The Mystery Of The Poltergeist - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Poltergeist - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Poltergeist - Alternative View
Video: The most paranormal story [Top Secret] 2024, July

Supernatural - poltergeist


Poltergeist, I learned from my own experience that with him it is not clear where the notes may appear. And only then I read about it.

I received the first note from a poltergeist addressed to me at about 8 pm on March 23, 1987. It happened in one of the Moscow apartments on the 14th floor of a building located on Moldagulova Street. And the first time I went there on March 19, together with my colleagues. Having familiarized himself with the situation, he immediately began to question.

I've always been interested in the precursors of the poltergeist. They have rather strange events with one of the family members, as a rule - with the future "culprits" of the poltergeist. Sometimes events of this kind remain in the mind for a long time, sometimes the memory of them seems to be erased and people have a lot of work to remember. But then, on March 19, I was lucky. All family members (parents and grandmother of a 15-year-old teenager and his 16-year-old sister), in response to my question about some previous oddities, told, complementing and clarifying each other, the following.

About six months before everything began to happen, and it happened in early February 1987, the father one evening asked his son to bring mail. The son went down the elevator from the 14th floor to the first, took out the newspaper "Evening Moscow" from the mailbox and drove to his apartment. On the 7th or 8th floor, the elevator stopped and a stranger entered it. He asked the teenager something and, leaving through several floors, put something in one of the boy's breast pockets. The guy continued his ascent to the 14th floor.

Entering the apartment, the teenager showed the "gift" to his parents. It was a small bag tied with thread crosswise. Unfolded. There were paper money: two for five, one for three rubles and three bills for a ruble. Only 16 rubles. They began to think about what to do with them. Friends warned: you shouldn't buy anything with that kind of money! They put money on the loggia and almost forgot about it. However, somehow the need arose and with this suspicious money they bought a bottle of vodka, a can of condensed milk and something else. The purchase was tried at a family celebration. It all started in speed.

By the time the story about the extraordinary case, the inhabitants of this three-room apartment had already gone through fire and water, and not in a figurative sense. The stage of "copper pipes" has come: things began to fly, threatening notes appeared … In addition, the prosecutor of the Moscow Perovsky district opened a criminal case on deliberate arson. The situation was extremely tense.

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So, I called the apartment in the evening, at the beginning of the seventh March 23rd. The head of the family answered the phone. He said that the notes were flying in flocks: “Come, yours have already been received!”.

When I arrived, two of my colleagues, physicists by training, were already there. Of course, I was most intrigued by the notes they received. Barely undressing, I asked to show them to me. But my colleagues somehow very persistently rejected all my claims to penetrate their burning secret. At the same time, they embarrassedly averted their eyes to the side, clumsily transferring the conversation to another topic. The boy, the "culprit" of all this disgrace, with apparent pleasure spun around the adults.

He was a rather uninhibited teenager in dealing with adults. As soon as I arrived, he took care of me. 10-12 minutes passed. The boy left the room, he was gone for three minutes. I went in with the words: "Uncle Igor, it seems, you have a note too!" I went to the hallway, I followed him. There was a crumpled piece of paper under the door. The boy handed it to me.

On it were in print unprintable threats to my address, signed with the word "magic." In the most general form, they sounded something like this: "If you, such and such, such and such, begin to help these such-and-such physicists of yours, then I will shave off your beloved such-and-such mustache!" Wow prospect!

My colleagues, already wise by experience, did not try to find out what was written there. They modestly lowered their eyes and sat aside, mercifully pretending not to pay attention to me. I slipped the obscene note into my wallet.

At that time, everyone involved in this case - researchers, neighbors, acquaintances of the victims, investigators and police officers - had no doubt that the boy himself wrote and planted the notes. There were, however, several moments that embarrassed me, which I immediately "explained": some of the notes on reading caught fire (they could be soaked in a self-igniting compound), sometimes quite a few notes appeared at once (but they could have been prepared in advance), it happened that the note mentioned the name of the person who first came to the boy, unknown to the boy (but this still needs to be proved!), etc. "He never found anything like that on him …

That same evening, an incident occurred that almost convinced me that the notes were deliberately written and planted by a boy. Shortly after my arrival, a lawyer, a former investigator with great experience, came to the apartment. He began to quietly observe the teenager. Somewhere at eleven o'clock in the evening in the room where I was, suddenly there was some kind of confusion: the former investigator - turning around and saw me - trying to unclench the boy's fist! He succeeded not without difficulty. Another note of the same indecent, threatening content was clutched in his fist. The former investigator explained that he saw how the teenager went into the kitchen, tore out a piece of paper from a notebook, locked himself in the toilet, and left. For some reason, a sports cap was put on the boy's head that evening. A teenager entering a circle of peopleas if he scratched his forehead with his hand - while he reached under his cap and took the note in his hands - and was immediately caught!

