And What Is There, Beyond The Line? - Alternative View

And What Is There, Beyond The Line? - Alternative View
And What Is There, Beyond The Line? - Alternative View

Video: And What Is There, Beyond The Line? - Alternative View

Video: And What Is There, Beyond The Line? - Alternative View
Video: Years & Years - King (Official Video) 2024, July

Living beings are located, distributed, occupy their "ecological niches" according to the levels of subtle worlds in accordance with the vibration height of their nature, spiritual height. Accordingly, all beings, whose spiritual vibrations are low or low or very low, are rough, located, and live in the near-earth levels of the invisible world - in the astral world.

They are not able to rise to higher levels, they do not pass there according to the frequency of vibration of their thoughts, emotions, passions according to purely "physical" laws - the vibrations of the low and high spheres do not touch as far apart from each other on the Scale.

Accordingly, the beings of the higher spheres should descend to the lower spheres, clothe themselves in dense energies for contact with them (as we put on a heavy diving suit for diving to great depths), enter the low, rough levels for spiritual help to “sinners” - an act of self-sacrifice. (Hence the gospel tradition of Christ's descent into Hell and the deliverance of sinners from there.)

If we have in mind the spiritual range of beings who inhabit the gross near-earth levels of the invisible world, then we can understand the range of feelings and motivations that move them. All the most insignificant will be here. The roughest. Smug. Arrogant. Desperate. Dreary. Malevolent. Proud. Slave and power-hungry. Dumb and intellectually sophisticated.

Helpless and powerful. Soft and angry. This is reality, driven by all the basest feelings. In it, these vile qualities, opposite each other - not opposite in spiritual height, but as poles of one whole - build a hierarchy of subordination of slavery to lust for power, helplessness to power, etc. This is the hierarchy of Evil, which keeps the astral world in subjection through fear and deception. Hierarchy, which must inevitably strive to subjugate itself and the earthly world, the world of people.

Accordingly, to strive to make contact with the beings of the astral world is a great madness. Accordingly, trusting the revelations of the astral world is a great naivety.

The main conclusion that follows from the occult picture of the world may be as follows: Good and Evil are physical realities, and the struggle between them is the main condition of the world of the Earth, visible and invisible.

Where lust for power and the blackest selfishness rule, a struggle for power over as many living beings as possible is inevitable. In the human world, this is a struggle for power over minds, over bodies, over the souls of people.

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From the side of the higher worlds, the higher beings who would not be such if they did not have compassion and empathy, there are influences that elevate a person, free him from spiritual slavery, raise him in qualities and transform his weaknesses into strength. From the side of the lower spheres, from the astral world, there are influences that humiliate a person spiritually, play on his weaknesses and thereby strengthen him in them and make him even weaker and even more dependent. These opposite influences add up a diverse, tense picture of all kinds of confrontations in earthly life, where good and evil are in battle with each other on very different scales and at very different levels.

To apply the concept of occultism - "astral world", "astral beings" - scientists began when they seriously took up the study of UFO phenomena. The extensive materials collected and provided to them by the military left no doubts about their reliability and reliability, so scientists did not need to spend time checking the information, debating which of them was true and which was deception and "hallucination." All they had to do was to start directly analyzing the facts. And after analyzing the facts, they started talking about "beings of the paraphysical sphere", "the astral world of illusions", about "tricks of spirits", and "devilish purposes".

The only advantage of scientists working for the military is their awareness, which is several orders of magnitude higher than that of ordinary - civil - people of science. Half a century has passed since those studies, conducted in 1950-1955, and civil science is still deciding whether to believe in UFO phenomena. Civil scientists ask questions and make assumptions based on their knowledge:

"Maybe these discs that someone saw are just clouds of an unusual shape?" "Maybe these are clots of the Earth's internal energy that take unusual shapes?" "Maybe this energy interacts with the subconscious of the eyewitness and takes the forms corresponding to his subconscious expectations?" "Maybe sometimes we get beings from other space-time dimensions?"


Meanwhile, none of these questions would have been asked if the "UFO phenomenon" had been considered in all its diversity, in all details. Each of these assumptions is born from incompetence in this matter, from lack of information. The reason for this incompetence lies in the secret that separates the chosen science, the military science, from the ordinary science. It turns out that our society also has a division into esoteric (secret) and exoteric (public) science.

