Fiery Altar Or Why Moscow Was Burnt - Alternative View

Fiery Altar Or Why Moscow Was Burnt - Alternative View
Fiery Altar Or Why Moscow Was Burnt - Alternative View

Video: Fiery Altar Or Why Moscow Was Burnt - Alternative View

Video: Fiery Altar Or Why Moscow Was Burnt - Alternative View
Video: Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow 1812 2024, July

Very soon another anniversary of the Battle of Borodino and the burning of Moscow. As a matter of fact, who and why burned Moscow in 1812 and killed up to 100 thousand of its inhabitants and Russian soldiers wounded at Borodino in the capital?

On August 26 (old style), 1812, 125 kilometers from Moscow near the village of Borodino, two armies of approximately equal strength finally met in a fierce battle. From the French side, 135 thousand soldiers and 580 guns took part in it; from the Russian - 120 thousand and 620 guns.

After the Battle of Borodino, Russian troops continued their retreat and on September 1, 1812, they settled near the village of Fili, near Moscow. A council of war was held here. The commander-in-chief of the army, Field Marshal MI Golenishchev-Kutuzov, had to decide the fate of Moscow: to defend it or leave it.

Everything spoke in favor of defense: the order of the emperor to preserve the capital, and the fighting spirit of the army, and the passionate desire of Muscovites to

the latter to defend the beloved city. Most of the council members demanded to defend Moscow, because according to the laws of military science, Napoleon needed at least a two-fold superiority in forces to capture Moscow, but after Borodino, the forces of the Russians and the French were practically equal.

After listening to all those present, Kutuzov got up and said more than strange words for a military man - “With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost yet. My first duty is to preserve the army, to get close to the troops that are going to reinforce it, and by the very concession of Moscow to prepare the inevitable death for the enemy … I order you to retreat! Upon learning of Kutuzov's decision, General Bagration, seriously wounded in the battle of Borodino, tore off the bandages and died of blood loss.

At three o'clock in the morning on September 2, the Russian army, as if the devils were chasing it, withdrew from the camp at Fili. She passed through Moscow and stopped 15 versts from the capital near the village of Panki, leaving up to 22 thousand Russian soldiers wounded at Borodino in the city. And also the values of the Mint - gold and silver in ingots, sacks of copper money, shrines and values of the Kremlin (from the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral alone, the French, before fleeing from Moscow, took out more than five tons of silver and about three hundred kilograms of gold), an arsenal with a huge amount weapons - up to 75 thousand rifles and 150 cannons, which were used to strengthen the combat capability of Napoleon's army. But they did not forget to take with them all the city fire-fighting equipment.

The field marshal rode into the capital on horseback and said to the residents at the outpost:

Promotional video:

"I guarantee with my head that the enemy will die in Moscow." Then the army moved away from the capital. Half of its inhabitants (about 100 thousand) left the city together with the army.

Moscow flared up even before the French troops entered it. Fires in Zamoskvorechye began when the French were just entering the Dorogomilovskaya Sloboda. On September 3, when Napoleon drove into the Kremlin, the city was already blazing everywhere: “A terrible performance - a sea of fire, an ocean of fire. This performance was the greatest, the most majestic and the most terrible that I have seen in my life, - this is how Napoleon spoke later about the Moscow fire. He considered it the central event of the entire campaign of 1812, which, in his opinion, cost the lives of 100 thousand Russians who died from fire, died from cold and hardship. The fire killed 75% of the city. Among the dead were almost all of the Russian wounded who remained in the city. The rest is well known from history. The great army was almost completely killed in the snows of Russia from cold and hunger.

This is the official version of the events of 1812. However, in this version there is too much unclear and absurd to be considered reliable.

