Body - Abandoned Ghost Town - Alternative View

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Body - Abandoned Ghost Town - Alternative View
Body - Abandoned Ghost Town - Alternative View

Video: Body - Abandoned Ghost Town - Alternative View

Video: Body - Abandoned Ghost Town - Alternative View
Video: Tragedy Strikes In The Ghost Town of Cerro Gordo 2024, July

Bodie is a fairly well-known abandoned ghost town. It is located in California, right on the border with Nevada. It got its unusual name thanks to a man who discovered a gold deposit here in 1859, from which the history of this place began. William Bodie himself died just a year after his landmark discovery, which in itself was strange.

The infamous abandoned ghost town

From the very moment of its foundation, Bodi enjoyed a notoriety: it was not for nothing that he was nicknamed "the city of sin." Here, quarrels with shootings broke out every now and then, and cases of violence and robbery became almost commonplace. A local priest wrote that lawlessness and chaos reign here.

After the discovery of another deposit, Bodie grew up, and life here began to bubble up: saloons, gambling halls, brothels and brothels worked 24 hours a day. There were even places in the city where you could taste opium.

Beginning of the End

When the deposits gradually dried up, the inhabitants began to leave the "city of sin". The population decreased by 10 times, and a fire that happened in 1900 destroyed almost half of the buildings (it was arranged by a kid playing with matches).

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Production decreased, income also decreased, so those who could rushed to leave this place in order to find something more worthwhile: it was no longer possible to feed their families here.

By the middle of the 20th century, there were five indigenous inhabitants of Bodi, and they all died not by their own death, after which the former prosperous city was completely deserted and turned into an abandoned ghost town.


Abandoned Ghost Town: Bodie's Curse

In 1961, the city became a historical landmark, because, despite the desolation, it is perfectly preserved. But tourists before visiting this place are warned that there is a terrible curse of Bodie, which will overtake anyone who decides to take something from here as a keepsake, even a stone, even a chip.

It is said that misfortunes will pursue a person until the thing returns to its rightful place. Of course, many consider this to be just a story that prevents the theft of a historical monument, but everything is actually quite mysterious.


People who have taken something from the city come back after a while to put it back. They hope that troubles and problems will stop there, and life will return to its former course.

The ghosts of Bodie are believed to send illness, setbacks, car accidents and other tragic events to those who disturbed their peace. So it's better not to joke with otherworldly forces, even if you really want to have a souvenir from such a famous place as this abandoned ghost town.