However, now a huge amount of reliable material on the UFO topic is available to everyone. But scientists are prevented from approaching it, touching it by prejudices imposed on society by those who pretend to be space aliens and at the same time turn their performances into a theater of the absurd. Therefore, ordinary scientists who decide to understand the paranormal have to go through instrumental measurements, scans, fixations, soundings, photographs so that no one suspects them of hallucinations and madness.

And in order not to use concepts from the vocabulary of occult sciences, which society is embarrassed and afraid of, the scientist has to look for suitable scientific terms, some intermediate hypotheses that gradually bring their own consciousness and the consciousness of people to the acceptance of the invisible world and its living beings.

UFO phenomena in our minds are still painted in alien colors. Poltergeist studies are closest to the topic of otherworldly invisible creatures. But even in them it is difficult for science to recognize what it had to renounce earlier.

“On the fifteenth of June of this year, at 21 hours five minutes, the duty unit of the Borisov Department of Internal Affairs received a message from the citizen G. Ye. Klimashonka that mysterious phenomena are taking place in the house where he lives with his wife, associated with the spontaneous movement of various objects located in the apartment. A patrol-guard service was sent to this address …"

Such records appear from time to time in the most reliable documents - police reports. Researcher of mysterious phenomena Alexander Gorbovsky included some of them in his large collection of materials about poltergeist. In it, he also examines cases that occurred in the past.

He cites examples when, with the phenomena of poltergeist, children declared that they saw their cause in the room - unusual creatures.

“In 1891, in the village of Goryanovo, Kursk province, the peasant Simeon Pashkov had stones and bricks that were breaking out of the oven flying around the hut for almost a year. As the local priest recalled, this happened almost daily in front of a crowd of people. At the same time, Pashkov's nine-year-old daughter said that she saw different human figures. In the city of Kemerovo, where there was a voice poltergeist, … the children also told their parents that they saw their “uncle” in the corner. The hostess herself several times noticed a human figure, which seemed to float out of the corner.

The son of the Belousovs (Gorky, 1988), a family where the poltergeist showed up, in a state of hypnosis to the researcher's question: "Who dropped the alarm clock?", Answered: "An old woman with a long arm."

Long-armed creatures are also found in UFO phenomena. Sometimes with a poltergeist, as in the case of UFOs, separate hands are seen acting by themselves.

"For the first time, my wife saw in the window outside a pink, like a child's pen with transparent nails, with which she drummed on the glass." I even suspected my wife of this. “But, I suppose for the twentieth or even more time,” he said, “I suddenly burst into the room, as soon as the knocking began there and … I froze with horror: a little almost childish pinkish the handle, quickly bouncing off the floor, slipped under the bedspread of the sleeping wife and buried itself in the folds near her shoulder, so that I could clearly see how unnaturally quickly the very folds of the bedspread moved, starting from its lower end to the wife's shoulder, where the handle was hidden …"

It happens that a poltergeist is attached to a specific person and follows him wherever he moves. It happens that he is tied to the place and pesters more and more new residents of the house, which he chose as his refuge. The poltergeist has noticed an addiction to places where some tragic, bloody events once took place.

Church magic rituals, sometimes, stop the manifestation of the poltergeist, and sometimes they do not act on him. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his "Diary" has the following entry: “In the city they talk a lot about a strange incident in one of the houses belonging to the department of the court stables, the furniture decided to move and jump; business went to the authorities. Book. V. Dolgorukov dressed up the investigation. One of the officials called for the priest, but during the prayer the chairs and tables did not want to stand still …"

Alexander Gorbovsky, considering various examples of a poltergeist, wonders about the illogicality of his behavior. It is impossible, he argues, to discover any stable patterns. The fact that the poltergeist is tied to a room could be explained by the special energy concentrated in this place. But this hypothesis is immediately refuted by other cases when the poltergeist goes to a new place after its master.

Yes, and the actions of the poltergeist are somehow strange: now something is toppled upside down, then some necessary objects are hidden in the most unexpected places. He can pursue some of the owners with his antics, bring them to hysterics, and even react violently to their curses, and he seems to be afraid of someone. And we get a strange picture for a scientist: the phenomenon seems to show signs of intelligence, but at the same time behaves frivolously, absurdly.