The boy's mother and I, having called him, went out into the corridor. Mom, almost in tears, began to reproach her son. And suddenly this self-confident, perfectly aware of his privileged position in the family, not afraid of anything, began to cry! Perhaps for the first time I saw tears pouring down like hail! For a long time he tried to say something in his defense through crying and sobbing. Having calmed down a little, he explained: "Uncle Igor, forgive me, I didn’t want to, but it was as if someone forced me to do it." I hastened to sincerely assure him that I understand everything and do not take offense. We parted as friends.

But the notes didn't stop appearing. This went on for about two months. Poltergeist racketeering became more and more sophisticated. The unknown racketeer demanded that the tenants not complain to the police or the prosecutor's office, or "it will be worse." Then he began to extort more and more large sums of money, promising in return the end of all absurdities. The place where to put the money was also indicated. The police put the "doll" down, but no one came for it. In response, a note appeared: on pain of death, remove the "doll" from the mailbox …

… 1987, May 27 - I got a call from my old job, where I left about a month and a half ago. And it was very difficult to leave. My friend called. He said that somehow, having picked up the phone, he heard: “This is the investigator Barinov from the Perovskiy Department of Internal Affairs. I need IV Vinokurov. " The comrade understood from Barinov's words that I was at some apartment and allegedly took something there. “Of course, I don’t think anything bad about you,” he apologized to me, “but just in case I decided to inform you about this strange call. No matter how much they blame you retroactively, in addition to the already collected bunch of sweeping accusations."

I immediately called Barinov back and a few days later I came to his call. Igor Arsenievich turned out to be a sweet, intelligent man of about forty. He explained that he had summoned me as a witness: he was entrusted with the investigation of a criminal case on the fact of a fire in the poltergeist apartment where I had been in March. He was interested in samples that we then took from the apartment in some places. In fact, we scraped off some substance smeared on it from the kitchen ceiling, and on the floor of the children's room we collected small, match-head-sized, soft translucent crystals. It was these tests that Barinov were interested in when he called my former place of work. I said that the substance smeared on the ceiling turned out to be boric vaseline "Mink", and the crystals seemed to be some kind of liquid soap like shampoo. Both are non-flammable.

I answered all the other questions of the investigator, signed the interrogation protocol and was about to leave, but then I remembered that note. Igor Arsenievich was very interested in this. He asked me to leave him a note for handwriting examination, in addition to others already available. Of course, I agreed, especially since there was no way to show it to anyone and anywhere …

I learned about the results of the examination from the article "Devilry" ("Week", 1991, No. 12). It turned out that the expert - an experienced worker with extensive experience - gave a rather categorical conclusion: the notes "were made not by Vladik Solodkov, but by someone else." And the version of arson had to be discarded: "The expert examination did not confirm the presence of any spontaneously flammable and combustible substances in the remains of burnt objects." The article was signed by V. Kabakin, an employee of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Strange letters to Zina Matveeva

And now let's fast forward to the beginning of the 20th century, when strange events began in Kronstadt associated with 12-year-old Matveeva Zina. Until November 1902, she quietly lived with her mother and with her younger sister in an apartment in one of the houses on Shkiperskaya Street. One day in November, some woman and a man began to harass Zina and her sister in the street. The woman talked to the children, treated them to sweets and even gave one of the sisters a whole ruble. In January 1903, this woman wanted to force Zina into a sleigh. They reported to the police: they began to follow the children, fearing abduction.

In January, knocks and calls began to be heard in the apartment, and in the first days of March letters and notes arrived, all addressed to Zina. Then came the stage of things flying, but letters and notes went on as usual. In one of the letters, for example, it was said: “I will not give you rest. I will knock, then call, your things will disappear, and you will not be able to do anything and you will not get off with anything”. The invisible sender acted not only with a whip, but also with a carrot: he sent money to Zina in an equally incomprehensible way. The sender reported that he loved her, made appointments, asked to write answers, etc. The search for the caller, knocker, sent letters, notes and money did not lead to anything, despite all the efforts of the police, neighbors, acquaintances and family relatives.