It is not clear why Kutuzov violated his military duty and oath, surrendering the city to the enemy, having the opportunity to successfully defend it? What did Kutuzov mean at the military council when he said that "by the very concession of Moscow to prepare the inevitable death of the enemy"? Pay attention, according to Kutuzov, for some reason the very fact of the abandonment of Moscow by the Russians, and not the defeat of the enemy in battle, will make the death of the French army inevitable. Why did he vouch with his head that the enemy would die in Moscow? Why on earth? Before that, the French captured almost all of Europe, and nothing - did not die, but only intensified.

Why did the Russian army fled from Moscow so hastily that they left a huge number of wounded in the city? After all, the French did not attack her and did not chase her, and leaving the enemy wounded and guns at that time was considered the most disgraceful thing. Why did they take all the fire fighting equipment out of the city? Leaving other cities during the retreat, the Russians never did this. Who burned Moscow and why?

It was not profitable for the French. For the Russians, it is simply dangerous, because, being angry, the French could rush in pursuit, and after catching up, they could utterly crush them in the field. If there was no strength to defend in a fortified city, then it is all the more impossible to win in the field. There are no intelligible answers to these questions in official historical sources. On some issues, there are only many conflicting versions, while others pass by in complete silence.

To understand what really happened in Moscow in 1812, let us recall something from the biography of Field Marshal Kutuzov and Russian history.

He began his service as a 14-year-old teenager with the rank of corporal of artillery, but two years later he commanded a company in the Astrakhan infantry regiment. During his military service, a Turkish bullet made two incredible travels from the left temple of Kutuzov to the right, "right through the head behind the eyes." The first time Kutuzov inevitably had to die when he was not even thirty. In battle, Kutuzov was seriously wounded in the head: "this headquarters officer received a bullet, which, hitting him between the eye and the temple, came out in the same place on the other side of his face," - said in the report of his chief Dolgorukov. The wound was so severe that the doctors did not hope for a recovery. But Kutuzov recovered. During the siege of Ochakov, 43-year-old Kutuzov was mortally wounded again - the bullet went right through "from temple to temple behind both eyes." The surgeon who treated him, Massot, commented on his wound:"We must believe that fate appoints Kutuzov to something great, for he survived after two wounds, fatal according to all the rules of medical science." Three months later, Kutuzov returned to duty.

Bullets of smoothbore guns and pistols of the late 18th century usually had a caliber of 17 - 25 millimeters. When such a bullet hits the head, the skull, as a rule, shatters to smithereens. Kutuzov's head was hit by two such bullets with an interval of twelve years, and the skull was minimally damaged. This is the first miracle.

The question is: what should happen to the mental abilities of a person who miraculously survived after such injuries? In the best case, he should remain a half-idiot - nothing of the kind happened to Kutuzov, on the contrary, the peak of his career falls on the time after the second wound to the head. Moreover, Kutuzov tries himself in a completely new field for himself - diplomatic - and achieves brilliant results - he prevents several bloody wars, having established himself as a skillful diplomat and far-sighted politician.

For this, it is not enough to have a strong body, a good education, refined manners (and where did they come from, if from the age of 14 their home was a soldier's barracks?) And a developed intellect, especially since he received a second fatal wound in the head at the age of 43, at an age when the peak of a person's physical and intellectual development usually remains behind. This is the second miracle.

By itself, a string of miracles cannot happen. This is possible only if there is a Higher Power behind these miracles. The surgeon Massot called this power fate. Of course, anything can be attributed to fate. The author would have done just that, if quite specific and tangible Secret Forces had not taken part in Kutuzov's life.

In addition to military and diplomatic talents, Kutuzov had a pronounced gift of a mystic and magician. Moreover, he realized these talents of his in the ranks of a secret organization.

The Golenishchev-Kutuzov family was closely associated with the Masonic Rosicrucian circles. The names of many of its members have been found in Masonic circles since the end of the 18th century. In 1803 the Rosicrucians opened a secret lodge “Neptune” in Moscow, headed by Senator PI Golenishchev-Kutuzov. According to T. O. Sokolovskaya, in the Rosicrucian lodges, in addition to mysticism, they were also engaged in alchemy and magic, including (in some of them) black and intercourse with evil spirits.