But maybe it is worth not to fence in a garden, but just to look for comparison at the behavior of their fellow tribesmen, brothers in appearance "reasonable man"?

Is there a lot of logic and rationality in our behavior, when passions begin to rage in us? Or when we are just having fun, weird, giving free rein to emotions? This has its own logic, but it comes from psychology, not high energy physics.

One of the popular ways to calm down a poltergeist is to throw a deck of cards into the underground. It is believed that he will play with them and lag behind people. For a researcher, there is an even bigger snag: how is it that a physical phenomenon is influenced by a set of pictures?

But maybe it is better to understand this to turn to psychologists, so that they explain how passion makes not the most stupid representatives of the type of "reasonable person" turn out their pockets in front of slot machines and jump for hours, worry about heart attacks for their favorite football team? And if we see a manifestation of addiction, mischief, excitement and at the same time intelligence, ingenuity behind a certain phenomenon, then why deny it in reason and feelings?

The question here is also locked in psychology. Only already on the psychology of the researcher. It is psychologically difficult for a scientist to agree with those "superstitions" that science once loudly rejected - with "elves", "elementals", "demons". The maximum that a scientist would like to agree to is some kind of "balance system", "mental phantoms", "parallel worlds", "plasmoids", "energy information field".

Before coming to the conclusions of ancient scientists about the invisible worlds and invisible life, we need to fill our bumps ourselves. And poltergeists will help us with this. We will patiently sit at the instruments and measure with what force the jam pan, dematerialized on the stove and materialized above our head, once again falls on our head. How many degrees did it get hot during such a teleportation flight. We will compose complex algorithms for the poltergeist's actions, wonder at them, compare the intelligence of his behavior with the intelligence of a computer. We will be surprised that, it turns out, emotions and passion are not alien to him, but it will be most difficult for us to admit that these can be tricks of real living beings, no less living than us. Because this is due to some events in our history and the complexes of our social psychology,born after these events.

"Poltergeists" show all the signs of feelings and emotions of intelligent beings. But what if the field of their activity was slightly expanded in their imagination? What prevents, for example, a "poltergeist" from leaving his favorite dark corner behind the stove and taking a walk in the fresh air? What prevents him from having more impressive "paranormal" abilities and not limited to overturning refrigerators, but to do more interesting things? For example, to fly over the heads of people in some kind of tarantass of our own manufacture, with a control panel in the form of a water pump. And then the McMalenn family in the American city of Medalla, going out into the street, will see a strange picture: a purple-red transparent sphere hangs in the courtyard of their house, and in it two ordinary-looking people either lower or raise some kind of horizontal lever, as if working with hand pump. In front of amazed eyewitnesses, the sphere will slowly gain altitude and fly further to amaze others.

It looks stupid, but what an effect! Everyone is just stunned. And then you can come up with a more modern tarantass, hung with garlands of lights, with all sorts of nozzles, flashing lights, twists. And then you can go hunting for pretty girls, because they will not resist the brave guys from another galaxy.


The report on the poltergeist, drawn up by the police lieutenant colonel, head of the department of internal affairs of the city of Borisov (Belarus), which we have already begun to quote, read:

"… objects (shoes, kitchen utensils, etc.) move in the house in an incomprehensible way, the plugs spontaneously unscrew from the electricity meter and fly out of the house into the courtyard or street in a straight trajectory with a 180-degree turn, bedding is thrown off the bed, overturned a table upside down, a trellis falls without breaking, windows open through which pillows, blankets, a mattress and other things fly out into the street …"

Miracles took place right in the presence of the police. “The militiamen went to the city department and reported to the duty officer …

The senior operative of the Department for Combating theft of Socialist Property, Major A. Makarevich, left for the address. All the people who were in the house were taken out into the street. After a while, the light in the room suddenly went out, and a safety plug flew out into the street, which, flying 10-15 meters away from the house, hit the fence …"

In addition to the police, many neighbors saw these miracles. They shared news with each other about what else from the objects of socialist property began to fly:

"… We are standing with Nadezhda Isaakovna … in the courtyard near the house, talking. Suddenly, a pan with pancakes covered with a plate, a saucepan of soup and a kettle are dropped onto the cement walkway …" Just before that, all the dishes, along with the contents, were on the gas stove. "… We went to the door to the veranda, and from there a stool flies out, followed by a head of cabbage and three spoons …"

In a word, not only saucers can be flying, but also pans, pots, kettles … Moreover, during a poltergeist, flying objects can acquire exactly the same flight performance as "real", "genuine" flying saucers. They disappear in one place and instantly appear in another, “dematerialize” and “materialize”. In front of a policeman's forehead, a rapidly flying traffic jam instantly stops and falls or, without slowing down, makes a 180-degree turn and flies back.

During one of the poltergeists, which physicists studied in detail, a sugar bowl, flying out the window, punched a neat round hole in the glass. Like a bullet. We tried to calculate its speed and it turned out that the porcelain sugar bowl developed an acceleration that was 46 times greater than the projectile flying from the cannon. At its start with such an acceleration, it should have experienced a tremendous load and shattered into small pieces, but remained intact. After breaking a window with such a super-cosmic speed, she was supposed to fly by inertia for more than five kilometers, but she was found in the snow three meters from the house. When she stopped three meters from the house, she had to again experience the same overload, unthinkable for any object, and fly into small pieces a second time. But again she remained whole.

But we should probably be amazed not by the possibilities of sugar bowls and flying saucers, but by the limitations of our knowledge of the laws of nature.

It happens that the objects that the poltergeist juggles with fly through the double panes of the window without destroying them at all. Ordinary "dense" matter passes through ordinary "dense" matter. The bed disappears from the bed in the locked house and ends up in the basement.

Such phenomena are very instructive for us, but they could be called a system of cosmic balance, expanding our worldview, if they happened right in the apartments of academicians and professors or in university classrooms. But this does not happen, and moreover, such powerful manifestations of the poltergeist as UFOs seem to be concerned with keeping us in the swaddling clothes of narrow dogmatic materialism as long as possible. They themselves, taking advantage of the weaknesses of our social psychology, destroy our attempts to understand immaterial life. However, they may have a reason for this, because our admiration for "miracles" directly depends on our incompetence, lack of information. From our "scientific" superstitions.

Of course, the military deals with the most interesting "poltergeists". Especially those of them who, due to their duty, are supposed to watch the sky all the time.

On September 13, 1990, in the first hour of the night, the locators of the early warning radar station located near Samara showed the approach of a large flying object.

The mark on the screen was as bright as if a strategic bomber was in the direction of the station. The distance to it was less than a hundred kilometers, and it was not clear where it came from, because it was far from the border and such a target could not be missed by the border guards unnoticed.

They turned on the automatic identification system, but it immediately went out of order. It was as if the object had sent a response signal of such force that the fuses had broken.

We contacted the air defense services, and then suddenly the "strategic bomber" seemed to crumble into small pieces. Now his image was like a flock of birds. But these "birds" shone on the screen as if their feathers were steel. At a distance of forty-two kilometers, the target became one again. Its outlines were clearly visible - a strict isosceles triangle. The reflection of the locator beam from it was weaker than the beam itself. It turned out that the object "ate" part of the radio waves.

The object went straight to the station. At a distance of five kilometers, it switched to full absorption of radio waves and ceased to be visible to radars. Those from the military, who were not busy with instruments, ran upstairs to see what would happen next.

From the story of Captain P. Lazeiko:

“The unknown object passed literally over our heads as we emerged from the underground structures. The height to its bottom was no more than ten meters. We looked at it well - after all, there is a fence illuminated by searchlights along the perimeter of the station, and it is always light here. The bottom of the object was smooth, but not mirrored. It looks like a thick layer of soot. We did not notice any holes, landing devices, or windows. But upward from the object were rays of light - three, light blue. The corners are slightly rounded …"

The object flew over the station and landed softly one hundred and forty meters behind it. It was large, triangular. Each side of it was fifteen meters long. Thickness-height - three meters. He sat down with a soft rustle.

