Doomsday, Or Robinson And Friday Syndrome - Alternative View

Doomsday, Or Robinson And Friday Syndrome - Alternative View
Doomsday, Or Robinson And Friday Syndrome - Alternative View

The day of judgment is coming, but not in the way the priests preach about it! Many of us appeared in the earth's chain of balls as a consequence of the judgment day of the previous, lunar chain. From which it follows that the day of judgment entails not eternal torment, but something else. Although, there is something painful in this.

If you happen to come close to the wild tribes of Africa or Australia, the following will become clear to you in full. In the middle of the current eon, the fourth, which fell on the third Lemurian subrace, the flow of animal monads, which were given the opportunity to become people, was stopped; for the reason that in the middle of the eon, the evolution of the monads already existing in the human kingdom had gone too far for the monads that had just arrived from the animal kingdom to keep up with humanity. Look at the pygmies or aborigines and put them in their position! Will even they, representatives of the human already, the Lemurian root race, be able to get along in the civilized world and derive some benefit from this?

Tarzans are only in the movies and their place is in the wild and inaccessible corners of the planet. Imagine if “proto-people”, incomparably more primitive than the pygmies, Bushmen and aborigines, lived on Earth on a par with us now? Judging by what was stated in the previous article, they would have to be Cyclops or, at best, apes! would they be alien even among the most savage tribes, not to mention civilized peoples? Agree, their place is only in the conditions of Lemuria - among the dinosaurs, and not among modern people. This was the reason for the elimination in the middle of the current eon. in the middle of the next, fifth eon, the sifting out of already human entities will be carried out, not keeping up with the pace of development of the consciousness of the rest of humanity. Conditions suitable for their slow development will resume … from the first eon of the next chain of balls. Just like the most lagging students stay in the second year!

Coming a second time to the same class, they may well get out in the excellent pupils, because they repeat everything they have gone through, while the rest go through the same thing for the first time. This is how our sages, in the lunar chain were lagging behind, but in the subsequent earthly chain they led the evolution of mankind, although some of them instead slipped into the Black Lodge, whose members would have to wait not until the next chain of balls, but before the disintegration of the Solar systems! But this is by the way, back to sifting in the middle of aeons. Those who did not pass this "maturity test" can be considered lost for the rest of humanity, which has gone ahead, because they simply fall out of the current 7-ball (see the diagram of the chain of balls). While their former "classmates" who fit into the pace of evolutionwill continue their studies in the fifth eon and by the end of the seventh eon of the earthly chain they will become second entities. Barkhishats (46), Arhats (46), Adepts (45) are the former human beings of the lunar chain of balls, which have become superhuman.

And the unsuccessful ones will be eliminated in pralaya and in a state of nonexistence will wait for the next chain of balls. And there will be nothing to hope for a company of people of their level, because they will not get to the middle of the "school year", but to the very beginning! Look in the previous articles, what did we have at the beginning? You can understand the indignation of the orange, "repeaters “some other chain who refused to go“into the same class”with the bumps - the Cyclops. Apparently they counted immediately in the era of urbanization, but it was not there! the orange ones, due to the action of the law of karma, are experiencing unimaginable difficulties. Will they not stay again for a second year, or will they again be thrown into the coming world of primitive monsters, which will take many millions of years,to acquire a more or less human appearance? So, some on the day of judgment will indeed be subjected to eternal torment, but still in our hands!

Henry Laurency told that all people passing at least the last levels of the stage of civilization, as well as all those standing at the higher levels in the development of consciousness, were transferred to the earth from other chains of planets. That is, we all have already passed our day of judgment on other planets, as a result of which we spent a long time in a state called pralaya in Sanskrit, or in the form of monads that cannot be embodied in shells, in the language of Hylozoika. In incarnations on the globe, we are given another chance and great hopes are pinned on us; after all, the lessons of the evolution of consciousness, which for indigenous earthly mankind again, are already familiar to us and experienced before. And the demand is always less with the bumpkin who first became people in the earthly chain, but the “repeaters” have a huge responsibility! My friends, this is really very serious,for the karmic consequences after the new day of judgment, if we fall into it, will be much more serious than the first time.

Greater efforts are expected from us than from everyone else, because the people are looking at us - the newborn humanity of the Earth, currently going through the stages of barbarism and primitive levels of the stage of civilization. There are especially many of them on the planet during the transition into a new zodiacal era, literally 85% of the population, and this is a huge field of activity! So there is nothing to whine about the blows of an unmerciful fate, we deserve it and must go through in full! It's time to start up and start fulfilling your duty to humanity, by your personal example of a conscious lifestyle, showing others what it means to be human. Everyone makes the choice himself and the duty of the esotericist is only to open his eyes to the truth, to confront the fact. Here is how E. P. Madame Blavatsky speaks of those who sit up again, without touching their fingers and not seeing what this laziness is fraught with."These useless drones who do not want to work with Nature are dying by the millions in the Manvantara" - "The Secret Doctrine"

Being swept away by a cataclysm is not in itself scary. It is scary what will follow this - non-existence lasting for eons, after which … survival of cruel karmic consequences and not at all among their own kind, but lost among yesterday's beasts, whose fangs are still visible. And there will be no mercy for the "wise men from the past", because karma is inexorable and no one has yet managed to avoid this Domocles sword! With the laziness of unconscious life you need to fight at all levels and I am quite in solidarity with the fact that you need to start with yourself. from the fact that to stop causing deliberate damage to the beings created for our incarnation by the devas - the shells, whether it is an organism or the feelings and thoughts we overwhelm that affect the state of the soul. Our duty is to evolve them, which means ennobling of feelings,improving thinking and refining the body by vegetarianism and a simple healthy lifestyle.

