Money In The Body - Alternative View

Money In The Body - Alternative View
Money In The Body - Alternative View

Video: Money In The Body - Alternative View

Video: Money In The Body - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, October

Did you know that our body is a magnet that can attract anything? Everything is “recorded” on the map of the human body. Personality traits, all previous life experience, psychological trauma and certain trends in further development.

The body responds to any actual problem with tension, it can be chronic or temporary. Chronic stress (blockages) indicates persistent behavioral patterns of a person. Temporary - for a problem that has suddenly arisen and not yet fully worked out (like RAM).

Is there money in the body? Of course have.

There are four zones of money in the body: one of them is connected with the way of receiving money, the other with the way it leaves, the third with hoarding, and the fourth with the ability to turn money into wealth.

The first zone of money is the neck. Assess her condition. Can you freely, without tension and crunch, twirl your neck and turn your head to the sides? If so, then just as easily you can see the various ways to get money.

The neck for a person is a zone of possibilities and freedom of choice! A free, mobile, light, not blocked neck indicates that you are all right with the choice. You see for yourself many options for the development of events and do not see the problem in changing the scenarios of your life. Easily accept yourself and other people. Do not have rigid rigid installations. Easy to compromise. Express your thoughts and feelings freely. Express your own opinion easily.

A free neck gives the body liveliness, and the person himself gives speed of reaction. Most likely, you are a born leader, administrator or top manager, in any case, there shouldn't be any problems with money.

People with a blocked neck only look straight. This is the gaze of a subordinate, officer or soldier, this is the gaze of a person who aims to move only forward, ignoring all the new "introductory" and obstacles. What can be, indeed, justified on the parade ground, but is in no way acceptable in an easily and rapidly changing financial world, where success is often ensured by a person's involvement in the process and the ability to make quick decisions.

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Analyze your financial scenarios. Perhaps you are stubborn and distrustful, often resist, and in return meet resistance from your clients if you work with people. Are you overly addicted to the same technologies? Are you completely overwhelmed by one financial scheme that you begin to actively impose on everyone?

“Look there - only there,” your body seems to say. It is important to know that in the bodily-mental structure of a person it is difficult to track what is primary and what is secondary. It happens that at first a person enslaves, literally clogs his own body, and with its tension it creates stable psychological scenarios of behavior, but it happens on the contrary - a psychological trauma or setting fixes tension in the body, and it, in turn, constantly reminds a person of a negative experience once experienced and makes you act stereotypically.

The second is the money distribution area. And this, of course, is the hands. No wonder they say that money is slipping through your fingers.

Imagine that someone, no matter who, hands you a bill. Reach out and take it. How will you do it? Evaluate if there was tension in your hand when you reached for the imaginary bill. If so, where? In the brush? This means that it matters to you how you are given money, who gives it, with what words. You attach great importance to the ritual of receiving money. If you don't like how they give you, you can even refuse what you have earned. Is it good? Are there too many conventions and ceremonies?

Is there a tension in your forearm? You find it difficult to make money decisions. Not there and not here, as they say. Difficult to take, difficult to give, difficult to shop and invest. Before deciding on something, you think ten times and often because of this you find yourself in a loss. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne” - remember this sometimes, and money will pour into your hands.

If the tension appears in your shoulder, it is difficult for you to put money into your life. You can take them, but then mental agony begins. Perhaps you are one of those who believe that money is filth, money corrupts a person. Subconsciously, you distance yourself from them. Money is always on the doorstep of your house, but you do not let it into the house. Think about it, they might get tired of standing there, and what will you do then?

How do you transfer money? With a wide movement of your hand, stretch out an unfolded bill - you are a generous and self-confident person. Keep the bill close to you and wait for the person to hold out his hand for it - you are not sure if this money is worth giving. Perhaps they are timid, not very confident in themselves and have a hard time parting with money. Pass the bill folded in half - if it's an accident - that's okay. But if you always fold a bill before giving it back, then perhaps you are unconsciously afraid of money, responsibility for them and are doing everything to make them less.

You fold the bill many times and pass it tightly in your fist - why are you so afraid and embarrassed of yourself, money, and the method of transferring it? You take out a bill, but do not give it away immediately, but precede the transmission with a long monologue about something - think, why are you doing this? Perhaps you enjoy looking at the discomfort of the other person; you may not be sure that the money should be returned; or maybe decisions are difficult for you in life and you always slow down a little when it's time to take a step.

The third zone of money is the belly and pelvis. It's not for nothing that a rich man is always portrayed as such a fat man with a big belly.

But a big belly is also a sign that a person has many fears. And fears do not allow us to freely dispose of money. Fear of losing wealth manifests itself in greed, and greed in fullness. So what can be done? A soft, but not full, tucked up neat tummy, free movements of the pelvis, an elegant gait, like that of oriental dancers and dancers, testify that we have a man contented with life, a man who knows how to rejoice and enjoy every moment, experienced in all carnal pleasures and not complex in matters of increasing his wealth. Therefore, if you want money, take up oriental dances. Moreover, the costumes of oriental divas seem to be specially designed to lure money, so gold ornaments play in the sun, and aren't capes and hats embroidered with coins?

It is curious that one of the zones of unreasonable hoarding is the notorious breeches (on the hip, behind). People who are greedy, especially those who are greedy for other people's money, have breeches. And for those who easily part with money and calmly spend it on other people, everything is in order with this part of the body. Direct logic: if you are greedy, you will have to splurge on anti-cellulite creams and massages, if you won’t, you will not need a cream.

And finally, the zone of increasing wealth is the legs. The stronger the legs, the easier it is for a person to build his own well-being. Home, stable business, strong income, luxury goods. All these belongings are no longer money, but wealth.

To keep wealth, you need to stand firmly on your feet. Therefore, if you have weak legs, you often stumble, twist your feet, you had accidental, ridiculous fractures, you have varicose veins or any other diseases of the legs, all this indicates that you do not have stability, and perhaps you are afraid of it …

Learn to stand firmly on your feet. Get yourself a winning walk. Step on your entire foot, springing at the knees and transferring your body weight to the supporting leg. Stop walking in heels until you can feel the support under your feet. Walk barefoot on the ground more often in summer. Strengthen your legs and reconnect with the ground. And then it will be easier for you to create material support in life.