The Masonic oath for Freemasons has always been above the military oath. The "Rule of Freemasons" used by Russian Masons in the era of Alexander I also required complete submission of Masons to the highest leaders of the order. Mikhail Kutuzov was also a freemason. His initiation into Masons took place in the city of Regensburg (lodge "To the Three Keys"), later Kutuzov was received in the lodges of Frankfurt, Berlin, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Upon initiation into the 7th degree of Swedish Freemasonry, Kutuzov received the order name "Greening Laurel". However, the majority of Russian officers (especially from the best noble families) were also Masons and admirers of mysticism and magic.

The only logical and consistent explanation for the series of absurdities and completely inexplicable actions of Kutuzov are as follows …

After the Battle of Borodino, it became absolutely clear - in an offensive battle, the Russian army would suffer an inevitable defeat, and its ability to withstand the attacks of the French army in the field was also extremely doubtful.

Kutuzov receives an order from his secret superiors to leave Moscow without a fight, keeping it safe and sound with a certain number of population until a strictly defined moment. The next and most important point of the order is to carry out a magic ritual, turning the entire Russian capital into a magic altar of fire, sacrificing not only a huge amount of property, but also its Orthodox shrines and part of the population.

That is why part of the population and the Russian wounded were left in the city. The wounded could not get out of the city on their own, being guaranteed to become a victim. And so they took out all the firefighting equipment so that the French and the residents who remained in the city could not seriously interfere with the magical action.

To carry out the ritual, Kutuzov used both technical performers of arson - saboteurs, and specially sent to Moscow to conduct the ritual of the magicians of the Witchcraft Service. This is confirmed by the words of Kutuzov, known to the whole world, said at his headquarters during a meeting with the French representative Loriston. Kutuzov stated bluntly: “I know very well that the Russians did it; imbued with love for their homeland and ready for self-sacrifice for it, they perished in the burning city."

For maximum effect, the French army had to be as close to the sacrificial fire as possible during the ritual. That is why in Moscow, as an additional bait, they left all the values of the Mint and weapons in the Arsenal.

Kutuzov, knowing the colossal power of magic, at the military council quite rightly pointed out that the very cession of Moscow to the French would prepare for them inevitable death. That is why Kutuzov vouched so confidently with his head that the enemy would die in Moscow.

After the successful ritual, the French army was doomed to inevitable death, which soon happened.

By itself, a gigantic fire, which destroyed up to 75% of the city, did not cause tangible damage to the French. But the punishing magical power of fire destroyed the army as an efficient organized force, destroyed the fighting spirit of the army.

It was the collapse of all the hopes of the French and a third of a miracle in the fate of Kutuzov.

Napoleon, this genius commander, could defeat any enemy, but he was powerless against the magic of the Russians. Realizing this perfectly, he gave the order to retreat.

Napoleon's army entered Moscow on September 2, and left the city of its own free will when the Russian army was 80 km away. from the city, on October 7, when there was not even a trace of frost, and the delivery of food was still possible. Leaving Moscow itself meant defeat. And, by and large, it didn't matter which way to retreat - in any case, the war was lost.

The burning of one's own innocent citizens during magical rituals aimed at destroying the advancing enemy has been known since ancient times. Kutuzov did not invent the wheel. He could take advantage of their experience, adapting it to life in the 19th century.

The victim was paid off from the wrath of the Gods: diseases, crop failures, droughts, invasions of conquerors … Moreover, in ancient times, in some cases, it was very honorable to become a victim, because thereby a person saved himself and his family / city / country / village, the chosen one was identified with God, to whom was to be sacrificed.

In the ancient history of mankind, there are many examples of mass systematic killings of innocent people. But all such murders were committed for only one reason - they were sacrifices to the Higher Powers, the payment of the rulers for helping the gods and spirits for helping them fulfill their desires, while often sacrificing the best and most worthy members of society.