California horror

Let's move forward another seven decades and see if anything has changed in these strange "arts". 1972 - A young California couple and their infant are targeted. Immediately after his birth, the house was filled with invisible voices and eerie ghosts, the doors of the house closed and opened by themselves. Despite all sorts of tricks, the head of this young family was never able to catch the vagrant who, in his opinion, could do all this. Further - worse: spontaneous combustion began to occur throughout the house, guests were hit with an invisible fist and even thrown on the floor, things turned over or disappeared altogether, reappearing late.

The disappearance and reappearance of small objects, often in the presence of researchers, was the hallmark of this case. In particular, the newborn suffered: his crib was repeatedly ignited, and once his genitals were tied with a necklace with a cross, which had disappeared from his father's neck two hours earlier. Then all sorts of objects began to be thrown at people. At the same time, particular preference was given to chicken eggs - their throws even left bruises. "Attacks" began to acquire a deadly character: the blanket was wrapped around the child's head, the pillow pressed against his mother's face with such force that only the intervention of the head of the family saved her from suffocation. Throwing objects was replaced by invisible fist blows. The child's mother once even lost consciousness after one particularly powerful blow. The intensity of the "attacks" increased.

It became impossible to live like this, and in August 1972 the family temporarily moved to a motel. But it didn't get any easier there either. The attacks on the family continued with increasing force until the time when the family decided to enter into negotiations with the "spirit".

They put a pencil and pieces of paper on the kitchen table and went out into the next room. Returning a few minutes later, they saw the words written on the sheets (naturally, in English): he, child, die, baby, back, baby, stop. All the sheets, except one, were soon destroyed by spontaneous combustion.

By this time, the family realized that they needed specific help. The invited priests, mediums, occultists, exorcists could do nothing. And only after the intervention of one Greek Catholic priest, who performed 14 rituals of exorcism (casting out demons), the family was able to live in peace.


But the evil spirits inclined to the epistolary genre can settle not only in apartments where teenagers live. In Tomsk, as reported in 1990 by the Tomsk journalist and researcher of anomalous phenomena V. Fefelov, for two years now, something strange has been happening in a modest two-room apartment of 75-year-old retired spouses. An ordinary poltergeist set: the appearance of water on the floor (in the form of a regular circle with a diameter of 80 cm and a thickness of one and a half), flying, moving, the appearance and disappearance of things, tearing canvases and carpet.

1990, summer - things that do not belong to the owners began to appear in the apartment: three pairs of shoes (including a pair of almost new women's shoes), an old speaker-speaker of the Ob-303 brand, two pieces of old plastic cord, on which it is usually hung linen. Information about this was published in the Tomsk newspaper "Narodnaya Tribuna" on September 13, 1990: with a request to respond to the possible owners of things …

Even before the "arrival" of other people's things, inscriptions and one and the same pattern similar to the human eye began to appear on the walls in two rooms of the pensioners' dwelling: a horizontally elongated rhombus with a circle inside, and in it - a kind of squiggle. Nobody saw how the inscriptions appear. But how they disappear was seen not only by the owners, but also by V. Fefelov. According to the hostess, the first words lasted a few minutes, after which they seemed to melt before our eyes. But later, some of the inscriptions remained from several hours to three days. The letters seem to be written in a simple sharpened pencil, with serifs at their ends. The letters are large, the handwriting is uncertain, all the lines are straight - not a single rounded element. There are also spelling mistakes, for example, the word "goats" was written with a: "kazly".

The first words were harmless: "Ha-ha", "Infinity", "Turn". Then “very obscene words” (as Fefelov put it) began to be written in large, distinct letters. For example, at the end of July 1990 such an inscription shone over the sideboard (Fefelov, bringing it, made a reservation that he very much softened her rudeness): "Here you are all." The invisible figure wrote about himself twice: “I am Nikon” and “I am the Beast”. On August 2, all the inscriptions disappeared, and the following appeared over the TV: "It's our time to leave and you will soon." Later, spontaneous combustion began to occur. By this time, the old inscriptions had almost disappeared, but new ones appeared, for example: "Soon you will understand, temper your curiosity, the thought of lawlessness."

The police still could not catch the "intruders". Apparently, they are looking for something else, definitely not that. This is not their area of work, not theirs at all …

I. Vinokurov