Poltergeist's Revenge - Alternative View

Poltergeist's Revenge - Alternative View
Poltergeist's Revenge - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist's Revenge - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist's Revenge - Alternative View
Video: This was INTENSE! | Paranormal Activity at Haunted Ruins | Anstey Hill 2024, July

Those who doubt the existence of Svetlenskaya drumstick got a brain stroke

In the mid-70s, the entire Soviet Union enthusiastically listened to one of the very first hits of Alla Pugacheva, "Magic Dropout". Remember, where "I wanted to make an iron, the elephant turned out suddenly." The point is that, having received only the initial skills of a magical craft, the lyric hero nevertheless used them with might and main. But due to lack of qualifications, instead of elephants or goats, he obtained various "mutants". Of course, on the one hand, it's funny. But let's think about it, is it always so harmless to manipulate or even simple communication with magical forces, "light" or "dark", with the so-called devilry?

Enough has been said about the dangers of flirting with evil spirits. Everyone has heard tragic stories with young people who were overly addicted to Satanism. Last year, Tomsk was shocked by a tragic incident when a guy who was obsessed with black magic, Satanism, ritual murders and other things, did not spare his brother. But this, as they say, is an extreme case. Much more innocent fun is also unsafe. There are many stories known when during the Christmas divination it was such that curious girls, at best, were forever discouraged from invoking spirits or other supernatural forces. A classic example is the sad end of the handsome Herman from The Queen of Spades, who wished to solve card problems with the help of witchcraft.

Much more often it happens that unknown forces fall on us like a natural disaster, and we can only play the role of passive observers. (Running a little ahead, however, we note that you can observe in different ways - by making yourself as safe as possible, or, on the contrary, by bringing adventure to your ass).

Surely many readers of "Buff Garden" remembered about the poltergeist "Fotyma" in the village of Svetly, which has been haunted by the Kislyakov family for more than three years, living in a "bad" apartment. There are constantly a lot of graffiti on the walls, windows, on the floor. Hundreds of notes in different handwritings. With their help, the poltergeist communicates with the landlords and researchers. Many episodes of poltergeist events were filmed on videotape. For example, when a flying shoe in the air suddenly turns 90 degrees along a steep trajectory and flies from the corridor into a room where it could not get into if it was thrown in the usual way. At the beginning of last year, the poltergeist entered the "voice stage." Now in the Kislyakovs' apartment and in the entrance one can hear a hoarse loud voice coming "out of nowhere." He asks questionsdiscusses various topics. He also learned to use the telephone and sometimes goes into the telephone network and calls any subscriber. (The author of these lines once had a chance to talk on the phone with a Svetlana poltergeist).

Of course, the restless neighborhood does not bring much joy to the owners of the apartment, who over the years have suffered direct moral damage for several thousand rubles: clothes, furniture, household items have been burned or damaged … However, despite all the troubles, the Kislyakovs to some extent resigned themselves to the existence this mysterious phenomenon and even got used to it. But the pranks of the "violent spirit", as the poltergeist is also called, do not always end innocently.

Here are fragments of an analytical note, compiled by specialists of the Tomsk Regional Scientific Center for Biolocation and Ecology "Biolon", who have been studying this anomalous phenomenon since 1997. The note is titled "Accidents with people involved in the Fotyma poltergeist in the village of Svetly." (Some names and recognizable details have been changed.)

… In the course of research, it has been established that a certain category of people involved in this poltergeist is subject to various misfortunes. Events during poltergeists develop according to certain plots connected by a common meaning. Here is an example of such a plot. In 1998, the owner of the apartment, A. V. Tomsk regional administration with a request to help, as the poltergeist destroys their property, does not let them sleep at night, scares, etc. Later, one of the local newspapers published a collective letter from the residents of the entrance where the Kislyakov family lives, accusing the latter of fraud In particular, the children of the Kislyakovs were accused of setting fire to apartments and committing grave criminal offenses (the charge against Petya Kislyakov, who was 10 years old at the time of the alleged commission of the alleged crime). A little later, the same newspaper published publications of journalists, directly and indirectly confirming the accusations contained in the letter.

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In addition, a number of other persons disseminated false information that the Kislyakovs did not have any poltergeist, and that they themselves were swindlers pursuing mercenary and hooligan goals. (Below is a list of people from the so-called group of "whistleblowers", including employees of the district administration, journalists, neighbors and others).