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Lemurians ate meat, that is why they were cyclops. And for us this is tantamount to admitting ourselves at the same level of development! In northern latitudes, this test is given immeasurably more difficult, so that the lesson is clearer, probably deposited in skandhas and repeated in the next incarnation. There is no such word "I can not", there is only the word "I do not want", my mother told me. Gold words! Never refer to others, everyone has their own destiny, take care of your karma! Theosophy also mentions predictions about how many people heed the above, or how the same, but somewhat differently formulated by Henry Laurency, Blavatsky, Christ, Buddha … 3/5 of all people, incarnate and incorporeal (in life after death) will remain in the earthly chain of balls and continue to incarnate with their native humanity;while 2/5 will be weeded out and hanging in pralaya, will then be thrown into an unknown chain of planets, perhaps even in another solar system.

The total number of human monads is 60,000 million - in the tangible world, etheric, astral, mental, causal. Of these, only 36,000 million will remain in the earth's chain of globes and continue to evolve in a natural way. The remaining 24,000 million are in danger of being sifted out on the day of judgment. This is inevitable, for from the middle of the next eon the conditions of the earth's chain of balls will change. For example, the vibrations of blind rage and other harmful passions will outlive themselves, but these vibrations keep the astral plane. Just as fish cannot live without water, 24,000 million cannot live in a world devoid of vibrations that they need like air! From the middle of the fifth eon, the world of intellectual development and spiritual harmony will reign, and wars, the killing of people and animals will sink into oblivion and fairy tales will only be told about this. The presence of angryeternally thirsty for blood of subjects in such conditions will undoubtedly destroy the entire idyll and disrupt the order of the time.

And it’s not that they would not be governed, just life in conditions of universal harmony alien to them would be deprived of the circumstances necessary for the development of consciousness. As they say, one born to crawl cannot fly! It is clear that they will have no place in that perfect world. For them, neither here nor there in the Cosmos the next chain of balls will arrive, where they will begin to incarnate from the very first primitive eons. And you will be lucky if you find yourself in the next chain of balls of our own 49-ball. In this case, they will live among those who at the moment constitute the animal kingdom of nature - from them they will recruit the human kingdom of the next chain of balls. Yes, yes, our barbarians were animals in the lunar chain of balls, and our tails will be able to taste the human way of life in the chain that follows us. So, you can now teach the mind of your pets for future use,thus making a significant contribution to the evolution of consciousness!

The indigenous earthly humanity in the previous lunar chain of balls was still the animal kingdom of nature; while all of us - and this article barbarians do not read, and at the lower levels of the stage of civilization is much more important than a motorcycle race and girls, so with complete confidence I repeat ALL OF US - the fruits of the past days of judgment in different parts of Space, although for the most part here nearby, in a lunar chain of balls. In this light, the phenomenon of strange closeness of subjects, sometimes completely incompatible in terms of the level of development, becomes quite understandable. Rather, it is not a unity of souls, but bordering on a dog's, devotion to one another, which can continue in different forms in a whole chain of incarnations. At the same time, the cases are far from always as classic as Robinson and Friday smile. During the transition of the zodiacal vibrations, barbarians flooded like northern ones,and the southern latitudes and in the role of Friday it may well be a compatriot.

Robinsons can be any "repeaters" of the lunar chain, who had their beloved pets there, who, even becoming human, carried reciprocal love and devotion across the abyss of eons. wish that the "owner" in this case made every effort not to reign supreme over the "pet" attached to him, violating the laws of freedom of choice and self-development, but to play the role of a mentor and direct his smaller brother to the true path. and a diametrically opposite version of an unwanted karmic encounter with those with whom we were cruelly treated in our days as human beings in the former chain of balls. After all, the very fact of sifting out from progressive humanity means then the absence of spiritual generosity in relation to anyone at all, including animals.

This is another reason for the sometimes inexplicable, grinning fangs of hostility towards us on the part of primitive fellow citizens. There is nothing to complain about fate, they got what they deserved! And henceforth think twice before kicking the kitten, you never know where and under what circumstances you will meet again! Most of today's animals will reach causation only at the end of the seventh aeon of the current earth chain of balls and will become the newborn humanity of the next, fifth chain of balls. But in exceptional cases, when the beast is lucky to be so fond of a person and to adopt so much human skills from a loving master that, in spite of everything, he can acquire a causal shell already during the current sphere-period. He will then be endowed with a primitive human body when the wave of life passes to the next ball,our earthly chain - on the cosmological schemes it is Mercury.