At this time, the disappearance of two sentries was discovered, everyone ran in on alarm, but could not find them anywhere. Those who stayed downstairs at the consoles decided to "feel" the apparatus that sat behind the fence of the station with a short-range locator, but the image on its screen immediately disappeared. Why - knew those who were at the top and saw how a beam hit the radar antenna from the middle of the side of the triangular object.

Captain Lazeiko:

“I didn’t see when antenna # 12 turned around - I noticed only a flash. It was inside the fence, and when we ran up, the engines were lying on the sides, and the antenna itself fell on its side and burned brightly. Like wooden. Although it is steel. The all-round radar antenna was burned and knocked off the guidance system. The lower of the two antennas was in place, and the upper one lay on its side, about three meters from the remnants of the drive mechanisms: the van itself, where these engines and gearboxes were assembled, had been melted, the paint turned black and bubbled up. The most eerie impression was made by the aluminum parts of the antenna - they flowed with drops of melt … The steel parts were burning, as if under a stream of oxygen, - their thickness is now no more than one or two millimeters, and some have completely burnt out …"

Subject appeared to hate being exposed to radio waves. The shot was very aimed - corporal Dudnik was right in the line of fire, but he was not hurt.

Then they extinguished the steel antenna and the grass around it, looked for the missing sentries of Blazhis and Varenitsa, held the landed triangle at gunpoint - everyone was doing his own thing.

An hour and a half later, the triangle calmly rose and flew away. And then "out of nowhere" corporal Blazhis and private Varenitsa appeared. Both did not even realize that they had been absent for an hour and a half.

From the report of senior lieutenant B. Gorin:

“Simultaneously with Corporal A. Blazhis, Private A. Varenitsa appeared at his post. He also does not remember anything and is convinced that all this time he was at the post. In his opinion, we all appeared as in an instant movie - we were not there, and suddenly everyone was running around with guns. Lance corporal A. Blazhis's wristwatch is one hour fifty-seven minutes behind, private A. Varenitsa's - one hour and forty minutes …

The fact of disappearance of numbers on the machine and bayonet-knife of corporal A. Blazhis requires special attention. The blued metal in these places is clean and smooth, like a factory. But there is no number"

Major Duplin:

“Perhaps the only one of us who critically and soberly evaluates the situation is the commander of the service platoon, senior warrant officer Voronkov Boris Afanasyevich. The old campaigner planted many tomatoes behind the fence - for the soldiers' salads. There were many more late varieties, and so - this "guest" sat down right in the middle of the foremen's field."

Senior Warrant Officer Voronkov:

“Telling the one, why didn't they shoot at that triangle? Having suppressed the tomatoes, he set fire to the antenna, but he was missed. I petition for the punishment of the guilty sentries for the tomatoes and the antenna."

Where the object landed, something indescribable happened. Everything in that place was subjected to enormous volumetric pressure. There was even a stony ground, but some tomato bushes remained standing. Only all were crushed, squeezed out, turned into a gelatinous mass. At the same time, no traces of the landing devices remained on the ground. It looks like the apparatus was leaning on some of its densest "anti-gravity cushion."

In this case, with a triangular black flying machine, no detail conflicts with the alien hypothesis. Maybe there is even confirmation of it: eyewitnesses noticed that the surface of the object was, as it were, covered with a layer of soot, like that of terrestrial descent vehicles that passed at high speed through the atmosphere. But this, again, is only a guess.

As in most other cases with UFOs, there is also an element of the "paranormal" - the disappearance and reappearance of two people at once. The fact that they “dematerialized” and “materialized” confirms the disappearance of the numbers stamped on the machine gun and bayonet-knife of Corporal Blazhis. Either deliberately, or by omission, those who carried out these magical transformations made such an inaccuracy.

But, most likely, this was done deliberately, because this inaccuracy of restoring two people in the earthly world, along with all their personal belongings, is too neat and elegant, which only confirms the perfection of the process done. Guests from another world left behind a visiting card so that people would not start, as is often the case, to convince themselves of their own madness, of "hallucinations." And so that we do not think that the sentries of the radar station have gone on the quiet on their own business.

The two sentries did not become simply invisible for a while, the absence of numbers on the metal clearly indicates dematerialization and subsequent materialization, restoration in our world. Maybe they were transferred on board this aircraft, and talked to them there, and then removed the incident from memory?

Maltsev S. A.