Further events developed in a tragic way for some of them, others had serious life troubles:

1. Ivanov - surgery for a brain tumor, currently inoperable.

2. Sergeev - cerebral stroke with subsequent operation, currently works in his previous position.

3. Kondratyuk - cerebral stroke with subsequent partial paralysis, is currently inoperable.

4. Grishin, Nikolaev, Alekseev - dismissed due to staff reductions.

5. Marov - is in the Tomsk jail on charges of premeditated murder.

6. Rynin - a criminal case was initiated against his son on charges of a serious crime.

There is also a group of people with whom misfortunes have happened over the past two years, but their direct participation in slandering the Kislyakovs has not been proven. Therefore, they do not appear in this report.

These events are difficult to recognize as accidental. According to the hypothesis of the author of the analytical note, the situation is as follows. As it was found during the study of the poltergeist "Fotyma", the focal person in this case is the youngest son of the Kislyakovs, Petya. It is known that the focal person, as a rule, is always AGGRESSIVELY PROTECTED by the POLTERGEIST from any encroachments from the outside. Apparently, the poltergeist took the attempts to accuse the Kislyakovs of fraud and evict them from the apartment as aggression towards Petya. The consequences were not long in coming … The perpetrators, in the opinion of the poltergeist, people suffered punishment of varying severity. It is worth noting that the author of this report warned many of the above list earlier that they behave incorrectly, violate SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS, therefore they may suffer …"

- There are special instructions, - says the author of the analytical note, scientific director of "Biolon" Viktor Fefelov, - developed by Moscow researchers of anomalous phenomena. There are given the characteristic signs of a poltergeist, as well as recommendations on how to behave. It is intended for employees of authorities, law enforcement agencies and just people who have encountered a poltergeist. Written several years ago, it is already somewhat outdated. Since Moscow scientists believed that the poltergeist was only "playing naughty", "hooligan" and did not bring any particular troubles. As it turned out, this is not always the case.

Here are some simple rules on how to behave if you encounter a poltergeist.

1. First of all, this must be taken very seriously. You should not be afraid, panic - this is exactly what the poltergeist is trying to achieve.

2. Leave this place as soon as possible, since the poltergeist tends to develop and behave more aggressively.

3. Be sure to contact specialists who study this phenomenon. And not to shamans, sorcerers and others. Because, as a rule, after their manipulations, the poltergeist only aggravates.

4. Before experts give an official conclusion that it is a poltergeist, and not something else, it is not recommended to contact the authorities, the police. As practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, the authorities begin to accuse of cheating, fraud and other deadly sins. Moreover, it may end sadly for the officials themselves.

5. Now poltergeist quite often develops to the "voice stage". Can communicate, talk on the phone. In no case should you ask him for anything! For example, money, a car, an apartment, or "deal with" any of the enemies. All this goes sideways by the one who asked … In other words, you need to follow the rule of Indian yogis: DO NOT ASK for anything, DO NOT BE SURPRISED or FEAR nothing …

Oh, this safety technique … In many ways, nature itself instructs us, endowing us with innate fears: heights, depths, confined space … Of course, somewhere they interfere with us, but in most cases a healthy sense of danger is still beneficial. (When a person removes his innate fears with alcohol and “the sea is knee-deep”, then the consequences are very sad).

There are fears acquired through empirical experience. The toddler, who has never dealt with a burning lamp, serenely pulls his hands towards it. And when he burns himself and feels pain, the desire to feel such things disappears.

When the danger is not very noticeable, such as from a car or a powerful machine, we are warned by the usual safety instructions, traffic rules. However, a reasonable person feels, without any instructions, where he should not poke his finger.

But there are dangers that are absolutely invisible. For example, radiation, which at the time of its discovery until the beginning of our century was considered a completely harmless physical phenomenon. Since the radioactive substance does not burn, does not prick, does not bite … Therefore, at first, scientists with radiation behaved like one-year-old children who did not suspect that they were "playing" with military weapons.

We must not neglect a sense of caution when faced with any unknown phenomenon. Including abnormal ones. No one feels pain when they overstep the bounds of what is permissible when in contact with a poltergeist, magical objects, or unexplained phenomena. But, as can be seen from the above terrible facts, this still does not mean anything.

Therefore, observe safety precautions. And not only when working with household appliances. So, just in case, pull your hand away from the lamp shining with an incomprehensible light. If even at this moment you do not feel pain …

Andrey Ugryumov