In ancient times, religious and magical rituals with human sacrifices to defeat the enemy were extremely popular and were considered the norm among most peoples.

So, when the army of Agafolp approached the walls of the Phoenician city of Carthage, the inhabitants of the latter burned more than 500 children at once, of which 200 - the sons of noble families - were determined by the authorities, and at least 300 were donated voluntarily.

The effectiveness of such magical techniques in military affairs is evidenced by the fact that the Phoenicians were one of the most successful peoples in history. Living initially on a tiny piece of land near Palestine, they created a huge empire. They built their cities on the entire coast of Africa, in Spain, Italy, Asia, that is, many hundreds and thousands of kilometers from their homeland. One of these cities was the famous Carthage, which for many centuries was the master of the Mediterranean Sea and the strongest state of the then world. His struggle with Ancient Rome lasted for a hundred years and is known as the Punic Wars. The famous general Hannibal, who almost took Rome, was a Carthaginian. On August 2, 216, during the second Punic War at the Battle of Cannes, the Carthaginian commander Hannibal defeated the 80-thousandth Roman army,inflicting the worst defeat on Rome in the entire history of its existence. Hannibal's tactics and magic brought victory. Trapped by the Romans, they could not use their numerical superiority. The Carthaginians lost only about 6 thousand people, while the Romans lost almost 50 thousand. Hannibal's tactical battle plan has become a classic and is studied in all military academies.

Apparently it is not by chance that an eagle was depicted on the Golenishchev-Kutuzov coat of arms - one of the symbols of fire in mysticism and magic. As for the excessive, by modern standards, cruelty of the ritual that saved Russia, and the severity of losses, then, undoubtedly, Russia was on the edge of the abyss, and apparently there was simply no other way to save her. Refusal to carry out the Ritual would bring Russia incalculably great disasters and human losses. War is like war.

But who is the real creator of the victory over Napoleon? Knowing the biography of Kutuzov, we can say that theoretically there are two applicants for this title - Freemasonry and the Sovereign's Witchcraft Service (see "Secrets of Witchcraft Investigation").

With all the power of the Freemasons, it is unlikely that this organization would give the order for the Ritual. For the most part, having Western European roots, Russian Freemasonry sympathized with the ideas of Napoleon and connected hopes with them for the reconstruction of Russian society. No wonder among the prominent Decembrists in 1825 there will be many Masons. Moreover, Russian Freemasonry was not a purely magical organization.

In contrast, the Sovereign's Witchcraft Service was a radical magical organization. Its main goal at that time was to ensure the stability of the Russian monarchy and serfdom, for which Napoleon posed a mortal threat. In the fight against this scourge, all means were good. In the situation that had developed by the fall of 1812, the Service simply could not help but go to extreme measures - to use super-powerful magical rituals. The result of their implementation was the death of Napoleon's army, and the result of the burnt down of Moscow.

The magic ritual in Moscow had other consequences as well. If at the beginning of his reign, Emperor Alexander I clearly favored the Masons, then, after the victorious war with Napoleon, in 1822 he prohibited the activities of Masonic lodges in Russia. Undoubtedly, this decision was influenced by the Moscow events of 1812.

The words of the emperor reached us: “The fire of Moscow enlightened my soul and the judgment of God on the ice fields filled my heart with the warmth of faith, which I had never felt before. Then I got to know God, as His Holy Scripture reveals. Please note that it was the fire of Moscow that revealed to the Emperor God, and he perceives all subsequent ones not as a victory of Russian weapons, but as a purely mystical and magical action! Naturally, observing in practice how the legions of Spirits, after carrying out a magical ritual, destroyed an invincible army, it is impossible not to believe in the reality of the Spiritual World!

God Himself revealed to the emperor that the Sovereign's Witchcraft Service is a much more powerful instrument of state policy than Freemasonry.