of the sky, the innumerable colors of sunrises and sunsets, a whirling rainbow - all this is the result of the refraction of light rays in the moisture in the atmosphere. Clouds carry this moisture over great distances and rain down. Rain, hail, snow and fog. Winds and storms, storms and hurricanes. All these complex processes depend on her mood. We are trying to predict how she will behave. And in what place on Earth will he show his mercy or bring down his anger. All we can do is observe the processes from space. But just watch. But how tempting the very thought is - to subjugate the weather. What a sweet bait for human vanity.

Many peoples still have practices of influencing weather and atmospheric phenomena. These rituals are carefully passed down from generation to generation unchanged.


Pandito Hambo Lama Damba Ayushev, Head of Buddhist Traditional Sangha, Russia:

- If my offerings were convincing enough, if I chose the right time and the right place and recited the mantras correctly and from a pure heart, then the Master of Water gives us water.

Such actions do not inspire much confidence in us. And today they are perceived more often with a smile. Is it possible that just a person, not a huge modern laboratory with modern technologies, but only a person, by the force of his desire alone, can influence the natural mechanism?

Effie Chau, Professor, Member of the Presidential Council for Alternative Medicine, USA:

- It was an open-air wedding. The sky was completely cloudy and rain began to fall. Half an hour before the start of the ceremony, it started to rain in earnest. Everyone stood under umbrellas. And then the four of us - me, the groom's father, and two more of my students - decided to start meditating to improve the weather. A minute later, a gap appeared in the clouds. And the sun shone right over us. Not everywhere, but only above us!

By the summer of 1991, there had been no rain in Israel for 2 years. The water in the only freshwater lake, the Kinneret, dropped 15 cm below the critical mark. And then ten thousand Israelites gathered at the Wailing Wall to say a prayer for rain. On the third day, rain poured over the country. Many have explained this fact as a simple coincidence.


Adin Steinsaltz, Rabbi, Israel:

- Belief in chance is neither scientific nor religious in nature. From a scientific point of view, there is scientific determinism. And from a religious point of view, there is an influence of deeds on the result. Accident is the way a person tries to relieve himself of any responsibility.

Just as in the mountains sometimes the cry of a bird can cause a powerful avalanche, and the movement of a butterfly's wing can lead to a change in the weather on the whole continent, also a person can start global processes with just the power of his thought.


Herbert Klima, Ph. D., professor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Vienna, Austria:

- And this is not an exaggeration. No scientist familiar with systems theory doubts this. The whole point is just to wait for the moment at which the system will be in an unstable state. In the phase of instability, only the movement of thought is enough for the system to begin to change.

Adin Steinsaltz, Rabbi, Israel:

- I do not always see when my mistake, my sin comes back to me in a different form. Although, in essence, it is one unit. What I did wrong is not returned to me as a punishment, but as a result.

With all the abundance of water on the planet, available fresh water accounts for slightly less than 0.5% of all its world reserves. Throughout the history of mankind, these reserves have remained virtually unchanged. While the population of the Earth was constantly increasing. Never before in the world has there been such a number of people as now - 6.5 billion people. But even today there would be enough fresh water for everyone if it were not subjected to the brutal attack of human civilization.

Shamil-Khazrat Alyautdinov, imam-khatyb of the Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Hill, Moscow, Russia:

- Just imagine if there is simply no water. She will go far into the bowels of the earth. Who will give us water, rain? Will it hit out of the ground and be easily accessible to us? No.

Today, more than a billion people on Earth do not have access to safe drinking water. For this reason, over 5 million people die every year. Half of them are children. This is 10 times more than annually dies in wars. If this problem is left unresolved, then in the 21st century water can become a cause of international conflicts. Already now it is gradually acquiring the status of the main resource, which is beginning to figure in the political dialogue between countries and peoples.

Kurt Wüthrich Nobel laureate, Switzerland - USA:

- We are now talking about the approaching oil crisis, because oil may run out. But, in my opinion, it is much more important to take care of water so that we do not have a water crisis.

According to the UN data, about 10 million tons of oil are poured into the oceans every year. 90 thousand containers with radioactive waste per 100 thousand curies are buried off the Atlantic coast of the USA. And in the European part - by 500 thousand curies. Countries that have access to the seas make burials of industrial, construction and radioactive waste in them. During its discharge and passing through the water column, some of the pollutants go into solution and change not only the quality of the water, but also its memory.

Victor Inyushin, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Biophysics, Kazakh University (Kazakhstan):

- The ocean still has the ability to erase this memory due to its salinity. But still there is a dilution effect. We must also talk about it and study it. Because with huge dilutions, it begins to influence memory even more than with small dilutions - the effect of concentration. This should be given special attention.

Vlail Kaznacheev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia:

- A very difficult period of our planetary existence. We have plowed all possible lands. We have lost 33% of the green cover, half of the plankton in the ocean. This means that the problem would seem distant, but everywhere there is water …

Over the past year, the temperature of the cold deep waters of the Gulf Stream has dropped by 1 degree. Over the past 9 years, the rate of melting of glaciers in Greenland has tripled. Over the past 30 years, the destructive power of hurricanes has doubled. The number of natural disasters is growing. In the decade - from 1973 to 1982 - there were 1.5 thousand disasters in the world. From 1983 to 92 - 3.5 thousand. From 1993 to 2002 - 6 thousand. During the tsunami in Southeast Asia in December 2004, 226 thousand people were killed or missing. 0.5 million people were left homeless. Flooding in Europe in October 2005 left 200,000 people homeless. Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 killed about 1,300 people. 1 million people were left homeless. Over the past 30 years, natural disasters have killed almost 4 million people. Affected 4.5 billion

Alexander Solodilov, Doctor of Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russia):

- If we ask an ordinary person on the street today: "Is it the fault of man, is it human activity that the number of hurricanes on the planet is growing and their strength is becoming more destructive?" I think every second person will answer that yes, this is a consequence of human activity.

Effie CHOW, professor, member of the Presidential Council for Alternative Medicine (USA):

- I think that everything that is happening now in our world - all tsunamis or strange weather events around the world, terrorism or fears that gripped us - all these things are the result of the ill health of people. And in the opposite direction it also works. And this also, I think, is the result of water pollution.

The phenomenon of structural memory allows water to capture everything that happens around it, to connect all living systems with each other. And each of us is a link in an endless chain of information transmission. But, in addition, each of us is also a source of information. Each of our actions, thoughts, emotions, words spoken outside is separated from us and remembered by water. Informational dirt poisons water, accumulating in its memory. If this process continued indefinitely, then the water could go crazy.

But she has been given the ability to purify herself. This happens at the time of the phase transition, when the water evaporates, and then when it condenses and rains. Or freezes and then melts. Shaking off informational dirt, water retains the basic structure, that is, the program of life.

Herbert Klima, Ph. D., professor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Vienna (Austria):

- Einstein, for example, once said: “I would like to know his thoughts, meaning God, everything else is just details. I would like to know how he created this world."

Adin Steinsaltz, Rabbi, Israel:

- It all starts in the water. In a certain sense, we can say that everything starts in water and ends in water.

For all nations, in order to appear before God, a person must be clean. In all confessions of the world, water seems to be the mediator that connects a person with the Creator. Jews perform ablution in mikvah; among Muslims, one can begin to pray only after ablution.

Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Kirill (Russia):

- If you trace the mention of water in the Holy Scriptures, then this mention is often associated with the idea of purification. Most vividly - this, of course, in the story of the baptism of the Israelites in the Jordan River during the prophet John the Baptist. John baptized with the baptism of repentance. Both the image and the symbol of people's repentance was their washing in the river. And in the Christian church there is the sacrament of baptism. First, why a sacrament? Why is the word "sacrament" used? The sacrament is associated with the concept of mystery. Why the sacrament of baptism? Because to the end, what happens to a person at the moment of baptism is hidden from us. It is known that Divine energy, which we call Grace in church language, descends on a person.

Emoto Masaru, researcher (Japan):

- In the history of mankind, there have been many wars on religious grounds. But in our experience, the water reacted to individual words of religious content, forming beautiful crystals. This means that the concept of our nature is the same with every religion.

Christian prayer
Christian prayer

Christian prayer.

Buddhist prayer
Buddhist prayer

Buddhist prayer.

Muslim prayer
Muslim prayer

Muslim prayer.

Dr. Emoto suggests that the most violent crimes are committed in areas where people use foul language.



I hate you
I hate you

I hate you.

Hieroglyphs for the words and names of famous people were inscribed on a laboratory cup of water.







Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa.



Emoto Masaru's numerous experiments to find the word that most purifies water showed that it is not one, but a combination of the two.

Love and Gratitude
Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude.

The Universe was created by the Absolute. The beginning, which produced everything that exists and all its material manifestations. Each of us has a particle of water from the primordial ocean. Each of our words, like a drop of water, is a carrier of thoughts and a source of information. And for this we have to pay the Absolute with Love and Gratitude!